

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 Your rings are gorgeous!

    I don't really wear much jewelry. I have a pair of small white gold earrings my parents gave me when I was about 15 that I just leave in all the time. And I have a nose stud that also just stays in all the time. I do LOVE watches though, and have two that I alternate between (except for when I'm using my fitbit).

    I love the idea of jewelry and bought a bunch of necklaces when my friend was selling Stella & Dot stuff, but then I forget to put them on. I also love bracelets & rings on other people, but can't stand them on myself. They spin and get in the way and drive me crazy. It's a good thing I'm not engaged or married, because I'm not sure I could keep a ring on for longer than a couple hours!

    ETA: This is a picture of my favorite watch. I bought it as a gift to myself after getting my heart broken last year. Totally worth it and it still cheers me up :smiley:

    I love jewelery, the dangly, jingly kind especially. With horses though I stopped wearing most jewelery. I now wear my Samsung Gear smart watch on my right hand (that took some getting used to) and my fitbit on my left with my pandora bracelet and a 'weight loss' bracelet from Amazon that I love and I use to remind me not to drink... I wanted a talisman of sorts. :)
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Raelynn update:
    I finally spoke with the preschool director for the district this morning. She is going to talk to the school psychologist and see what she would like to do as far as evaluations and options. She also wants Raelynn to have a speech evaluation as her SPD can (and does) affect how she comprehends and communicates to an extent. She did mention that there is a 3K option we could try, but it is for severely delayed and autistic children. After discussing Raelynn's specific delays and issues was when she decided to get the psychologist involved, so I don't exactly know how that is going to pan out. She did mention possibly doing an individualized plan as well, just depending on what the psychologist thinks.

    Since we've started her on the melatonin she's begun waking up around 5-6am after not going to sleep until around 8:30-9pm, granted she's not waking up at night, but still concerning since that's 8-9 hours of sleep for her, as opposed to the (iirc) 12-15 she's supposed to be getting. We're going to hang on and see if it's just her body adjusting or if we need to try something else.

    The tea party at Barnes and noble didn't go well. She completely freaked out when it came time to sit down for story time and wouldn't go near the other kids, as in completely frozen and stuttering "I don't, I want, mommy, mommy,!" She wound up sitting nearby in my lap but she still wouldn't interact or go near other kids. After the story, there was a craft and we could buy snacks if we wanted. She ran to the back of a table, trying to keep away from everyone, but it was such a small space that she couldn't distance herself. Of course at this time, the director calls me, so I'm trying to help Raelynn with her craft and talk with the director at the same time. Halfway through, Raelynn bolts out from the table, grabs my hand, and says "Mommy, I can't do this" and starts running towards the other end of the store. She literally ran away from the craft area and stayed over in the toy section away from everyone else. If anything could have shattered my heart and made me feel like a horrible person, it was that. I spent the rest of my conversation with the director fighting back tears, it just breaks my heart seeing her struggle like this, and I feel guilty for taking her to that. I feel like I should have known better.

    My husband broke down when I talked to him about today and my talk with the director. She's fighting a battle that she can't understand, and it kills us to see it knowing there's not much we can do. :cry:

    (I feel like I shouldn't be complaining, since I know it could be so much worse, but it's so heartbreaking to see my baby girl struggle everyday!)

    ((HUGS)) Early intervention is so important. See where the school district says to start and see how it goes. There is not a magic wand so it is little steps forward and little slides back. Progress and growth are not linear. As for today, you took her to somewhere out of love that you thought she might enjoy. When she didn't enjoy it you listened to her and let her choose her own space. You respected what she said she needed. I don't see anything to feel guilty about. Vent away.

    Melatonin is not a sleeping pill in so far as it will not keep someone asleep, it just relaxes them to make sleep a little easier. 8 - 9 hours of sleep is a good start. I think that is about all my very "normal" and actually quite gifted daughter ever got. She didn't nap even as a tiny baby after about six weeks. I wanted her to nap for my sake, but she wouldn't. The average center of normal is the amount of sleep suggested but that does not necessarily mean it is the needed amount for everyone, just keep working with the pediatrician and if needed, if it is clear she needs more sleep then a specialist could be sought out.

    HUGS and thinking of you.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited July 2015
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Raelynn update:
    I finally spoke with the preschool director for the district this morning. She is going to talk to the school psychologist and see what she would like to do as far as evaluations and options. She also wants Raelynn to have a speech evaluation as her SPD can (and does) affect how she comprehends and communicates to an extent. She did mention that there is a 3K option we could try, but it is for severely delayed and autistic children. After discussing Raelynn's specific delays and issues was when she decided to get the psychologist involved, so I don't exactly know how that is going to pan out. She did mention possibly doing an individualized plan as well, just depending on what the psychologist thinks.

