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Online Cheating



  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Having friends of the opposite sex on MFP isn't online cheating..


    I've got several guy friends on here and there's never been any flirting or unwanted advancements.

    I have a lot of people on my FB too as does my hubby. It's all about trust!
  • WingMan380
    WingMan380 Posts: 2,139 Member
    For me its a women only rule as any of the guys I've come across so far usually have ulterior motives even being on a site like MFP!

    Also out of respect for my husband as well as I wouldn't be happy about him having women friends - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!
    Sorry but I totally disagree with you. So according to your statement, guys souldn't be on MFP? Wow, I came on here to lose weight and get in shape and this is a tool to help me accomplish my goals.

    "Out of respect for my husband" is one of the biggest BS statements I have seen on this site. I am happily married to a beautiful woman and we have 3 kids. I have females on my friends list who are very supportive of me and my efforts and I try to be supportive to them as well and there are no innuendoes involved. My wife is also on MFP and she has male friends on her list and I am 100% ok with it because I trust her. I have female friends in real life and talk to them frequently without any sexual thoughts or desires and some of my female friends are dang good looking.

    I am selective of who I ask to be my friend on here and who I accept as a friend and I DO NOT ask a female to be my friend just because she is sexy, cute or whatever, I have better morals and values than that. I friend people who have same interest and goals that I do and people I can relate to.
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    At the risk of sounding a bit prudish, I think that there needs to be a bit of thought when adding any friend on MFP. There are lots of fit, buff good-looking folks that are proud of what they've accomplished and rightfully want to show off their success with somewhat revealing photos.

    More often than not, if I look at the friend list of one of the many male Adonis's that are on MFP that list has a disproportionate number of gorgeous, young women. Not judging, just observing.

    Cheating on a spouse doesn't need to be physical, and in fact an on-line relationship, if there is a strong emotional connection, can arguably be more damaging than a fling or one-night stand.

    If you find yourself in an online relationship where there is a real emotional connection, you need to reflect on what got you to that point and why your spouse/partner relationship is not meeting your emotional needs.

    That said, I have female friends on MFP. The reason is simple. These women are all very knowledgeable when it comes to health and fitness and I learn from them every day.
  • quixoteQ
    quixoteQ Posts: 484
    I only add women on MFP - women who are similar in size, age and goals. I don't see the point reading and having some guy read my diary who's eating and doing things completely different to me (and women for that matter) with completely different goals and attitudes. I need supportive, active and similar women in order to get motivated and to help motivate. I'd rather keep to having a small supportive group and mainly people I know personally (however I had a few good MFP gals that are quite supportive that I don't know personally). Also, my partner wouldn't care if I had men on MFP (at least I don't think he would) however I'd rather not for my previous reasons and there really is no reason to rock the boat (just incase I am wrong!) :smile:

    This is all well and good, and I can appreciate the focus you have. But you need to open your door and get some fresh air. Seriously, planned communities sound nice but mostly they just breed ignorance, if not arrogance. Be yourself, stand tall, and make a little space inside yourself to learn from the unknown.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    I also think less of people who purposly don't have friends of the opposite sex with a claim like it is out of respect for their spouse. To me, that means you don't have enough belief/trust or confindence in yourself to make proper decisions.

    This ^^^
    men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!

    Hahaha. That's so wrong. Growing up I had 1 girl best friend and almost all the rest were guys who I never had anything with. Imagine that!!! Its about your ability to remain loyal and how trustworthy you are. Its not the where you meet anyone or who other people are, its you.

    Um.... my 2 of best friends are guys, neither is gay, we have been best friends for almost 6 years... sex doesn't come into it..and to be completely honest I have more sexual innuendos come into my friendships with females than males. So I think the person who said men and women cannot be friends is ridiculous. I simply have more in common with guys than I do girls - always have.

    As for having friends of the opposite sex on the site. I love it. Guys are generally way less drama filled than females, they are just as supportive, and its no different than having friend of the opposite sex in real life.. I have strict criteria for someone to be on my friends list... but its not just for men, its for women too,
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I have male friends on here and facebook. My husband also has female friends on facebook. Is it cheating to have friends? No.

    I would never ever do anything that would make my husband uncomfortable, and neither would he.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    For me its a women only rule as any of the guys I've come across so far usually have ulterior motives even being on a site like MFP!

    Also out of respect for my husband as well as I wouldn't be happy about him having women friends - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!
    Sorry but I totally disagree with you. So according to your statement, guys souldn't be on MFP? Wow, I came on here to lose weight and get in shape and this is a tool to help me accomplish my goals.

    "Out of respect for my husband" is one of the biggest BS statements I have seen on this site. I am happily married to a beautiful woman and we have 3 kids. I have females on my friends list who are very supportive of me and my efforts and I try to be supportive to them as well and there are no innuendoes involved. My wife is also on MFP and she has male friends on her list and I am 100% ok with it because I trust her. I have female friends in real life and talk to them frequently without any sexual thoughts or desires and some of my female friends are dang good looking.

    I am selective of who I ask to be my friend on here and who I accept as a friend and I DO NOT ask a female to be my friend just because she is sexy, cute or whatever, I have better morals and values than that. I friend people who have same interest and goals that I do and people I can relate to.

    @ wing man you cannot come out with a statement that me having respect for my husband being BS! I'm actually sorry I posted my comment, me and my other half had a laugh about the replies regarding this post at lunchtime - all I know is I'm happy and don't give a toss what any of the rest of you do or who you choose to add as friends, we all have our own ideas etc. I might well be touchy on the subject as I am fed up with getting the attention of sleazeballs, they came looking for me not the other way around. Ok so perhaps the majority of men are not like this (my SO certainly isn't!), I've just been very unlucky and had a rant LOL its what us women do at times!
  • For me its a women only rule as any of the guys I've come across so far usually have ulterior motives even being on a site like MFP!

