

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited April 2015
    Pipara wrote: »
    I confess that a previous confession in this thread made me turn the toilet paper around to the face the wall, just to see if my sister (who we're always teasing has slight OCD tendencies) will turn it back around :naughty:

    Did she?

    I think I'm going to really have to change my habits, drastically. Does anyone here sit down and plan out their grocery lists/meals for the week? Or even for the month?? I'm thinking I might have to do that. Today I went to the store to pick up a few things... upon seeing the row of candy I had a moment of weakness and went for it. Sugar really gets to me. My diary is overloaded with the stuff, and I am sure I wouldn't be meeting my protein requirements at all without my whey protein.

    I plan dinners each week. I have a white board in my kitchen wear I keep track of EVERYTHING in both my pantry and freezer along with the quantity of each. That way I make sure to use what I already have on hand (prevents me from buying stuff I already have and helps me stick to a list for what I need rather than impulse buy). I also find it helps me to keep things fresh rather than buying so much processed foods. I also tend to have the same breakfast everyday, which is an apple, a slice of toast with peanut butter. Lunch tends to be dinner leftovers or soup.

  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    It is almost 11pm, and I just got to sit down and am almost ready to eat dinner......two hours later than I even thought..... :/
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    Also, I just learned about quokkas today. They are so freaking adorable with their little smiles! I confess that once I see a cute animal I can look up videos of them for hours.

    Quokkas are one of my favorite animals! They look remarkably like my boyfriend, too, though I can't say exactly why... maybe his super fluffy sideburns. And they're friendly! They're not scared of people. People take selfies with them all the time, which is perfect for these always-smiling animals... they even smile when they sleep!

    Oh My Goodness, how cute are they!!!
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I brushed my teeth so that I'll be less tempted to eat when my mom gets home from work.
  • m_w_s
    m_w_s Posts: 16 Member
    I think I'm going to really have to change my habits, drastically. Does anyone here sit down and plan out their grocery lists/meals for the week? Or even for the month?? I'm thinking I might have to do that. Today I went to the store to pick up a few things... upon seeing the row of candy I had a moment of weakness and went for it. Sugar really gets to me. My diary is overloaded with the stuff, and I am sure I wouldn't be meeting my protein requirements at all without my whey protein.

    I plan the menu for the week, with dinners (main meal at my house) planned for each day, and plans for "general stuff" to have in the house for easy breakfasts and lunches. Then I do a big shop on the weekend, and make notes about which things to walk to the store to get fresh during the week (e.g. on Wed. need to get fresh salad greens). I can't do each meal the whole week - I know some people plan each and every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and check that they fit their macros carefully etc. I don't have that kind of time and it makes my head hurt lol. Planning out dinners that are healthy for me and that the others will also eat is enough. If I make sure I have general healthy stuff for lunch and breakfast that sort of works itself out...

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I'm *kitten* sick of my mother acting like it's totally fine for my naturally-heavy sister to be anorexic, acting like her size is normal and okay, blah blah blah, when she never did anything but call me "a *kitten* skeleton" and tell me to eat more when I lose my appetite from depression (which she would never believe I had, even when I was constantly suicidal.)
    She's really amazing in general, but that particular thing pisses me off so much, especially because I've confronted her about it. She literally knows that my sister looks at thinspo, has calorie counts, unhealthy weight goals, extreme restriction, etc. and she just chooses to completely ignore it because my sister is the perfect child. Sigh.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Thank you all for your input! I have tried the planning thing before but could only do it for dinner, never lunch and breakfast. So I like that idea... planning any more than that will probably just.... well, I probably won't stick with it for long. Even the dinner thing is a problem, so I'll just TRY MY HARDEST!!! Better that than going to the grocery store blind :P Stupid yummy things. Crazy thing is I used to obsessively plan out grocery lists in high school and stuck to them perfectly and had fun doing it. Where did that go?
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm *kitten* sick of my mother acting like it's totally fine for my naturally-heavy sister to be anorexic, acting like her size is normal and okay, blah blah blah, when she never did anything but call me "a *kitten* skeleton" and tell me to eat more when I lose my appetite from depression (which she would never believe I had, even when I was constantly suicidal.)
    She's really amazing in general, but that particular thing pisses me off so much, especially because I've confronted her about it. She literally knows that my sister looks at thinspo, has calorie counts, unhealthy weight goals, extreme restriction, etc. and she just chooses to completely ignore it because my sister is the perfect child. Sigh.
    Oh my, I'm really sorry to see this. I've had problems with my own mother in the past, and like you I've suffered from depression and bulimia and thought she highly favored my siblings over me. I know it can be frustrating and hurtful, and I wish I could think of some good advice to give you. I love my mom with all my heart and I have grown to forgive her. If your sister is anorexic, though, she needs help. Unfortunately, while your mother certainly SHOULD NOT encourage anorexia, depending on how old your sister is she might just end up pushing her towards it more if she tries to stop her. :( I'm really sorry about your situation.

