10 in 9



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    shera, if u can make it to 9, that's great but I can barely make it to 8 on my work out days. lol

    I will definately try to, need to flush out all the sodium from all that pizza last night. eek!
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Ugh, I've benn eating totally crappy and even went up a lb.!!!!!! I am trying to get my water way up to help flush out my system. I'm at 8 glasses so far, I might make it to 9 by the end of the night. Hope to get back on track tomorrow, but I have a girls night Thursday so I know that I'm gonna go way over, and its not a workout day for me either :grumble:
  • linz320
    linz320 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm back on board today. Fell way off on Halloween and the days following. Time to step it up and stay motivated. I'm not weighing myself at all this week. I will drink a lot of water, stick to my cals, and work out at least 3 days the rest of this week. Who is working out today and what will your routine be?
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I'm back on board today. Fell way off on Halloween and the days following. Time to step it up and stay motivated. I'm not weighing myself at all this week. I will drink a lot of water, stick to my cals, and work out at least 3 days the rest of this week. Who is working out today and what will your routine be?

    Welcome back girl thought we lost you :sad: LOL. By the looks of thing we all fell off the wagon last week . Damn you Halloween :happy:

    Im hoping to work out today but hubby is kinda busy and with my 5 year old its like mission impossible
    If I do manage to get it in I will do 30 mins tread, bike and elliptical .

    I had to force myself yesterday just to get my water , ugh don't like water :tongue: but I did it and I broke a habit this morning and actually ate breakfast which I always skip .

    Have an awesome day girls. :drinker:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I'm back on board today. Fell way off on Halloween and the days following. Time to step it up and stay motivated. I'm not weighing myself at all this week. I will drink a lot of water, stick to my cals, and work out at least 3 days the rest of this week. Who is working out today and what will your routine be?

    Welcome back ladies!!! I guess we are all on the same boat so we all need to get back on track!
    Who's with me?

    Yesterday I did my first body pump class. It was a killer. Today I'm going to try Cardio Kick at my new gym. Hopefully I burn lots of cals. I am going to buy a HRM from someone - the Polar F4 - dunno if it will be good but I hope so!

    Good luck ladies, We can do this!!!

    Think of it this way, we gotta work extra hard the next 3 wks with Thanksgiving just around the corner :grumble:
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hey girls! Hope you all are having a good, strong day!! Last night I had a weak moment, with it being my TOM, and I gave in. But, I am back on the wagon today, and plan to stay strong for a long time!!

    Tonight is my running night. So, I'm going to do my intervals. 3 min run (6.2 mph), 1 min run (6mph with incline of 6-7%), walk 1 minute....repeat until my 45 minutes is up! Then I'm going to my Cardio Pump class, which I am excited for. My body usually feels like jello afterwards, but its such a good workout, and I know I'm working all my muscles. Yahoo!!

    And my goal is to stay away from bad food!! No more of that giving in to my temptations!!! I'm back on and going strong!!!

    Keep it up girls!! Glad to hear I'm not the only one who kind of fell off the wagon today.... but we're back STRONG!! :bigsmile:
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!!! Hope you are all doing well. Well today I weigh in and was a little dissapointed only lost .4 of a lb Im hoping it is just aunt flo cause she is just on her way out. But on the bright side I did lose a total of 2.25 inches :happy: So sad when 1 inch is my boobs :noway:

    Hopefully I can get a work out in Damn it haven't worked out in 2 days thing have been a litle crazy here .

    Have a great day Girls :drinker:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!!! Hope you are all doing well. Well today I weigh in and was a little dissapointed only lost .4 of a lb Im hoping it is just aunt flo cause she is just on her way out. But on the bright side I did lose a total of 2.25 inches :happy: So sad when 1 inch is my boobs :noway:

    Hopefully I can get a work out in Damn it haven't worked out in 2 days thing have been a litle crazy here .

    Have a great day Girls :drinker:

    Great job! so sad about the boob loss, I can relate. Seems to be the first place I loose inches :sad:
    When I was going to weight watchers and dissapointed about my loss not being as big as I thought the leader always encouraged us by saying .2 is better then nothing....think of it as loosing a stick of butter! so .4 is even better.. you lost 2 sticks of butter !!!! WOHOOO !:happy: Great job!
  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    Good Morning ladies!!!! Hope you are all doing well. Well today I weigh in and was a little dissapointed only lost .4 of a lb Im hoping it is just aunt flo cause she is just on her way out. But on the bright side I did lose a total of 2.25 inches :happy: So sad when 1 inch is my boobs :noway:

    Hopefully I can get a work out in Damn it haven't worked out in 2 days thing have been a litle crazy here .

