Being bashed on for being 23 and pregnant!! :(



  • manderann
    manderann Posts: 189
    When I found out I was pregnant, I was 20 and had dropped out of college because I was an alcoholic. I had just left my job and the baby's father worked at a pizza place. We had several thousand dollars in debt, only one car, and only one part time job between the two of us... We sold drugs to put food on the table even. We had nothing but each other, and we had a lot of hard times, but we worked hard to turn things around and it all paid off.

    Now, I have a happy, very polite, smart, and beautiful little three year old. Her father and I are great friends even though we are getting a divorce now (whoda thunk our situation wouldn't have fostered a healthy marriage long term haha). Substance abuse is no longer an issue. Debt is gone. I have a full time job and a side business of my own, in addition to going back to school... Life is GOOD.

    It doesn't matter how old you are, just that you step up and do what you need to do for your family.
  • chergarr73
    chergarr73 Posts: 59 Member
    I was 23 and single (non-supportive donor) when I had my oldest. He's a freshman in high school now and one of the greatest joys and accomplishments of my life. The dumbest thing I did was worry. Just take things day by day, and give it to God. I too, was encouraged to abort by friends and family and refused to...thank God I did not! I wouldn't want to imagine what my life would have been without him!!
  • audieannie
    audieannie Posts: 2
    Google CHIP if you are afraid of being able to take care of your child. If you are going back to school you probably qualify for a school health insurance plan.

    keep your head up and you will be fine. I can't believe how immature your family is being. Even if they don't support your decisions, they should support YOU.
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    So I recently just found out that I am pregnant. I do not believe in abortion, and I am for sure willing to own up to my responsiblity. My boyfriend is very supportive as well, although the thing is.. I recently just left my job to go back to school, it is hard finding another job these days otherwise I would've saved money if I knew I'd get pregnant :( I know no matter what I will strive to be the best mom I can be, I may be very "young" to alot of people, but I would love to hear any stories from young mothers who are holding up strong with their child today, and who HAS MADE IT if there was a struggle along with being pregnant at a "young" age. My mother & family aren't speaking to me as of this day and think I am so stupid and crazy for having a child. Please.. I need the support....

    I'm worried about being unemployed.. my bf is working, I am going to a ROP program for school which is about a 6-8 month program for medical assisting / billing & coding, I cannot afford going to another school right now.. I hope I can make it, I know it will be a struggle but I also know it'll be worth it.

    Your family will get over it. Just be glad your boyfriend is on board.
  • sbrockway78
    Keep your chin up honey!! I got pregnant at 15 and I as well, don't believe in abortion. I had my third child by the time I was 22. I had alot of support from the dad and my family and friends. The father and I married before my second child was born and we were married for 10 years. We have been divorced 4 years now. Life is a constant struggle no matter what your circumstances are. Everyone on this earth fights their own battles. As long as you have faith in yourself and the confidence that you will make it will happen!! If you ever need someone to talk to or need any kind of emotional can contact me anytime. My email is Being a mom is the greatest gift in the world, and it should be treated as such!! My kids are healthy and happy and they are greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was exactly the plan I had thought about in my dreams...but God had different plans for me. Have faith!! :)
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    While my story is different and I married later at 29 and had my only child at 31. I don't find 23 is too young. You are not a teenager and are college aged, so don't worry what people think and just be the best mother you can be.
  • mwoodrum
    mwoodrum Posts: 9
    I got pregnant and had my baby 1 month after graduating from XRay school. Don't let anyone discourage you, do what's best your for you and the future of your child. My parents were angry and hurt at first, but my daughter is their life now!!! Keep your head up and be patient with them.
  • tararocks
    tararocks Posts: 287 Member
    no idea what the nine pages of posts before me said but I imagine they are all supportive...i had my daughter when I was 18, her father and I both worked part time minimum wage jobs, we did get help from family however, we both graduated from college, we are now married with another daughter, and that oldest is about to start high school, she is a great kid. It was hard and sometimes I questioned everything, but I wouldn't change it....good luck to you, and congratulations:)
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I was 18, fresh out of high school, set to go off to Trade school when I found out I was pregnant (mind you, I used two forms of birth control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    I continued on to Trade School but a year later. Had some medical problems though (thanks to being misdiagnosed) but had a healthy baby girl (9lbs 7.5oz almost 22in long!), returned to work four months later (due to the medical problems)...

    The father of my daughter decided he didnt want the responsibility any more, tried to get custody - but he failed MISERABLY... and instead hurt himself badly in the court's eyes.

    I worked, finished school AND was a full time mom. My mother did help out, but later that relationship dissolved over some really serious drinking issues that came about around the time my daughter was about 8 months old...I didnt want to deal with anymore (or have my daughter witness either)...

    Her dad kept trying to make hell for me in court, but he kept making himself look bad continuously.

    Met a guy, married him, we divorced a year later (that adulterous nitwit)... met another guy who came knocking on my door, who fell in love with me and willingly accepted the role of Dad to my daughter.

    Work was a little difficult from time to time, had four layoffs within a 6 year time frame (UGH) that was horrendous.... to think, I was going into the medical field?!?!?!?!?

    Fastforward to today: My daughter will be 19 this June, the man that Im with, we have been together for 13 years, three of which we have been married... our anniversary is coming up actually.

    It was rough - but, in the end, every battle I had, I became stronger. And it angered her father even more, especially now where he also had to deal with a 6'6" tall 295lb guy who answered the door! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!

    I wont lie... its hard... but, it can be done..... requires alot of time that you no longer have, you make alot of sacrifices and you have to be willing to accept those sacrifices...

    chin up... this is coming from a woman who did it all alone for the first 6-7 years of motherhood!

    now I have an almost 19 yr old who is ready to go to college in the fall for Criminal Law as her major... I must have done something right?!?!?! LOL!!!
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    i was 18 when i had my daughter. i was in the middle of studying for my a levels and getting ready to go to university.. so those plans were put on hold for a year, but in the summer, i graduated with one of the top marks in my class. you can do it!!
  • NicoleElen
    NicoleElen Posts: 86 Member
    When I found out I was pregnant, I was 20 and had dropped out of college because I was an alcoholic. I had just left my job and the baby's father worked at a pizza place. We had several thousand dollars in debt, only one car, and only one part time job between the two of us... We sold drugs to put food on the table even. We had nothing but each other, and we had a lot of hard times, but we worked hard to turn things around and it all paid off.

    Now, I have a happy, very polite, smart, and beautiful little three year old. Her father and I are great friends even though we are getting a divorce now (whoda thunk our situation wouldn't have fostered a healthy marriage long term haha). Substance abuse is no longer an issue. Debt is gone. I have a full time job and a side business of my own, in addition to going back to school... Life is GOOD.

    It doesn't matter how old you are, just that you step up and do what you need to do for your family.

    Wow what a great story. And you are right, age does not matter more than responsibility. Good for you going to school to make your life better.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    Does your school have a job placement program at the end? If it does hang on for dear life so you will have a job when you need it most.
    It's hard to be preggo in school but it's harder after they are born. You can do this, hopefully your Mom and others will come around and maybe even help out.
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Ditto to the above. I got my first child at 18 (she was 2 1/2 - long story). She's 26 now and freaking awesome and well adjusted too!! She's back at school to be an architect =)
  • steph124ny
    steph124ny Posts: 238 Member
    I had 2 kids by the time I was 23. As long as you are committed to raising your child to the best of your ability and loving that child, that's all that matters. Just be aware that boyfriends don't always hang around, so be prepared to go it alone. :(
  • Moniquifee
    Moniquifee Posts: 14 Member
    I got pregnant with my daughter a year after I graduated from college. I was 22. Her father and I were together for about 8 years. I also had a son with him 3 years after my daughter was born. 10 years later, I am now a single parent but their father is still very involved in his children's lives. He doesn't support the kids much financially but thankfully I earn a decent salary that makes up for it. I know the circumstances are not exactly the same, it may be better or worse depending on how you look at it. The point is that when there is a will you will always find a way. Hold onto any support that you can find and think through all your choices and options to find the best solution for your predicament. Look for opportunities that cater to young mothers and make the most of them. There is plenty of help out there if you look hard. I'm sure your parents will come around eventually, especially when they see their beautiful grand child. I wish you all the best and hope you'll be strong.
  • talzybob
    talzybob Posts: 80
    the fact that you are 23 should have no bearing on this what so ever. you are not in school and you are old enough by law to make your own choices in life. you are an adult and you have made one of the most adult decisions in life. the fact your boyfriend is willing to stand by you is wonderful. you have a wonderful hapy future to look forward to. your family will soon come round, in the mean time please just think of yourself otherwise you culd make yourself ill. you have a baby to think of and the child is your own family. if your fammily want to be a part of it they will soon be there for you. my sister has just gone through this at exactly the same age. my granparents thought her life was over, till she reminded them she is not in education, she has a job, her own house and her boyfriend.

    just try to think of the good things life will brig you with your lil one and be strong good luck and congratulations.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    I had a sister who got pregnant at 14. She now runs her own gaphic arts company and has 4 other kids. If you have the will, and a supportive BF/spouse, nothing can hold you back. Good luck!
  • cdub78
    cdub78 Posts: 88 Member
    I had my son at 20 and he is now 13 and i wouldn't trade it for the world. We struggled a little at first but i think that is normal for anyone that has their first child. You never know what to expect. I am very sorry to hear your family is not speaking to you because of this, that is very selfish behavior. They only want the best for you and I can GUARANTEE they will change their attitude when they see how wonderful of a mom you will be. are young so your body will bounce right back. I wish you the best.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    My mom had me the month before her 21st birthday. In fact just about every women asside from my aunt and myself have had children before the age of 23.

    My parents do very well for my sister and I but it was a struggle at first. We lived on $15,000 a year for a family of four while my dad was a full time college student and full time at work. My grandparents have essentially disowned us so if your family doesn't come to terms with it, than I say they really have their priorities mixed up.

    You got pregnant by your BOYFRIEND not a one night stang.

    Anyway it can be done and I think you will be able to raise your baby just fine. <3
  • VoodooLuLu
    VoodooLuLu Posts: 636 Member
    23 isnt too young to have a baby...