

  • Momakanga
    Momakanga Posts: 122 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    This week I learned that the only thing worse than a bra that is too small is one that is too big. I swear that I am losing all of my weight from my chest.

    Me too! The first month after I started this, I lost two inches from my waist and six from my bust! My husband wants to have a funeral...ha ha ha!

    UGH! I want that problem!!!!! I gained back 20 pounds and I am having issues with everything not fitting into my skinny bras, but I refuse to buy bigger ones because I am wishfully thinking that I will have that 20 pounds off again soon. Remember- no judging.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    HAHAHA oh my goodness I'm totally giong to try this next baby shower I go to, thank you!!!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I feel like a loser because I don't ever really have any GOOD confessions for this oh, so worthy thread, but here goes.

    Confession 1: I packed an awesome lunch today and wanted to devour it before 11 this morning. I don't take lunch until 1. I managed to make it until noon, but now I'm sad because my food is over. I often get sad when my food is over.

    Confession 2: I totally had Dr. Pepper last night with my Auntie Anne's pretzel bites and didn't log it. Oops. >:)
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    You're right! LOL
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I feel like a loser because I don't ever really have any GOOD confessions for this oh, so worthy thread, but here goes.

    Confession 1: I packed an awesome lunch today and wanted to devour it before 11 this morning. I don't take lunch until 1. I managed to make it until noon, but now I'm sad because my food is over. I often get sad when my food is over.

    Confession 2: I totally had Dr. Pepper last night with my Auntie Anne's pretzel bites and didn't log it. Oops. >:)

    I'm sitting here right now (12:06) trying to wait until 1:00 to have my lunch. I did already eat my apple...
  • sjohnson__1
    sjohnson__1 Posts: 405 Member
    edited April 2015
    I occasionally alter my diary when eating out to account for extra fats and carbs in the food (burger buns are coated in butter, not normally accounted for when creating a "guesstimate entry"). If my fats or carbs are too high later in the day, I go back and delete those additional grams of fat/carbs to "meet" my macros.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.

    Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't take my dog with me on my runs, but then I remember how ADD she is. She loves running, but I'm afraid of hurting her... She'll be at full gallop and then stop dead to sniff something. I don't want to jerk on her neck by accident :(

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.


    I never had a baby shower. I guess to be fair, we adopted our twins, and we had no match or anything and pretty much got a call saying 'congratulations, you have twins'. So my husband's coworkers gave us $100 and my brother in law gave us a couple clothes. I had no friends to throw a shower anyway, but still, I did feel a bit cheated from the experience (don't get me wrong, I actually don't really like the idea of baby showers and the silly games but it's the principle of the thing).

    And while we were waiting for a match and I was starting to buy things when I found a good deal, the only comment we got was 'are you not getting ahead of yourselves?'. I mean yeah, we waited 2 years, but it was nice to have the stuff ready (even though it turned out it would have been easier to wait as I had a useless single stroller and had to buy another crib anyway). But the whole 'welcoming the baby' thing was pretty much robbed from us.

    Cliff notes - I might be jealous of women who get a baby shower.
  • shannonbun
    shannonbun Posts: 168 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    This week I learned that the only thing worse than a bra that is too small is one that is too big. I swear that I am losing all of my weight from my chest.

    that's where mine has come from, like 5 inches lost from the chest but only 1 or 2 everywhere else. it's ridiculous. solidarity!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2015
    Forum double posted again.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member

    Francl27 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.


    I never had a baby shower. I guess to be fair, we adopted our twins, and we had no match or anything and pretty much got a call saying 'congratulations, you have twins'. So my husband's coworkers gave us $100 and my brother in law gave us a couple clothes. I had no friends to throw a shower anyway, but still, I did feel a bit cheated from the experience (don't get me wrong, I actually don't really like the idea of baby showers and the silly games but it's the principle of the thing).

    And while we were waiting for a match and I was starting to buy things when I found a good deal, the only comment we got was 'are you not getting ahead of yourselves?'. I mean yeah, we waited 2 years, but it was nice to have the stuff ready (even though it turned out it would have been easier to wait as I had a useless single stroller and had to buy another crib anyway). But the whole 'welcoming the baby' thing was pretty much robbed from us.

    Cliff notes - I might be jealous of women who get a baby shower.

    I was a youth counselor for two years- I've always said if I get married and have kids I'd like to adopt for sure and foster kids- there are so very many kids who need good homes and great parents, you are awesome!!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    Oh, yes, you are so right! I AM the step-grandma and I'm by choice the LEAST involved. The other 2 grandmas are in constant competition. I find it highly amusing. At my step-daugther's baby shower for her 2nd baby I gave her three free professional house-cleaning sessions. Needless to say, I WON that shower! I got the best reaction from that gift and I took a smug satisfaction in it. (big confession there because I'm not normally like that; lots of issues and family dynamics involved)
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    jessicapk wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I took my dog for a run for the 1st time this morning (I should say "run"). It took her a little bit to figure out what I was doing but when she finally fell into my pace, she was literally just walking fast. I looked at her like, are you kidding me? I did not ask you to come along to mock how slow I am!

    Ha ha ha! I take my stubby legged 22 lb Shih Tzu walking regularly and, the past few times, I will job a little to see what I can do. He just speeds up and keeps pace with me, acting like I should've been going faster all along. Seriously??? This short legged beast can outdo me and never get out of breath while I'm huffing and puffing?

    Gosh, I never thought about this. I have big dog, long legs and I've never taken him, because I think he'd pull too hard. But I know he wouldn't need to do anything but just walk at my super slow jogging pace.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    Speaking of super slow jogging pace... I confess that a few days ago, when I was "running", I was passed by someone who was walking. I made a comment to her about being slow, and she excused it by saying that she just has long legs. Ok, they were long, but still... she was walking. And I was "running". Ugh.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    Next time try paying more attention to the politics behind it, you'll have more fun. The baby shower isn't about the baby, so much as it's a competition between grandmothers to see who can outdo the other. Bonus if you have a competitive aunt-to-be or two in the mix. Who spent the most, who got the best reaction to their gift, who didn't show/left early/got there late. If the grandma's don't like each other, or one or both doesn't like the other one's kid, you can play passive-aggressive comment bingo. If there are step-grandma's involved, it may be even more entertaining, especially if the step-grandma is the more responsible or involved than the bio grandma.

    Oh, yes, you are so right! I AM the step-grandma and I'm by choice the LEAST involved. The other 2 grandmas are in constant competition. I find it highly amusing. At my step-daugther's baby shower for her 2nd baby I gave her three free professional house-cleaning sessions. Needless to say, I WON that shower! I got the best reaction from that gift and I took a smug satisfaction in it. (big confession there because I'm not normally like that; lots of issues and family dynamics involved)

    I loved my niece's shower. We had 2 bio grandmas and one step, all of them politely civil to each other, at best. They all tried their damndest, but none of them had a prayer against my other niece, who decided it was her job to be the best aunt in the whole world. It doesn't hurt that she's single and makes good money, so had plenty to drop on baby stuff. It took a full 20 minutes just open her present, which was 3 of the giant, blanket size gift bags filled with what had to be at least $500 worth of assorted baby things. The butt hurt was strong in that room.
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Slashnl wrote: »
    Speaking of super slow jogging pace... I confess that a few days ago, when I was "running", I was passed by someone who was walking. I made a comment to her about being slow, and she excused it by saying that she just has long legs. Ok, they were long, but still... she was walking. And I was "running". Ugh.

    I've been passed by ladies pushing strollers ;)

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    I also dislike baby showers. Where you all sit there and ohh and ahh over clothes that will just be puked on anyhow. :/
    ps I have no kids, shocker right? :smiley:

    I'm the same- it's like throwing a birthday party for someone when it's not their birthday yet! Haha I get all butthurt over them but I go because I love my family and friends. Plus when I have kids one day they will be obligated to reciprocate!

    It's not necessarily the shower part that bugs me, sometimes those games are Just. So. Awful.

    They are TERRIBLE and STUPID! My best friends threw a shower for me when I had my son, and we did not play games. Some other not as close friends threw me a shower when I had my daughter, and they had games. I wanted to scream, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Don't get me wrong, I was very thankful for the shower and the gifts!

    Another complaint regarding baby showers: Buy what's on the DAMN registry! That's why parents register, and some of us put ALOT of thought into what we need! Just because you saw the cutest little outfit does NOT mean you have to buy it! Rant over!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Speaking of showers. Every time my BF stays over he uses my shampoo, soap, deodorant and my toothpaste. Frankly, I don't like it for a number of reasons. We've talked about it, but he thinks I'm petty. Yesterday, I asked him where his stuff was, he said in his gym bag at work. Today, I hid the deodorant, when he asked where it was, I said, "It's gone".
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    edited April 2015

    ...have I mentioned that I'm 45 years old?