

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Normally I'm all about the sweets but I have to confess that I'm just not into peanut butter flavoured things.

    Although I like peanut butter itself and Reese's peanut butter anything (except the ice cream), I've always hated peanut butter cookies and don't eat anything else made with peanut butter, even *gasp* cheesecake... and cheesecake has to be one of my most favourite things ever.
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    Second bolded: I too am SO glad for this thread and the fantastic people that are in it. You're all so incredibly wonderful and I totally feel like we're all friends and would be too in real life. I'm 1000% jealous of all you that have met up, or are making plans to meet up in the near future. Maybe someday I will be able to join you.

    Well said. Ditto.

    I loooove peanut butter. I never used to care, but because my husband is severely allergic, I only get to eat peanut stuff when I go away overnight without him or he goes without me. I'm afraid to eat it and then see him right away, even if I brush my teeth and wash my hands and stuff, because it's such a bad allergy. So now I eat ALL the peanut butter whenever I actually can. I have a picture of me (used it for my FitBit profile) that I took in the car on the way to a camping trip without him where I am eating from a jar of peanut butter using the foil seal as a spoon. No shame. I carried that jar around all weekend in a neon fanny pack (sorry Brits, "bum bag").

    You are my favorite person. I have an unhealthy obsession with nut butters (peanut, cashew, macadamia, almond). I usually make my own, but I will bust out some Jif in a second. I have to hide a jar or I will walk around eating out of it.

    I love ALL PB flavored things.

    Same! I was never crazy for it until about 2 years ago. Now it's just a dangerous thing for me to be near...I have definitely killed an entire jar in one day...more than once! :(

    I make it through most of a jar in one day once a year and no shame, haha. It's totally worth it.

    What I really miss is pad Thai though, as it's not the same without peanut oil and peanut garnish. And we have almond butter but it doesn't tempt me at all.

    @raelynnsmama52512, I cannot imagine how tough it must be to have a kid with special needs and zero support from your family. You are a strong woman and a great mother, no matter what less understanding family members might think.

  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: for some reason my fitbit didn't sync my steps from yesterday and this makes me irrationally angry.
    No, that is justifiable, righteous anger!

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! ❤️
    I really appreciate you guys listening to me vent and talk, I don't get that opportunity much. I haven't even mentioned anything that I've found out to the family yet, because I know what comes next, and I don't think I can handle their condescending remarks and snide comments right now.

    That stinks that your family isn't more supportive, you could really use that. You can always talk here!!

    It's okay. I'm kinda used to it, we're sort of the outcasts of the family, so it's not like we're going to get much love anyway. It's usually that we're overreacting, she's just a bad kid, or it's our fault because we don't "expose" her enough, and (my favorite) we don't discipline (aka spank) her enough and that's why she's the way she is. Everyone wants to ignore the multiple doctors that have said explicitly that something is wrong, and blame us for her problems. I've dealt with a lot of bs from his family over the years, and nothing short of us ending our marriage (which is NOT happening!) is going to ever make it better. So, I just try to ignore it and move on.

    I'm so sorry. I think family can sometimes be the worst. I get it with my oldest. He is a very sensitive, energetic, high-spirited kid. I jokingly call him "Problem Child" (anyone remember those movies? and no I don't say it to his face lol) because he has bright red hair and he gets into EVERYthing. The best way to deal with him is a firm hand (not spanking, I just mean not letting him get away with anything), firm voice, consistency, etc. My mother thinks I'm a horrible mother because I do not baby or coddle her perfect little angel boy and she is NOT shy about letting me know I'm too hard on him. Um no, I'm not. I just will not let a 3.5 yr old run the house. He knows we love him and he is extremely attached to me, insists *I* drop him off at daycare/help him with the bathroom/make his dinner, etc., so I must be an ok mom, but she never stops going on and on about how he needs more love.