    Have a great day Girls :drinker:

    Great job! so sad about the boob loss, I can relate. Seems to be the first place I loose inches :sad:
    When I was going to weight watchers and dissapointed about my loss not being as big as I thought the leader always encouraged us by saying .2 is better then nothing....think of it as loosing a stick of butter! so .4 is even better.. you lost 2 sticks of butter !!!! WOHOOO !:happy: Great job!

    OMG:laugh: LMAO Thanks Shera

    Wow , Really 2 sticks of butter that is freaking hilarious :drinker: Thanks for cheering me up .
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey girls, its friday which means the wkend is coming up.

    My goal is to hit the gym after work today (fridays I usually take off) and get in an extra work out this week. Also keeping the 8 cups of water goal for today, I think yesterday I made it to 7.

    Hope ya'll have a great Friday!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    today has been a hard day for me. Just a rough day all around and I'm hoping I can pick myself up sometime today but so far i'm not there yet.
    I've only had 3 cups of water today, i'm -300 with my calories and my kids have been fighting ALL day. Thank goodness it's friday but is it bed time yet?
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Hey ladies, haven't been on in a bit cause I'm a bit discouraged. For the last couple of weeks, (when getting back into the swing of things) I saw constant drops on the scale I literally went from 195 at the end of Sept. to 177 last week. I guess I'm on the fence, I'm too strong to fall off, but scared it will happen. Since Halloween I've been off (any I don't have any kids or candy)! , but I keep trying and its not happening. grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I got this way when I started in March. March & April were awesome and I slowed down until Sept. I will keep going, I am too strong, but now I know where all of you are coming from who say the scale doesn't budge and you kicked a** all week w workouts.
    I like not weighing in on here, its the one forum I can go that doesn't post constantly and make that the driving force of the page. I do take part in 2 other forums that do, one is Saturday the other Monday, which are totally sucky b/c my weekends have to be super great and then Monday can be an off day, which already gets me way off, b/c Monday is the start of each week for me...anyway...I'm still here and best of luck ladies!!!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey ladies, haven't been on in a bit cause I'm a bit discouraged. For the last couple of weeks, (when getting back into the swing of things) I saw constant drops on the scale I literally went from 195 at the end of Sept. to 177 last week. I guess I'm on the fence, I'm too strong to fall off, but scared it will happen. Since Halloween I've been off (any I don't have any kids or candy)! , but I keep trying and its not happening. grrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I got this way when I started in March. March & April were awesome and I slowed down until Sept. I will keep going, I am too strong, but now I know where all of you are coming from who say the scale doesn't budge and you kicked a** all week w workouts.
    I like not weighing in on here, its the one forum I can go that doesn't post constantly and make that the driving force of the page. I do take part in 2 other forums that do, one is Saturday the other Monday, which are totally sucky b/c my weekends have to be super great and then Monday can be an off day, which already gets me way off, b/c Monday is the start of each week for me...anyway...I'm still here and best of luck ladies!!!

    Keep up the good work, we all have bad days.. SHEESH I've had a bad week but let's do this together. We can do this, we just need to keep on with the good days! I've had to pick myself up several times this week and try really hard not to give up. But my husband so bluntly put it 2 days ago, "isn't this what makes you stop everytime you try? So why don't you just DO IT already and be proud of yourself".

    Hurts, it really does. My daughter told me right before he said that and she's 3 "mommy you have a big fat belly". I cried, and cried. She's right i'm fat and ugly and how could I ever think that I could do this? but I've tried to stay motivated and i'm eating horribly but i did go to the gym. I just bough a bike so I WILL do this, I NEED so badly to be proud of myself and know that I can do it.

    Keep up the good work pa_treusch we are in this together, Keep up the workouts and keep measuring. If your working out like you should you will see results on the tape measure and then on the scale. That has been my saving grace, I feel like a failure on the scale but then I measure myself and I DID lose inches. It's an amazing feeling :drinker:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks Shera!!!!! :flowerforyou:

  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    I can relate to the belly thing about a month ago I was in the grocery store and I had on a big bulky jacket and a little old ladies and I were going for the same object and she says.... Go ahead deary seeing as though you are pregnant I can wait and her husband says to her how are you so sure she is pregnant . I walked away before I could hear anymore :angry: OMFG ,I was so pissed . That's when I started coming back here. We can do this girls I have barely exercised at all this week Im trying to get motivated but just can't quite get there. On the plus side all that exercise has boosted something in me :wink: poor hubby is not getting much sleep lately so weird went from like twice a month to 5 times a week :laugh: Funny what exercising can do to a person. Think all that extra exercise is wearing me out I go to bed way to late usually 2:00 and then have no energy after . Somethings gotta give :drinker:

    Have a great week-end girl and hopefully we can get back on track next week :flowerforyou:
  • Pattyisgr8
    Pattyisgr8 Posts: 104 Member
    After feeling as though I feel off the wagon completely, I went to the gym today and busted out 61 minutes on the elliptical = 662 calories burned Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I weigh in tomorrow and I don't want to eat my workout calories, but I am sooooooo hungry :indifferent: guess dinner is comming earlier!

    Nola- gonna try that chicken you suggested way back.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    patty: glad to have u back I was starting to worry about u.

    Shera: you are beautiful no matter what anyone says. And you WILL be proud of yourself soon! Just gotta brush yourself off n keep trying

    Jocelyn you are too funny! 5x/ week? I love it LOL hey it has to count as exercise right?

    Well this was an overall good week for me. I busted my butt to get back on track and yesterday I finally had the courage to get on the scale and I'm actually happy to report that my weight is the same. I am happy cuz I didnt gain after slacking off big time for all of 2 weeks!
    Also I made it to 25 mins on the stairmaster when usually I can barely make it to 10.

    Well its nice to have u ladies back on board. Remember no one is perfect and failure is not about falling down its about STAYING DOWN!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! I hope you all had a fabulous weekend!

    Nolachick- way to bust your bum and get back on track! Those workouts will help you to see results!!
    Patty- way to pick yourself up and motivate yourself to continue to work hard!! You've come so far!
    shera- You are going to do this! It might be hard, but you have the determination and motivation!! Keep it up!!
    Jocelyn- I agree, that is hilarious! My excuse is that my body is too sore and tired..:yawn: .haha.. but I have noticed an increase in self - confidence and leading to a more enjoyable sex life.

    This weekend I did pretty well. I wasn't going to weigh myself on Saturday because I didn't eat as clean as I would have liked to last week. I ate a few Halloween treats as well as I skipped 2 workouts last week. I try to get at least 5 days of working out in, typically 6. But last week I only got 4 days in. But, when I stepped on the scale I had dropped a pound! So, I didn't feel too bad. I'm going to try to make this week another intense week. I'm really starting to see some results and its kind of a fun feeling! My husband really noticed the other night and was commenting on how great I looked. Felt pretty good! :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great Monday! Keep up the good work! Make yourself determined this week!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Dawna! finally someone commented, I was losing my mind checking on this thread every hour today. lol. glad u got results! I think you are my biggest motivation right now. U seem to really be into this and be doing great at workouts. So happy to hear from you today :)
    I am off to a good start this monday, I will make this week the most intense week ever! I think I will try working out 2x just to get some extra cardio. I think I need it cuz I can only do about 30 - 45 mins at a time before I lose my mind.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Nolachick- Glad to hear you are off to a good start this week!!! I love it when I can start the week off good... it definitely helps keep me in check the rest of the week!!

    My workout tonight consists of 40 minutes of Turbo Kick Round 32, and 40 minutes of ChaLean Extreme. Mon, Wed, Saturdays are my strength training days combined with cardio. I'm pretty excited!! And I'm going to have some lean & healthy enchiladas tonight! I have found that eating within my calorie limit (which is 1430) is pretty easy when I'm eating foods that fill me up and have good nutritional value. I'm right on track with my 1 pound per week...and I hope I can continue!! If I can keep up with my goal...in 6 weeks for Christmas...I should be in the 150's!!! (Barely...haha..but, I'll take what I can get!) :bigsmile:

    I know I say this a lot...but we CAN do this ladies!! Keep eating healthy and getting your workouts in. BTW, Shera....I'm not sure how you do those spinning classes!! Haha.. I tried this last Saturday and my legs didn't want to walk me back home!!