

  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Happy Saturday all. I hope @ShibaEars is able to relax this weekend and not stress too much over Freya. I hope the bat is not rabid! I love candy corn. I went to look for some at the store next to my job and none to be found, yet. I confess I am more excited about Blue Bell ice cream coming back than candy corn at the moment.

    I planned to get in some miles this morning them maybe lift before we hit the road. I got one mile in when I tripped on some rebar stickingout of the road and fell on my face. One mile in. Well, I just sat there for a couple of minutes until the pain died down to a dull roar, then wiped the blood off my hands and went home. No lifting for me for a few days. My knees are hurting from the fall. I was in my Zone and then on my face. NOT a good start to the day.
    I'm heading over to Krogers on Monday morning just to pick something up for me and my sister :wink:

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Thanks to you all for the well wishes. I am hoping that a couple of beers tonight will dull the ache in my palm. I am keeping it cleaned and dressed for the moment.

    That will definitely ease the pain
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    @kelly_c_77 Thanks! Went for a walk and took a nap, and that seems to have made a difference.

    @ythannah I can't blame menopause, as I'm still 22, but I can blame it on PMS (regardless of what time of month it is :tongue:) You're right though, it's all about what sticks for us, despite the little things.

    @nonoelmo Thanks! It's definitely not abusive. He was just kidding with me and my mind automatically went "omg I'm huge.. wahhhh" instead of being reasonable.

    @pofoster21 I don't want him to regret it. It was no big deal, just a joke that I took too sensitivly

    @rungirl1973 It's usually not that big of a deal for me, and we can usually joke with each other about weight, but today it just hit a sore spot.

    @Lois_1989 He's already on a diet, but not because I'm trying to punish him or anything silly. He wants to get back to cage fighting. It was meant as a joke, nothing serious.

    I think it's safe to say you hit a nerve with this topic :smiley:
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    @pofoster21 Noted :tongue: Definitely wasn't something I was trying to do :D
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Should I be worried that I have 666 calories left for the day? Am I about to be eternally damned?
    Looks like it's time to eat back some calories. >:)

    Yes, I would most definitely eat something.

    Done! Sadly it was M&Ms because I didn't post my daily goals today so there was no restriction. Why do I eat these? I don't even really like them... They are just THERE!

    I tried the Candy Corn M&Ms & while they were pretty tasty they were way too sweet.

    Mmm, yum. I'll be trying those soon! I love sweet things...I'm not sure I've ever thought something was too sweet...
    Cadbury creme eggs were overly sweet for me this year.

    I like dark chocolate. I've been munching on endangered species salted caramel recently. I take one square ar a time but it's always mixed with another sweet at some point.

    I've had ice cream, a milk fruit bar, and like three diet cokes today because of the dang heat. I'm running soon but I'm gonna hate not having extra cals for something nice at the end of the day.

    I can't remember the last time I had a Cadbury egg! Did you end up getting your Panera dessert yet?
    Nah. I'd have to wait until Saturday or Sunday. If you want an egg now, I've seen Cadbury Scream eggs at CVS. I think they're just regular creme eggs with green food coloring. To me, the chocolate creme eggs were a lot better than the vanilla eggs. I do agree with @kellyjellybellyjelly about the Russel Stover eggs. I bought these the day after Easter and had a great time with most of em. Carrot cake and cookie dough were my favorite.

    And as for how candy corn tastes... just pure sugar? I'm really awful at descriptions. XD
    Kuruschka wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    I am so glad that I don't live in the US and we don't have this "problem" in South Africa
    I didn't try Doozy Does until this year and they are probably my favorites. They've given me such a hankering for oatmeal desserts.
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I eat zucchini almost every day. Just raw, sliced into coins, and dipped into spicy mustard!!! Nom nom nom.

    No judgement but EWWW HOW?! I tried it raw once, nope never again. Now cooked with some lemon juice nomnom
    I personally don't like cooking veggies a lot because I'm lazy and would rather just cut everything up and leave it at that.
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Update on my bat story: This is all way more serious than I thought it was going to be! I thought I could hand the bat over to a vet for care, get my dog a rabies shot and we could all carry on with our lives. But no. After health services phoned me yesterday I realized it was more serious. I took my dog to the vet yesterday and the vet told me that the bat will be tested for rabies, and if it's negative then everything is cool. BUT if it's positive, (if my understanding is correct) the province steps in and Freya goes into a 10 day quarantine. And I believe they ultimately get to decide her fate :scream: I'm going to be contacted by one or two people, probably on Monday because of all of this. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook that this little bat will be rabies free, but I'm a little worried.

