

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    All this talk about waxing and crap makes me very happy I need not worry about such things, lol

    I have no leg hair, I do not shave them, and you cannot tell. I have no hair anywhere really, even my underarms I only shave them a few times over the summer, and even then it is only for cleanliness due to the amount of swimming I do.....I am sure I am actually the least hairy Italian on planet Earth.....

    I'm so jealous! My hair is pretty light, but even still it grows very fast and is simply annoying. Count me among those who want to get laser hair removal. Would love not ever having to worry about my legs again.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    My confession is that I slept most of the day, only getting up occasionally to eat and do chores and such.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    I'll add my amazement to that one. And the usual attack crew showed up.
    I do wonder how rare the actual special snowflake is? I mean genuine metabolic differences which make it super hard to either gain or lose weight when on a diet that would cause another body with the same stats to behave 'typically'. I know we always see 'We are all different' on the threads a lot, but actually we're pretty similar on the whole. Slight variations are expected, but I wonder how many people are way out of the realm of 'normal' without medical reasons.

    You can start with trying to figure out how many people are IR, but the issue there is a lot of people are for years without being diagnosed, because it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and a doctor knowledgeable enough to do the right tests. Most people who are can eat more calories on low carb than calories with carbs, and lose more weight - still at a deficit, but a much smaller one to make the same progress.

    On top of that there are conditions like lipedema, I think it's 1 in 10 women have it, might be higher, but it's abnormal fat deposits in your lower body, and no diet will get rid of them, no matter what the resident know-it-alls out there think. You can be anorexic and eat 300 calories a day, and still have the deposits in your legs, a size 00 on top and a size 18 on the bottom. The only way to get rid of it is through a specific kind of water assisted liposuction, and that only reduces what's already there, won't prevent new deposits from building after. Otherwise, best anyone can do is try to control it, which is usually the same therapies @ythannah and I have to use.

    Ours is lymphedema, the hereditary version, which is 1 in 100k people, while other people have the much more common secondary, which usually happens as a side effect from surgery or cancer treatment. If it's caught early, it can be controlled somewhat, but left undiagnosed and unattended, it can get really bad. Again, I can become anorexic and lose the majority of my body fat, but it doesn't get rid of the accumulated fluid, that requires a whole other protocol of medical treatments that may or may not help.

    There are other conditions with their own quirks that change the CO portion so drastically, the usual whining about it's CICO get over it just sounds clueless. Then factor in that a site like this will have a higher proportion of people with these kinds of medical issues, because people who don't have them are less likely to need a weight loss site to begin with.

    TL;DR: Probably a hell of a lot more than the usual suspects care to acknowledge.
    That's very interesting - especially the Wiki about Lipedema because the stage 1 woman looks a lot like me :/
    But what I was really referring to was how far the range of 'normal' goes - i.e. people with no medical conditions whose bodies don't behave like everyone elses. Is IR insulin resistant? I'm afraid I don't even really know what that means (off to Google...)

    Right, but what I was getting at is first you have to weed out all the people who aren't normal but don't know they're not normal. That question out there about thick legs is a good example. Based on how she phrased her question, specifically fat on her legs, and the fact that lipedema is actually quite common, I'm tempted to ask if she has lipedema ankles. And, I'll bet if I did, the usual suspects would immediately cry foul. It damages their sense of superiority when you can show them an actual medical reason they can be wrong.

    IR is insulin resistance, and it seems to be the most common thing that people don't realize they have until they take the initiative to ask the doctor instead of the doctor figuring it out for them.