    EDIT: Your sister needs some positive encouragement. Maybe she should look at some of the success stories on here from women who have been weight lifting and eating healthily! :) I know I'm impressed!
  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm *kitten* sick of my mother acting like it's totally fine for my naturally-heavy sister to be anorexic, acting like her size is normal and okay, blah blah blah, when she never did anything but call me "a *kitten* skeleton" and tell me to eat more when I lose my appetite from depression (which she would never believe I had, even when I was constantly suicidal.)
    She's really amazing in general, but that particular thing pisses me off so much, especially because I've confronted her about it. She literally knows that my sister looks at thinspo, has calorie counts, unhealthy weight goals, extreme restriction, etc. and she just chooses to completely ignore it because my sister is the perfect child. Sigh.

    My parents favour my younger sister more than me because she is most like them. As my sister pointed out to me once, my goals and priorities probably make them insecure about their own which is why it is easier to favour her. (I never knew she was so wise?!)
    Don't know if this applies in your situation but food for thought?

    PS Anorexia sounds heartbreaking, I can't even begin to imagine how hard it must be for her or anyone else with this terrible disease.
    I think of how they must feel inside and I just want to cry for them.

    Who are her role models? Athletes or .. erm....models who have been Photoshoped?

    Beautiful at any size but health should always be our priority. Good luck, it won't be easy xx
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I confess that a previous confession in this thread made me turn the toilet paper around to the face the wall, just to see if my sister (who we're always teasing has slight OCD tendencies) will turn it back around :naughty:

    Did she?

    I think I'm going to really have to change my habits, drastically. Does anyone here sit down and plan out their grocery lists/meals for the week? Or even for the month?? I'm thinking I might have to do that. Today I went to the store to pick up a few things... upon seeing the row of candy I had a moment of weakness and went for it. Sugar really gets to me. My diary is overloaded with the stuff, and I am sure I wouldn't be meeting my protein requirements at all without my whey protein.

    I plan dinners each week. I have a white board in my kitchen wear I keep track of EVERYTHING in both my pantry and freezer along with the quantity of each. That way I make sure to use what I already have on hand (prevents me from buying stuff I already have and helps me stick to a list for what I need rather than impulse buy). I also find it helps me to keep things fresh rather than buying so much processed foods. I also tend to have the same breakfast everyday, which is an apple, a slice of toast with peanut butter. Lunch tends to be dinner leftovers or soup.

    I keep a notepad file on my computer that I do that with. Then I upload it to my kindle and use it like a grocery list. :)

  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member

    Really, really sick. It's when my "food monster" kicks in; I can put away ENORMOUS amounts of food and still not feel full. Then, it's like the monster just goes to sleep and I'm suddenly so full that my stomach is swollen and I can't breathe. It's pretty awful, to be honest, and I wish I couldn't put that much away myself! The stuffed, sick feeling doesn't go away for about 48 hours, usually, and the bloating it causes stays for like a week. :(

    I am suddenly not really contemplating doing this once out of morbid curiosity. It sounds quite terrible, and must interfere with your wellbeing for quite a few days. I'm sorry. I hope you have found ways to restrain the desire to eat to the point of causing yourself such intense discomfort?

    It's definitely terrible, and I wish that I could restrain it! Some days/weeks are much worse than others, and I've just finished up what have been a TERRIBLE last two weeks for me, and I don't even want to look at the scale this month after that mess. :(

    I'm just going with "Today is a new day!" mentality and hoping for the best for the next couple of weeks, since I did way too much damage to be able to repair it without severely restricting my calories for an unhealthy length of time, so... Wish me luck!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    m_w_s wrote: »
    I think I'm going to really have to change my habits, drastically. Does anyone here sit down and plan out their grocery lists/meals for the week? Or even for the month?? I'm thinking I might have to do that. Today I went to the store to pick up a few things... upon seeing the row of candy I had a moment of weakness and went for it. Sugar really gets to me. My diary is overloaded with the stuff, and I am sure I wouldn't be meeting my protein requirements at all without my whey protein.