    I can't imagine trying to deal with people who don't understand her SPD. *hugs* DH's family has a lot of Asperger's (which I know they don't consider a diagnosis anymore), SPD, Spectrum, etc.

    We also have SPD and ADHD and anxiety in his family too, which is why I don't understand why they don't want to be supportive.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Danger is your middle name? :lol:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: for some reason my fitbit didn't sync my steps from yesterday and this makes me irrationally angry.

    Mine didn't either. It says on the app 5,881, but I know I did over 11,000 :angry:
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: for some reason my fitbit didn't sync my steps from yesterday and this makes me irrationally angry.

    I think you mean rationally
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Did you guys force the sync? I do it that way all the time.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    edited July 2015
    peleroja wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Normally I'm all about the sweets but I have to confess that I'm just not into peanut butter flavoured things.

    Although I like peanut butter itself and Reese's peanut butter anything (except the ice cream), I've always hated peanut butter cookies and don't eat anything else made with peanut butter, even *gasp* cheesecake... and cheesecake has to be one of my most favourite things ever.
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    Second bolded: I too am SO glad for this thread and the fantastic people that are in it. You're all so incredibly wonderful and I totally feel like we're all friends and would be too in real life. I'm 1000% jealous of all you that have met up, or are making plans to meet up in the near future. Maybe someday I will be able to join you.

    Well said. Ditto.

    I loooove peanut butter. I never used to care, but because my husband is severely allergic, I only get to eat peanut stuff when I go away overnight without him or he goes without me. I'm afraid to eat it and then see him right away, even if I brush my teeth and wash my hands and stuff, because it's such a bad allergy. So now I eat ALL the peanut butter whenever I actually can. I have a picture of me (used it for my FitBit profile) that I took in the car on the way to a camping trip without him where I am eating from a jar of peanut butter using the foil seal as a spoon. No shame. I carried that jar around all weekend in a neon fanny pack (sorry Brits, "bum bag").

    You are my favorite person. I have an unhealthy obsession with nut butters (peanut, cashew, macadamia, almond). I usually make my own, but I will bust out some Jif in a second. I have to hide a jar or I will walk around eating out of it.

    I love ALL PB flavored things.

    @raelynnsmama52512, I cannot imagine how tough it must be to have a kid with special needs and zero support from your family. You are a strong woman and a great mother, no matter what less understanding family members might think.

    Agreed. I think you sound like a wonderful mother who obviously wants the best for your lovely daughter. I'm sorry your family members aren't more supportive.

    ETA: I screwed up the quotes :disappointed:
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: for some reason my fitbit didn't sync my steps from yesterday and this makes me irrationally angry.

    Mine didn't either. It says on the app 5,881, but I know I did over 11,000 :angry:

    It finally updated!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! ❤️
    I really appreciate you guys listening to me vent and talk, I don't get that opportunity much. I haven't even mentioned anything that I've found out to the family yet, because I know what comes next, and I don't think I can handle their condescending remarks and snide comments right now.

    That stinks that your family isn't more supportive, you could really use that. You can always talk here!!

    It's okay. I'm kinda used to it, we're sort of the outcasts of the family, so it's not like we're going to get much love anyway. It's usually that we're overreacting, she's just a bad kid, or it's our fault because we don't "expose" her enough, and (my favorite) we don't discipline (aka spank) her enough and that's why she's the way she is. Everyone wants to ignore the multiple doctors that have said explicitly that something is wrong, and blame us for her problems. I've dealt with a lot of bs from his family over the years, and nothing short of us ending our marriage (which is NOT happening!) is going to ever make it better. So, I just try to ignore it and move on.

    I'm so sorry. I think family can sometimes be the worst. I get it with my oldest. He is a very sensitive, energetic, high-spirited kid. I jokingly call him "Problem Child" (anyone remember those movies? and no I don't say it to his face lol) because he has bright red hair and he gets into EVERYthing. The best way to deal with him is a firm hand (not spanking, I just mean not letting him get away with anything), firm voice, consistency, etc. My mother thinks I'm a horrible mother because I do not baby or coddle her perfect little angel boy and she is NOT shy about letting me know I'm too hard on him. Um no, I'm not. I just will not let a 3.5 yr old run the house. He knows we love him and he is extremely attached to me, insists *I* drop him off at daycare/help him with the bathroom/make his dinner, etc., so I must be an ok mom, but she never stops going on and on about how he needs more love.

    I can't imagine trying to deal with people who don't understand her SPD. *hugs* DH's family has a lot of Asperger's (which I know they don't consider a diagnosis anymore), SPD, Spectrum, etc.

    This x 1000. We have cousins who have a special needs child and everyone is so supportive, on both sides of their family. I can't even imagine dealing with all of that without support. I believe you are doing everything right!! and I for one hope you keep venting and keeping us updated.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    I confess I can't help but giggle as I watch my neighbor through the window as he scrapes his shoe on the pavement and grass. I'm assuming he stepped in dog poo. I shouldn't laugh because it's the worst when that happens...and I'll probably jinx myself and step in some later while out walking;

    Due to all this peanut butter talk, I'm now craving some. Has anyone ever made peanut butter cookies using the recipe of just pb, egg, and sugar? I think it's one cup pb, one egg, and one cup sugar? Also, if long and what temperature..and are they good?
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Confession: I bought a children's duck-down vest at Costco last night because it was made of real down but $20. $20! Luckily I'm hobbit-sized and can make that stuff fit (at least with athletic wear, which generally doesn't look so obviously from the kids' section) because it's so much cheaper than adult clothes. So yeah, I wear kids' clothes....

    I'm far from hobbit-sized (I'm 5'9) but I own quite a few kids' XXL clothes from the Gap because a) they're something where length didn't matter b) they were cute and on sale dirt cheap and c) kids' clothing is exempt from sales tax here -- double win. Including... drum roll please... a down vest!

    Oh, wait. My bust probably qualifies as hobbit-sized. :|

    Oddly, mine does not (I wear a 28H in American sizes) but because my frame is small underneath them (ribcage/shoulders) they still fit in kids' tops by some weird alchemy.

    I've never been able to figure out who women's clothing is actually cut for, because it's certainly not people like me, but then bigger and or/taller women (even my tall slim friends who would seem to have a body like a runway model) say nothing fits them either. So who is this stuff for (and who is the child that my girls' shirts were intended for, for that matter)?

    My heavens, where on earth do you find bras that size??? I thought it was a challenge getting 32C but I will never complain again... I can still find a few here and there.

    And I have NO idea what the "average" woman that is supposed to fit these clothes looks like... I always assumed she was just shorter than me and blamed the poor fit on my length... like the waistline of dresses ending up around my ribs, midway between waist and bust, or rises that are too short.

    I agree with both of you. Whenever I buy clothes for work the pants are either way too long so they drag on the ground and I have to get them altered or I try to buy the "short" size and they are too short. :|

    How tall are you?? This is me, too...I'm 5'7.5"...the cutoff for tall is usually like 5'8"...talls are too long for me and regulars are too short. I always have to buy talls and have them altered.

    5'8" here. Regular pants are always too short (and dresses).

    Tall pants either fit well or drag the floor and can't be worn. The smaller sizes (in Tall) tend to be the proper length more frequently than the double digit sizes I used to wear. I feel for women who are really tall and thin if the Tall length fits me.

    All you ladies who have blonde hair and rarely shave- cherish it! I shave almost every other day and I wax everything else!

    Also I'm little at 5'2" so I can never find anything that fits properly, pretty much always had to have my jeans tailored before skinny pants came into style!
    Oh, me too! Glad I'm not the only hairy monkey in the house. (Sorry, I know that's rude, but a waxer once called my best friend a hairy monkey, so it kind of stuck with us!)
    My husband says it's like going to bed with the spiky side of Velcro when I haven't shaved!

    Hairy monkey here, too! *raises hand* I'm way lazy when it comes to shaving, and my husband doesn't care--he's always said that he doesn't see why women are expected to shave/wear make up/do hair removal and eyebrow plucking/etc., so he really doesn't care one way or another whether I look like a gorilla... ;) As he put it, as long as areas that need to be shaved for hygiene reasons are shaved, legs and arms and such can be as hairy as can be. :p

    I am too. Like I said, I'm Italian so I am naturally hairy. I have really hairy arms and I'm not going to change it for someone who doesn't like it. I'll live with it. :)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Has anyone seen @riderfangal? Is she still on vacation (camping?) ?
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! ❤️
    I really appreciate you guys listening to me vent and talk, I don't get that opportunity much. I haven't even mentioned anything that I've found out to the family yet, because I know what comes next, and I don't think I can handle their condescending remarks and snide comments right now.

    That stinks that your family isn't more supportive, you could really use that. You can always talk here!!

    It's okay. I'm kinda used to it, we're sort of the outcasts of the family, so it's not like we're going to get much love anyway. It's usually that we're overreacting, she's just a bad kid, or it's our fault because we don't "expose" her enough, and (my favorite) we don't discipline (aka spank) her enough and that's why she's the way she is. Everyone wants to ignore the multiple doctors that have said explicitly that something is wrong, and blame us for her problems. I've dealt with a lot of bs from his family over the years, and nothing short of us ending our marriage (which is NOT happening!) is going to ever make it better. So, I just try to ignore it and move on.

    That stinks. I get it, though. I think a part of it is generational.

    My daughter dealing with panic/anxiety and depression is because she doesn't get up and get out more. OK. So, she has social anxiety, the cure is to do the thing that causes the panic attacks? Meh, whatever.

    Keep doing what you have to do and vent and talk all you want here...
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! ❤️
    I really appreciate you guys listening to me vent and talk, I don't get that opportunity much. I haven't even mentioned anything that I've found out to the family yet, because I know what comes next, and I don't think I can handle their condescending remarks and snide comments right now.

    That stinks that your family isn't more supportive, you could really use that. You can always talk here!!

    It's okay. I'm kinda used to it, we're sort of the outcasts of the family, so it's not like we're going to get much love anyway. It's usually that we're overreacting, she's just a bad kid, or it's our fault because we don't "expose" her enough, and (my favorite) we don't discipline (aka spank) her enough and that's why she's the way she is. Everyone wants to ignore the multiple doctors that have said explicitly that something is wrong, and blame us for her problems. I've dealt with a lot of bs from his family over the years, and nothing short of us ending our marriage (which is NOT happening!) is going to ever make it better. So, I just try to ignore it and move on.

    True story: I no longer see or speak to my in-laws. Worthless pieces of failure to understand....yes, I thought better of typing something else.

    My MIL, when discussing why my husband's ex was actively doing several things to turn her kids against their father, said, "I'm sure she has a reason". I've wanted nothing to do with the woman ever since then.

    Yes, she has a reason. She is a hose beast.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Normally I'm all about the sweets but I have to confess that I'm just not into peanut butter flavoured things.

    Although I like peanut butter itself and Reese's peanut butter anything (except the ice cream), I've always hated peanut butter cookies and don't eat anything else made with peanut butter, even *gasp* cheesecake... and cheesecake has to be one of my most favourite things ever.
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    Second bolded: I too am SO glad for this thread and the fantastic people that are in it. You're all so incredibly wonderful and I totally feel like we're all friends and would be too in real life. I'm 1000% jealous of all you that have met up, or are making plans to meet up in the near future. Maybe someday I will be able to join you.

    Well said. Ditto.

