

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    Big bowl of ice cream - Sam's Choice Coffee and Doughnuts

    What is this?! If this is doughnut pieces in coffee ice cream I'm going to have to leave work right now.

    YEP! With a doughnut glaze swirl!

    This sounds amazing! I'm not a big ice cream fan. I mean, I like it but it's not something that I waste calories on. When I do eat it on occasion, it's Coffee Coffee Buzz Buzz! My husband will buy the store brand Neapolitan...Yuck!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Great thread everyone! Now that I've caught up to the current posts I can finally post myself. Just getting to this point feels like I've smashed out a huge essay or similar. Like I've done the research required to participate or something.

    I confess I cannot stand listening to people eat. It takes me from calm to mad in 10 excruciating seconds.

    I confess that I have little interest in, nor affection for animals. Despite quite liking my cat, I glaze over with boredom when i see or hear anything animal related. I fake interest when it is unavoidable. Of course i believe they should all be fed and cared for properly and protected but beyond that, well it's just not very interesting to me.

    I confess now that I've admitted to that it may only be a matter of time before someone alludes to this being one of the common traits of a sociopath or psychopath. i guess it's a chance I'll have to take ☺

    I don't think it is! Everyone has their interests and lack thereof--My eyes glaze over during most sports, for example, and some people are bored to death with babies while everyone else makes weird cooing sounds over them. I don't think it makes anyone a sociopath or anything like that, since it isn't like they wish harm on them or something... ;)

    I'm one of those unmaternal types who are "bored to death" with babies. Everybody could be prattling on about how "cute" and "adorable" some infant is, and I just don't get it... I might as well be looking at a big bowl of broccoli as far as "cuteness" goes. Like, huh??? (fortunately I didn't have any kids, lol)

    Puppies OTOH... now that's "cute"! <3

    Me too! I'm at the age where all my friends and relatives are having babies and I'm just like..."yay?" I don't mind that they're excited about it, but scrolling through the baby/baby-bump pictures day in and day out is a bit eye roll inducing. Plus then they keep wanting me to interact with their child and I'm like "I have negative maternal instinct, I'll drop it somehow and feel bad forever." -_-

    I sympathize. I can get really overwhelming. My oldest 2 kids have kids, my youngest son does not. He is choosing to not have kids at this time, but ALL of his siblings and friends have at least one if not more children. He has a hard time keeping quiet about everyone shoving their children (live and in pictures) in his face constantly. I have no problem if he never has kids. That is his choice, but boy does he hear an endless slew of comments from friends and family about it! Thankfully he is a Correctional Officer and is responsible for mentally ill criminals so he has no problem replying to those ridiculous rude comments about having children.
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    I confess that every since I switched to diet soda, any drink with higher amounts of sucrose or fructose in it, tastes like I'm grabbing a handful of sugar and putting it in my mouth.

    Regular soda makes my stomach hurt!
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    Me, too! I hate talking on the phone.

    I talk on the phone all day at work, so I'll be damned if I'm gonna pick up the phone at any other time. Text me for Pete's sake. My husband is the polar opposite; he is on his phone alllll the time. He had the day off yesterday, and he called me (I counted) 12 times. For nothing, really. And that was just me! I'm sure he was calling 100 other places, too.

    This is my kids. I hate it when they are home from school on a day off. I tell them only call me if it is an emergency or something really important where the answer absolutely cannot wait until I get home. My 7yo calls me, "Mom, can I have a cucumber?" "Alex, was this an emergency?" "Yes, because I am hungry!" ...this goes on 5-6 times during the day. Finally had to tell teenager to hide the phone from her.
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    My confession: Yesterday, on top of my regular meals, I ate:

    Two Quest bars (Lemon Cream Pie and Coconut Cashew)
    Heath bar
    Easter chocolates - about 6
    Big bowl of ice cream - Sam's Choice Coffee and Doughnuts
    Cadbury mini eggs - about 20

    And I skipped out of going to the gym. I don't know what was up, but I ate until I was sick and then kept eating. It was disastrous. All I can do is pick myself up, dust myself off, and do better today. :(

    ...and you will, because you rock! We all have those days. Not the end of the world.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    jessicapk wrote: »
    *deep breath*

    - I am rarely in pictures. I delete them all if I can get my hands on it. I have this one from Disney because I sucked in and posed and even then I cropped my arm and legs out. I can't. My kids will have no pictures of me at all. I take the pictures of my family so I am behind the camera
    - I am missing my nephew's wedding partly because it is far away and would be hard to get to but also because I can't go dress shopping or be in pictures that I can't edit.
    - I think I look alright in the mirror and I like my hair, makeup, clothes...then my kids will take a picture when playing with my phone and I want to die of embarrassment.
    - I wish my husband wouldn't be interested in sex to help motivate me to loose (just kidding!) lose weight.
    - I don't have boobs or a nice butt to show off. I have considered a boob job. If only it was cheaper.
    - I work from home and I have read this entire thread while working (waiting for things to load) and y'all are hilarious. Ok not a confession but true.
    - I eat around 1300K a day I think and I record everything. I think my weight is more due to inactivity but I don't wanna work out during lunch 'cause Friends is on Netflix and the couch is like right there!
    - I stopped using MFP and going to the gym for several months, I am back now and I will make the changes to help the weight
    - I am pushing my husband to get a vasectomy because I am desperately hoping that the the birth control is the ONLY reason I am fat.
    - I want to have friends here to help be accountable.

    I do the EXACT same thing with pictures. Every now and then, I'll keep one picture so the kids have at least one with me in but I HATE it. Trying to get to where I don't care but hopefully, I'll have a thinner face soon and it will no longer be an issue.

    After my mother passed unexpectedly at 51 years old, we had very few pictures of her for the exact same reason. Remember that memories for your family run much deeper than your weight in them. If you don't like it, don't post it online or print it but make sure your family has access to them.

    I do the same thing with pics. My son is 4 and honestly I only have about three pics of us together
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    My boss and the sr director of hospitality are out shopping for new mini fridges. I just got a cell phone picture of the mini fridge they want and told to go to the store they were just at and buy it. .. . .there are 2 people with corporate cards that are capable of buying this "MINI" fridge. But now I have to go where they just were and do it myself. . .

    Tuesday 8am can't come soon enough.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    OK, since we're all confessing about other people's kids, I just say that I absolutely hate it when coworkers bring their kids in to "visit". The whole office shuts down to ooh and ahh. It's like nobody ever saw a child before.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I have completely irrational anxiety about talking on the phone to anyone but my immediate family. As a result I don't answer the phone when I don't recognise the number, most of the time I don't answer it even when I do. I absolutely hate having to call to make appointments (doctors, hair etc). Even my manager at work has taken the hint and now texts/emails me instead to ask if I can cover for someone.
    I can't remember if it's always been like this, but it is soo annoying sometimes!

    My daughter is like this! It takes a LOT of energy and pumping herself up to even call the doctor's office for an appointment or something like that.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    My boss and the sr director of hospitality are out shopping for new mini fridges. I just got a cell phone picture of the mini fridge they want and told to go to the store they were just at and buy it. .. . .there are 2 people with corporate cards that are capable of buying this "MINI" fridge. But now I have to go where they just were and do it myself. . .

    Tuesday 8am can't come soon enough.

    Why on earth did they not buy them themselves while they were there??? Makes no sense.

    What is happening Tues. @ 8:00 AM? What did I miss?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    OK, since we're all confessing about other people's kids, I just say that I absolutely hate it when coworkers bring their kids in to "visit". The whole office shuts down to ooh and ahh. It's like nobody ever saw a child before.

    Ugh, I have clients that do this. Yes, I have 3 grandchildren of my own and no, yours aren't cuter than mine. But, I must just smile and play along. Totally exhausting. I'm no good at being fake at all.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    lilypond45 wrote: »
    What an amazing and funny thread, thank you all for sharing!
    My confessions:

    1) I am battling a massive sugar addiction. When I get the shakes, I sometimes have to have a teaspoon of sugar out of desperation. So so ashamed of that one!

    2) I can also eat an entire tub of icecream/ pack of cookies/ 12 bags of crisps in one sitting. Haven't for a while though.

    3) I really resent having to work so damn hard to get the weight off. I tend to have really healthy meals but struggle with the horrific snacking. I get very arsey about the fact that I have got fat just because of snacking.

    4) Sometimes I will log my 8mile cycle to work if I am desperate for extra calories. Even though I have been cycling for 2 years and at no point does it remotely challenge me anymore.

    5) Many others listed on this thread :smiley:
    Suggestion: Don't make a thread asking how to break your addiction. You will get SAVAGED!

    HAHAHA that's the first thing I thought too when I read that but didn't want to say anything
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    The phrase "awesome sauce" makes me cringe.

    Haha that's not one I use but I do love to say "totes mcgotes" a lot! It's so fun my brothers, sister, and I crack up at ourselves when we say it, it's hilarious!
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    I am more likely to shower before the gym than after.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    5. I don't expect everyone to always have perfect grammar/spelling. I certainly don't. But it's "lose". "Lose" weight. Not "loose" weight. "All 'loose' and no 'lose' makes Overlook an annoyed girl." ;)

    Every time I read someone saying they're going to loose their weight I just try to picture all the little baby adiposes running around and giggling. It calms me a little bit.

  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    I took my dog for a run for the 1st time this morning (I should say "run"). It took her a little bit to figure out what I was doing but when she finally fell into my pace, she was literally just walking fast. I looked at her like, are you kidding me? I did not ask you to come along to mock how slow I am!

    Ha ha ha! I take my stubby legged 22 lb Shih Tzu walking regularly and, the past few times, I will job a little to see what I can do. He just speeds up and keeps pace with me, acting like I should've been going faster all along. Seriously??? This short legged beast can outdo me and never get out of breath while I'm huffing and puffing?
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    If I tried to jog with my beagle I'd probably (definitely) fall down almost immediately. He likes to stop and smell every. little. thing. so the first interesting stink would bring him to a dead stop.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    This week I learned that the only thing worse than a bra that is too small is one that is too big. I swear that I am losing all of my weight from my chest.

    Me too! The first month after I started this, I lost two inches from my waist and six from my bust! My husband wants to have a funeral...ha ha ha!

    Last Saturday, I woke up two pounds lighter (daily weigher) & I swear both pounds came straight off my chest! Wtf? Ugh! Seriously, the bra I wore the day before was suddenly huge. I tried it on just to see if I was imagining things. I was so sad. Too bad we can't pick where we lose weight. :(
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    5. I don't expect everyone to always have perfect grammar/spelling. I certainly don't. But it's "lose". "Lose" weight. Not "loose" weight. "All 'loose' and no 'lose' makes Overlook an annoyed girl." ;)

    Every time I read someone saying they're going to loose their weight I just try to picture all the little baby adiposes running around and giggling. It calms me a little bit.

    That made me laugh! I think I'll try that from now on. :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    My boss and the sr director of hospitality are out shopping for new mini fridges. I just got a cell phone picture of the mini fridge they want and told to go to the store they were just at and buy it. .. . .there are 2 people with corporate cards that are capable of buying this "MINI" fridge. But now I have to go where they just were and do it myself. . .

    Tuesday 8am can't come soon enough.

    That is about the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You do work in a barrel of morons. I'm so sorry.