silly Americans



  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    Are you really more scared to go to America than Egypt?

    I never gave going to Egypt a second thought, we had a fabulous wonderful time. I did however worry about going to America, all you hear is that people get murdered, shot, robbed, kidnapped etc, I was taking my three children and I was concerned about it, this of course was unfounded fear, but It was the one place I worried most about my childrens safety, and I would not have walked the streets in the town we stayed in at night like i did in Venice, Paris and Luxor, the only draw back in Luxor was the people trying to get you to buy stuff from them, but if you did not engage them in conversation, they left you alone.
  • ghiaguy
    ghiaguy Posts: 46
    I think that is kinda lame... You should be proud of where you are from, and not try to disguise it. Maybe if you own it and just act like a normal person you will change some minds about Americans. I think that would be the better end result.
    Yeah. This.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    There's a couple of reasons why I haven't traveled out of the US. 1) I can't afford it. :( 2) I'm too scared of anti-american people kidnapping, mugging or murdering me for being American. Based on what I see on the news on online, most of the world seems to hate Americans and I don't blame them, we are quite obnoxious. Do try to have fun though. My bf wants to go to Italy for our honeymoon if we get married and I'm too scared that I won't make it out alive. D:

    Oh for goodness sakes, this is getting ridiculous. I'm American, although I've lived in Europe for almost half my life. I've traveled everywhere and I've never had any issues. I was even in Iraq about six months ago, and I survived. And Iraqis have millions of reasons to hate Americans....

    You don't need to put a Canadian flag on your backpack. Just be polite. Don't be obnoxious. Don't expect everyone to speak English. Dress nicely, it's a form of respect. And lay off the "America is God's gift to the world" crap and you'll be fine, just fine.

    The only thing you need to worry about in Italy is getting ripped off by the taxi drivers from the airport to your hotel. Other than that, go and have a great time. It's a beautiful country.


    Well some of us don't have years of experience traveling. The furthest I've been from PA is a bus trip down to Florida for a Disney trip with the marching band to perform there and the Citrus Bowl Parade.I don't have any idea what the world is like aside from what I've seen on TV and what people have told me, so you can see why I would be scared. TV makes everywhere seem scary. Even my bf says I'm ridiculous with my fears but he's traveled more than I have so he has experiences to rely on where I don't. It does make a difference. I'm sure I'd have fun if I went but until then, I'll be cautious. >.<
  • CarSidDar
    CarSidDar Posts: 118 Member
    I heard people tell americans to wear Canadian things..Flags and such... Im canadian and have heard alot of people tell that to Americans. You could try it? lol

    Please don't try it. When you speak they will know you are not Canadian and wonder why you are lying to them.
  • wk9t
    wk9t Posts: 237 Member
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.

  • gingerveg
    gingerveg Posts: 748 Member
    Well, if you're that ashamed of it:

    1) Renounce citizenship.
    2) Move to Mexico
    3) Wear sombrero to Italy
    4) Enjoy new life in beautiful Ciudad Juárez.

    Oh please jingo much?!!

    To the OP just be respectful of other people and their cultural conventions. Since you are asking it sounds like you'll be fine. I wish the same could be said for the people saying things like "what why be ashamed?" That's not what this is about. There is nothing wrong with being respectful of others it doesn't mean you are ashamed of being a US citizen.

    And you my friend (above) are exactly why the rest of us (US citizens) have to tread a little lighter around the world. We live on a big planet not just in one country.
  • lzulk
    lzulk Posts: 9
    I'm half-Canadian/half-Yankee and white sneakers are a dead give-away.
  • obeserat
    obeserat Posts: 218 Member
    There's a couple of reasons why I haven't traveled out of the US. 1) I can't afford it. :( 2) I'm too scared of anti-american people kidnapping, mugging or murdering me for being American. Based on what I see on the news on online, most of the world seems to hate Americans and I don't blame them, we are quite obnoxious. Do try to have fun though. My bf wants to go to Italy for our honeymoon if we get married and I'm too scared that I won't make it out alive. D:

    are you SERIOUS? I was more scared of going to America than going to Egypt. You guys have loads of guns and shoot each other all the time....

    Italy is fabulous, fabulous.

    I don't own a gun. They scare me too. I don't even venture into the cities after dark in my own state because of all the thugs with guns. Every time I turn on the news it seems that an American is getting murdered in a foreign country because they don't like us. I've also never been on an airplane, which also scares me. Knowing my luck, I'd be on the plane that gets blown up by a terrorist. Maybe I can ask my bf if we can go to Hawaii instead? I'd feel much safer. >.<

    I think you are more likely to meet a violent end in America or Hawaii than Italy :)
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    There's a couple of reasons why I haven't traveled out of the US. 1) I can't afford it. :( 2) I'm too scared of anti-american people kidnapping, mugging or murdering me for being American. Based on what I see on the news on online, most of the world seems to hate Americans and I don't blame them, we are quite obnoxious. Do try to have fun though. My bf wants to go to Italy for our honeymoon if we get married and I'm too scared that I won't make it out alive. D:

    are you SERIOUS? I was more scared of going to America than going to Egypt. You guys have loads of guns and shoot each other all the time....

    Italy is fabulous, fabulous.

    I don't own a gun. They scare me too. I don't even venture into the cities after dark in my own state because of all the thugs with guns. Every time I turn on the news it seems that an American is getting murdered in a foreign country because they don't like us. I've also never been on an airplane, which also scares me. Knowing my luck, I'd be on the plane that gets blown up by a terrorist. Maybe I can ask my bf if we can go to Hawaii instead? I'd feel much safer. >.<

    I think you are more likely to meet a violent end in America or Hawaii than Italy :)

    It's easier to avoid in the states because I know what the bad areas look like. Just stay away from the cities at nighttime and you should be okay. I have no idea how to spot those areas in a foreign country. Maybe they look the same? I don't know. >.>
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It's easier to avoid in the states because I know what the bad areas look like. Just stay away from the cities at nighttime and you should be okay. I have no idea how to spot those areas in a foreign country. Maybe they look the same? I don't know. >.>
    They're not going to attack you. Europe, unbelievably, is as civilised as the states. Italians are passionate people and some of the men you may encounter may be loud and flamboyant, but they're not going to hurt you. I caught it before the edit btw.

    Stay out of back streets, stay in well lit areas. Same advice as anywhere really.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    It's easier to avoid in the states because I know what the bad areas look like. Just stay away from the cities at nighttime and you should be okay. I have no idea how to spot those areas in a foreign country. Maybe they look the same? I don't know. >.>
    They're not going to attack you. Europe, unbelievably, is as civilised as the states. Italians are passionate people and some of the men you may encounter may be loud and flamboyant, but they're not going to hurt you. I caught it before the edit btw.

    Stay out of back streets, stay in well lit areas. Same advice as anywhere really.

    Which parts of the states? That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Like the Jersey Shore people aren't civilized at all where most of us are okay at it. XD I was just concerned that I wouldn't be safe. I edited it out because I thought it might have been rude. >.<
  • DrowningMermaid
    What are 'tartan trousers' ?

    plaid pants?
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I googled "American Tourist" and this came up:


    Avoid looking like this.

    For the rest of your life.


    Oh no. I have that shirt in my dresser.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Young Italian woman dress in tiny tiny clothes. Been there, I looked like a prude there. BWHHAHhahah
  • juscallmeb
    juscallmeb Posts: 369 Member
    you could dress just how they dress in italy and i'll be honest, they can still pick you out. :)

    I went to Italy to visit family and i didn't care if people thought i was from America. my family wears some of the same things we have here in America...
    wear what you want to wear and enjoy the vacation.


    To be fair, I can usually pick out tourists in America, too, and usually I can tell when they are foreign (I lived in Niagara Falls, New York). In the Falls, there were stereotypes for Canadian tourists that match a lot of American-abroad stereotypes; such as being rude and demanding. There were tourists that earned that reputation, and ones that were completely polite and didn't stick out at all. Just like there are Americans (some who are clearly present in these boards) who earn the negative reputations for the rest of us.

    yes, agreed, i'm just telling the OP to dress how she wants since she will be spotted as a tourist, which is not a big deal at all.

    :) like many have said too, just be polite, courteous and respectful, have fun and enjoy your trip
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    Well, if you're that ashamed of it:

    1) Renounce citizenship.
    2) Move to Mexico
    3) Wear sombrero to Italy
    4) Enjoy new life in beautiful Ciudad Juárez.

    You are my favorite person on this thread :happy:
  • bittle29
    bittle29 Posts: 12 Member
    The stereotype of the American tourist is generally golf clothes. Khaki shorts, polo shirts and a baseball cap. People are going to know you're a tourist no matter what, so wear what is comfortable. I had no problems in Italy. In fact, most of the other people I met there were from other European countries.

    That being said, I often wear skirts or comfortable dresses while being a tourist. That's more because I generally want to just wander and not really do "touristy" things. In Italy I did touristy things. Remember to bring something conservative and with sleeves if you are going to the Vatican. Or at least bring a scarf you can put over your shoulders. And no shorts in the Vatican.

    Have fun! Traveling in Europe is pretty safe. Then again, I'm currently living in Pakistan, so I may not be the best judge.

  • bittle29
    bittle29 Posts: 12 Member
    I heard people tell americans to wear Canadian things..Flags and such... Im canadian and have heard alot of people tell that to Americans. You could try it? lol

    Please don't try it. When you speak they will know you are not Canadian and wonder why you are lying to them.

    The stereotype of Canadian tourists is that they wear a Canadian flag on everything so people don't think they are Americans.
  • bittle29
    bittle29 Posts: 12 Member
    There's a couple of reasons why I haven't traveled out of the US. 1) I can't afford it. :( 2) I'm too scared of anti-american people kidnapping, mugging or murdering me for being American. Based on what I see on the news on online, most of the world seems to hate Americans and I don't blame them, we are quite obnoxious. Do try to have fun though. My bf wants to go to Italy for our honeymoon if we get married and I'm too scared that I won't make it out alive. D:

    are you SERIOUS? I was more scared of going to America than going to Egypt. You guys have loads of guns and shoot each other all the time....

    Italy is fabulous, fabulous.

    I don't own a gun. They scare me too. I don't even venture into the cities after dark in my own state because of all the thugs with guns. Every time I turn on the news it seems that an American is getting murdered in a foreign country because they don't like us. I've also never been on an airplane, which also scares me. Knowing my luck, I'd be on the plane that gets blown up by a terrorist. Maybe I can ask my bf if we can go to Hawaii instead? I'd feel much safer. >.<

    I think you are more likely to meet a violent end in America or Hawaii than Italy :)

    Most people I've met outside of the U.S. like Americans very much. They don't like U.S. policy, but they like Americans. I have always had good experiences abroad. I find most people wish Americans saw more of the world. Maybe we'd understand it better.
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    You could replace the "American Look" with any other region/nationality. Fashion is soooo regional and you can't go out and buy a whole new wardrobe wherever you go. Just don't wear a giant American flag, and try not to be too loud when you're in public (not a value judgement- Americans are just used to speaking in a louder volume)

    Enjoy your trip!