    I loooove peanut butter. I never used to care, but because my husband is severely allergic, I only get to eat peanut stuff when I go away overnight without him or he goes without me. I'm afraid to eat it and then see him right away, even if I brush my teeth and wash my hands and stuff, because it's such a bad allergy. So now I eat ALL the peanut butter whenever I actually can. I have a picture of me (used it for my FitBit profile) that I took in the car on the way to a camping trip without him where I am eating from a jar of peanut butter using the foil seal as a spoon. No shame. I carried that jar around all weekend in a neon fanny pack (sorry Brits, "bum bag").

    You are my favorite person. I have an unhealthy obsession with nut butters (peanut, cashew, macadamia, almond). I usually make my own, but I will bust out some Jif in a second. I have to hide a jar or I will walk around eating out of it.

    I love ALL PB flavored things.

    Same! I was never crazy for it until about 2 years ago. Now it's just a dangerous thing for me to be near...I have definitely killed an entire jar in one day...more than once! :(

    I make it through most of a jar in one day once a year and no shame, haha. It's totally worth it.

    What I really miss is pad Thai though, as it's not the same without peanut oil and peanut garnish. And we have almond butter but it doesn't tempt me at all.

    @raelynnsmama52512, I cannot imagine how tough it must be to have a kid with special needs and zero support from your family. You are a strong woman and a great mother, no matter what less understanding family members might think.

    Mmmm I make my own peanut sauce (the Paleo cookbooks I have call it Sunshine sauce but it's Peanut Sauce, although it's good with Macadamia butter, too) and make my own Pad Thai when I'm not being lazy... OMG so good!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited July 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I can't help but giggle as I watch my neighbor through the window as he scrapes his shoe on the pavement and grass. I'm assuming he stepped in dog poo. I shouldn't laugh because it's the worst when that happens...and I'll probably jinx myself and step in some later while out walking;

    Due to all this peanut butter talk, I'm now craving some. Has anyone ever made peanut butter cookies using the recipe of just pb, egg, and sugar? I think it's one cup pb, one egg, and one cup sugar? Also, if long and what temperature..and are they good?

    All the time. Love them . Better with brown sugar. 350 F 9 minutes. You're welcome.

    ETA: I apologize for enabling the peanut butter baking on a diet forum.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I can't help but giggle as I watch my neighbor through the window as he scrapes his shoe on the pavement and grass. I'm assuming he stepped in dog poo. I shouldn't laugh because it's the worst when that happens...and I'll probably jinx myself and step in some later while out walking;

    Due to all this peanut butter talk, I'm now craving some. Has anyone ever made peanut butter cookies using the recipe of just pb, egg, and sugar? I think it's one cup pb, one egg, and one cup sugar? Also, if long and what temperature..and are they good?

    All the time. Love them . Better with brown sugar. 350 F 9 minutes. You're welcome.

    ETA: I apologize for enabling the peanut butter baking on a diet forum.

    I wonder if it would work with Splenda brown sugar? Anyone tried that?
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    I love Batman's The Joker and Harley Quinn, so I'm looking forward to the Suicide Squad movie. The trailer just came out and I'm really loving the look of Harley!! However, what in the world is going on with this new Joker? He looks... ridiculous. I'm trying not to be too judgemental, because people were angry over Heath Ledger's Joker before The Dark Knight came out, and he turned out to be amazing.

    i am giddy excited for suicide squad!
    i like the way jared leto looks, the only things that bother me are the "damaged" tattoo on his forehead and that gold grill. but i still think the movie is going to be fantastic B)
    The two things that bother me the most, too! The Joker getting a ''damaged'' tattoo, really? They made him into some emo teenage gangster or something. I think the movie is going to be really fun, though... so I need to hold back on judging. I think Jared Leto will do a great job (I hope).
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: for some reason my fitbit didn't sync my steps from yesterday and this makes me irrationally angry.
    No, that is justifiable, righteous anger!

    Ooooh the rage I get when my cell phone GPS drops out while I am out recording a long bike ride. If it was a device instead of an app on my phone I probably would have smashed it on the ground by now. Healthy, I know. :smirk: