Is this jealousy or intuition?



  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    This has nothing to do with neither jealousy nor intuition. He obviously doesn't think too much of what you two have if he's being that blatant. You two are not in a solidified relationship, correct? But I'm going to assume that you're having sex, right? You're not a priority to him or he wouldn't be going OR making those statements, plain and simple. At least he's being honest, but you need to reevaluate, or even primarily evaluate what your role is. If what he's obviously offering isn't up to your standards, ditch him. You get whatever you settle for and it seems that you're settling for less right now. This is who he is. Time to move on, or accept the terms because it's not going to get better.
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    I am not sure why anyone would take out there "ex" on their birthday. I personally would not want to be a in a relationship like that.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 339 Member
    If it makes you uncomfortable, then you need tobring it up to him. Even if the two of you are just casually dating, you have a right to know if he is seeing other people...especially for health reasons, if sex is invloved!

    I made this mistake once...was dating a guy and really liked him, then when I had developed feelings for him, I found out he was still "seeing" his ex too and she was a jealous type who attacked me one day...(He was seeing other women too, as I learned.)

    Not only did it take a long time to get over the trauma of her attacking me, but he really broke my heart...and this all could have been avoided had we had THE CONVERSATION long before.

    A fox gets old because it is wise and learns from experience...

    Good luck! Protect yourself!
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Am I the only one that doesn't feel that all breakups have to be ugly things in which the people never talk to each other again? I've remained friends with people I've dated before, and if the opportunity/reason came up to take one of them to a birthday dinner or something, I wouldn't necessarily have turned it down. It doesn't mean we're not "over" each other (in fact, one of the guys I dated still drops by to chat when he's in town, and we both have our own families now), it just means dating each other didn't work out and that we made better friends than significant others.

    Without any more information on your not-really-boyfriend's relationship with his ex, for all any of us knows, it's the same way with them. If you don't know, talk to him about it. You said he's been honest with you, so be honest with him. Let him know that it seems like you two aren't on quite the same page with regard to how serious you two are, and that you're not comfortable with him going on what seems like a "date", because you feel the relationship is a little more serious. Consider your original question, too - would you feel the same if she were an accountant or some other profession? Actually try to answer that question. Otherwise, it just sounds like insecurity, and you're trying to rationalize that it's intuition.

    That said, if it's a casual thing, and that's what you both want, then you don't really have any grounds for determining what or who he wants to do besides you. If you both agree that it's more serious and you're exclusive, then him doing things you don't feel comfortable with may become a problem.
  • lexingtonjane
    lexingtonjane Posts: 11 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!

    I disagree. Sex, for women, can be purely physical too. Women need to not get carried away and know what they're getting into before they drop trou. I've been in pure sex situations and the break has been clean and some of us are still good friends because I knew what it was before getting into it.
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    Definitely do not have sex with him. You have a right to be concerned. I would move on if I were you. You can do much better and there are much better guys out there than this.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I'll be the stranger that tells you the truth. :flowerforyou:

    That's on you, not him. If you're in an "on/off relationship", you're not in a relationship. From what you wrote, at best, you're friends who occassionally sleep together for periods of times. At worst, *kitten* buddies. And that's only bad because you don't seem to be aware of the status quo and he does.

    People who say stuff as a joke tend to mean it. It's not intuition, it's common sense. Jealousy shouldn't really come into it since their is no real exclusivity involved.
  • herstrawberri
    herstrawberri Posts: 347 Member
    I would like to clarify somethings.

    1) The first time we dated was for about two months. I, after two months asked him to meet my son. He was not ready. I took this as him not wanting to be serious. HOWEVER, when I broke it off I did break his heart. He did really care for me, he just wasn't ready to meet my son. He did contact me weeks later and tell me he would like to take me and my son to the park. But I was dating this other guy... sooo I did hurt him, and he did want something serious.
    2) We both dated while we were off. I dated a guy I've known for a very long time and we got physical together. He on the other hand dated, but nothing phsyical. I know this because the first time we were intimate when we started dating again, he whispered in my ear that he hadn't been with anyone since me. No reason to sprout lies, since he has always been honest.
    3) It's not that I don't trust him. We have talked about where we would like this relationship to go. We just aren't "there" yet. He's been honest enough to say he's cheated before (on this chick that's he taking to dinner!!) because she cheated on him. I've been cheated on... so I think that all plays into how I feel.
    So having said that... does it change any opinions.
    I think I'm just going to call him and talk to him. Unfortunately we don't have the opportunity to meet up before Friday when he takes the ex to dinner. I appreciate all the opinions and advice. No clue yet where to go from here. But I know I deserve a good man. Based on how the conversation goes, I know I will be able to figure it out!

    Well, I don't understand why you are getting upset with him when YOU had sex with someone else and he didn't. Guys have feelings too. if you guys haven't gotten to the 'committed' part yet...then who cares if he is going out with his ex??
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    This has nothing to do with neither jealousy nor intuition. He obviously doesn't think too much of what you two have if he's being that blatant. You two are not in a solidified relationship, correct? But I'm going to assume that you're having sex, right? You're not a priority to him or he wouldn't be going OR making those statements, plain and simple. At least he's being honest, but you need to reevaluate, or even primarily evaluate what your role is. If what he's obviously offering isn't up to your standards, ditch him. You get whatever you settle for and it seems that you're settling for less right now. This is who he is. Time to move on, or accept the terms because it's not going to get better.

    Exactly. Don't go in like a girl guessing, go in like a woman who knows what she wants and asks for it.
  • AJ_Pete
    AJ_Pete Posts: 863 Member
    I'll be the stranger that tells you the truth. :flowerforyou:

    That's on you, not him. If you're in an "on/off relationship", you're not in a relationship. From what you wrote, at best, you're friends who occassionally sleep together for periods of times. At worst, *kitten* buddies. And that's only bad because you don't seem to be aware of the status quo and he does.

    People who say stuff as a joke tend to mean it. It's not intuition, it's common sense. Jealousy shouldn't really come into it since their is no real exclusivity involved.

    Exactly what I said, but wrapped in a neat little bow. I like your style :flowerforyou:
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Am I the only one that doesn't feel that all breakups have to be ugly things in which the people never talk to each other again? I've remained friends with people I've dated before, and if the opportunity/reason came up to take one of them to a birthday dinner or something, I wouldn't necessarily have turned it down. It doesn't mean we're not "over" each other (in fact, one of the guys I dated still drops by to chat when he's in town, and we both have our own families now), it just means dating each other didn't work out and that we made better friends than significant others.

    ^^^ OMG!!! A sane person ... Glad someone thinks like me :)
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
    When I was still out there dating, girls had 3 dates to give it up or they were taken out of my rotation.

    Anything past 3 dates meant they were just using me for free food.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
    When I was still out there dating, girls had 3 dates to give it up or they were taken out of my rotation.

    Anything past 3 dates meant they were just using me for free food.

    My ex-boyfriend said this. LOL!
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
    When I was still out there dating, girls had 3 dates to give it up or they were taken out of my rotation.

    Anything past 3 dates meant they were just using me for free food.

    My ex-boyfriend said this. LOL!

    He was a smart man.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
    When I was still out there dating, girls had 3 dates to give it up or they were taken out of my rotation.

    Anything past 3 dates meant they were just using me for free food.

    Wow, makes me glad I'm not out there anymore. Ftr, I pay for things too, so I'm not just getting free food.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This is why you don't give it up to people right away! This right here. Women wouldn't have a problem moving on from something like this if they were just dating and not haveing sex. Too many feelings!
    When I was still out there dating, girls had 3 dates to give it up or they were taken out of my rotation.

    Anything past 3 dates meant they were just using me for free food.

    My ex-boyfriend said this. LOL!

    He was a smart man.

    He was a control freak! And now he's alone!
  • rcclcruiser
    rcclcruiser Posts: 98 Member
    It's neither jealousy or intuition. It's a big red flag telling you this dude is a loser!

    You have a son; be careful of the messages he is receiving about how to treat women.

    I don't care what year it is - wait until you get married to have sex!

    When you are older and wiser, you will start to get things in the Bible that you never got before.

    You will look back on your life and realize that if you only listened to God's Word instead of man, your life would have been a whole lot better.

    (Let the bashing begin - I'm out of here!)
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Ok girl first of all-- he seems like an *kitten* but I cant say much cus my bf is sarcastic like that. BUT-- unless they are childhood friends that grew up together and lived beside each other then I would be concerned. What business does he have taking her out for her bday?? They dont sound like exs to me. If it were a group of folks maybe but just the two of them i dont think so. This isnt you just being jealous, sounds to me like during your month break he found time to rekindle a old flame

    Actually, if you read the story, I'd be more concerned if there were other people going to eat with them.
  • avasano
    avasano Posts: 487 Member
    It's neither jealousy or intuition. It's a big red flag telling you this dude is a loser!

    You have a son; be careful of the messages he is receiving about how to treat women.

    I don't care what year it is - wait until you get married to have sex!

    When you are older and wiser, you will start to get things in the Bible that you never got before.

    You will look back on your life and realize that if you only listened to God's Word instead of man, your life would have been a whole lot better.

    (Let the bashing begin - I'm out of here!)
    Right on.