    In good news though, the little bat was moved to a wildlife rehabilitation center in the city and should make a full recovery :smile:
    They're able to preform a test on the live bat for rabies? I hope everything comes out okay for you and Freya!

    I just got a phone call from a Dr - can I just say it's alarming to see "Gov't of Alberta" pop up on your call display? Apparently the guy yesterday was wrong, the bat was too injured and had to be euthanized. (sorry little bat!). They're going to be testing it but won't have results until Wednesday or Thursday. I'm sure everything will be fine but I'll be happy when I know for sure!
    I cant even imagine seeing something like that. XD

    I hope Freya's weekend improves soon! It sucks that she hurt her paw.

    @ejb060793 I hope you're feeling better tomorrow!

  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I don't know what candy corn is.

    I am waiting for my new dumb bells to be delivered so i can commence awesome arm workouts

    You don't know what candy corn is???? How is that possible? Well it is a Halloween staple in the US. I have no idea how common it is in other parts of the world. I can't think of how to describe it except it's basically pure sugar in like a pyramid shape and it's 3 stacked colors orange, yellow and brown. Hence the eating them in sections by color.

    We don't have it in the UK...i think. I've never seen it or heard or it and my grandparents used to own a sweet shop.


    Candy corn. They're small, probably less than an inch high. Dominant flavour is pure sugar, no resemblance to corn whatsoever.

    This is the coloring I remember. The brown reference was very confusing. :D

    The brown ones are "Indian" corn. They also come in approximately 65 different color combinations and flavors now though. Some fall-inspired (caramel apple), and some just weird (cotton candy).

    Are they hard? I'm quite intrigued, should've tried them when I was in America.

    No. They are soft like frosting.

    They are not soft like frosting! They are very solid. They are just not hard. Frosting would be gushy and mushy and you couldn't bite the little sections of color. Did you try them after leaving them in the oven for an hour or something????

    I are the ones my daughter made last, and they had been in the fridge, but I have always thought they tasted and felt like frosting flowers . Not spreadable like icing. (the two words don't mean the same thing to me.)

    ETA: Ate not are. Fat fingers, small keyboard...also, icing is usually butter cream at my house. The candy corn has a thicker texture than that when it goes in the mold, just like my daughter's decorators frosting that god in a piping bag and keeps its shape on a cake. (Have I mentioned that my daughter is a beast in the kitchen - she is and I am blessed.)

    Wait your daughter made candy corn?

    Yes, for her culinary arts class. I ate every batch until she got it right and two more after that. Then I donated the mold to the school for the sake of my teeth. And also because I was utterly sick of it. I don't think I have eaten it since then.

    Ok well then that is a bit unusual. The store bought kind is much firmer than frosting or caked decorations. I agree with @ythanna in that it could be more like fudge.

    It's possible that the store bought kind has corn starch in it as a thickener. That would give it a fudge consistency.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Happy Saturday all. I hope @ShibaEars is able to relax this weekend and not stress too much over Freya. I hope the bat is not rabid! I love candy corn. I went to look for some at the store next to my job and none to be found, yet. I confess I am more excited about Blue Bell ice cream coming back than candy corn at the moment.

    I planned to get in some miles this morning them maybe lift before we hit the road. I got one mile in when I tripped on some rebar stickingout of the road and fell on my face. One mile in. Well, I just sat there for a couple of minutes until the pain died down to a dull roar, then wiped the blood off my hands and went home. No lifting for me for a few days. My knees are hurting from the fall. I was in my Zone and then on my face. NOT a good start to the day.

    I hope you are okay after the fall? Is your tetanus up to date? also, they were putting out fall candy in my nearest grocery today. I saw the unopened cases of candy corn, but have thus far resisted going back to buy it.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    I cried most of this morning. My husband jokingly said he thought I could probably stand to lose another 100 pounds.. just good natured teasing, nothing abnormal, and I cried... for hours.. over something as stupid as a joke... =/

    That was not a very good joke! no judgment- I am sure he was kidding, but he'd have been better off using my husband's line when I complain about the scale moving up. "Let me get the scissors. Six inches of hair ought to weigh that much."
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    This rant about Tollhouse cookies is brought to you by a grumpy and unfulfilled SusieQ.

    So, today my calorie goal got busted. Which is not a good thing, but that's not what I'm whining about. Basically, I went out and walked to the grocery store at noon (interesting side note: I almost killed myself. 47 degrees celsius. NEVER. AGAIN. My EVERYTHING was burning. Oh my GOD, the heat.) because I decided that I really, really wanted cookies.

    So, since I managed to maintain some aspect of my sanity in this cookie venture, I chose to buy one of those round yellow cylinder things of Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough, so I wouldn't have leftover ingredients to bake more--smart, right? NO. :angry:

    When I got home, I was hot and tired, so I left the dough to chill for about 3 hours and then baked it according to directions. The result? PANCAKES. They were SO FLAT that they all ran into each other on the baking sheet (yes, I spaced them!) and turned into one large, flat cookie pancake. The texture was... weird. Not gooey or crispy or anything resembling a cookie--they just fell to pieces as we picked them up, and tasted NASTY. My husband went and washed out his mouth, and I had to just throw out the rest. Never buying that again.

    Tollhouse has destroyed my cookie dreams. I hate you, Tollhouse. :angry: End of rant.

    Note: This rant was mostly tongue-in-cheek, other than the cookie description. :D But I'm still grumpy about my destroyed cookie dreams and ruining my calories over something that nasty. Sigh.

    ETA: One more thing. They had enough grease leaking from them to fry a blue whale. That is all.

    I think you just ruined toll house cookies for me (not that I buy them). Ick. Total bummer. And I'll bet you are still craving cookies. :(

    I think she just made me glad I have celiac - and that ain't an easy trick. Greasy, flat chocolate chip cookies, eeww
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Exactly. Heard it from a friend. LOL
    I like the way your fried thinks and will be purchasing these for my next Cub Scout camping trip. It has to be cleaner than 8-10 sets of fingers breaking the chocolate bars.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 Noted :tongue: Definitely wasn't something I was trying to do :D

    No problem dissent is good for the soul (friendly dissent). :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    edited August 2015
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    This rant about Tollhouse cookies is brought to you by a grumpy and unfulfilled SusieQ.

    So, today my calorie goal got busted. Which is not a good thing, but that's not what I'm whining about. Basically, I went out and walked to the grocery store at noon (interesting side note: I almost killed myself. 47 degrees celsius. NEVER. AGAIN. My EVERYTHING was burning. Oh my GOD, the heat.) because I decided that I really, really wanted cookies.

    So, since I managed to maintain some aspect of my sanity in this cookie venture, I chose to buy one of those round yellow cylinder things of Tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough, so I wouldn't have leftover ingredients to bake more--smart, right? NO. :angry:

    When I got home, I was hot and tired, so I left the dough to chill for about 3 hours and then baked it according to directions. The result? PANCAKES. They were SO FLAT that they all ran into each other on the baking sheet (yes, I spaced them!) and turned into one large, flat cookie pancake. The texture was... weird. Not gooey or crispy or anything resembling a cookie--they just fell to pieces as we picked them up, and tasted NASTY. My husband went and washed out his mouth, and I had to just throw out the rest. Never buying that again.

    Tollhouse has destroyed my cookie dreams. I hate you, Tollhouse. :angry: End of rant.

    Note: This rant was mostly tongue-in-cheek, other than the cookie description. :D But I'm still grumpy about my destroyed cookie dreams and ruining my calories over something that nasty. Sigh.

    ETA: One more thing. They had enough grease leaking from them to fry a blue whale. That is all.

    I think you just ruined toll house cookies for me (not that I buy them). Ick. Total bummer. And I'll bet you are still craving cookies. :(

    I think she just made me glad I have celiac - and that ain't an easy trick. Greasy, flat chocolate chip cookies, eeww

    I found these cookies at the bargain outlet for either $0.99 or $1.99 & seen on their site that they're gluten free.

