please take a shower before coming in da gym..ugghh!!



  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    You must not workout hard enough..

  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
  • Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.


    lol..then dont read it!!!..didnt know i was in english :noway:
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    Shower before the gym????? really?

    ^^This. Why am I going to shower and then have to shower again? Waste of water. Deal with the smell. Sweat smells and creates other bodily smells. I would say suck it up because I bet you don't always leave behind a trail of rose-smelling air, especially after working out.
  • jennifox63
    jennifox63 Posts: 44 Member
    I find it much worse to be pushing myself in the gym, breathing hard, and my lungs get bombarded with what smells like a whole can of AXE body spray or perfume!!!

    AMEN! I have a guy at my gym that must run thru AXE by the case! I have to move away from him - it's that bad!
  • atjays
    atjays Posts: 797 Member
    ehh...then I have to take a shower before and after the gym, much too lazy for that haha

    This is pretty much how I feel. I'm going to stink of sweat within minutes of being there, just not worth it. Just come to expect gyms to be stinky places. I'd have to think that even though those people stink, they still take care of things when they get home.
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.

    lol..then dont read it!!!.
    That's precisely what she is saying -- she couldn't read it. It took me a minute, but with some effort, I was able to grasp the message.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree. Yes there is gym funk generated from a good workout. Perfectly normal and obviously to be expected from a good workout in the gym. However, pre-gym funk on top of gym funk is nasty funk. That's not cool!.
  • Shower before the gym????? really?

    ^^This. Why am I going to shower and then have to shower again? Waste of water. Deal with the smell. Sweat smells and creates other bodily smells. I would say suck it up because I bet you don't always leave behind a trail of rose-smelling air, especially after working out.
    there's a difference in stink from sweat and stink from poor hygiene..:smile:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I shower inbetween sets bishes
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    People are not going to smell pretty at the gym. When you sweat all kinds of odors come out of your pores. Like the garlic you had at lunch for example. Get used to it and be a little more tolerant.
    HURLEYX3RO Posts: 269
    She was probably smelly because of her workout, not because she was smelly before she came to the gym. Why waste water when you're going to get stanky right after and need another shower?

    My thoughts exactly. Why waste the water, you're gonna shower after your workout or at least I hope you would

    When I go to the gym its usually right after work, I show up in my dress clothes and change into my workout clothes when I get there.

    I smell terriffic before my workout, (I even put on deodorant before my workout) but once I start sweating forget about it! You cant help it Perspiration STINKS! and if you're working out and not sweating, you're doing something wrong lol.
  • Sindari
    Sindari Posts: 39 Member
    Congrats, your body chemistry and flora are different from everyone else. I'm not showering pre-gym, but I also don't have crotch funk going on and I wear clean gym clothes.

    People need to be aware of their personal odors and take corrective measures.

    So I won't shower pre-gym, and you can continue making a mockery of the English language and we'll live happily ever after.
  • dmf80
    dmf80 Posts: 60
    I always take a quick shower before the gym in the morning. It does 2 things....1.) Gets rid of your funk & 2.) wakes me up. It is not ok to come into the gym smelling like *kitten*.

    Here's another thing....if you're running on the treadmill (or any machine for that matter), please keep a towel handy to wipe off with. It's not ok to drip everywhere and then clean it up after. It's f-ing gross.
  • Sorry, I have no idea what your original post was about because I couldn't read any of it due to grammatical & spelling errors.

    lol..then dont read it!!!.
    That's precisely what she is saying -- she couldn't read it. It took me a minute, but with some effort, I was able to grasp the message.
    lol..u woke up looking for me didnt you..u and ur pathetic little life :laugh: noone else will give u the attention ur seeking so u come here looking for love it!! thanx for following bout adding me as a
  • sunshinesonata
    sunshinesonata Posts: 241 Member
    I was raised to conserve water. There are too many people in the world who go without it for me to waste it by taking a shower only to avoid offending your delicate sensibilities. I don't run the water when I brush my teeth and I am certainly not going to shower 3 times a day because I sweat at the ****ing gym.

    Let's not be silly, here.

    I agree with you. I grew up learning to conserve water. Whats the point in showering so many times in one day? Come on now.
    good for u..u want a cookie!!..

    I'm sorry, but your logic is useless. Not to mention, I'm sure you are a grown, well-rounded, and educated woman. Please use that education that you/your parents/the government paid for.
  • grex1949
    grex1949 Posts: 130
    I agree entirely. And, if you sweat (how disgusting is that?) during your workout, I think you need to shower during the workout, get dressed in clean workout clothes, douse yourself with cheap cologne or perfume, and resume your lifting routine. Anything less would be uncivilized. :sad:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    People are not going to smell pretty at the gym. When you sweat all kinds of odors come out of your pores. Like the garlic you had at lunch for example. Get used to it and be a little more tolerant.

    yeah but it helps fend off the vampires
  • I always take a quick shower before the gym in the morning. It does 2 things....1.) Gets rid of your funk & 2.) wakes me up. It is not ok to come into the gym smelling like *kitten*.

    Here's another thing....if you're running on the treadmill (or any machine for that matter), please keep a towel handy to wipe off with. It's not ok to drip everywhere and then clean it up after. It's f-ing gross. glad another person here knows what im talking about
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    Are you kidding me? You want people to waste water taking a shower, before they go do something that is going to make them nasty and smelly? Assuming you've showered relatively recently (like in the last 24 hours), and haven't done anything else to get nasty and smelly, there is absolutely no reason to shower before working out. Also as others have pointed out, this smell is more likely to be the result of people not properly washing their gym clothes, than people not properly washing their bodies.

    What's next, do you want me to wash my hands before cleaning the cat box?

    Oh, and I would much rather smell BO than whatever terrible perfume/body spray people put on. That stuff makes my eyes burn, and gives me a headache.
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