

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    :happy: I just LOVE September in West Texas! (Basically the same mild sunny weather we had that week in March I was in Cancun with my best friend.) We've been spending every possible wakeful hour out on out patio and sleeping with our windows wide open at night.

    I had a successful weekend. Didn't touch the sweets at the Potluck Friday night, then went to a baby shower Saturday morning, went out to eat with friends after church Sunday, then went to a candle party Sunday afternoon at my niece's. She must have had every kind of cookie and muffin known to man on her table. Somehow I managed to only eat fruit and nuts at the baby shower, and one oatmeal cookie at the candle party. Most of my Sunday lunch came home in a to-go box for hubby to eat later. Amazing how much willpower I gained just from being able to finally squeeze into a size 12 again! :tongue:

    I'm going to Pennsylvania to visit my best friend in 4 more weeks and REALLY want to be a size 10 by then!!! Last March when we were together I was wearing 18's! She was a size 12 and now she's wearing 6's. Maybe I'll print one of those awful fat pictures of us that shows how big my belly really was :blushing: and tape it to my fridge as added incentive...

    Today is strength training day so I best get to it. Happy Monday y'all! :flowerforyou:
  • momof10
    momof10 Posts: 122 Member
    good morning to all and hope we all have a great week.
    ellen camping is so wonderful. i miss it this summer but am making up now for it we went to yogi bear jellystone in sturbridge ma this weekend we don't have a camper i usally tent but this time hubby had me rent the camper they have there but i just love the walking around the fall colors are starting to show and it is so breathtaking. my youngest is ten and with had our 3 year old grandson with us it was nice.new england has some nice campgrounds and i decided we are doing lots more the past two years i don't think we went to many times.. it was nice to get away from everday living.. not that i am not thankful. refection time is good...
    richard simmons tapes i was at the goodwell store dropping of some clothes and they were right there staring at me five of them all for three dollars so yes i pick them up and now this week i will check them out . so i am 56 years old and dancing around with richard lisa says she is going to film me when i don't know it she is cute for 10 ok i need to get going to the landry mat everyone have a nice day and peace love debbie and famly
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies,
    Congrats on all the weight losses. Yeah us. Susie I am mostly in 14 but a few 12's. That is so great for you. I am not even thinking of 10's yet, but I know you can do it. I commend you on how you find ways to exercise at home and on your own. I have to go to the gym or walk with someone. I have done a few video's at home but doesnt get me motivated. I am not a self motivator. Keep up the good work everyone. My goals for rest of month are to exercise every day, eat right like I was in the beginning and drink lot of water ( I usually have no problems with water) Now that hubby is home I think I will do better. When he is not here I do not sleep as well as normal and I think that affects my exercise and appetite. Happy Monday everyone. By the way since Barb brought up the subject what do you all think of health care plan they are proposing.
    Vicki M
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just checking in. I haven't had time to read the posts since Friday but had to pop in to post.
    My weekend had a few surprises that threw me a curve. I had a cookout to go to Sat because my sister got married Fri night and my entire family was going to be there I planned really well:happy: . Did my treadmill for 65 min, had a good breakfast and off I went. For food I ate the salads, fruit and veg and a broccoli dish. Then had a glass of wine, followed by another glass of wine. :ohwell: I was so careful about the food and can remember saying that I better eat something because of the wine. I had a deviled egg and 2 crackers but another glass of wine. I was there for over 6 hours, so it was easy to drink more than I ordinarily whould because it was over such a long period of time! We were having the time of our life until I realized I had a little too much wine. :noway: :noway: My calories were fine but boy was I sick that night!!! :sick: :sick: All day Sunday I couldn't do anything, no treadmill, no church....I was sick!!! How embarassing! :embarassed:

    Today is Monday and I am still shacky and a little sick to my stomache, and of course have not done the treadmill since Sat.! :frown: I have not tracked my food but know I haven't eaten enough, so I am trying to eat 3 healthy meals today!

    I guess, besides the exercise and the calories, we have to be very careful with what we drink :wink: Ordinarilly I would have been eating and drinking and there wouldn't have been a problem but WHAT A WAKE UP CALL! A lesson learned.!!!! Never again!! I have to be very careful now that I am eating so little:embarassed:

    I am back and heading in a better direction!
    Thank goodness for Mondays! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Water...not wine

    Congrats to anyone who had a good weekend and are losing weight!
    I'll catch up on the posts when I get a chance, just missing everyone!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Darn, I never got in my 2nd swim workout for the week. I need to come up with a plan that gets me out to these workouts more often. Obviously, my current plan isnt' working.