    Since we've started her on the melatonin she's begun waking up around 5-6am after not going to sleep until around 8:30-9pm, granted she's not waking up at night, but still concerning since that's 8-9 hours of sleep for her, as opposed to the (iirc) 12-15 she's supposed to be getting. We're going to hang on and see if it's just her body adjusting or if we need to try something else.

    The tea party at Barnes and noble didn't go well. She completely freaked out when it came time to sit down for story time and wouldn't go near the other kids, as in completely frozen and stuttering "I don't, I want, mommy, mommy,!" She wound up sitting nearby in my lap but she still wouldn't interact or go near other kids. After the story, there was a craft and we could buy snacks if we wanted. She ran to the back of a table, trying to keep away from everyone, but it was such a small space that she couldn't distance herself. Of course at this time, the director calls me, so I'm trying to help Raelynn with her craft and talk with the director at the same time. Halfway through, Raelynn bolts out from the table, grabs my hand, and says "Mommy, I can't do this" and starts running towards the other end of the store. She literally ran away from the craft area and stayed over in the toy section away from everyone else. If anything could have shattered my heart and made me feel like a horrible person, it was that. I spent the rest of my conversation with the director fighting back tears, it just breaks my heart seeing her struggle like this, and I feel guilty for taking her to that. I feel like I should have known better.

    My husband broke down when I talked to him about today and my talk with the director. She's fighting a battle that she can't understand, and it kills us to see it knowing there's not much we can do. :cry:

    (I feel like I shouldn't be complaining, since I know it could be so much worse, but it's so heartbreaking to see my baby girl struggle everyday!)

    ((HUGS)) Early intervention is so important. See where the school district says to start and see how it goes. There is not a magic wand so it is little steps forward and little slides back. Progress and growth are not linear. As for today, you took her to somewhere out of love that you thought she might enjoy. When she didn't enjoy it you listened to her and let her choose her own space. You respected what she said she needed. I don't see anything to feel guilty about. Vent away.

    HUGS and thinking of you.

    This is pretty much what I was going to say. Please don't ever feel are a wonderful mom doing everything you can to get her the help she needs. You should be proud.

    @LBuehrle8, thank you! It's another picture from after bath time...nice and squeaky clean, in his dinosaur pj's, and holding his "baby" (favorite stuffy) :)
    @Tubbs216, sounds like an awesome vacation!!

    As for jewelry- I never wore any and when we got engaged, it was so hard for me to get used to wearing a ring. I had to take it off every so often because it bothered me for a while. Then it became normal and I didn't even notice it was there. Once I got pregnant with our son, my body chemistry changed and I got an allergic reaction to my wedding band..itchy rash and redness. The band is a little thicker and if water/soap got trapped underneath, it would irritate it. I had to take it off. My engagement ring is a thinner band and that one was fine. Our son will be 4 in December and my finger still gets irritated...I take the ring off every night and have to dry under it really good every time I wash my hands. :(
    The only other jewelry I wear is a small pair of diamond studs, a Cape Cod bracelet on my left arm, and occasionally my Pandora bracelet on my right. If we go out somewhere nice, I'll wear my necklace with my son's birthstone pendant (super thin chain...nervous to break..can't wear every day).
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I just caught up! I was busy after work last night. Went for a couple walks, my sister stopped by, then one of our friends. But on one of my walks I found a secondhand bike for my husband, now he just has to get to the neighbours and buy mine. They are our early 1 year anniversary presents to each other.

    Speaking of jewellery:

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I have a bit more than that. Some bracelets, rings and watches that didn't fit in the organizer.

    I love bracelets, but like everyone else, hate wearing them at work.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @raelynnsmama52512 You are doing everything you can for her. Hopefully all the help you've gathered for her can come up with a good plan.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @nonoelmo your vacation and boots sound great!

    @Susieq_1994 I love your rings!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Will my stupid body WAKE UP? Argh. I keep dozing off... all it takes sometimes if for me to blink my eyes and my body goes ''Oh goody, time to sleep?'' I need to start taking my B12 again.

    In school, starting around 6th grade, I had trouble with falling asleep in class. I didn't want to and struggled like mad to stay awake. It was embarrassing waking up (sometimes with a jolt) and having people stare at me, especially since I am a sleep talker and wondered if I had said something aloud :lol: . Some people try to fall asleep in class and don't care, but I was trying to be a good student :(

    EDIT: Come to think of it, I don't think I've beeen eating much iron lately.

    Sounds like you might be anemic, you should probably get a blood test done.
    I was told by a doctor when I was in high school that I had low iron :tongue: So that's probably part of it.
    peleroja wrote: »
    Will my stupid body WAKE UP? Argh. I keep dozing off... all it takes sometimes if for me to blink my eyes and my body goes ''Oh goody, time to sleep?'' I need to start taking my B12 again.

    In school, starting around 6th grade, I had trouble with falling asleep in class. I didn't want to and struggled like mad to stay awake. It was embarrassing waking up (sometimes with a jolt) and having people stare at me, especially since I am a sleep talker and wondered if I had said something aloud :lol: . Some people try to fall asleep in class and don't care, but I was trying to be a good student :(

    EDIT: Come to think of it, I don't think I've beeen eating much iron lately.

    Oh, man, B-complex is such a big help for me. I take the sublingual drops and it is seriously such a game-changer. I don't eat a ton of meat so my doctor recommended it a while back after some bloodwork and I feel like I can pretty much bounce out of bed when I'm taking it regularly.
    You've convinced me to start taking it again :lol: I don't eat a lot of meat either.

    B12 is one of those vitamins that's very, very difficult to get from non-animal sources, so vegetarians etc. have a tough time with it. I'm not a vegetarian but I just don't tend to choose meat too often so I've had a problem with it. I take iron as prescribed by my doctor too because I also had anemia in my teens (very common for girls, apparently), but taking both is way better for me. You really should talk to your doctor before starting or restarting supplements though...I know it seems overcautious but you can really do some major damage just taking whatever you think you need. Honestly.

    I never thought of that and I take quite a few:

    Cod liver oil
    And a probiotic that I think I'm going to drop as I don't miss it when I don't take it.

    I really notice when I miss my b12.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I had the exact thoughts about getting banana gunk on your hands :tongue:

    Also, I grew up in South Carolina and I have never had a banana and mayo sandwich. Not only that, but it sounds disgusting to me! I already don't like mayonnaise that much, but maybe I'd like the sandwich. Who knows? I think it was Italian_Buju who mentioned eating tomato and peanut butter sandwiches. All kinds of combinations you'd never think to try out there.

    Oh banana sandwiches are heavenly! I need one in my life here soon I do believe! Try it, it's better when there's not a lot of mayo, and it must be dukes mayo! ;)

    I agree. They are good. Better than PB & banana. It has to be the grand a perfectly ripened banana, good mayo spread at the perfect thickness and soft, moist bread.

    Ugh another who just can't wrap their head around mayo and bananas! I like bananas, they're not my favorite thing in the world but I LOVE mayonnaise- on LOTS.

    I am sorry, but bananas and mayonnaise sound disgusting together. I'm not a huge fan of bananas anyway, but don't you DARE sully my precious mayonnaise with one. I almost always ask for extra mayo on sandwiches and burgers.

    I think mayo is gross! Sorry...

    AND you don't like carrot cake. What kind of monster are you?! ;)

    I don't like mayo or carrot cake either. Or pizza, cream, coffee, wine, curry and lots of other 'nice' things. And I had no idea on the recent pickle debate - they're all minging to me!

    I think this probably disqualifies me from the human race by now. Oh to be a panda and just eat the one thing over and over.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I bought a children's duck-down vest at Costco last night because it was made of real down but $20. $20! Luckily I'm hobbit-sized and can make that stuff fit (at least with athletic wear, which generally doesn't look so obviously from the kids' section) because it's so much cheaper than adult clothes. So yeah, I wear kids' clothes....

    I'm far from hobbit-sized (I'm 5'9) but I own quite a few kids' XXL clothes from the Gap because a) they're something where length didn't matter b) they were cute and on sale dirt cheap and c) kids' clothing is exempt from sales tax here -- double win. Including... drum roll please... a down vest!

    Oh, wait. My bust probably qualifies as hobbit-sized. :|

    Oddly, mine does not (I wear a 28H in American sizes) but because my frame is small underneath them (ribcage/shoulders) they still fit in kids' tops by some weird alchemy.

    I've never been able to figure out who women's clothing is actually cut for, because it's certainly not people like me, but then bigger and or/taller women (even my tall slim friends who would seem to have a body like a runway model) say nothing fits them either. So who is this stuff for (and who is the child that my girls' shirts were intended for, for that matter)?

    My heavens, where on earth do you find bras that size??? I thought it was a challenge getting 32C but I will never complain again... I can still find a few here and there.

    And I have NO idea what the "average" woman that is supposed to fit these clothes looks like... I always assumed she was just shorter than me and blamed the poor fit on my length... like the waistline of dresses ending up around my ribs, midway between waist and bust, or rises that are too short.

    I agree with both of you. Whenever I buy clothes for work the pants are either way too long so they drag on the ground and I have to get them altered or I try to buy the "short" size and they are too short. :|

    How tall are you?? This is me, too...I'm 5'7.5"...the cutoff for tall is usually like 5'8"...talls are too long for me and regulars are too short. I always have to buy talls and have them altered.

    5'8" here. Regular pants are always too short (and dresses).

    Tall pants either fit well or drag the floor and can't be worn. The smaller sizes (in Tall) tend to be the proper length more frequently than the double digit sizes I used to wear. I feel for women who are really tall and thin if the Tall length fits me.

    Also I'm little at 5'2" so I can never find anything that fits properly, pretty much always had to have my jeans tailored before skinny pants came into style!

    I'm also 5'2" and I have gotten good at sewing up trouser hems. The main problem I find though, is the combination being short but also curvy. Most V necks or strappy tops look obscenely low-cut on me! Same for dresses. Oh for joy when quite a few local shops started running 'petite' (by which they mean short) sections. Clothes that aren't too low-cut became an option. Hurrah!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    @froggyBug Banana Canoes are banana with a slice cut out of them length wise, you stuff it with marshmallows and chocolate chips. Then you wrap them in tin foil and put them in the coals of the campfire, super gooey deliciousness! Not sure if they have a different name or not elsewhere... >.>

    I tried a banana canoe with a banana, some peanut butter, & a Chocolate Chip Quest bar in the oven a few months ago. The dessert didn't taste bad, but it wasn't something I would make again either.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 Your rings are gorgeous!

    I don't really wear much jewelry. I have a pair of small white gold earrings my parents gave me when I was about 15 that I just leave in all the time. And I have a nose stud that also just stays in all the time. I do LOVE watches though, and have two that I alternate between (except for when I'm using my fitbit).

    I love the idea of jewelry and bought a bunch of necklaces when my friend was selling Stella & Dot stuff, but then I forget to put them on. I also love bracelets & rings on other people, but can't stand them on myself. They spin and get in the way and drive me crazy. It's a good thing I'm not engaged or married, because I'm not sure I could keep a ring on for longer than a couple hours!

    It took me months to stop taking off my engagement ring all the time. I'm used to it now but it drove me bonkers for a while.

    FitBit questions for all of you users: I used to have the One (the clip-on, not the bracelet, until I put it through the washing machine) and I'm thinking about buying another and considering the bracelet this time to reduce the likelihood of another run-in with the machine, but I'm worried about it on my wrist working at the computer etc, both for comfort reasons and wondering if it'll track extra steps. Any opinions on that?

    I HATE wearing watches and bracelets when using a computer, but the fitbit has not bothered me at all. I have the Flex. It will track steps for some movements but not generally for typing, it has to be a more dramatic movement than that. Smooth, non abrupt movements do not track. I wear mine non stop. I even wore it in the pool one day and it survived (not sure if it is supposed to be "that" waterproof or not. My Fitbit is the only "jewelry" I wear on most days. (mainly because my wedding ring is too big - it will just fall off, and they want a lot of money to resize it so I am waiting to get to my goal weight)

    The only fitness tracker I absolutely hated wearing was the Garmin Vivofit. I thought the band was hard as a rock & could feel it at times when I was sleeping & it would always pop off. I once went to grab a soda in the vending machine at work & it fell off. I only kept that a few days & returned it to Wal-Mart. Next I bought the Flex on Black Friday & loved that it rarely popped off but hated that it didn't come with many bells & whistles like time, steps, calories, etc.

    Last week I bought the Charge HR in purple & so far really love it. I had to get the large since they didn't have a Purple in small & just keep it on the second or third to the last rung. It seems that it's accurate in that it doesn't count when I am typing or playing a game on my iPad. I gave my sister (haha this sounds like I am the older sister in the Verizon commercial) my Flex & she seems to like it so far.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I was staining my fence last night (which I HATE doing, FYI) and ended up splashing myself with stain, managing to get a bunch in my armpit somehow. It didn't all come off in the shower, so I have a grey armpit today :blush:

    LOL! At least you didn't drop anymore peanut butter on your pants.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Confession: I dumped all of the extra pie filling into a bowl and threw it in the freezer for an hour. I am currently eating it with a spoon. :blush:

    Yummy! You could always make some mini pies.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    saraherren wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    saraherren wrote: »
    I have such a severe loss of appetite that I have to force myself to eat and am stuck eating only 250-270 calories a day.

    That is not very healthy, why do you have a loss of appetite?

    I think it's because when I got to my goal weight in January (80 pounds lost!), my stomach shrank so much to where I never get hungry. I do eat plenty of protein when I do eat which does keep my satiated.

    I am not sure, but I think the stomach shrinking thing is a myth.

    Food Intake

    The human stomach is about the size of a fist when it is in a regular state. This all changes once you eat a meal. Being that the stomach is actually a muscle, it has the ability to expand and contract when food is consumed. When you eat a big meal, for example, you will often notice your pants will fit tighter. After the digestive process takes place, your stomach goes back down to its normal size, but this has nothing to do with weight loss.

    I am proud you lost 80 pounds, but I hope you get help with your eating/body issues since you should be eating way more than 270-800 calories a day.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @ohgeeque my husband would find that funny - and then he'd be proud of me.

    Mr. Mo would say, "You must REALLY like that dress!" He'd be right too, if I bought it twice. :smiley:

    I have had times where I'll be at a thrift store & go this shirt is so awesome/cute & then I am like you IDIOT you donated that!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    @Susieq_1994 two more books for you. They are children's literature and were part of what we read together when I homeschooled. The author is Richard Peck. A Long way from Chicago is first then A Year Down Yonder. They are funny. I have given them as gifts to adults

    Thank you! I'll definitely check them out. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Raelynn update:

    (I feel like I shouldn't be complaining, since I know it could be so much worse, but it's so heartbreaking to see my baby girl struggle everyday!)

    I'm so sorry that she's going through so much. Just as a former nursery teacher, my heart hurts for her. As her mother, it must hurt so much more. I hope she can get the help she needs!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Other than my wedding band, this is the only jewelry I own (and my most precious treasure). It's silver and only cost fifty dollars, but I love it more than Gollum loved his precious ring. ;)

    It was the very first gift given to me by my husband, and not because he "had to". Traditionally the groom has to buy the bride a super-fancy jewelry set that she'll wear at the wedding. He did so, and I hate it, and it's sitting in a corner waiting for gold prices to go back up so I can sell the ugly thing. He bought me this just because, and I treasure it. :)

    Its beautiful. He is giving you wings. :)

    These wings always remind me of the Tom Hanks movie Castaway with the fedex package with the wings on it.

    They're angel wings, because his favorite nickname for me has always been "Angel". :) My little brother, of course, had to go and ruin it by saying it looked like a fish necklace. :p
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    Raelynn update:
    I finally spoke with the preschool director for the district this morning. She is going to talk to the school psychologist and see what she would like to do as far as evaluations and options. She also wants Raelynn to have a speech evaluation as her SPD can (and does) affect how she comprehends and communicates to an extent. She did mention that there is a 3K option we could try, but it is for severely delayed and autistic children. After discussing Raelynn's specific delays and issues was when she decided to get the psychologist involved, so I don't exactly know how that is going to pan out. She did mention possibly doing an individualized plan as well, just depending on what the psychologist thinks.

    Since we've started her on the melatonin she's begun waking up around 5-6am after not going to sleep until around 8:30-9pm, granted she's not waking up at night, but still concerning since that's 8-9 hours of sleep for her, as opposed to the (iirc) 12-15 she's supposed to be getting. We're going to hang on and see if it's just her body adjusting or if we need to try something else.

    The tea party at Barnes and noble didn't go well. She completely freaked out when it came time to sit down for story time and wouldn't go near the other kids, as in completely frozen and stuttering "I don't, I want, mommy, mommy,!" She wound up sitting nearby in my lap but she still wouldn't interact or go near other kids. After the story, there was a craft and we could buy snacks if we wanted. She ran to the back of a table, trying to keep away from everyone, but it was such a small space that she couldn't distance herself. Of course at this time, the director calls me, so I'm trying to help Raelynn with her craft and talk with the director at the same time. Halfway through, Raelynn bolts out from the table, grabs my hand, and says "Mommy, I can't do this" and starts running towards the other end of the store. She literally ran away from the craft area and stayed over in the toy section away from everyone else. If anything could have shattered my heart and made me feel like a horrible person, it was that. I spent the rest of my conversation with the director fighting back tears, it just breaks my heart seeing her struggle like this, and I feel guilty for taking her to that. I feel like I should have known better.

    My husband broke down when I talked to him about today and my talk with the director. She's fighting a battle that she can't understand, and it kills us to see it knowing there's not much we can do. :cry:

    (I feel like I shouldn't be complaining, since I know it could be so much worse, but it's so heartbreaking to see my baby girl struggle everyday!)

    So, so sorry you and your sweet girl are going through this. Thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.