girls ... do you mind if your men go to strip clubs?



  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Clearly there's a demand or there wouldn't be any strip clubs. While it may not be essential that doesn't mean it should be outlawed. The vast majority of people work jobs that are not essential for survival in the strictest sense.

    I think there should be too. I'd always prefer to give a woman the chance to pursue any career she wanted. I don't see how limiting one possible option does anything to help that.

    You don't see it because it's not something you would ever see. That doesn't mean it's not a reality. It means you have a limited world view. If a woman becomes a sex worker to help put food on the table and pay the bills she has helped herself and her family. And she did without caring about whatever judgement you wanted to put on her for it.

    Just because there is a demand doesn't mean that there should be a supply. A good example would be illegal drugs. Just as drugs cause problems in society, so does the exploitation of women via pornography, strip clubs, etc. How many people do you think would like a strip club built in their neighborhood?

    And although stripping is a paying job and legal option for a woman, it doesn't make it a good option. It's just an option. And a poor one at that. There is so many things that a woman could do and can do without putting herself in a position to be exploited. Would you want your wife or daughter stripping?

    And I'm not judging any woman who choses stripping as a job to put food on the table either. Unfortunately many of these women feel that they have no choice but to put themselves out there like a piece of meat. It's sad. The reality is that there is a demand for it and unfortunately many women feel that they don't have the skill set to do something else. Stripping does pay well; but at what cost?

    If my wife or daugher wanted to strip, i would have no prob with it as long as she felt proud about what she was doing. Some women get off on the fact that men look at them in a desirable way...not all strippers have been abused or molested....some don't want to go to college, some want to just dance for a few years and make a couple hundred grand. Many don't stay strippers for long, and they go on to different endevours. I have a few friends who have stripped before and they just were young and wild, and made a quick buck.....and NONE of them fell into prostitution.
    I'm not a stripper and sometimes i like being looked at in a sexual way, as do many females, thus the reason we wear lower cut shirts and figure flattering clothes, to be desired by others.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,749 Member
    Clearly there's a demand or there wouldn't be any strip clubs. While it may not be essential that doesn't mean it should be outlawed. The vast majority of people work jobs that are not essential for survival in the strictest sense.

    I think there should be too. I'd always prefer to give a woman the chance to pursue any career she wanted. I don't see how limiting one possible option does anything to help that.

    You don't see it because it's not something you would ever see. That doesn't mean it's not a reality. It means you have a limited world view. If a woman becomes a sex worker to help put food on the table and pay the bills she has helped herself and her family. And she did without caring about whatever judgement you wanted to put on her for it.

    Just because there is a demand doesn't mean that there should be a supply. A good example would be illegal drugs. Just as drugs cause problems in society, so does the exploitation of women via pornography, strip clubs, etc. How many people do you think would like a strip club built in their neighborhood?

    And although stripping is a paying job and legal option for a woman, it doesn't make it a good option. It's just an option. And a poor one at that. There is so many things that a woman could do and can do without putting herself in a position to be exploited. Would you want your wife or daughter stripping?

    And I'm not judging any woman who choses stripping as a job to put food on the table either. Unfortunately many of these women feel that they have no choice but to put themselves out there like a piece of meat. It's sad. The reality is that there is a demand for it and unfortunately many women feel that they don't have the skill set to do something else. Stripping does pay well; but at what cost?

    If my wife or daugher wanted to strip, i would have no prob with it as long as she felt proud about what she was doing. Some women get off on the fact that men look at them in a desirable way...not all strippers have been abused or molested....some don't want to go to college, some want to just dance for a few years and make a couple hundred grand. Many don't stay strippers for long, and they go on to different endevours. I have a few friends who have stripped before and they just were young and wild, and made a quick buck.....and NONE of them fell into prostitution.
    I'm not a stripper and sometimes i like being looked at in a sexual way, as do many females, thus the reason we wear lower cut shirts and figure flattering clothes, to be desired by others.

    You rock.:love:
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member

    I feel it isn't my place to tell others what they "should" be doing with their lives.

    You say you're not judging them. But then you say that their chosen career is a bad option. That they've made poor choices. That they've chosen to exploit themselves. That they put themselves out there like pieces of meat.

    Just what would it sound like if you WERE judging them?

    You never answered my questions.

    Are you saying that men don't treat women like pieces of meat in the strip joints?

    And this is a good choice in career in your opinion?

    And yes, I do think that women have more to offer than something to ogle.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    And I'm not judging any woman...

    Yes you are.

    Every person judges others regardless if they say they don't or not.

    I judge everyone.

    Ok, ok. I correct myself: I try not to judge others...
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    Here's my thing - I don't equate sex with love... and I don't think objectifying beauty is a bad thing. Sex and sexuality are so vilified in the US (especially), and everyone is raised to believe that bodies are dirty, sex is dirty, and if you like either, you're dirty. IMO, it's the most absolutely natural part of being human. Moreso than love, more than enjoying fine wine, or understanding sarcasm ... it's essential for our survival.

    And really, I'd much rather have a man that can appreciate a woman's body without feeling 'bad' about it than a man that pretends like he only sees me. That's a one-way ticket to resentmentville.

    objectifying beauty IS a problem. it has been at least partially responsible for the uptick in eating disorders. i do agree that americans are prudes when it comes to nudity. i'd rather have my kids see a naked body than an act of violence. in our house nudity and sexuality are mutually exclusive. they don't go hand in hand. we don't think that the body is something to be ashamed of. HOWEVER, sexual subjugation is NOT the same as nudity. we also teach our kids (5 and 2) that there is a time and place. and just because you shouldn't be ashamed of your body does not mean you have license to dance naked in our living room overlooking the neighborhood with the curtains wide open. i understand what you are trying to get at. but the objectification of people is bad because it means you aren't viewing them as a person. and don't you think the world would be a much better place if we all viewed each other as people vs. objects or enemies, etc????
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Miss♥Ivi Posts: 461
    Well! This has turned into a massive debate :laugh:

    A girl I knew in my nursing program (she has since graduated and is in graduate school) was a stripper at a very popular club here in Miami. Beautiful girl with a banging body. My ex boyfriend and I had actually put a few dollars in her g-string before I knew her (I knew I recognized her from somewhere LOL). She's now a really good friend of mine :smile:

    She paid for her tuition, cash, in full. She's not addicted to drugs and I know this because in order to be in her program, you have to pass random piss tests or you get kicked out, she has an awesome family (met most of them), graduated with honors and said stripping at her club was actually fun and helped maintain her figure. She never did anything she wasn't supposed to. Believe it or not, at higher end strip clubs, anything beyond the lap dance, can have the whole place shut down in a heartbeat. No judgement from me. Just down right, dirty, filthy ENVY :tongue:

    Sure, there's always going to be those "I have daddy issues" type of strippers but you can't shun the whole industry because you know or have heard of only the drug addicted, sex crazed, dirty ones.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Well! This has turned into a massive debate :laugh:

    A girl I knew in my nursing program (she has since graduated and is in graduate school) was a stripper at a very popular club here in Miami. Beautiful girl with a banging body. My ex boyfriend and I had actually put a few dollars in her g-string before I knew her (I knew I recognized her from somewhere LOL). She's now a really good friend of mine :smile:

    She paid for her tuition, cash, in full. She's not addicted to drugs and I know this because in order to be in her program, you have to pass random piss tests or you get kicked out, she has an awesome family (met most of them), graduated with honors and said stripping at her club was actually fun and helped maintain her figure. She never did anything she wasn't supposed to. Believe it or not, at higher end strip clubs, anything beyond the lap dance, can have the whole place shut down in a heartbeat. No judgement from me. Just down right, dirty, filthy ENVY :tongue:

    Sure, there's always going to be those "I have daddy issues" type of strippers but you can't shun the whole industry because you know or have heard of only the drug addicted, sex crazed, dirty ones.

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The majority of men aren't that stupid enough to think that just because they are going into a strip club that they will end up coming home with one of the strippers.
    Let's face it, men go there to look at banging bodies and oogle. It's all fantasy since the chances of sex are pretty nil. This is probably why lots of females don't care if their SO's go. Now a bachelor party........................sometimes that's different because I've been to a few where prostitutes were invited.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • czj2454
    czj2454 Posts: 1
    I completely agree with the few women on here who said that they would not like it. I especially liked the story about the woman who knew strippers in her life and that it is not something to love or indulge in...
  • Vodkha
    Vodkha Posts: 352 Member
    I would not mind if my boyfriend occasionally went to strip clubs. I would hope that if I am in a relationship with him, I trust him enough to behave himself. Also, for all the women saying they believe their man should only come to them for sex and that he should only be turned on by you, really need to get a grip! Guys probably see 50 women a day they think about sexually, I doubt them having no clothes makes a huge difference in what they are thinking about.
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    My man had never been to one, so I'm the one that took him!

    stands up and starts slow clap!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    Not if I can tag along, ..LOL.
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    My man doesn't care that I go to strip clubs, therefore I don't care if he goes. :)
  • Just love you attitude :-)
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Uh... hell yeah I would mind.

    I just asked him how many times he's been: 3 times. What age: early 20's And does he have any interest in going again: "Absolutely not."
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    If he went alone I'd wonder why but I wouldn't be mad unless he went beyond looking. Other than that I have no problem with it. He watches porn and I don't care and strippers to me are the softcore tease version so it'd be stupid. It's entertainment.

    I knew one woman who found out her boyfriend had gone to a strip club with friends because it was one of their birthdays and her guy was the DD for the group. He blatantly stated he had not wanted to go and I remember her ranting anyway about how now she could never trust him (despite him telling her the minute he got home) and she was seriously considering leaving him because how could she be with a man that was going to compare her to strippers.

    I just... I don't understand that mindset. Unless he makes it clear that's the #1 or only thing that gets him off and he is spending more time there than with you and he doesn't work as a bouncer or bartender there, then it's not something to get mad over. You wanna get mad over that, let him get mad about every DVD you own that has an attractive guy shirtless in it for more than 5 seconds.
  • Abrowe313
    Abrowe313 Posts: 189 Member
    im a bus driver and occasionally i have strippers either on the bus or in occasions such as bach parties i end up at strip clubs with clients and my fiance is fine with it, we know what our boundaries are and i dont test them strictly looking and no further.

    now on the other hand ive been doing this for almost a decade and ive also driven busses for bachelorette parties and women behave far worse in these places then men do hands down.
  • annabelsmommy
    annabelsmommy Posts: 24 Member
    I do not agree with my husband/boyfriend going to a strip club. He's with me because he's interested in ME, not some dirty hoochie. And if he wants a lap dance that is something that I can provide for him!
  • I glad someone has the same view on it as me. If my man wants a lap dance he should be getting it from me! Not some cheap, dirty hoochy with no moral values.

    Whoa, that's a gigantic leap to make...and kind of an a-hole assumption to make about the woman in question.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Id love to go with!
    Nuff said.

    Though if hed want to go with his buddies, i wouldnt mind either.
    Ive been to a male stripclub in Montreal, and i really enjoyed it.
    My friends and i were laughing the entire night and just having a good time.
    Why cant they?