    I had a pretty busy weekend and got in all my other workouts. Yesterday, I was down in Santa Cruz and it was SO COLD. The sun came out just as we were leaving and by the time I got home, it was 90 F at home. I was supposed to go for a bike ride, but it was SO HOT. I ended up with a stomach ache and took a nap. I did get in the bike ride in the evening but ended up riding home in the dark, which I really hate to do.

    Then, out to dinner and by the time we got home, there was no time to do my swim drills.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Georg, Isagenix is a nutritional cleansing, health and wellness program. It was originally formulated by a scientist who was looking for a way to remove the toxins from his body after a spider bite. He discovered that weight loss was a by-product of his formula. The Isagenix program now includes high nutrition protein shakes that are part of a weight loss program along with a once a week or two days a week cleanse day where you drink a cleanse beverage four times a day and eat some snacks to keep your blood sugar level and, of course, drink a ton of water. If you go to my profile you can link to my food diary and see how I eat.

    More later:bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    A quick thank you to all the support for what my daughter is going through with her hip. I really appreciate it.

  • evgal
    evgal Posts: 22
    hi all, i just joined tonite! my goal is to loose 40 lbs by oct,2010, i read through the last few pages & you all seem like a great group! tomorro i'll make my first diary entry & take my first planned walk![ baby steps lol ] hope to talk more over next few months karen
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Welcome Karen, you will love it here.

    I am 55 and haven't lost any weight in a while but I keep at it, and the ladies here are great support. I weigh 170 pounds and am 5'8 1/2" tall. I wear a size 12 and am hoping to get into an 8 eventually. I am sure I will never see size 5 again, and I don't think I want to!

    I have no idea why I am stalled, but I am thinking that I am so active during the day that I am buring more calories than I think and perhaps not eating enough. In any case I will keep trying til this weight is gone.

    I wish you great sucess on your good health journey.

    Jeanie, I am so glad your daughter is finally going to get the appropriate treatment for her injury.

    Good Night All Alice
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Congratulations to all of you who have met your goals!!!!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barb----someone told me that my "take it easy" days sounded exhausting and I could say the same for you. i loved hearing all the stuff you did before you finally got around to taking the nap with the SNEWS. Your doggies sound like so much fun to nap with. I found that RV add with the butterfly picture and you were right----it was great.

    :flowerforyou: Ellen, I missed you and am glad you are back to posting. It sounds like you have a good plan to get back on track.

    :flowerforyou: Fabulocity, congratulations on your weight loss ---I'll be cheering you on to accomplish your goals.

    :flowerforyou: Marie, it's good to hear from you again. I'm glad your trip is going well. You've been to some great places. I'm sorry to hear that your knee is troubling you and glad to hear that you've done well with food.

    :flowerforyou: Rosemary, how exciting that you've lost 2 more pounds.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, you did an amazing job dodging all that tempting food at all those events. That is so great about fitting into size 12:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, you will like the Richard Simmons workouts. They are so much fun.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, it is so important to figure out what works----going to the gym worked for me before I was married but now I don't know how I'd fit it in so I've found workouts at home that work for me.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, that was quite a lesson you learned about the wine.

    :flowerforyou: MacMadame, you have a challenging workout routine and some goofy weather to do it in.

    :flowerforyou: karen, welcome to the group. These women have helped to change my life. They can help you too. I'm glad you joined us.

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, I'll be thinking good thoughts for your daughter's successful treatment and recovery.

    :flowerforyou: alice, you have the right spirit about never giving up

    I've had a busy day and just realized that I didn't do the crunches or the exercise bike yet:sad: :sad: :sad: and it's bedtime. :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning all ...

    and WELCOME KAREN. Glad to have you on 'board' :laugh:

    I have been laid up with a injured back since last Thursday. I have been on ice 2 days and now on heat. I'm at least walking again without looking like a "greater than sign" (>) :laugh: However, it threw me back to my weight 2 weeks ago. Due to no exercise and I think the pain pills caused me to retain water. Oh well, if at first you don't succeed try, try, try, try and try again!

    Alice: I think the last time I was a size 5 or 6 was when I was 5 or 6:laugh: Good luck girl.

    I'll be back later to check in again.

    Hope you all have a great day,
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Good Morning to All

    I am working "bankers hours" yesterday and today, due to a training class I am attending, :yawn: so I had time to get on here and give a quick WOO HOO!!! Are we all young enough to remember that song by the rock group "Queen"--"Another One Bites the Dust?" So that is 6 for the month.

    Barbie, I am glad you enjoyed the RV butterfly ad:flowerforyou: --that was definitely a product of a creative mind, wasn't it?

    Esther, so sorry to hear about your back. :sad: Your gain is probably water, so it should disappear quickly after you are off those meds.