    Also out of respect for my husband as well as I wouldn't be happy about him having women friends - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!


    You women are just as bad.

    I agree with both these comments.
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    For me its a women only rule as any of the guys I've come across so far usually have ulterior motives even being on a site like MFP!

    Also out of respect for my husband as well as I wouldn't be happy about him having women friends - men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!
    Sorry but I totally disagree with you. So according to your statement, guys souldn't be on MFP? Wow, I came on here to lose weight and get in shape and this is a tool to help me accomplish my goals.

    "Out of respect for my husband" is one of the biggest BS statements I have seen on this site. I am happily married to a beautiful woman and we have 3 kids. I have females on my friends list who are very supportive of me and my efforts and I try to be supportive to them as well and there are no innuendoes involved. My wife is also on MFP and she has male friends on her list and I am 100% ok with it because I trust her. I have female friends in real life and talk to them frequently without any sexual thoughts or desires and some of my female friends are dang good looking.

    I am selective of who I ask to be my friend on here and who I accept as a friend and I DO NOT ask a female to be my friend just because she is sexy, cute or whatever, I have better morals and values than that. I friend people who have same interest and goals that I do and people I can relate to.

    @ wing man you cannot come out with a statement that me having respect for my husband being BS! I'm actually sorry I posted my comment, me and my other half had a laugh about the replies regarding this post at lunchtime - all I know is I'm happy and don't give a toss what any of the rest of you do or who you choose to add as friends, we all have our own ideas etc. I might well be touchy on the subject as I am fed up with getting the attention of sleazeballs, they came looking for me not the other way around. Ok so perhaps the majority of men are not like this (my SO certainly isn't!), I've just been very unlucky and had a rant LOL its what us women do at times!

    Fwiw, I think you got more than your fair share of negative replies considering you clarified what you meant later in the thread. I just dont think people read beyond your first post.

    Its just a forum and not life and death (unlike Pirating! ;) ), so its all cool. Each to their own and all that. Right I'm off for some lunch... and some run* ;)

    *Rum!!! NOT run! Today is my "slob day". Tomorrow is back to it!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @dreadpirate - thank you..! you are restoring my faith in men lol
    I was seriously thinking that I would never post a comment again, I do find people can be negative and rude even.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I also think less of people who purposly don't have friends of the opposite sex with a claim like it is out of respect for their spouse. To me, that means you don't have enough belief/trust or confindence in yourself to make proper decisions.

    That is entirely incorrect, for me at least.

    I choose not to have male friends out of respect for my husband and myself. I only need, want, and desire one man and he is the one I come home to. Just because I chose to eliminate other males from my life as much as possible does not mean I question the fact I may or may not cheat on him. That's completely ridiculous. It just means he is the only man I care to have in my life. That being said, I don't think any differently for people who chose to have same sex friends in any area of their life.

    Different strokes for different folks.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @PBsMOMMY - yayyyy someone who thinks like me :)
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 682 Member
    men and women cannot be friends without sex or innuendoes coming into the equation!

    This is a joke. If you can't have friends of the opposite sex without sexual innuendoes or flirting then it sounds to me like you're the problem and not the men.

    I get equal amounts of support and motivation from both the men and the women on my list. Sometimes you just need a different perspective on something. There are men (and women) on my list that provide a wealth of knowledge and information and are always more than willing to help me and answer my questions about exercise and nutrition. Only adding friends of your sex, the same height, shape, weight or have the same goals as you just doesn't make sense. You're limiting your resources and hindering your own progress. If you're going to do that you may as well empty your FL and go it alone.
  • Online and off line both my husband and I have friends of the opposite sex. I have had one male friend for 10 years. There is no sexual attract there and no he isn't gay. Honestly I have no sexual attraction towards any of my male friends. They have never made any advances or suggestions. I would not want my husband to dictate who I can be friends with so I wouldn't dictate to him. But we,my husband and I are constantly communicating so if he ever came to me and said I am uncomfortable with X, and could give me a reason. Chances are I would back off. Thus far that has yet to happen.
  • Notorious_T
    Notorious_T Posts: 384
    I only flirt with the hot b!tche$ on my FR
  • TheDreadPirateRoberts
    TheDreadPirateRoberts Posts: 225 Member
    @dreadpirate - thank you..! you are restoring my faith in men lol
    I was seriously thinking that I would never post a comment again, I do find people can be negative and rude even.

    Nah! Dont trust me! I'm a rascally pirate! I'm just lulling you into a false sense of security! :)

    The forums can be a bit brutal at times. Just try not to take it personal. Easier said than done I know. Its not "you" they are having a go at, just their perception of what they think you said and we're all different, its what makes this world so... dangerous! :)
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    @PBsMOMMY - yayyyy someone who thinks like me :)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    @dreadpirate - rascal eh! you've deffo made it clear that you're a little bit fond of anything piratey (if thats a word!) LOL
    I hear ya, we are all very different and its easy to be offended, I'll try and adopt a stiff upper lip from now on LOL
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    Its pure evil. Its the devil's work. DON'T DOOOO EETTTTTTTTTT, EVER! Men and Women cannot be trusted to interact with ending up naked and tied togehter like pretzels. We just can't do it....if we have friends of the opposite sex....we MUST abuse the priviledge and copulate.....so just avoid the temptation altogether. WE CAN"T BE TRUSTED. Thats why I go to a gym with no gurlsssss allowed.
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    Hearing all the stories about people cheating on their spouses, what is your take on having friends of the opposite sex at MyFitnessPal?

    Cheating requires physical contact. Online friends are VIRTUAL. Glad I could clear that up for you.