

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    I confess that I love being on airplanes. There is just something truly amazing to me about it. I always want the window seat so I can stare out the window. My favorite time on a plane was when I left early in the morning, while it was dark and the full moon and stars were out. So breathtakingly beautiful.

    My brother got to fly a jet at his military academy and I am extremely jealous, though I would probably be nervous if I were ever actually given the chance to fly one. This jealousy partially comes from admiring and adoring astronauts and knowing that most of them were pilots before moving on to outer space. I would love to be an astronaut, but I don't think I'm cut out for the job. :tongue:

    Chris Hadfield's book, An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, is amazing!

    My Dh and I went to one of his talks. Very interesting! He's the reason I had a Twitter account so I could follow him up there.

    I'm with you on the wanting to be an astronaut, but as a 44 year old non-scientist, non-pilot I think that ship has sailed.

    My mom's in love with Chris Hadfield :lol: She always says that if she ever remarries again, it's going to be with him. His whole family has been pretty successful. You should check out his Space Oddity video if you haven't already. I'm so fascinated by outer space.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    I know other people have talked about similar trips, but as previously mentioned, I'm going to Phoenix next week, and last night while discussing the trip with my mom I was listing off places I wanted to go... a majority of them are food/restaurant related :lol:
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Wow, 100 new posts! You guys be crazy...

    Today's confession: It REALLY p*sses me off that you can't outwork a bad diet.

    The last month, I've been logging everything as usual, breakfast, lunches & snacks have been on point, but after analyzing the data, noticed my avg cals per day have been quite a bit higher. Exercise burn has been at its usual levels, avg about 550 cals a day. I usually net about 11-1200 cals per day after exercise, but this last month it's been more like 1700. And not good calories either, a lot of crap at home after work. Chips, cake, cookies. Bad habit creeping back in, getting complacent, I've figured this out for years, blah blah blah.

    End result? a 5 lb gain for May.

    The fire has been lit.

    Thanks for the compliment! :)

    I thought you could outwork a bad diet if you were male. All the males in my family do it. They workout simply so that they can continue to eat their fast food, drink pop/soda, and satisfy their steak and bacon obsession. Sorry it's not that way for you, but you will be better off in the long run!

    Some guys can. I'm not one of them, unfortunately!

    Being fit & trim, I am the freak in my family...everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, is overweight. My younger brother looks like John Candy. If I stop watching it & stop exercising I can put on 5 lbs in 10 days, no problem. It's a main focus of my life to stay fit & trim, and I've been on it for 8 years now.

    Here's my DL photo from 2007, at 240 lbs:

    And here's my new one, taken last month, at 175:

    Wow! Great job!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    Dump him and find someone else! You are beautiful!
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    lbking94 wrote: »
    I found this thread last night after looking for posts to make myself feel better for once again thinking I could eat out of the carton of ice cream without over doing. Like I hadn't learned that lesson already. The first two pages made me laugh til I cried, I so related to playing games with a food log that only I see. I didn't realize I wasn't alone. Thank you. I will be returning often.

    Welcome to our safe place!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Darrelkun wrote: »
    Confession: I can't seem to find the mental motivation to lose weight anymore. I don't want to be fat like I am, but somehow I can't generate the energy to eat healthier and exercise. I don't know why I have this mental block, but I want to get rid of it as soon as possible. :/ It's a tad depressing, really. It's like, I know what I'm supposed to do, but for some reason I still feel lost.

    Sorry for your struggles. Since you know what to do, make a plan and stick with it. Don't ask yourself, is this really what I feel like eating for breakfast? Just eat your planned meal. Same thing with exercise. Just go. Don't think about it and don't take the time to have the conversation in your head about whether you feel like it or not. It will become habit without attaching feelings to it. You will make progress. You will feel better and then your emotional state will improve.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    I know how you can lose somewhere in the range of 150-200 lbs... Anybody who says he isn't attracted to you because you've gained weight - is not the right guy for you.

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Feeling like crap today. I had a bad night of emotional eating..estimated 2000 calories over my goal ( I tend to not measure/weigh foods when I binge). I've done way worse..some days up to 5000 over! Anyway, I woke up today with an extra 3 pounds of water weight. Still did my workout though..running 8 miles with that bloated feeling is NOT FUN, but I did it. I knew I had a binge coming on at some point because tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Since that day last year, I have become a completely different person..I can't accept it, can't move on, can't find peace. I've become angry over little things and find comfort in eating. I gained 12 pounds because of it...would have been much worse if I didn't work out every day to counteract all the emotional eating/binges. I've been pretty good over the past two months..losing six of those extra pounds. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and really focus on finding a different way to deal with my emotions. I already feel like I'm going to give in again today though. :( Ugh! Sorry to be a downer.

    No need to apologize - that is what this thread is for! I'm very sorry for your loss. Grief is a long, difficult process. Any option of seeing a grief counselor or specialist? I'm sure it has been an incredibly long year, but in the big picture, a year is much TOO short of a time to expect to "get over it". You never get over it. You just learn to live with the pain.

    Feel free to vent more here instead of eating - we're all here to listen.

    Thank you (and to everyone else who has responded). And yeah, I have thought about seeing a counselor but I really don't think I ever will. I'm doing ok so far today...logged everything that I plan to eat and still have almost 600 calories left over from my run this morning and the 3mile walk with my son. My husband is taking the day off from work tomorrow to spend the day with me...because I just have no idea how tomorrow will be...afraid to relive the moment I got the phone call and be alone.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ["That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    @JPW1990 I know it isn't rare. Have many a friends who upon getting divorced suddenly find themselves in the company of much younger company. I shake my head as a older guy, but honestly there is a LOT of draw to it. Mostly it can capture that feeling of fleeting youth. Ya know, Jerry Lee Lewis "Middle Aged Crazy, trying to prove he still can...".

    I am pretty grounded, but who knows. Was just thinking out loud. No plans for divorce or younger women at this point. :)

    honestly, this is why at 34 i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be alone.
    totally not judging you (after my parents divorced my dad spent years dating younger gals and then five years ago married a girl that is ONE year older than ME. i judge him ;) )
    anytime i go out i can't help but feel like i don't belong. there are young, stunning girls EVERYwhere, i can't imagine anyone settling for my older, pudgy butt. plus i'm also pretty sarcastic and b*tchy. B)
    but seeing how i'm the reason my current relationship tanked, i really don't have anyone else to blame.
    it's still kinda disappointing though.

    I would too!

    Don't give up on finding someone, I'm only 29 and sometimes it's hard since most gals my age are married or in committed relationships but most the time I'm happy as I have the rest of my life to be with someone may as well enjoy my "singleness" now. You'll find someone!! You are very pretty!

    Agree that you are very pretty, plus you're pretty funny going off your additions to this thread and you will meet someone. I met my husband when I was 35 and got married at 37. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. I used to tell myself I was "fundamentally unloveable". Everyone else said it would happen for me, they were right and I was wrong.

    I must be an anomaly. I was reading through the past few days posts and wondering how people can only come up with a couple of things positive to say about themselves. And, why would anybody think that because they don't have somebody that there is something wrong with them? I never really thought I had super high self esteem, but I've always known my worth.

    I am speaking for myself, but... you look around and all you see is "happy" couples and people dating, and there... is... nothing... going on with you. And I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I see some people who are just awful human beings and they are with someone. And then it's like "how come they can find someone, and I can't?" So you start to think there is something wrong with yourself and you must be completely unattractive.

    SEE, yes. As in appearances. People want others to think they are just so happy and "perfect". Generally not the case. Lots of unhappy, miserable people stay with each other for multitudes of reasons. ***I'm not saying this is the case with everyone!*** Just that appearances can be deceiving!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    My best friend had melanoma when we were in our early twenties and I've been watching my mom deal with all the consequences of being a sun bathing beauty her whole life! So just trying to avoid all of that :)

    I tanned for a couple of years in my 20's. Getting a tan started is TOUGH for me because I'm blindingly pale. My mother is a redhead, and I'm whiter than she is.
    I confess that I stopped not because of the fear of melanoma but because my friend who is 10 years older than me LOOKS more like 20-25 years older than me due to her decades of tanning, skin like leather.

    Yes, this is right up there next to cancer for me so even if we didn't risk skin cancer from tanning I still wouldn't do it! I know lots of people hate being pale but I think it looks elegant honestly! I always think about how back in the day if you were pale it was a sign of wealth as you didn't have to spend all your days out working :) haha I'm not that shallow I swear! I just prefer being pale and I don't want to look like a leather hand bag in 10 years!

