

  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I drove 200 miles last night to end my relationships. I talked a lot. Couldn't bring myself to say the words. I didn't think it would be possible for my heart to be so broken again.

    I know this is late, but I'm so sorry.

    I'm so sorry, too. I must've missed this update when I was away for a few days. Thinking of you @orangesmartie - hugs!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!
  • TigerNY128
    TigerNY128 Posts: 763 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    I feel like a jerk posting my happy update after orangesmartie’s post but this morning was a very happy day :)

    I finally hit goal! I’ve lost 40 lbs (which is embarrassing to say, admitting I had that much to lose) and that feels amazing. I’m actually slightly below my weight before DS#1.

    I’m still not happy with the way I look, and I think my next goal is to lose another 5-8 lb. I’m 5’4.5 and 133.5 as of this morning, and I think I would like to maintain around 125-128. I’m not sure yet, because my body changed a lot after DS#2. My hips were a lot smaller- I have a closet full of 4s and Small shirts that used to fit me at 135. Now some of the Smalls fit and I’m in a 6. My 4s are still too tight. I know myself and I’ll keep setting my goals lower and lower so I’m not “officially in maintenance” (which scares me, tbh).

    DH told me to stop overthinking it, take today “off” dieting and just celebrate reaching goal. I got a Starbucks iced coffee this morning; does that count as celebrating? ;)

    Congratulations!! Stop and celebrate. And may I advise you don't set lower and lower goals, set new and different ones. Find an exercise program to help you recomp to the look/size you want. I love maintenance. I enjoy knowing that I can eat and that I am still improving my health without losing pounds. Four kids later, I know my hips will never be my pre-baby size again. I'm cool with that. The girl in my profile pic makes me a proud mama almost daily and so do her brothers. (She's setting a PR for 5 miles in the pic) and they are worth 2 inches in hip size.

    This is very good advice, and I'm debating just switching to re-comping. I also think I may possibly need to let go of the insane urge I have to be back into my pre-children size. They are absolutely worth going up 1 measly size (at my very thinnest I was a 2, but it was for like 3 months and I was miserable so I count my "normal" size 4) and nothing says I wouldn't get back down close to it if I lift hard.

    The insane part of my brain says, "Thin, get as thin as you can", the other part says, "Stop dieting and being crabby and just exercise and eat. Learn to love a size 6 and let it go". I'm married with 2 kids, a dog, a house, back in grad school in the Fall...maybe just accepting a bigger size is worth much more mental well-being than dieting and being crabby?

    I am going to recomp...hence the starting lifting! I am at a really healthy weight, 134 pounds and a size 4 at 5'7", but I still have body fat. I am going to play around with calories...everything I've read/researched says to eat at maintenance. Hoping to lose fat and gain muscle.

    This is me, but as of this morning, I'm 5'7 and 132.4 lbs. My idea weight I think is 135 with less BF and more muscle mass. I should probably start lifting if that's ever going to happen.

    Congratulations on enjoying lifting. And your boyfriend sounds very cool.

    He is, he's the best!

    We seem to be about the same size! I have no idea what my BF% is, but I know I'd like to have less of it!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I can't help but giggle as I watch my neighbor through the window as he scrapes his shoe on the pavement and grass. I'm assuming he stepped in dog poo. I shouldn't laugh because it's the worst when that happens...and I'll probably jinx myself and step in some later while out walking;

    Due to all this peanut butter talk, I'm now craving some. Has anyone ever made peanut butter cookies using the recipe of just pb, egg, and sugar? I think it's one cup pb, one egg, and one cup sugar? Also, if long and what temperature..and are they good?

    All the time. Love them . Better with brown sugar. 350 F 9 minutes. You're welcome.

    ETA: I apologize for enabling the peanut butter baking on a diet forum.

    I wonder if it would work with Splenda brown sugar? Anyone tried that?

    Awesome! Thanks! I was hoping to use Stevia too...I know a lot of people hate the taste, but that's all I use. Hmm, how bad could it be?
    Btw- I don't keep a lot of baking/sweet ingredients in the house like brown sugar, powdered sugar, chocolate chips, honey..etc. It can be very dangerous when I get a craving and those things are available.

    Splenda's texture doesn't always work if the sugar in a recipe is supposed to help provide structure because it's so much lighter, but it would probably be worth a try (even if you still used 1/3 or 1/2 real brown sugar and replaced the rest?)

    Stevia might be better as it's a bit less....snowflake-y?

    Try baking Splenda. It's pre-blended splendid and sugar. I have not used it for these cookies, but I have for other things with good success.

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    Thanks for all the kind words everyone! ❤️
    I really appreciate you guys listening to me vent and talk, I don't get that opportunity much. I haven't even mentioned anything that I've found out to the family yet, because I know what comes next, and I don't think I can handle their condescending remarks and snide comments right now.

    That stinks that your family isn't more supportive, you could really use that. You can always talk here!!

    It's okay. I'm kinda used to it, we're sort of the outcasts of the family, so it's not like we're going to get much love anyway. It's usually that we're overreacting, she's just a bad kid, or it's our fault because we don't "expose" her enough, and (my favorite) we don't discipline (aka spank) her enough and that's why she's the way she is. Everyone wants to ignore the multiple doctors that have said explicitly that something is wrong, and blame us for her problems. I've dealt with a lot of bs from his family over the years, and nothing short of us ending our marriage (which is NOT happening!) is going to ever make it better. So, I just try to ignore it and move on.

    True story: I no longer see or speak to my in-laws. Worthless pieces of failure to understand....yes, I thought better of typing something else.

    My MIL, when discussing why my husband's ex was actively doing several things to turn her kids against their father, said, "I'm sure she has a reason". I've wanted nothing to do with the woman ever since then.

    Yes, she has a reason. She is a hose beast.

    Love it. (the term, not the behaviour!) May plagiarize it repeatedly on future occasions.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Y'all are so sweet! I really appreciate it, honestly, y'all have no idea just how much! I do have support from most of my side of the family, it's the ILs that don't seem to care, but it's okay, we'll be fine with or without their support!

    And, no, I'm not crying, there's just some feels in my eyes....

    I wanted to say that I read all your updates and am very interested in how things are going. I really hope that you get some positive news back from the psychologist and that a good plan is formed for transitioning her into school. She is a lucky kid to have such a caring, compassionate and strong mom who is willing to fight for her. Keep doing what you're doing!! And please keep us all updated! HUGS!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I just got the sweetest surprise from my husband. Sorry had to share!! And sorry its so big!!!
    Wow, they are beautiful!! What's the special occasion?

    Thanks. That is for our ten year anniversary today. I got a dozen for each year. Had no idea he was planning that!

    They're beautiful and Happy Anniversary!!!
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!

    You realize, of course, that you'll now spill something like.... coffee/tea/water on your pants juuuuust as you're thinking the threat has passed.... :wink:
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Yeah, I know that feeling. I once had a Garmin that froze up on me during a long run. I wanted to take it off and throw it down and smash it. The only thing that stopped me was knowing that I was going to call them and make them send me a new one when I got home. I couldn't do that if I didn't have the old one to return. LOL

    MapMyWalk, which gave me massive issues syncing with MFP and screwed up my phone so badly I had to take it off and reinstall, ripped me off for over a mile on yesterday's walk because it popped up some offer to pay for a premium version that apparently halted my tracking until I noticed and got rid of it.

    (But it's free. I can't expect too much.)
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!

    You realize, of course, that you'll now spill something like.... coffee/tea/water on your pants juuuuust as you're thinking the threat has passed.... :wink:
    My husband once spilled half of his tea all down his white shirt on the way to work, and then when he got there, realised he'd put on non-matching shoes - it was dark when he was going out the door, and he just grabbed two black shoes, not checking to see if they were a pair. He said people looked at him strangely all day. You think?!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, I know that feeling. I once had a Garmin that froze up on me during a long run. I wanted to take it off and throw it down and smash it. The only thing that stopped me was knowing that I was going to call them and make them send me a new one when I got home. I couldn't do that if I didn't have the old one to return. LOL

    MapMyWalk, which gave me massive issues syncing with MFP and screwed up my phone so badly I had to take it off and reinstall, ripped me off for over a mile on yesterday's walk because it popped up some offer to pay for a premium version that apparently halted my tracking until I noticed and got rid of it.

    (But it's free. I can't expect too much.)

    I use that app too and I've had 3-4 times where it just didn't work. One time, I was taking a walk with my family (husband, child in a wagon and dog) and it told me I was walking like 6 miles an hour. Personal record, woohoo!...only no way. The other times it just didn't start or something. I thought hmmm, it should have told me I was at a mile and checked and it said I hadn't gone anywhere. But, like you said, it's free.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I had a body comp scan done yesterday in conjunction with a research study at the Univ of Arkansas. I'm still processing the results, but in a nutshell- My bone density is good (she said at expected degeneration rate I could make it to 100 without getting osteoporosis.) My body fat % is higher than I would like (32.8%), but not bad for my age. I'm debating on whether I should try to drop another few lbs. At my lowest weight (which I haven't seen in a few months- I'm hovering about 5 lbs over that), I'm at the high end of healthy for my height (5'2.25")

    I want one of those SOOOO bad!

    My initial motivation for lifting was to build/maintain bone density and I'd really love to know if I'm actually accomplishing that. Every single female ancestor of mine, both sides of the family, has had osteoporosis and I have most of the risk factors.