    Birdie, sorry you had a bad experience with your wine consumption. :sad: I have heard that eating cheese along with the wine will help your body process it.--up to a point:smile:

    Another friend who was a doctor (now no longer with us) used to tell friends to take vitamin B12 before going to an even where they were going to drink. He said this would keep you from getting as dehydrated as you might otherwise from over-imbibing.

    My personal remedy with wine is to take what I call, a "precautionary ibuprofen" before going to bed that night, as it seems to forestall, or lessen the headache that only seems to set in if I have more than two glasses of wine, with or without food. Since I started being more aware of what goes in my body, I haven't had to worry about that, since I am not doing anything to excess as I did when I was younger and more foolish.

    Well, just look upon it as a learning experience.

    Have a good day, everyone. I have to finish getting ready to go to work.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :love: Hello all and welcome Karen! Congratulations to all those who lost weight! Esther and Rosemarie I hope you are better soon!
    Thanks to all that gave advice about the wine incident.:embarassed: However, I am still sick today, so I have been advised to see a doctor which I will this afternoon.:sick:
    I have read all the posts but am too tired to comment on each one. Know that you are all in my prayers for a wonderful day!
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Welcome Karen! :drinker:

    (We had a cold snap last night so I'm typing this as I sip hot V-8 wearing my favorite sweater.)

    This morning I could hardly wait to get started on 4 Fast Miles with Leslie Sansone so I could warm up. First time I've had on a pair of sweats since March.

    It's AMAZING how much more energy I have now that I'm avoiding salt, sugar and bread! I FEEL thinner, tho I'm trying to steel myself to wait to weigh and measure on my usual Thursday. So far I've been able to make hubby his goodies without tasting them myself. I never thought I'd see the day chocolate wasn't calling my name.....

    Yesterday I discovered how to watch previous Biggest Loser episodes on nbc.com. Since hubby doesn't like to watch it with me, seems this is my best option. I keep hoping he will decide to get healthy without the added incentive of a major medical episode to get him there.
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :drinker: Good evening all. I was so proud of myself today.:smile: I got really stressed and went looking for something to eat,:noway: but when I found cookies I turned them down.:happy: Prayers and hugs.:love::heart: :love: :heart: Short note tonight. I am bone tired and think I'll go to bed early.
    Hope everyone is doing well. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , Rosemary
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hello, It's me again:laugh: was going to bed early:yawn: and decided to exercise instead.:noway: I did the Leslie Sansone 1 Mile Jog and the 2 mile Walk Away the Pounds.:love: I really want to reach my goal weight (which I will probably change as soon as I reach it) by my daughters baby shower, November 1. That gives me 39 days to lose 7 pounds. I am that little engine...I think I can:noway: .....I think I can ....:noway: .I think I can .....:noway: I know I can:happy:
    I am stepping up the exercise. :wink: And tomorrow I am braving my fears and getting my bike out of that shed:smokin: That snake better slither to the hills:huh: Now you know darned well I am shaking in my (I ain't got no shoes on so) bare feet.:cry::sad: :cry: :sad: So I hope if I make enough noise when I go in, it will slither off into some dark corner and leave me the heck alone:grumble: Say a prayer for me and if you don't hear from me for awhile you'll know the snake won:laugh: So good night, God Bless and remember to drink:drinker: drink:drinker: drink:drinker: that water, Rosemary
  • l_mahloy
    Hi All,
    Just a quick hello busy day read everyones post. Sorry about the injuries and sickies hope you all are 100% soon.
    Lynn :love:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    Fabulocity- You're doing sooo great!!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Marie- Hope your knee heals up soon so you can get back at it.
    suezzzque - Good for you! I love to hear about how our appetites change as we improve our eating habits.
    momof10 - Don't you love how happy RS makes everyone feel? He may be a nerd, but he has helped sooo many people.
    Hang in there, Vickie & Alice.
    oh dear, Birdie. Hope you're feeling better.
    MacMadame - You can do it! Just go hop in the pool! :wink:
    Karen-Welcome! You'll love it here.
    I'm having a good week so far. keeping my fingers crossed. :wink:
    I've been on the bike for more than 30 minutes for 5 days in a row! wahooooooo!!!!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Another lovely day in the northwest. The dogs lasted barely 15 minutes at the dog park before lying down panting in the shade.:laugh:

    Jake and I waited until almost 6 PM to go for a walk so it would be cool enough to walk wearing a sweatshirt. Jake's back is feeling a little better and walking is the chiropractor's recommendation for him along with ice and a bunch of special stretching exercises. He is able to drive the car now which is a giant step. :bigsmile: We had another lovely piece of salmon from another fishing friend. Jake grilled it with summer squash and mushrooms and I fixed the salad......yum yum :bigsmile:

    Now it's time to get on the exercise bike :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Congratulations to all the weight losers. Warm wishes to all of those with health challenges and hugs to all of you :heart: :heart: :heart: