My Foods: Why can't we scan into this?
I'd like to scan items into the My Foods list because my Recents list seems to frequently not save items I've used even more than once.
Natural sugar vs processed sugar
Is there any way to differentiate natural sugars from processed sugars in the macros? I'm on a special diet where I need to limit my processed sugars but natural sugars are ok.
How reduce my carb cravings?
I am not a sugar tooth but still I have an inclination towards rice & bread products. Can anyone helps me to overcome that !
Do I need to re bind?
I just replaced my fitbit with the same device. Do I need to re link to fitbit? Or does it automatically work?
What is considered lightly active
I just turned 18 and im around 5’10 215, i want to know whats considered light active or can someone give me an estimate on what my activity level would be. When i wake up i walk to the gym (its like 0.9mile), i just started but i workout for about 1hour then i walk back home. I usually don’t do anything unless i have to…
How can I change logged food in the app?
logging food
White screen
I got the white screen when starting the app. What gives?
Clicking on an item in daily diary not working currently:
Hi, This was happening the other day when attempting to modify a serving size for an item in the daily diary and today I am unable to even click on an item to view serving size information. I get the error, "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later." Anyone else experiencing problems today or perhaps…
Where did all my info go?
MyFitnessPal knows I lost weight and how much…but it doesn’t have the graph anymore or the day by day loss. It has my calorie goals updated…but it doesn’t have any journal entries at all. Has this happened to anyone before?
How I can share photos/screenshots on my news feed or my profile
My friends share walks or food cooked. I not got facility to post photos. I’ve got a iPhone 11
Connecting and reconnecting Google Fit
Hey guys, I think I read somewhere the MFP data gets passed to Google fit so you can see macros and calories? Is that correct? I connected MFP to Fit but no data was being passed. Couldn't see anything in Fit. So I had the great idea of disconnecting everything and re-connecting. I removed MFP access in Google and now I…
I appear to have 2 accounts
Greetings! I appear to have managed to duplicate my account. I have one that is associated with this account I'm posting from, however, when I signed up for the 30 day free trail on my Iphone, it created a separate account that I can't seem to access outside of the app. It looks like it's using a privaterelay.appleID.com…
app diary settings
I used to be able to click on an already recorded item and move it from frm meal 1 to 5 for example. Now I am unable to do that. An error window pops up. I can only delete it and then reenter it. Anyone else experience this issue?
Website issue: Unable to edit nutritional information
In the past, when I came across food entries that had incorrect nutritional information, I was able to click "No" to the question "Is this data accurate?" and then a message would pop up "'To correct the information for this food, click here:" with an "Edit" button. However, now, when I click the "Edit" button, I get a 404…
I had a fallback for a few days
How can i stay on program...I ate every sweetthing I can think of. Then I feel bad...
Is it no longer possible?
Its been years since I used the site recently. Since then the paid feature has come in. I remember when I last used the site I was able to have a bar on my dashboard that showed my goal weight, starting weight and current weight. It really helped motivate me but I don't seem to be able to find how to set that up now. Is it…
As of Tuesday afternoon, myfitnesspal won't allow food entry edits! When I try, the response is "T
Please fix this!
How to get massive muscles
56 kg
Unable to edit my Macros
When I try to edit my macros it lets me change them, but after the window pops up saying the changes have been made, it reverts back to the original macros on the goals page. I have successfully changed them on the app, but I use the website to log my food and work on recipes, so this is really inconvenient. Is there a…
BUG REPORT Food Should Taste Good Multigrain Chips
No matter how many times I add these, they never stay in my database. BUGGY
Login streak?
Hi I just got an alert to login before midnight to keep the login streak. I already have though so I’m thinking something is wrong. I’m on 1290 days and it said to login to make it 1291. And it’s not updating. Also exercise history is not saving routines. This seems to be the latest iOS update issues.
How do I add a product to the database?
Beneve Coffee
MFP no longer syncing workouts from Apple fitness app?
My diary is no longer pulling workouts from my fitness app and I don’t know why. Nothing has changed on my phone
Where are the Timestamps for Each food posting?
I would like to see timestamps for each food posting. If I am on an intermittent fast or getting lab work done it would be nice to see the time and date of my last food entry.
Macros per meal
Can the app breakdown macros for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack. As to how much per meal is allowable before consumption? I saw that I went over my limit with dinner yesterday.
Are you able to Use Creatine and Preworkout together?
Hey guys i have a simple question. Are we supposed to mix pre- workout and creatine together i love working out and its just an everyday thing but i use creatine when i know im gonna lift and i just dont want to do too much what do y'all recommend i just Bought this New supplement called LIPORUSH and they said that is very…
Re-do guided tour without deleting account/recipes
Hi there, I want to change my goal from losing weight to maintaining weight, and I would like MFP to recommend me macros. How can I re-do the guided tour without losing all of my recipes and such? Thanks
Importing weight data from Excel or CSV?
Is it possible to import weight history into MyFitnessPal? I don't think it is but thought I'd ask. Thanks
CSV reports
How long does it take the reports to be emailed?
What food is good when you are trying to lose weight?
Hello, I'm starting my weight loss journey and my goal is to lose 10kg.