    I plan the menu for the week, with dinners (main meal at my house) planned for each day, and plans for "general stuff" to have in the house for easy breakfasts and lunches. Then I do a big shop on the weekend, and make notes about which things to walk to the store to get fresh during the week (e.g. on Wed. need to get fresh salad greens). I can't do each meal the whole week - I know some people plan each and every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner), and check that they fit their macros carefully etc. I don't have that kind of time and it makes my head hurt lol. Planning out dinners that are healthy for me and that the others will also eat is enough. If I make sure I have general healthy stuff for lunch and breakfast that sort of works itself out...

    I do this too. I have a list of tons of "Dinner" meals in a Word document, and I cycle them throughout the week in a way that I don't ever repeat one too often, so meals don't get boring. I plan my grocery list (which I have in an Excel sheet so I can just mark "Needed" or "Not Needed", then sort by "Needed" and print) according to the dinner list, and buy common breakfast and lunch foods when I'm running low (eggs, bran flakes, oats, peanut butter, etc).

    It works very well and reduces food wastage to almost nothing. :)
  • Pipara
    Pipara Posts: 79 Member
    Pipara wrote: »
    I confess that a previous confession in this thread made me turn the toilet paper around to the face the wall, just to see if my sister (who we're always teasing has slight OCD tendencies) will turn it back around :naughty:

    Did she?
    Twice... So far. Though she hasn't said anything about it yet :wink:

  • lalabrucey
    lalabrucey Posts: 244 Member
    edited April 2015
    Pipara wrote: »
    Pipara wrote: »
    I confess that a previous confession in this thread made me turn the toilet paper around to the face the wall, just to see if my sister (who we're always teasing has slight OCD tendencies) will turn it back around :naughty:

    Did she?
    Twice... So far. Though she hasn't said anything about it yet :wink:

    As the original poster of the confession I am laughing right now as I imagine if this happened to me I would wonder if I was going nuts and whether I needed a lie down! Hahaha good one. Gotta mess with us OCD types once in a while lmao!

    Now for your next trick: Mess with the alignment of the remotes on the coffee table!!!
  • solivera87
    solivera87 Posts: 13 Member
    I check Groupon often for things to buy that will help me loose weight. I have every pill, wrap, shake you can think of. Its just an addiction that im trying to stop. The only thing ive actually used ao far are the shakes
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    On planning, I don't really for dinner or breakfast (I try to for lunch, because I have to or end up buying it, which is a huge waste of money, although I'm lucky enough to have some easy good choices near my office). But for breakfast I have basically 2 standard options, for which I need either eggs or oatmeal, plus other things I always have (berries, cottage cheese/yogurt, veggies). When I wake up I just decide if I want my usual omelet or if it's an oatmeal day.

    I really do never have reason to wander the grocery store looking for ideas except in the produce section or the fish section or maybe if I go look at cheese in WF (or ice cream, but I only go to that section if I've already decided to buy ice cream). As a result I almost never impulse buy in the grocery store, although I can't attribute that to planning (I don't do lists), but simply that I go to the store with specific things in mind to buy and--more important--always feel like I'm in a competition to prove I'm the world's fastest, most efficient shopper (and always tend to shop when I'm kind of in a hurry to get home). It's a weird thing that's probably quite helpful, as it happens! ;-)

    Also, wow, so cute!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I hate planning meals. More often than not I end up too hungry in the evening to make whatever I had planned and it has to change anyway... or I get bored with the same foods but can't find any new ideas. I have to do groceries now and I have no idea what to get for the week because I'm not really craving anything, especially for breakfast or lunch... and it makes me sad to eat boring food.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    I think I'm going to really have to change my habits, drastically. Does anyone here sit down and plan out their grocery lists/meals for the week? .

    I do that - I get a list of lunches and dinners first and prep my shopping list around that. I stick 'the menu' on the fridge too so my family knows what the plan is - this stops them from taking random stuff from the fridge I planned to use for something else.
  • Lizzyhwhearts
    Lizzyhwhearts Posts: 19 Member
    I drink fizzy diet drinks and smoke whilst on the exercise bike. I'd much rather bike for 2 leisurely hours than go nuts in half an hour.
  • debrag12
    debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
    So I'm still messing around with calorie goals etc. Been visiting family this week and I'm in the red most days. I was actually under my TDEE Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, but over by 15 on Thurs and 118 yesterday so I don't feel too bad, I just hate seeing the red especially thinking about others seeing that and judging my eating etc

    One way I get round this is to have my goal as TDEE or as close to but then I need to remember to eat a few 100 calories below it.