    When my mom was in her 40's, she had a circle of friends, mostly people she worked with. I knew one or two of them were younger, but thought the rest were around her age. There was one woman who I thought was in her late 50's, because she definitely looked much older than the rest. Turns out she was mid-30's, and had already tanned herself into looking around 58 or so. I'd never had an interest in tanning before then, but that definitely killed any remote curiosity I had about it.

    When I was a teen working a counter service job, many of our customers were retired, wealthy "snow birds" who wintered in warmer climates. The *ahem* older (as in, not much more than my age right now, lol) ladies would come in sporting heavily tanned skin that looked like old boot leather. I remember thinking how unattractive it was... ewwww, shrivelled cleavage... and "I don't ever want to look like that".

    A couple of things I've read have stuck with me. Supposedly 90% of skin aging is "photo-aging" caused by UV. And "a year of incidental sun exposure is worth a day of baking at the beach". A former coworker who easily looked 15 years younger than her age credited diligent use of sunscreen for her youthful appearance. So... vanity was my first motivation for avoiding the sun. Heck, it's probably MOST of my motivation still.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    I used to break spaghetti into 3 when my kids were little. I still break it in half. I rarely order it in a restaurant because I don't like the looong strands.

    I also never order ribs. I hate getting my hands dirty, even if it's because of delicious ribs.

    I've never been a fan of spaghetti. I mean it's ok but def not something I would ever order when dining out. Maybe I haven't had GOOD spaghetti. But then again, I am not a saucy guy so I tend to like more noodle than sauce. And a noodle is just a noodle, correct?

    I crush ribs without second thought. I do however go through a TON of wet naps cuz I hate that sticky feeling on my hands and face.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    Time to go get yourself some action! Safely, of course. And ditch the guy first. He cannot rightly be called a "boyfriend" at this point.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    I know how you can lose somewhere in the range of 150-200 lbs... Anybody who says he isn't attracted to you because you've gained weight - is not the right guy for you.


    Ditto- you could do so so so much better!
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    My best friend had melanoma when we were in our early twenties and I've been watching my mom deal with all the consequences of being a sun bathing beauty her whole life! So just trying to avoid all of that :)

    I tanned for a couple of years in my 20's. Getting a tan started is TOUGH for me because I'm blindingly pale. My mother is a redhead, and I'm whiter than she is.
    I confess that I stopped not because of the fear of melanoma but because my friend who is 10 years older than me LOOKS more like 20-25 years older than me due to her decades of tanning, skin like leather.

    Yes, this is right up there next to cancer for me so even if we didn't risk skin cancer from tanning I still wouldn't do it! I know lots of people hate being pale but I think it looks elegant honestly! I always think about how back in the day if you were pale it was a sign of wealth as you didn't have to spend all your days out working :) haha I'm not that shallow I swear! I just prefer being pale and I don't want to look like a leather hand bag in 10 years!

    When my mom was in her 40's, she had a circle of friends, mostly people she worked with. I knew one or two of them were younger, but thought the rest were around her age. There was one woman who I thought was in her late 50's, because she definitely looked much older than the rest. Turns out she was mid-30's, and had already tanned herself into looking around 58 or so. I'd never had an interest in tanning before then, but that definitely killed any remote curiosity I had about it.

    When I was a teen working a counter service job, many of our customers were retired, wealthy "snow birds" who wintered in warmer climates. The *ahem* older (as in, not much more than my age right now, lol) ladies would come in sporting heavily tanned skin that looked like old boot leather. I remember thinking how unattractive it was... ewwww, shrivelled cleavage... and "I don't ever want to look like that".

    A couple of things I've read have stuck with me. Supposedly 90% of skin aging is "photo-aging" caused by UV. And "a year of incidental sun exposure is worth a day of baking at the beach". A former coworker who easily looked 15 years younger than her age credited diligent use of sunscreen for her youthful appearance. So... vanity was my first motivation for avoiding the sun. Heck, it's probably MOST of my motivation still.
    My best friend's mom growing up went tanning very often and was the color of a dark carrot. I remember thinking she looked at least fifteen years older than my own mother, but she was five years younger. It horrified me, to be quite honest.

    My sister is extremely pale skinned (she can't tan) and doesn't go in the sun without lathering herself in sunscreen. She has perfect skin and it looks like she hasn't aged past 20 (she's approaching 30). After hearing her talk about this routine last year I've been wearing sunscreen everyday as well.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My boyfriend isn't attracted to me anymore because I've gained weight.....I Haven't had sex in five years and it has honestly given me a bit of depression!!!! :'(

    Ok, I don't want to judge, but you've stayed with someone that isn't attracted to you for 5+ years? Get rid of him and go find someone who realizes how amazing you are. Or stay single for a bit and have some fun, but either way, you can do better.

    I'll second this.

    Honestly, I suspect there's something else entirely going on with your boyfriend, and he's just shifting the blame onto your weight gain because it's an easy thing to scapegoat.

    You deserve to be loved by someone completely and wholeheartedly just the way you are.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    My daughter shares your super power. In our house we call it rockin' the Casper. :)

    I'm also very pale & once had a co-worker comment on how white I was after coming back from Hawaii for the second time. The first time I went to Hawaii I had learned my lesson the hard way. Over there the heat is very dry & I thought well it's not as hot & humid like it is in Pennsylvania so I don't need to cake on the sunblock. Ugh! Huge mistake! I had huge welts all over my one arm from a horrendous sunburn. Luckily they didn't hurt, but it definitely taught me to be more vigilant while out in the sun.

    I'm pale but by choice- I can tan really easily but I'm super OCD about having sunblock on anytime I'm outside! I'm terrified of wrinkles and skin cancer :#

    You are very smart! (say the hypocrite tanning addict) I gave it up several years ago, but started again this past March. I love it! But I seriously need to stop.

    My best friend had melanoma when we were in our early twenties and I've been watching my mom deal with all the consequences of being a sun bathing beauty her whole life! So just trying to avoid all of that :)

    I tanned for a couple of years in my 20's. Getting a tan started is TOUGH for me because I'm blindingly pale. My mother is a redhead, and I'm whiter than she is.
    I confess that I stopped not because of the fear of melanoma but because my friend who is 10 years older than me LOOKS more like 20-25 years older than me due to her decades of tanning, skin like leather.

    Yes, this is right up there next to cancer for me so even if we didn't risk skin cancer from tanning I still wouldn't do it! I know lots of people hate being pale but I think it looks elegant honestly! I always think about how back in the day if you were pale it was a sign of wealth as you didn't have to spend all your days out working :) haha I'm not that shallow I swear! I just prefer being pale and I don't want to look like a leather hand bag in 10 years!

    When my mom was in her 40's, she had a circle of friends, mostly people she worked with. I knew one or two of them were younger, but thought the rest were around her age. There was one woman who I thought was in her late 50's, because she definitely looked much older than the rest. Turns out she was mid-30's, and had already tanned herself into looking around 58 or so. I'd never had an interest in tanning before then, but that definitely killed any remote curiosity I had about it.

    When I was a teen working a counter service job, many of our customers were retired, wealthy "snow birds" who wintered in warmer climates. The *ahem* older (as in, not much more than my age right now, lol) ladies would come in sporting heavily tanned skin that looked like old boot leather. I remember thinking how unattractive it was... ewwww, shrivelled cleavage... and "I don't ever want to look like that".

    A couple of things I've read have stuck with me. Supposedly 90% of skin aging is "photo-aging" caused by UV. And "a year of incidental sun exposure is worth a day of baking at the beach". A former coworker who easily looked 15 years younger than her age credited diligent use of sunscreen for her youthful appearance. So... vanity was my first motivation for avoiding the sun. Heck, it's probably MOST of my motivation still.

