GameOn2011 Member


  • Good for you! I have started to do the same things myself. What an eye opener for me! I too am feeling great. White flours and sugar spike your blood sugar, cause you to crash and leave you feeling even hungrier, leading to overeating. I try to remember that to keep me on track and pick a wrap over a roll, etc. Clean…
  • Why not plan some type of physical activity you guys can both do together like go for a bike ride or go conoeing or a nature hike. At least if your are moving it will help offset the extra calories.
  • Jillian Michaels circuits, running and an occasional yoga DVD! I sign up for bike-a-thons and running races provide small term goals and to keep me motivated!! NO GYM for me! Just can't get there with 3 kids, but I MAKE it work!
  • We are on the same page! I am at day 3 with clean eating and 6 mini meals!! The protein has really made a difference!! I too am feeling good!
  • Try incorporating less 'empty' calories like baked chips and skinny cow with snacks like apples or oatmeal. I eat a pack of oatmeal or a banana before I leave work so I am not ravenous by the time I walk in the door from work. Also, if I am hungry at night I make a Whey Protein shake (Pure Protein, 25g of protein per…
  • Good for you, running a half! I am following Hal's intermediate plan for my 5th half marathon. Personally, I always like to rest the day before my race and get plenty of rest the night before. Also, hydrate, start a few days before the race and be conscience to get enough fluids. You are going to do GREAT! Hal has a great…
  • Same here, I have NO idea and was curious too!
  • OOOHH I like that idea! I use Pure Protein powder with 25g of is 140 calories but worth after JM circuits! I can't wait to try it with almond milk!
  • My husband does not exercise either or pretend to diet. And my 9 year old son tries to do push-ups with me while my 6 year old jumps rope and my 11 year does tricep dips and crunches. But, who knew? They used to just watch me too and giggle and now they have joined in and like to do jumping jacks with me! I feel like an…
  • I have the 30 DS DVD and have never even taken it out of its plastic. Think I might check out. Now the 6week 6pack sounds interesting...
  • I log under circuit training. It cover strength training mixed with cardio.
  • I love Pure Protien, Frosty Chocolate.
  • Had to read it....they want to charge the disadvantaged, absolutely NOT! Too many loop holes and Doctors who don't have time to support patients anymore....
  • Mary J Blige-"Just Fine" Eminen- "Till I Colapse" Joe Espisito-"You're the Best"
  • I have been motivated. Someone posted a linked to your blog page and I read that too!! I think what you have accomplished is amazing!
  • I am in a similar boat. I only want to loose 10 pounds and it is 10 times harder to loose when you are so close to your goal weight. I always seem to be reaching plateau's myself or gaining 1 pound and I KNOW it is because I was splurging too much on the weekends. Take this upcoming weekend and watch EVERYTHING you eat and…
  • OMG!! I have never thought outside the box that way about grilled cheese sandwhiches. I pretty much wrote them off...these recipes are amazing and I can not wait to try them out. Quick and easy too!! Thanks for sharing everyone.
  • Hi fellow Gemini...I have the same schedule as you...EXACTLY with 3 kids ages 6, 9 and 10. So, two days a week I get up at 5AM and do circuits and two days a week I run outside on my lunch break or walk and then I will workout either Saturday or Sunday. My husband is also the one home with the kids after school and I know…
  • Ha Ha I was getting ready to cancel when I won 4 free months on the site so when that is up I'll probably cancel. This site is MUCH better for tracking food and exercise. BUT, I do LOVE her variety of circuits she offers. The workouts have been great for me. I have been printing them out and compiling a notebook of the…
  • I belong to Jillian I think it is a few dollars a month (but LOTS of challenges where you can earn free months, I've earned 4 free months out of 6 LOL). She gives you circuits to do about 4 days a week for toning. And they change everytime you workout so it's not like doing the same exercise DVD over and…
  • Since I only make it to one Phillies game a year I plan ahead. I make sure I workout the morning of the game and the next day. I eat light troughot the day and plan to expend the most calories at the ball park (this time I had $10 worth of food vouchers to spend). I bought a Philly style steak sandwich called the Schmitter…
  • Eminem-Till I collapse Mary J. Blidge-Just Fine
  • Or go to your local sporting goods store and try on different brands of RUNNING shoes from their running section. You will notice immediately what feels good/bad on your feet. Walk around in'll be amazed by how light they are and cushioned. And if they hurt in any way, move on!! All Nike's hurt my feet...and I…
  • I ran the NYC Marathon...amongst countless 1/2 mararthons. I am training for a 10 miler (3x week) and got sick and needed to rest. I picked back up on the schedule at the appropriate week (meaning if I was sick during week 6, I skipped it, and started running again following week 7's schedule) and just reduced some of the…
  • You'll only have to do it once, that's all I did. I KNOW what I lke in a running shoe now and I can usually find a decent pair at the sporting goods store! Shinn splints...running to far too fast...stretch those calves!
  • Asic Gels..went to a running store to see if there was something better....bought ANOTHER pair of Asic Gels. I never throw them out after I am done running, I keep them for cross training. I have a pair at my desk at work and 3 more pairs in my closet at home...BUT ONLY ONE for running...the brand new ones don't ever get…
  • I can relate completely, but I pushed through it, proud to be getting in shape and now it is a wonderful habit I LOVE! Good luck, you will be so happy you do this.
  • I have the EXACT same weight loss goals! I have lost about 13 pounds and it has been since last October (hard through the holidays). Best part, I hav NOT gained anything back. Slow and steady is so much EASIER to stick with. And I agree ith Chistina_thersa, I have gained it back fast when I lost it fast. This week was a…
  • I've been eating since I was a kid and Now my kids are loving it...that and Acorn Squash!! My kids actually ask for it!!!!!
  • I know the feeling. I like bacardi rum and diet cokes with lime when I treat myself. Bon Jovi!! EXCELLENT!