Cat fishing and monetary damages...
My mom and I are watching Dr. Phil. The lady on the show has been catfished and paid her catfish over 100,000 that he claimed he needed (not sure for what). Now the argument we are having. My mom thinks that the catfish should pay the woman back the money he stole since he "scammed" her. I say that the lady wasn't coerced…
What would you do?
Interesting dilemma on the radio today... A girl, we'll call her A,asks her friend E if she knows any single guys to set her up with, because she doesn't come across a ton of men day-to-day. E thinks her coworker X would be a good match. She shows X a picture of A and suggests that if he is willing, he might ask her out on…
Catfish tv show
Anybody heard of this show? It's about people who have met someone online, but someone is fishy, so the show goes and investigate for the person, to see if the person is legitimate or not. The man who created the show created it because he met a woman online who did this to him. Dr. Phil is doing a show about the show.…
wing men/wing women
Interesting post on wing women on The Rules Revisited: http://www.therulesrevisited.com/2013/06/no-you-arent-good-wing-woman.html Do you use wing men and women when you go out? Do they work for you?
most underrated parts of being single!
Hysterical article from BuzzFeed! http://www.buzzfeed.com/erinlarosa/the-24-most-underrated-parts-of-being-single
"erasing" someone from your life on social media
Kind of a weird topic title but anyway... To what extent do you "erase" someone from your social media life after a breakup? For example, do you delete all your together pictures off Facebook? Delete lovey-dovey posts you made on their wall or ones that they made on yours? Erase messages (or texts I guess we can lump in)…
"secret admirers" and secrets
I have been noticing a new phenomenon on the internet lately, I'm going to guess it's more of a younger college aged generation thing...the confessing of secrets online. There is one for my college, people write things like "freshman year at the caf I barfed in the bathroom" or "senior year at ___ bar, I hooked up with my…
Interesting article about the psychology behind why we give our crushes/people we're seeing nicknames, and how that psychology differs between men and women. http://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2013/02/why-hot-gym-girl-is-a-grosser-nickname-than-hot-gym-boy/273582/ Does anyone here nickname their romantic interests? I…
This made me giggle:
Any of you read this site? OMG hilarious some of these girls are so dumb. And the explanation below: "...SO NOW I'M WONDERING? Strategically, what do you think I should do next? Basically what happened is we hooked up after a friend's party... Then he snuck out and didn't say anything. I sent him that text the next day and…
input needed
I have a good friend I've known for many years. Back in high school, she had a crush on this guy (he knew) but he didn't like her back. When we were in college, about junior year, he got her phone number and started talking to her and eventually they hooked up/engaged in some sexual activities while they both were home in…
the end of courtship?
We just had a recent thread about this but this article is interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/13/fashion/the-end-of-courtship.html?pagewanted=1&_r=0 I referenced this person before but could never remember her name, but the article talks about her and her upcoming book which I'm pumped to read!…
question i have always wondered...
If you're with someone in bed in the AM and you want to kiss them or whatnot, do you get up and brush your teeth? Is morning breath kissing all that bad? Or do you pull a Kristin Wiig in Bridesmaids and get up and brush? Haha what led to this I don't know...sorry Peeps. Merry Christmas by the way! :)
"nice guys"
This site is funny! The Nice Guys of OkCupid! http://niceguysofokc.tumblr.com/
Have you ever asked family or friends why they think you're single or why you have dating problems or why you always have failed relationships or why nobody asks you out? Has anyone ever given you unsolicited advice? The reason I ask is that because this weekend my friends and I were talking about what kind of men we want…
That time of the year...
Got asked twice tonight "so do you have a boyfriend?" One guy even asked "why not?" So awkward.
"Let's hang out"
Caught the end of a segment on Ryan Seacrest's show about dating. He was discussing how rare it is these days for men to ask women on a date. Tons of women were calling in and saying that men will ask them to hang out, or meet up with a group of friends, but they won't ask them on a date. One girl called in and said "I'm…
I know we discuss chivalry frequently, but I came across an interesting article. http://www.cosmopolitan.com/celebrity/news/does-chivalry-make-us-uncomfortable?click=cos_latest Quote from article: "Other staffers and their friends have issues: * One had a guy bump into her in a bar and spill her drink. He offered to pay…
have you ever...
snooped on a friend's date by following them to wherever they had their date and spying on them from across the room?
dating blogs
I know plenty of us reading dating blogs/websites. What are some of your favorites and why? I always love hearing about new websites and blogs to waste even more time on. Right now I'm reading Date By Numbers: http://datebynumbers.tumblr.com/ Prescott has been writing for years, and she chronicles her dating adventures,…
My Friends are Married
Read and enjoy! http://myfriendsaremarried.tumblr.com/
Reading Glamour magazine...there's an article about being married. One married writes "I'm beginning to realize that single people are more selfish." A man wrote that by the way. Thoughts? I think that the writer means that single people have more time to themselves, and for some reason he equates that as being selfish. I…
I have started a lot of threads lately, my bad, but I just have to post this out there! DM, I feel like this is you moonlightling writing this blog. http://www.therulesrevisited.com/ Is it you???? The writing style and advice are very similar. I have a love/hate affair with this blog. He makes a lot of good points though.
sad day
just creeping on facebook. My middle school crush just got married. :( I'm getting older, it's going to get worse. Everyone will be married soon!
my mom's advice
Tonight, my mom said, "if I was single, I'd hang out at Fleet Farm to meet boys." My mom is hysterical...and there are hot guys there, but am I just supposed to walk around the store and hope one hits on me? Good intentions from my mom though! Do your parents or friends ever give you funny or random dating advice? And if…
too good looking?
My favorite advice columnist, Dear Prudence, published a letter from a man. You can read the whole thing here: http://www.slate.com/articles/life/dear_prudence/2012/11/dear_prudence_am_i_too_good_looking_for_my_girlfriend.html He claims his girlfriend dumped him because he is too good-looking, and that she fears that he…
nobody asked me out today...
Share your favorite dating/relationship memes or other photos/funny things!
I am...
currently going back to about page 200 and re-reading some of the old threads...man it is funny to see that many of us have come a long way! Single people that are currently dating now, people that were dating that are single now, people that got a BF/GF and dumped us ( :( ). It is so fun to re-read all of our old topics!
shy peeps
Any shy single peeps out there? I know a lot of people on single peeps are very outgoing and will just go up to people and talk to them, but I know there have to be a few shy people out there! I was thinking of making this thread tonight because when I was at the store, I saw this really cute guy my age walking, and I…
65,000 dollars in matchmaking?!?!
Did anyone hear about this guy Larry Greenfield? He's out of New York, and has spent 65,000 dollars on matchmaking services and over 250 dates. He now is blaming his matchmakers for not finding appropriate matches, while his matchmakers have said that his problem is that "he's a six and he wanted a 10...." who is a slim…