    Exactly! I know I already look young for my age and I want it to stay that way the older I become so I'm very strict about sunscreen! Even if it's overcast (they say the rays are even more powerful then) I always have it on! No wrinkles or skin cancer for me please!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Feeling like crap today. I had a bad night of emotional eating..estimated 2000 calories over my goal ( I tend to not measure/weigh foods when I binge). I've done way worse..some days up to 5000 over! Anyway, I woke up today with an extra 3 pounds of water weight. Still did my workout though..running 8 miles with that bloated feeling is NOT FUN, but I did it. I knew I had a binge coming on at some point because tomorrow marks the one year anniversary of my mom's death. Since that day last year, I have become a completely different person..I can't accept it, can't move on, can't find peace. I've become angry over little things and find comfort in eating. I gained 12 pounds because of it...would have been much worse if I didn't work out every day to counteract all the emotional eating/binges. I've been pretty good over the past two months..losing six of those extra pounds. I just need to get through today and tomorrow and really focus on finding a different way to deal with my emotions. I already feel like I'm going to give in again today though. :( Ugh! Sorry to be a downer.

    No need to apologize - that is what this thread is for! I'm very sorry for your loss. Grief is a long, difficult process. Any option of seeing a grief counselor or specialist? I'm sure it has been an incredibly long year, but in the big picture, a year is much TOO short of a time to expect to "get over it". You never get over it. You just learn to live with the pain.

    Feel free to vent more here instead of eating - we're all here to listen.

    Thank you (and to everyone else who has responded). And yeah, I have thought about seeing a counselor but I really don't think I ever will. I'm doing ok so far today...logged everything that I plan to eat and still have almost 600 calories left over from my run this morning and the 3mile walk with my son. My husband is taking the day off from work tomorrow to spend the day with me...because I just have no idea how tomorrow will be...afraid to relive the moment I got the phone call and be alone.

    Very nice of your husband to be there for you tomorrow! Glad you will have some support.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    What does one mean when they respond to a thread with QFT? I've always thought my internet lingo was pretty good but since coming to MFP I've realized I suck :p
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    What does one mean when they respond to a thread with QFT? I've always thought my internet lingo was pretty good but since coming to MFP I've realized I suck :p

    Quoted for truth.

    I only know because I went to urban dictionary after seeing it so many times. LOL
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ["That" older guy isn't as rare as you think.

    @JPW1990 I know it isn't rare. Have many a friends who upon getting divorced suddenly find themselves in the company of much younger company. I shake my head as a older guy, but honestly there is a LOT of draw to it. Mostly it can capture that feeling of fleeting youth. Ya know, Jerry Lee Lewis "Middle Aged Crazy, trying to prove he still can...".

    I am pretty grounded, but who knows. Was just thinking out loud. No plans for divorce or younger women at this point. :)

    honestly, this is why at 34 i'm pretty sure i'm gonna be alone.
    totally not judging you (after my parents divorced my dad spent years dating younger gals and then five years ago married a girl that is ONE year older than ME. i judge him ;) )
    anytime i go out i can't help but feel like i don't belong. there are young, stunning girls EVERYwhere, i can't imagine anyone settling for my older, pudgy butt. plus i'm also pretty sarcastic and b*tchy. B)
    but seeing how i'm the reason my current relationship tanked, i really don't have anyone else to blame.
    it's still kinda disappointing though.

    I would too!

    Don't give up on finding someone, I'm only 29 and sometimes it's hard since most gals my age are married or in committed relationships but most the time I'm happy as I have the rest of my life to be with someone may as well enjoy my "singleness" now. You'll find someone!! You are very pretty!

    Agree that you are very pretty, plus you're pretty funny going off your additions to this thread and you will meet someone. I met my husband when I was 35 and got married at 37. I seriously thought there was something wrong with me. I used to tell myself I was "fundamentally unloveable". Everyone else said it would happen for me, they were right and I was wrong.

    I must be an anomaly. I was reading through the past few days posts and wondering how people can only come up with a couple of things positive to say about themselves. And, why would anybody think that because they don't have somebody that there is something wrong with them? I never really thought I had super high self esteem, but I've always known my worth.

    I am speaking for myself, but... you look around and all you see is "happy" couples and people dating, and there... is... nothing... going on with you. And I know I shouldn't compare myself to others, but I see some people who are just awful human beings and they are with someone. And then it's like "how come they can find someone, and I can't?" So you start to think there is something wrong with yourself and you must be completely unattractive.

    SEE, yes. As in appearances. People want others to think they are just so happy and "perfect". Generally not the case. Lots of unhappy, miserable people stay with each other for multitudes of reasons. ***I'm not saying this is the case with everyone!*** Just that appearances can be deceiving!

    This is so true.