    I tried the Quinoa Chocolate Chip & it was amazing.

    The cookie is one that is harder & crispier & reminds me of my grandmother making cookies when we were younger. Their Mint Slims & Toffee Chaos Crunch also look really good.

    I have a feeling the next time I go to the bargain outlet & they still have this in stock a few more bags will accidentally fall into my hand basket.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    So after months of searching, today we obtained a car for my teens to share until they can afford their own and for me to drive when I need to move everyone to the same place or just don't want to take the F250. (I love my truck, but it needs gas like I need protein.) A 1997 Mercury Mountaineer. It needs a couple of minor tune up type things and for some reason the child door lock on the rear passenger door won't disengage. Oh, darn I'll have to open the door for the nine year old. OTOH, it has 72,000 two owner miles on it and we only paid $2000 for it. It's perfect for what we need/I want. Oh, and for those here in the sunny South with me, the AC works great!
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    47 degrees celsius. NEVER. AGAIN. My EVERYTHING was burning. Oh my GOD, the heat.)

    I do not know how you do this. When it tops 40 here I turn into a kind of floppy melted flop, lying on my couch with the air-con roaring. I can't imagine whopping on another 7 degrees.

    On the plus side, I'm all :) imagining how fast my washing would dry in such heat.
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    47 degrees celsius. NEVER. AGAIN. My EVERYTHING was burning. Oh my GOD, the heat.)

    I do not know how you do this. When it tops 40 here I turn into a kind of floppy melted flop, lying on my couch with the air-con roaring. I can't imagine whopping on another 7 degrees.

    On the plus side, I'm all :) imagining how fast my washing would dry in such heat.

    I just checked the Celsius to Fahrenheit, since 47F would be a little chilly. It's 116F! I think I'd literally die. I do not know how cookies were in your mind... the only thing I'd be thinking of is water. When it hits 80F/27C here I just stay inside in the AC. I'm a Vermonter.. the heat is no good.

    Agreed with the fast drying laundry though.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 Noted :tongue: Definitely wasn't something I was trying to do :D

    No problem dissent is good for the soul (friendly dissent). :)

    I read that as "dessert is good for the soul" :D
  • ejb060793
    ejb060793 Posts: 281 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ejb060793 wrote: »
    @pofoster21 Noted :tongue: Definitely wasn't something I was trying to do :D

    No problem dissent is good for the soul (friendly dissent). :)

    I read that as "dessert is good for the soul" :D

    Wish that were true... then every time I wanted a brownie sundae I could blame it on my soul's needs... :D
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Since many of you are more up to speed on wedding etiquette stuff than I am... a question regarding how divorced parents are supposed to be arranged.

    My SO and his ex-wife have been divorced for many years and their daughter is getting married soon. The SO obviously has a partner, the ex-w does not.

    I have a nasty feeling that daughter is planning on seating the SO with his ex (based on a random remark she made recently)... is that the way it's supposed to be done? In other words, am I breaking some sacred law of wedding propriety if I protest this?

    Background: historically, daughter has cut me out of a few events which her mother would be attending, throwing her dad and his ex together. Her excuse is that having both her mother and me present would be "awkward".
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I hope you heal quickly!!

    @Susieq_1994 I'm sorry your cookie experience sucked.

    This exactly :)
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Since many of you are more up to speed on wedding etiquette stuff than I am... a question regarding how divorced parents are supposed to be arranged.

    My SO and his ex-wife have been divorced for many years and their daughter is getting married soon. The SO obviously has a partner, the ex-w does not.

    I have a nasty feeling that daughter is planning on seating the SO with his ex (based on a random remark she made recently)... is that the way it's supposed to be done? In other words, am I breaking some sacred law of wedding propriety if I protest this?

    Background: historically, daughter has cut me out of a few events which her mother would be attending, throwing her dad and his ex together. Her excuse is that having both her mother and me present would be "awkward".

    Um well my thought is no she shouldn't do that. They're divorced for a reason. Put mom with some of her own relatives and seat you and dad with other friends/relatives. SO's daughter sounds very immature to me.