    This is one of the things that is wrong with me. For years I kept trying to get many different doctors to take me seriously and test me for anything at all that matched my symptoms and I basically got rolled eyes instead. As soon as a doctor took me seriously enough to test it was an automatic, "Well, this is actually bad enough that we need to put you on medication right away!"
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    Confession. I have to REALLY bite my tongue to not tell the mortgage officer that it is stupid to ask me for documents that the state sends directly to them. They want a lot of documents to see that I can afford the mortgage that I've been paying all by myself with money I've earned for the past 2.5 years. But it will be lovely to not have my ex on the mortgage. :smile:

    I used a scale today. I'm pretty darn good at eyeballing. I was off less than a gram with my sunflower nut butter. I tend to overestimate the number of calories I record and I round up. 190 calories - that's 200. 280 calories - that's 300. Thus, I'm doing ok. But I didn't measure or record that glass of Cabernet Savignon tonight. (Did I spell Savignon right?) Or the waffle I had just before bed. (Shhhhh)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »

    I'll add my amazement to that one. And the usual attack crew showed up.
    I do wonder how rare the actual special snowflake is? I mean genuine metabolic differences which make it super hard to either gain or lose weight when on a diet that would cause another body with the same stats to behave 'typically'. I know we always see 'We are all different' on the threads a lot, but actually we're pretty similar on the whole. Slight variations are expected, but I wonder how many people are way out of the realm of 'normal' without medical reasons.

    You can start with trying to figure out how many people are IR, but the issue there is a lot of people are for years without being diagnosed, because it takes a lot of jumping through hoops and a doctor knowledgeable enough to do the right tests. Most people who are can eat more calories on low carb than calories with carbs, and lose more weight - still at a deficit, but a much smaller one to make the same progress.

    On top of that there are conditions like lipedema, I think it's 1 in 10 women have it, might be higher, but it's abnormal fat deposits in your lower body, and no diet will get rid of them, no matter what the resident know-it-alls out there think. You can be anorexic and eat 300 calories a day, and still have the deposits in your legs, a size 00 on top and a size 18 on the bottom. The only way to get rid of it is through a specific kind of water assisted liposuction, and that only reduces what's already there, won't prevent new deposits from building after. Otherwise, best anyone can do is try to control it, which is usually the same therapies @ythannah and I have to use.

    Ours is lymphedema, the hereditary version, which is 1 in 100k people, while other people have the much more common secondary, which usually happens as a side effect from surgery or cancer treatment. If it's caught early, it can be controlled somewhat, but left undiagnosed and unattended, it can get really bad. Again, I can become anorexic and lose the majority of my body fat, but it doesn't get rid of the accumulated fluid, that requires a whole other protocol of medical treatments that may or may not help.

    There are other conditions with their own quirks that change the CO portion so drastically, the usual whining about it's CICO get over it just sounds clueless. Then factor in that a site like this will have a higher proportion of people with these kinds of medical issues, because people who don't have them are less likely to need a weight loss site to begin with.

    TL;DR: Probably a hell of a lot more than the usual suspects care to acknowledge.
    That's very interesting - especially the Wiki about Lipedema because the stage 1 woman looks a lot like me :/
    But what I was really referring to was how far the range of 'normal' goes - i.e. people with no medical conditions whose bodies don't behave like everyone elses. Is IR insulin resistant? I'm afraid I don't even really know what that means (off to Google...)

    Right, but what I was getting at is first you have to weed out all the people who aren't normal but don't know they're not normal. That question out there about thick legs is a good example. Based on how she phrased her question, specifically fat on her legs, and the fact that lipedema is actually quite common, I'm tempted to ask if she has lipedema ankles. And, I'll bet if I did, the usual suspects would immediately cry foul. It damages their sense of superiority when you can show them an actual medical reason they can be wrong.

    IR is insulin resistance, and it seems to be the most common thing that people don't realize they have until they take the initiative to ask the doctor instead of the doctor figuring it out for them.
    What are lipedema ankles? Thick ankles, swelling?

    The extra weight stops at the bottom of your calf, just above your ankle, then the ankle gets really narrow, and the foot is "normal." Like an episode of Criminal Minds where someone attached a fat leg to a skinny foot.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    jorinya wrote: »
    I saw Shane Lynch from Boyzone, in his boxer shorts 20 years ago in my home town. Ok, I know what your thinking but it wasn't like you think. Here's the truth:
    I was on First Aid Duty and was in the back of the ambulance with my cousin. I looked out the side window and there stood Shane in his boxers with a towel around his neck, on his mobile to his girlfriend. I got so excited instead of poking my cousin in the ribs with my elbow, I missed and got her in the face instead. Shane saw us and waved over at us before going back inside.
    Very innocent really!!! But 100% true!!

    Your poor cousin - that's hilarious.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    Another confession is I can't sleep if I'm hungry. I will stay awake all night. I have stayed awake all night. A waste of perfectly good sleeping time. So I almost always eat a little bit right before bed.

    I read a thing about how eating before bed can keep you up. I call BS on that cuz every time I eat before bed, I sleep like a rock.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Confession: I love smoothies and have gotten several recipes from people on the forums. I've been to chicken to try them. The first few times I experimented on my own, I wound up with recipes that did not work for me. I pouted about my missed go to smoothie and wasted calories.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    margfish wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Third confession - made a quiche from scratch. Forgot to weigh the pan before putting the crust in. Now I'm going to have to eyeball my servings. I HATE that.

    Cut all your servings at once and pre-wrap them so they're ready to grab and reheat in the morning. Then you can weigh them all anyway. That's what I'd do; I also HATE guesstimating, especially when you probably went to a lot of effort to make a delicious dish!

    I would have but my baking skills are lacking and the crust is kinda disintegrating when you lift it up, so it's not going to work out, lol. Not a huge deal I guess, some pieces will have more or less of each ingredients so it's going to be an approximation anyway. It is tasty though...
    All this talk about waxing and crap makes me very happy I need not worry about such things, lol

    I have no leg hair, I do not shave them, and you cannot tell. I have no hair anywhere really, even my underarms I only shave them a few times over the summer, and even then it is only for cleanliness due to the amount of swimming I do.....I am sure I am actually the least hairy Italian on planet Earth.....

    I am jealous. I can get away without shaving for a day in the Summer but that's pretty much it.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I used to "ask my friends what kind of pizza they wanted" when I was really just ordering two pizzas for myself.

    I used to do the thing where I'd order a large pizza and three diet cokes. (Which was particularly dumb since I think the delivery place charged like $2/can.)

    I wasn't even someone who would ever eat the whole pizza in a sitting and there's nothing strange about wanting leftovers so it was just about feeling pathetic about ordering pizza on my own. Now I'd have no problem with it, either--in fact, I ordered two pizzas with my sister on Friday and didn't even get insistent that she be there when I opened the door like I used to. I was much more paranoid about others making judgments about my eating habits when I was fat, which is sad.

    Extra drinks at the drive thru so it didn't look like all those sandwiches were for one person.

    Yeah, I've done that. I've also gone straight from one drive thru to another so I could order multiple meals without feeling like I was being judged.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    I hate that it's going to rain all day tomorrow. After being cooped up and having to workout indoors all winter, I avoid doing so now unless I absolutely have to.

    I use rainy days to get myself to do things inside that I try to avoid, like cleaning out my dresser. Or, more recently, homework.

    Totally rather do my homework outside though!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    All this talk about waxing and crap makes me very happy I need not worry about such things, lol

    I have no leg hair, I do not shave them, and you cannot tell. I have no hair anywhere really, even my underarms I only shave them a few times over the summer, and even then it is only for cleanliness due to the amount of swimming I do.....I am sure I am actually the least hairy Italian on planet Earth.....

    Damn, I'm super jealous. I am fair with really dark hair, so I am in constant hair maintenance mode.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I adore rainy days in the summer. I love the sound and smell and look and feel. When it's really really warm and there's rain and some wind and a thunderstorm, it's so relaxing to me. Reminds me a little of being on a beach in my home state.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    OMG you people, seriously, I have 1 Friday off and you guys fill up 10 pages (so far)! I keep looking at the date of the posts and thinking "nope, still Friday" I'm up to page 603 and I still have 11 pages to go! So I'm doing a half way confession and then I will continue.

    I had Friday off work to go to the burial of the last half of my SO's nan. I say last half, because the poor woman's ashes was split in half, 1 half is buried with her husband and the other half has been split into THREE for each of her children and then they are spreading her in all the places they think she would like to be. I'm sorry but I personally would hate this to happen to my ashes. I can't help but think "what if I need those bits later?" you don't know what happens after, you might need the other half. So yea, then we went to the pub and I had a very healthy superfood pasta salad followed by a not so healthy carrot cake and many, many beers. And then that theme carried on throughout the weekend. BUT I did a lot of walking so on balance I don't think it was toooo bad.

    SO as a bonny girl from Great Britain, I am very upset about the lack of different flavour Starbucks Frapps going on. I feel I'm missing out greatly.
    I'm joining the line to see Terry Pratchett and Jack the Ripper in the afterlife.
    I can't eat raw onion, the flavour stays in my mouth for the rest of the day.
    I don't know what a
    peanut buster parfait
    or a
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    brownie chocolate chip cookie dough blizzard
    is but I want BOTH
    @rungirl1973 - that dress looks AMAZING on you, I definitely think you should wear it. Often.
    @quiksylver296 - I hope your run went well! (I'm sure I will find out when I continue reading :smile: )
    And I've completely lost track of all the other things I wanted to reply to.
  • ohgeeque
    ohgeeque Posts: 224 Member
    I am a bit of a klutz. I can trip over the pattern in a rug.

    My walking has been pretty safe, so far. I have had decades of practice and can do it quite well; I stumble but usually catch myself. Now, I'd like to step up to jogging. I'm just afraid that I will trip on the street or fall off the treadmill. One would be more painful and the other more embarrassing. I can't decide which is worse, so I just keep walking.
  • clover157
    clover157 Posts: 23 Member
    Today is the first day in two weeks I've stayed under my calories :/ Really having trouble getting my binge eating under control. But today was a win! Hopefully tomorrow will be too :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Confession: I feel like I've lost more weight than I obviously have. Just went out to buy new running shorts but when I tried some on they looked bad. Very, very bad. I instead bought some capri-length leggings that didn't look great, but are at least *FUN* (stripy). Also got a new sports bra in a size that I've never been before (throwback to earlier in the thread!) I'm excited about that because it has a normal clasp rather than the pull-over your head type which are really hard to get off when you're all sweaty.

    Yes! I love the sports bras with clasps. So much easier to get on and off.

    I'm 10 pages behind, but ME TOO!!! It's a requirement in a sports bra now.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    ohgeeque wrote: »
    I am a bit of a klutz. I can trip over the pattern in a rug.

    My walking has been pretty safe, so far. I have had decades of practice and can do it quite well; I stumble but usually catch myself. Now, I'd like to step up to jogging. I'm just afraid that I will trip on the street or fall off the treadmill. One would be more painful and the other more embarrassing. I can't decide which is worse, so I just keep walking.

    I am the same, and nearly fall a lot. I roller skate too, and I can't tell you how many times I've nearly spectacularly fallen, but caught myself, buy haven't ended up on the ground yet. Although I did fall running, just after I took up the skating, tripped on a stone and fell flat on the ground, putting big holes in my hand. But, I healed really, really quickly and I'm sure that's because at the time I was eating really healthily.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Not to be a downer bit wanted to let you all know since you have been on this journey with me that To Boldly Go (yes AOJ for Star Trek) "Oberon" passed away this morning. He was 21 and I had him for 16 years. He was my best friend and the love of my life. May he rest in peace. ♡

    Sorry to hear that. RIP - always a tough one.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    It's my birthday weekend (Monday) and I am trying to not go off the rails. Last night I went to the grocery and got a pint of greek frozen yogurt & Fiber One bars some but man oh man did I want a LARGE 8pm 1/2 price Sonic shake.