    At this point I'd also like to know if I'm growing any significant muscle (as opposed to just stripping fat).
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @crosbylee - GORGEOUS flowers!! What a lovely surprise to make you smile all day long. Yay!
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I had a body comp scan done yesterday in conjunction with a research study at the Univ of Arkansas. I'm still processing the results, but in a nutshell- My bone density is good (she said at expected degeneration rate I could make it to 100 without getting osteoporosis.) My body fat % is higher than I would like (32.8%), but not bad for my age. I'm debating on whether I should try to drop another few lbs. At my lowest weight (which I haven't seen in a few months- I'm hovering about 5 lbs over that), I'm at the high end of healthy for my height (5'2.25")

    I want one of those SOOOO bad!

    My initial motivation for lifting was to build/maintain bone density and I'd really love to know if I'm actually accomplishing that. Every single female ancestor of mine, both sides of the family, has had osteoporosis and I have most of the risk factors.

    At this point I'd also like to know if I'm growing any significant muscle (as opposed to just stripping fat).

    Me too! I really want one but not sure I want the results lol :/

    @crosbylee those are gorgeous!!!!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    @crosbylee Happy Anniversary!! Beautifull flowers.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    I just got the sweetest surprise from my husband. Sorry had to share!! And sorry its so big!!!
    Wow, they are beautiful!! What's the special occasion?

    Thanks. That is for our ten year anniversary today. I got a dozen for each year. Had no idea he was planning that!

    Holy cow! Congratulations and they are super beautiful.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lxsaps wrote: »
    I just had about 5 bites of Carrot Cake and I feel terrible about it.

    Don't beat yourself up. If it fits in your calories then enjoy your carrot cake if it didn't fit in your calories still enjoy your carrot cake.

    The only time you should get mad about eating something is if you're allergic or the food is awful! Now I could understand if it were Kale :p.

    Agreed! All the kale can burn in the fiery pits of hell. It is NOT food and should not pretend it is.

    It really should! The first time I ate Kale I tried it in a salad with dressing & had to force myself to finish it. The second time I made Kale chips & they were so disgusting! I thought I got food poisoning from the Kale & it turned out to be the stomach bug. The last time I tried it in a store bought Kale chip package & still tasted like crap. I have finally learned my lesson to never eat them again.

    Now Baby Spinach is yummy & I have been eating it as part of my lunch for weeks.

    LOVE spinach, hate kale. I think it taste dirty and kale chips are disgusting little flakes of horribleness. I don't care how healthy it is or if it is a super food, or whatever, I'm not eating the stuff on purpose and I'm going to be pissed if someone "sneaks" it into something I'm eating. I feel strongly, maybe too strongly, about this.

  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Yeah, I know that feeling. I once had a Garmin that froze up on me during a long run. I wanted to take it off and throw it down and smash it. The only thing that stopped me was knowing that I was going to call them and make them send me a new one when I got home. I couldn't do that if I didn't have the old one to return. LOL

    MapMyWalk, which gave me massive issues syncing with MFP and screwed up my phone so badly I had to take it off and reinstall, ripped me off for over a mile on yesterday's walk because it popped up some offer to pay for a premium version that apparently halted my tracking until I noticed and got rid of it.

    (But it's free. I can't expect too much.)

    I use that app too and I've had 3-4 times where it just didn't work. One time, I was taking a walk with my family (husband, child in a wagon and dog) and it told me I was walking like 6 miles an hour. Personal record, woohoo!...only no way. The other times it just didn't start or something. I thought hmmm, it should have told me I was at a mile and checked and it said I hadn't gone anywhere. But, like you said, it's free.

    It was pretty accurate for me until I did the MFP sync... that messed up everything. I consistently walk about 3.4 miles per hour... the first mile being the quickest, lol.

    The part I dislike is when I start workout mode it mutes my text notifications (no stopping to text for you, Ythannah, keep walking!) and I have to manually turn them back on when I finish my walk.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    I dropped a big blog of peanut butter onto the crotch of my black pants. I tried to clean it off, but peanut butter isn't the most cooperative, so I will most likely have this awful stain on the crotch of my pants all day.

    I really don't like the word crotch.

    With me it's usually something chocolate-ish that melts and smears... normally dropped on my chair, then transfers itself to my slacks... which then resembles excrement, I'm sure.

    Haha. Been there. I used to eat chocolate chip granola bars, and inevitably, a chip would fall off the bar, and somehow creep its way under my butt to melt and become conspicuously noticeable on my jeans. I don't eat chocolate chip granola bars anymore.

  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Y'all are so sweet! I really appreciate it, honestly, y'all have no idea just how much! I do have support from most of my side of the family, it's the ILs that don't seem to care, but it's okay, we'll be fine with or without their support!

    And, no, I'm not crying, there's just some feels in my eyes....

    I wanted to say that I read all your updates and am very interested in how things are going. I really hope that you get some positive news back from the psychologist and that a good plan is formed for transitioning her into school. She is a lucky kid to have such a caring, compassionate and strong mom who is willing to fight for her. Keep doing what you're doing!! And please keep us all updated! HUGS!

    Thank you! You guys will know as soon as I do, I promise! :)