Anyone want to start 30 day shred with me?



  • 135gratitude
    Yeah - where did everyone else go? Although, I think neither of us are doing Jillian anymore anyway!

    I finish my prescription today, so I am going to start back to my daily workouts on Monday. I will have been off for a full two weeks! I think I have maintained though, and I've been going to bed hungry the last few nights, so I think my appetite is returning. I've used a lot of Ventolin since being sick, and I know that people use that as a diet aid, so I think I've done okay (not that I am advocating Ventolin for dieting!).

    I can't wait to tackle the last 10 lbs or so - I went shopping on Friday, and I almost can't believe my eyes with losing this weight. I was shopping in Reitmans for work clothes, and I asked the sales lady for a size 10, and she looked at me kind of funny, and I ended up buying the pants in a size 5, and a skirt in a size 3 - I just cant get used to my new size!

    How are you doing by the way? Overall? How long have you been at this on MFP? I joined in June - I'm on week 14 now.

    (edit - after posting this and seeing my avatar, I realize I need to post a new pic that shows I've lost some weight!!! - that old pic needs to go!)
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Haha, nope, I'm not doing the Shred anymore either, lol, too funny!
    I'm glad you're feeling better. Of course since I wanted to get back at it on Sunday, I relapsed! I feel terrible and can't swallow. The only bonus is that I'm down to 206-207, which I'm sure won't last once I'm able to eat again, lol! You must have been pretty sick to get Ventolin, that's really crappy! I used to take it for cold/heat induced Asthma, but I haven't for the last couple years. I've heard of kids using it to get high, but not for weight loss, odd.
    Whoa, size 3 and 5!! Holy lady, that's amazing!! You've been doing fantastic, I bet it feels good to be able to go in the store and pick something up without worrying that it won't come in your size! I can't wait to be at that point, sooo great! You'll get used to it once you've been small for a while :bigsmile:

    I started MFP at the end of April, with today's weigh in I'm at 17 pounds lost. But the funny thing is, I can't see it. I shrink my clothes on a regular basis, so they never seem to big. Everyone I see says that they can see it and I look great, even people that didn't know I was trying to lose weight, so I'm just going to hope it's true and move along, lol. I do notice that I'm more toned, and have muscles that I've never had before. I still have about 50 pounds to go, a little daunting but I'm taking my time and trying to stay positive. I think once I get under 200 I'll be more motivated, I hate that number! I vow to never be over 200 again, once I'm under it this time :bigsmile:
    I think your pic looks great already! You must feel soo good! Congrats! :flowerforyou:
  • 135gratitude
    Thanks Jenn, and you are doing great - 17 lbs down is terrific - we're moving in the right direction! You will go all the way - what is your goal weight?

    I was 216 when I delivered my daughter, so I am just thrilled to making this progress. I tried, and failed, a million diets before MFP.

    Hope you are feeling better really really soon!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks! I'm really trying to make it a lifestyle change, it's easier that way. My goal weight for now is 155, the higher end of my bmi because I"m fairly tall and big boned, so I think that will be a good number to shoot for and go from there.
    So you were close to me when you started, that's great motivation for me, that's for sure!
    Went back to work today, so it's a start...hopefully better to have turkey this weekend!
    Have a good hump day :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Thanks! I'm really trying to make it a lifestyle change, it's easier that way. My goal weight for now is 155, the higher end of my bmi because I"m fairly tall and big boned, so I think that will be a good number to shoot for and go from there.
    So you were close to me when you started, that's great motivation for me, that's for sure!
    Went back to work today, so it's a start...hopefully better to have turkey this weekend!
    Have a good hump day :bigsmile:

    JENN!!!! You are in London, On?!?! Did you know I'm in Toronto!?!? I went to Western and lived in a little apartment off Wonderland! I love love love London!

    You WILL get there! Slowly but surely. I've given up on 2lbs a week, so I set my goals to 1.5 and that way I have a little wiggle room. I'm around 150 now (peeked at the gym again - 148) at 5'8" and I feel great at this size - I just wouldn't mind toning up a bit more.:flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Haha that's funny, not too far away! I've been in London for about 10 years now, I like it, it's like a small town in a big city. I'm from up north so I could never handle a city like Toronto, to visit is good enough for me. My sister lives there and I was there about a month ago for her bachelorette!
    I too am on 1.5 a week, and I upped myself to lightly active on suggestion of someone on here, so I'm testing the waters. Let me tell ya though 1530 calories seems like a lot of food after eating 1200 for a while, it makes it easier to zig zag my calories this way, I don't have actual numbers I go by, but I try and switch it up each day by a bit, I've heard it works so its worth a shot!
    You peeked again! lol don't tell hubby! 148 is a great number, I'm sure you feel fantastic after being 216! I think that you're right in just wanting to tone up now, you don't want to get too skinny!!
    :flowerforyou: Jenn
  • 135gratitude
    Haha that's funny, not too far away! I've been in London for about 10 years now, I like it, it's like a small town in a big city. I'm from up north so I could never handle a city like Toronto, to visit is good enough for me. My sister lives there and I was there about a month ago for her bachelorette!
    I too am on 1.5 a week, and I upped myself to lightly active on suggestion of someone on here, so I'm testing the waters. Let me tell ya though 1530 calories seems like a lot of food after eating 1200 for a while, it makes it easier to zig zag my calories this way, I don't have actual numbers I go by, but I try and switch it up each day by a bit, I've heard it works so its worth a shot!
    You peeked again! lol don't tell hubby! 148 is a great number, I'm sure you feel fantastic after being 216! I think that you're right in just wanting to tone up now, you don't want to get too skinny!!
    :flowerforyou: Jenn

    How are you finding the increase in calories? Still losing that way? My respiratory problems are back!!! H1N1!!!! I'm going to the doctor again today - I can't breathe without a constant stream of ventolin. Actually, last time this happened I was admitted to hospital in London!

    Glad you like London - and let me know how your losing is going - I'm curious to see the numbers! How are you feeling?

    Peeking - that scale at the gym is just sooo tempting! I go to Goodlife - I used to use the Sherwood Plaza one in London - it had a small but great women's section.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Well I just started the increase a couple of weeks ago and have been sick, but I've lost 5 pounds since September 21st (I'm doing 'The Biggest Loser' at work and we weighed in on Sept 21st then on Oct 7th so it was between then). So I'm not sure if it's from being sick or from the calories being higher, but either way I'm pleased!
    That is brutle! Sounds like you are going through what I am. When I went to the Dr he said it was just a virus, didn't test me for H1N1 so I suppose I'm safe, I hope you don't have it! You should make sure to go back to the Dr to be sure though, you may need to be quarentined!
    I'm sure that scale is tempting! I remember at Goodlife they put the scale right in the middle of the isle that you have to walk through, I went to a couple different Goodlife's when I was a member, mostly Sandringham (Because I lived in the Apt right next to it), and Adelaide. I cancelled my membership though because I never went after I moved to the Argyle area, I don't drive and didn't want to bus to the gym or walk sweaty when it's cold out, lol. So now I do stuff on my own at home instead :bigsmile:
    Good luck at the Drs!! :flowerforyou:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving Betty, I hope your weekend was great! My roommate Kevin and I made Thanksgiving dinner Turkey and all, for the first time this weekend, it turned out great! And I didn't over eat, this is the first holiday since I started this healthy lifestyle that I didn't feel stuffed for hours, feels great. Hope you had the same success :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Happy Thanksgiving Betty, I hope your weekend was great! My roommate Kevin and I made Thanksgiving dinner Turkey and all, for the first time this weekend, it turned out great! And I didn't over eat, this is the first holiday since I started this healthy lifestyle that I didn't feel stuffed for hours, feels great. Hope you had the same success :bigsmile:

    Happy Thanksgiving to you too! We did the Butterball Stuffed Breast - have you done one of those? They are kind of expense (IMO) at $25 (and it serves about 4-6 people) but delish and amazing clean up!

    How's the weight loss going? I haven't even measured myself since I got sick, but I am focused again, and back at it!

    Have you checked out Joe Fresh clothing at Superstore? Just thought you might like them. As I'm losing, and changing sizes, they have saved me! They are sooo cheap and cute. I got a pair of skinny jeans for $19 yesterday, and when the stuff goes on sale, it is dirt cheap (I pick stuff up all the time for $5.94). Their sizes are a bit tricky though, so try it all on (if it is on sale it is final sale) - my jeans are tight in an 8, yet I bought a skirt in a 4. Make sure you try it all on!

    Have a good one!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I haven't tried one of those, but it does sound good, I bet it was a lot less of a clean up tho! Maybe next year if I have more people to cook for I'll try that one, it was just the two of us this time.
    I'm up a couple pounds this morning, I'm sooo disapointed, I hope it doesn't hold on. I haven't measured since I got sick either, I'd done it just before though and I've lost 8.5 inches so far since August, and that's all over, not too bad, just slow. I think I'm going to get the Biggest Loser for the Wii, it looks really good and I think it will help. I might get it this weekend. I need to do something more. I hope that I'm down those couple pounds by Monday, I weigh in for the Biggest Loser at work on Monday and have to pay for each pound I gain and I don't want to do that, that's for sure! LOL. I'm glad that you are back at it, I have to myself. I'm just worried that I'll get sick again cause I'm still coughing and my throat is still tender but this is rediculous!
    I think that the Joe clothes are still too small for my size, I'm still in a 16, but I looooove their clothes! I buy them for my cousin cause she's tiny and I can get her lots cause they are cheap. That's quite a difference in the sizes eh, wow, weird.
    Keep in touch, have a good day
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Hey Jenn - how's it going? I'm away on holidays with a girlfriend (we've taken taken our kids while hubbies stay home and work - sounded like a good idea at the time - but we are worn out!!). Anyway, I don't get to the computer much, and it costs a fortune to use the internet - BUT, just wanted to check in and see how you are doing. I am basically on maintenance calories for this 10 days while away, so I'm barely counting, but I'm trying to go to bed at least "unfull" if not a little hungry.

    Hope you have a great week, and I will be back next week with a vengence!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh good for you, that sounds great! Where did you go for your holiday? I will vacation vicariously though you, lol! At least you are still paying attention to things while you are there, you still have to have fun right :wink:
    I just started the Biggest Loser for the Wii so I'll fill you in next week on how it's going.
    Have a great week too!! :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Hey Jenn! We were just up in Collingwood at a resort, but it was still a lovely little getaway! I always stayed within my maintenance calories, but the choices were not always so good (e.g. I ate chips one night at 10:00 p.m. - which I've not done in months!!!).

    Have a great weekend!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Welcome back! Collingwood is very nice I'm glad you had a good time. Congrats on staying within maitenance cals!!
    I ate Halloween chocolate and suckers last night at ten, don't feel too bad, lol!
    Hope your week goes well!
  • 135gratitude
    Hey - How are you doing? I've been MIA lately - just really really busy! How are you doing? Any progress? I have maintained my weight for the past month and half (since being sick, and then being crazy busy) so yesterday I started back here logging.

    10 more lbs to go to my goal, so I'm looking forward to maintaing soon - that was the easy part, and I found I could have treats here and there, and live a normal life.

    Hope all is well!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Hey hey, that's ok. I've been around, not much progress though. I've been maintaining somehow without going over my calories, oh well, better than a gain. I have my Dr's appt Friday to up my PCOS meds, so hopefully that helps. I'm trying to get back into the exercise more, yesterday I did 30 mins of step on my Wii and now my one calf muscle is KILLING ME! Lol, guess I over did it on the stepping, so today I'm taking a break, maybe a bit of Yoga or something.
    Congrats on only ten more to go!! That's awesome, it's going to feel great to be at your goal and only work to maintain, seems easier. I think the treats have been part of my problem too, evening snacking, I stay within my calories, but it's not always healthy calories. Oh well, I'll get there eventually I suppose. The good news is that I was able to fit into dress pants that were not Plus size the other day at Reitmans! They were a 15, and they were too tight to wear, but I got Em done up, so that's a start! When I started out I was still wearing some size 20s so I'm pleased :bigsmile: I'm really trying not to focus on the weight itself as much as eating healthier and trying to make sure I exercise, It helps keep me more positive!
    Welcome back, and have a great week!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • 135gratitude
    Congrats on the size 15!!!! You are almost there!!!! I was in a size 12/14 - and now a size 6 - you WILL lose all this weight! You are on your way - keep going!
  • 135gratitude
    Hey Jenn- I've started a new challenge - 10lbs by Christmas? Are you in? Got a new plan to shake things up? I'm going to get some new fitness stuff going, and after my "break" it should revv up the weight loss again! Looking forward to it - hope you are going to join in!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks lady, I would looooove to be a size 6!! I will do the challenge with you, I'm doubtful since it has been sooo hard for me to lost weight, but I will try! And no real plan on this end....still have to buy that biggest loser game, which should help. On the days that I haven't been able to do anything I've just been doing stepping on the Wii, at least it's something I figure. I have to tighten the bolts on my elliptical so I can start using it again, things have just been soo hectic!
    What's your new plan going to be?

    Jenn :bigsmile: