November 2016 Running Challenge



  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    @MNLittleFinn with a good session in the gym you won't want to run :D , I'd say give her a chance and follow the plan for a month and evaluate from there. You could also let her know your mileage goal and see if she would be willing to tweak it for this month
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn with a good session in the gym you won't want to run :D , I'd say give her a chance and follow the plan for a month and evaluate from there. You could also let her know your mileage goal and see if she would be willing to tweak it for this month

    Good point on that. I've been so mileage obsessed I've let myself forget that good XT can really boost running ability without the same hammering on my body. She knows my current mileage, so I'll just have to see.....Just proves teachers are the worst students, my first thought was "I don't want to cut a day from my running"....LOL
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn with a good session in the gym you won't want to run :D , I'd say give her a chance and follow the plan for a month and evaluate from there. You could also let her know your mileage goal and see if she would be willing to tweak it for this month

    Good point on that. I've been so mileage obsessed I've let myself forget that good XT can really boost running ability without the same hammering on my body. She knows my current mileage, so I'll just have to see.....Just proves teachers are the worst students, my first thought was "I don't want to cut a day from my running"....LOL

    I would lean to agree with @Azercord but have to ask the following question.

    Does your Aunt know something about your current physical condition and mechanics to base her advise to spend more time in the gym? or is she just assuming that is what you need?

    BTW, I was actually contemplating on reducing mileage temporarily after RCM and do leg work and plyo in the gym and maybe add some speed work in the mix as well. I haven't thought too hard on that yet.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    @karllundy I have banned myself from canning cranberry sauce this year. I must have 20 jars I made the past couple years......

    @elise4270 I love any kind of fruit salad if that's what you mean by ambrosia.

    The back is killing me. This desk job is killing me. LOL Aaargh!
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    edited November 2016
    11/1: 7.4k
    11/3: 6.3k
    11/4: 6.1k
    11/5: 18k
    11/7: 10k
    11/8: 3k
    11:9: 2k
    11/10: 9.5k
    11/11: 2k
    11/12: 9.2k
    11/14: 3.2
    11/15: 10.4k

    Up until now: 87.1k
    Left: 52.9k

    11/27: Democritus Half Marathon
    12/18: Tour of Drama 10K

    I wish to all runs free of injuries!


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    I would lean to agree with @Azercord but have to ask the following question.

    Does your Aunt know something about your current physical condition and mechanics to base her advise to spend more time in the gym? or is she just assuming that is what you need?

    BTW, I was actually contemplating on reducing mileage temporarily after RCM and do leg work and plyo in the gym and maybe add some speed work in the mix as well. I haven't thought too hard on that yet.

    We spent a good half hour going over that stuff last night. in addition, I'll be videoing myself running and sending to to her for reference. She won't be getting anything to me until the end of the week so, by my thinking, it would really be starting a program after Thanksgiving since next week will mess things up anyway. She's real big into getting core strength up, and she knows that I've been...ahem....not so good about working on that area.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @greenolivetree - I don't can it, just make fresh and eat it. Canning is too much work. :smiley:
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member
    karllundy wrote: »
    @greenolivetree - I don't can it, just make fresh and eat it. Canning is too much work. :smiley:

    That's the truth! But sometimes I just feel like canning something. Lol.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    @RespectTheKitty How are you feeling today? I know how it feels to be struggling with depression so if you ever want to chat away from the boards you can always message me :)

    Depression is still kicking my butt. I'm particularly unhappy with my current job, and I'm trying to look for a new one, but it was hard enough finding the one I have now.

    I used to be a florist, and I loved that, but unfortunately I can't make enough money doing that to support myself now that I'm divorced. The majority of my skills are in floral, so it's super hard to find anything outside of that industry. I do have some computer skills, but my experience level is usually not enough for what potential employers want.

    I love to write, and I've been exploring the idea of trying to market some of those skills. Plus, writing is therapeutic for me. But again, not enough experience blah blah blah.

    It's funny how one's job can shape their entire outlook. Then again, we spend the majority of our waking hours at work, so it's only fitting that a bad job experience can lead to depression.

    I did run last night, and I'm planning to run tonight. It took longer than usual for my legs to warm up last night, probably because it had been three days since my last run. I was initially worried that I wouldn't be able to have a decent run because my legs hurt so much. But after about a mile, they finally loosened up. My Garmin was a little off in determining my pace on the treadmill... it thinks I did a mile in under ten minutes! Like that's ever going to happen, LOL. Garmin said I ran 5 miles, but the treadmill said 4.3, and I'm going with the treadmill on this one.

    I have 47.75 miles so far for November. If I keep putting in the miles I have been, I'll hit 100 for the month, but I'm still evaluating how much I want to do.

    [TL;DR I'm still depressed, and I ran yesterday.]
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member

    I signed up for smashrun because I was looking for something to track a running streak :-0 Looks like you need to pay for Pro to get Garmin to auto-sync??? I'll try it and see if it's a pain to have to go online and click "sync". The badges look really fun. Anybody else using smashrun??? @RespectTheKitty Maybe a new site like smashrun would help with your "rut".

    What is this smashrun thing you talk about? Do tell.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    I just typed a long response to the thread, and then my toddler grabbed the phone, tilted the scree5and refreshed thr page clearing it....gggrrr....I'll have to retype later
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Ok. Little man has his juice, time to try this again.
    @5512bf I have no doubt that my marathon will more than likely be a *kitten* show. But after 6 neurosurgeries as a kid, I tend to be a take life by the horns type.

    That said, I have 7 months to build to running 26.2, and I have to go for it, it's not in me to try for something less when I have the chance to go big....personality defect (see above for cause).

    I've spent thr last 2 months obsessing over what I did wrong at my 2 HMs. Since I've run farther than 13.1 running thr whole time, it came down to improper fueling, going out too fast, caffeine (I shouldn't use it) and other things I won't bore folks with.

    With the time I have to build mileage up to 20 miles for long runs, I know I can do it, if I don't get too hooked on going faster than easy pace.

    It's gonna be a *kitten* show when I go for the 26.2 but, i already know that, now it's just working up the mileage so it's not an amoebic dysentery of a run.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    Ok. Little man has his juice, time to try this again.
    @5512bf I have no doubt that my marathon will more than likely be a *kitten* show. But after 6 neurosurgeries as a kid, I tend to be a take life by the horns type.

    That said, I have 7 months to build to running 26.2, and I have to go for it, it's not in me to try for something less when I have the chance to go big....personality defect (see above for cause).

    I've spent thr last 2 months obsessing over what I did wrong at my 2 HMs. Since I've run farther than 13.1 running thr whole time, it came down to improper fueling, going out too fast, caffeine (I shouldn't use it) and other things I won't bore folks with.

    With the time I have to build mileage up to 20 miles for long runs, I know I can do it, if I don't get too hooked on going faster than easy pace.

    It's gonna be a *kitten* show when I go for the 26.2 but, i already know that, now it's just working up the mileage so it's not an amoebic dysentery of a run.

    I'm the same way, if someone tells me i shouldn't do something, i'll do it just to say I could. I ran a half marathon against my dr's advise 5 months after having a rod put in my leg to hold it together, I totally get it. I guess my point was to not obsess with the total number of weekly miles, but to make sure you are fresh enough to do the most important miles which would be the long run. You don't have to hold that 25% of weekly miles max long run theory as absolute. You'll most likely need to push that to 35-40%. I have little doubts that you'll get there one way or the other, but be prepared to say screw it and take another day off.
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited November 2016
    5512bf wrote: »

    I'm the same way, if someone tells me i shouldn't do something, i'll do it just to say I could. I ran a half marathon against my dr's advise 5 months after having a rod put in my leg to hold it together, I totally get it. I guess my point was to not obsess with the total number of weekly miles, but to make sure you are fresh enough to do the most important miles which would be the long run. You don't have to hold that 25% of weekly miles max long run theory as absolute. You'll most likely need to push that to 35-40%. I have little doubts that you'll get there one way or the other, but be prepared to say screw it and take another day off.

    Thanks. I'm just a bit crabby today. Getting hit by kids doesn't bug me, but today was a spitting day.

    I totally get what you are saying too. Just a grump today is all. Sorry if it's showing.
  • greenolivetree
    greenolivetree Posts: 1,282 Member

    I signed up for smashrun because I was looking for something to track a running streak :-0 Looks like you need to pay for Pro to get Garmin to auto-sync??? I'll try it and see if it's a pain to have to go online and click "sync". The badges look really fun. Anybody else using smashrun??? @RespectTheKitty Maybe a new site like smashrun would help with your "rut".

    What is this smashrun thing you talk about? Do tell.

    Just yet another platform for over analyzing our run data and sharing with friends :-D it's not an app, but a website that syncs with garmin and other apps. Lots of badges to earn for your accomplishments and I think it's kinda funny that it tells you a food equivalent for your calories burned (like "you burned a bacon egg & cheese biscuit" lol). Sometimes new apps/websites peak my interest even though my runs are the same. So far all I've done is sync my previous garmin runs. It's a free easy sign up if you wanna check it out.
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    November Goal: have as much fun running as Lily the Whippet does!

    11/1 6.50
    11/2 got distracted by some silly ball game...
    11/3 3.20
    11/4 2.05
    ...and off for a couple days as I travel to Vegas to meet with the whole famdamily including son who was supposed to be dead by now!
    11/5, 6,7 travel
    11/8 2.50
    11/9 3.40
    11/10 travel
    11/11 family reunion/travel/playing cards/arguing politics/walking for miles in Vegas
    11/12 ditto
    11/13 6.38 Las Vegas Rock n Roll 10k....and more family reunion drama ( sometimes sucks....)
    11/14 travel/15 hour airport layover, redeye overocean flight
    11/15 nap...may try a treadmill run later....

    Total: 24.03

    @ohhim: sorry I missed your PMs and posts till I got home today (see above family reunuion stuff)...BUT: I did see you pass me on LV Blvd as you were coming OUT of downtown and I was headed IN...just about at the reality TV pawn shop!

    Upcoming races:
    Las Vegas Rock n Roll 10k 11/13/16

    Ticker is my goal for 2016 and total to date:

  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    11/1: 3 miles
    11/2: rest
    11/3: 4 miles
    11/4: 3 miles
    11/5: 7 miles
    11/6: 5 miles
    11/7: 3.6 miles
    11/8: 4.4 miles
    11/9: rest
    11/10: 4 miles
    11/11: 5 miles
    11/12: 9 miles
    11/13: 4 miles
    11/14: 4 miles
    11/15: 6 miles

    TOTAL: 62/70

    6 miles in 58:58 (9:50 pace) on the trail. Right around what I was originally aiming for but didn't know how I would do because I've been on the struggle bus this afternoon in terms of energy. Did take an excederin prior so that probably helped but might also explain my mid-run bathroom pit stop.
  • OSUbuckeye906
    OSUbuckeye906 Posts: 315 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    Be careful with training for the first one, cause I've had friends who've basically gave up running after the first one.

    My solution for that was to sign up for my second marathon before I ran my first ;) And then I found out I got into Chicago right around the weekend of my first marathon, so I signed up for that while I was still out of town from my first marathon. And then I had a horrible second marathon, so I wanted to get another one under my belt before Chicago, so I signed up for a third marathon while still out of town for my second one, haha. So 2014 I ran my first marathon in April, second in June, third in September, fourth in October. Not really advisable, but it sure did get me to stick with marathons. :p

    @kristinegift Crossing my fingers that the weather gods hold off the gross weather for you

    @greenolivetree I think there actually is some truth to that back pain logic! Well, I guess it totally depends on the injury. I had a lower back injury (chipped a lumbar vertebrae) that never really healed completely, so I still get pain sometimes...a lot of times when I've been sitting around too much (especially long car drives). It rarely hurts from running!

    @louubelle16 Have fun at the running group! I've always wanted to join a running group but never have because I'm not sure if I would enjoy running with others. I can't really talk while I run anyway (asthma and deviated septum makes me a mouth breather) and like the flexibility of scheduling my own runs, however I'm starting to feel like it would be good to have someone help me keep an even pace so my runs wouldn't be all over the place. Might check into it at some point.

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @OSUbuckeye906 lol you think like I do.