November 2016 Running Challenge



  • Princess4Run
    Princess4Run Posts: 135 Member
    Since it's now dark at 5PM, I've been running on an outdoor track because it's relatively safe and lighted. It's regular size, 1600m track from an old school that is no longer active. I have a stupid question, can you run both ways on a running track? I've seen some walkers and runners and everyone is always going counterclockwise. Another question, can running on a track for longer distances, 5-8 miles (I know, super boring) leave you predisposed to some injuries because of frequent turns?
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    November Running Totals (miles)
    11/1 – 1.77 easy
    11/2 – 2.09 easy
    11/3 – 2.43 (1.67 + 0.76) easy
    11/4 – rest day
    11/5 – 2.60 easy
    11/6 – 3.19 (2.60 + 0.59) easy
    11/7 – rest day
    11/8 – 2.15 easy
    11/9 – 3.10 easy
    11/10 – 2.04 easy
    11/11 – rest day
    11/12 – 3.70 easy
    11/13 – 3.64 easy
    11/14 – 3.05 easy
    11/15 – 3.38 warmup + easy speed work

    November total to date – 33.14

    Nominal Challenge Goal – 30 miles
    Real Goals: Continue recovery. Complete Race with Grace 10K on Thanksgiving without setting recovery back, even if I have to walk most of it.

    Today's notes – Ran the 2 mile warmup, Garmin measured 2.06 miles. The leg didn't ache at all until after a mile and a half, and I had time for some stretching before the pep talk. Asked Coach for advice; he said do a lap of drills (not measured by Garmin) and a lap at T pace, then we'd talk. Most of the drills were okay, but I noticed the butt kicks beating on the recovering leg. Then it felt good to just run; I brought the lap at T in at 1:35, 3 to 5 seconds faster than target.

    Told Coach I didn't really have a feel for the pace. How fast have I run? That last lap was the fastest since injury. Okay, try to do 4 x 400m at 1:40, no faster, with a lap of easy jog to recover. So I set out to do that. First lap came in at 1:37. Jog and think. Slow down, next lap came in at 1:46. Jog and think about how it would feel to be just enough faster to hit 1:40. Meanwhile, I'm beating on the recovering leg; by the last 100m of the second recovery lap, it told me I'd beat on it enough for one day. So I quit at 2 intervals. It's enough for now.

    Coach told me it's good to push a little, but not too much, and it was good that I recognized when it was time to quit. I did some good stretching, came home, and the leg feels normal again as I type this.

    I don't have the range I want, and my pace control isn't as good as I'd like, but this is progress. I'm better now than I was a week ago.

    2016 races:
    January 1, 2016 Resolution Run 7.5 mile (Mendon, NY) finished in 53:58
    January 9, 2016 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY) finished in 1:30:59
    March 12, 2016 Johnny's Runnin' of the Green 5 mile (Rochester, NY) finished in 32:32
    March 26, 2016 Spring Forward Distance Run 15K (Mendon, NY) finished in 1:05:24
    April 18, 2016 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA) finished in 3:23:01
    April 24, 2016 Flower City Challenge Half Marathon (Rochester, NY) finished in 1:36:50, targeting MP
    May 15, 2016 Highland Hospital Lilac Run 10K (Rochester, NY) DNS - injury
    June 19, 2016 Medved 5K to Cure ALS (Rochester, NY) DNS - recovering from face plant
    July 16, 2016 Shoreline Half Marathon (Hamlin, NY) finished in 1:31:11
    August 13, 2016 Bergen Road Race 5K (Bergen, NY) finished in 19:07 (5K PR)
    September 4, 2016 Oak Tree Half Marathon (Geneseo, NY) finished in 1:31:37
    September 18, 2016 Rochester Marathon (Rochester, NY) DNF a mile from finish
    October 15, 2016 Finish Strong 15K (Hilton, NY) DNS – Achilles tendonitis
    October 22, 2016 Scare Brain Cancer Away 5K (East Rochester, NY) DNS – Achilles tendonitis
    November 24, 2016 Race with Grace 10K (Hilton, NY)
    December 10, 2016 USATF National Club Cross Country Championships 8K (Tallahassee, FL)

    2017 races:
    January 7, 2017 Winter Warrior Half Marathon (Gates, NY)
    April 17, 2017 Boston Marathon (Hopkinton, MA)
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    11/03: 2.57 miles - 6x(2 min walking/3 min running)
    11/06: 2.88 miles - 6x(1.5 min walking/3.5 min running)
    11/08: 2.84 miles - 6x(1.5 min walking/3.5 min running)
    11/10: 3.11 miles - 6x(1 min walking/4 min running)
    11/12: 3.13 miles - 6x(0.5 min walking/4.5 min running)
    11/15: 3.29 miles - 30 minutes
    Total: 17.82 miles

    3.3 glorious miles to kick off the day, and I am so happy right now! First continuous run in 12 weeks and it was so so amazing! Don’t get me wrong - this run was hard, harder than I would have hoped, but I didn’t let that stop me. I'm so excited to make my comeback!

    In other news, I put my name in the Chicago marathon lottery yesterday. After getting injured this summer, I told myself I wasn’t going to try a marathon again until Chicago 2018 but I couldn’t help myself. I’m terrified, because 1 year isn’t a whole lot of time to go from not running to running a marathon. But Chicago 2017 is calling to me, and I'll be damned if I let this race defeat me two years in a row!

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Back from my travels, so time for a few miles!
    Date     Miles      MTD
    ------   -----    -------
    Nov  5     6.2        6.2 
    Nov  6     5.0       11.2 
    Nov  7     2.0       13.2 (+20M Bike @15)
    Nov 15     3.2       16.4 (+10M Bike @15)

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    edited November 2016
    Date:: :::: Miles :::: Nov total (goal = 75)
    11/01/16 :::: 5.7 :::: 5.7
    11/02/16 :::: 2.9 :::: 8.5
    11/03/16 :::: 2.2 :::: 10.7
    11/04/16 :::: 2.0 :::: 12.7
    11/05/16 :::: 6.4 :::: 19.1
    11/06/16 :::: 2.5 :::: 21.6
    11/07/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/08/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 21.6
    11/09/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 24.0
    11/10/16 :::: 0.0 :::: 24.0
    11/11/16 :::: 2.4 :::: 26.5
    11/12/16 :::: 7.2 :::: 33.7
    11/13/16 :::: 3.1 :::: 36.8
    11/14/16 :::: 2.8 :::: 39.5
    11/15/16 :::: 5.6 :::: 45.1

    Group speedwork tonight. Sometimes I question my life choices, like when I'm running on a track in the dark in a cold rain on a Tuesday night. But overall the run went well. We did 4 - 6- 2 minute intervals once with 2 minute recovery between and a second time with 1 minute in between. Then 4 sprints on the straightaway. With warmup and cooldown it came to a total of 5.6 miles. Coach told me a few times that I was really moving well and had really improved my speed so that felt good. I realize now that I finally feel normal and pain-free that I was really struggling in the weeks before and including my half marathon.

    This was the last week for me of this particular running group - the half/full marathon training group. I'll be going back to a regular run group (which is free with my Y membership, where I paid extra for the HM training). I have mixed feelings about it, because while this group was a bit uncomfortable and stressful for me (by far one of the slowest people there), it really pushed me and made me feel like I accomplished so much. The workouts are quite a bit less intense for the regular run groups, but I think I'll enjoy that as I haven't really sorted out what my next goal is, other than to continue being a runner.

    And that's 45 out of 75 miles already. We'll see how things go next week while I travel and spend the holiday with family. I'll be doing a Turkey Trot 5k and then feasting on a non-traditional Italian themed Thanksgiving meal. I'm excited! I think I'm going to make a risotto, along with helping my mom with the lasagna.

    Upcoming races:
    11/24 Turkey Trot 5k, Cedar Rapids IA
    12/3 St. Nick Shuffle 5k, Syracuse NY
    1/22 Chilly Chili 5k, Cazenovia NY
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    Depression was a *kitten* today. Decided the best remedy was to run until I couldn't stand it anymore. That turned out to be 7.1 miles. Garmin thinks I did 8. Garmin gives me too much credit. Regardless, it was a good hour and a half of running at a relatively easy pace. Don't ask me how I can stand to spend an hour and a half on the treadmill. I have ways of distracting myself.

    54.85 miles so far. Tomorrow I'm seeing Doctor Strange with the BF after work, so no run. My legs are gonna need the rest anyway. They ache.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    agusia_b wrote: »
    Since it's now dark at 5PM, I've been running on an outdoor track because it's relatively safe and lighted. It's regular size, 1600m track from an old school that is no longer active. I have a stupid question, can you run both ways on a running track? I've seen some walkers and runners and everyone is always going counterclockwise. Another question, can running on a track for longer distances, 5-8 miles (I know, super boring) leave you predisposed to some injuries because of frequent turns?

    I've ran as much as 19 miles on an indoor track. I don't think there is much risk of injury with all the turns. Every track session I've done outdoors they have run counterclockwise . MY indoor track alternates directions by days. IF the track isn't too busy and you're worried about it pick an outer ring and alternate every other mile.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @greenolivetree - that green grass was the result of 1 storm! It is unbelievable to me how things can go from brown and dry to green and lush so quickly and easily!
    @elise4270 - Thanksgiving dinner is pretty traditional for us and we make for our elderly neighbor too. Turkey, dressing (homemade and I love it!), fresh homemade cranberry/orange relish (none of the cooked stuff), maybe potatoes for my husband and sweet potatoes with walnuts (no marshmallow crap) and plain veggies, neither of us like green bean casserole. Pie - can't forget pie... I am thinking pumpkin and pecan even though there are just 2 of us. We need both right??

    I had a horrible stressfilled day at work with no chance for a run. So as soon as I could I escaped for a little sunset 5 miler with the pup. We even ran some overpass 'hill' repeats and laughed at all the people sitting in traffic :) Rest day tomorrow but I am going to make it my Strength Training day since my trainer is away this entire month and I didn't do it today.

    11/01......0.00......0.00 - + Strength Training
    11/03......0.00......4.66 - + Strength Training and Rally Obedience (2 classes!)
    11/05......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/06......0.00......8.95 - Agility Trial
    11/07......4.23....13.18 - + Agility class
    11/08......3.00....16.18 - + Strength Training
    11/10......0.00....20.59 - to Napa
    11/11......0.00....20.59 - Wine
    11/12......5.02....25.61 - Wine country run + Wine
    11/13......0.00....25.61 - Back to reality
    11/15......5.06....34.34 - Sunset run
    11/16......0.00....34.34 - + Strength Training


    My completed and upcoming Races - Let me know if you will be running too!
    02/07/16 - Surf City Half Marathon
    02/20/16 - Divas Half Marathon - Temecula
    07/04/16 - SHEPower Virtual Half Marathon
    07/31/16 - San Francisco 2nd Half Marathon
    08/21/16 - Tiki Beach 10k, Huntington Beach
    09/18/16 - Beat the Blerch Half Marathon, Seattle
    11/19/16 - USA Invitational Half Marathon (Yay, I qualified again!) - CANCELED!!

    12/18/16 - San Diego Holiday Half Marathon
    02/05/17 - Surf City Half Marathon
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    1/11 C210K W4 D1: 3.1
    2/11 Rest
    3/11 C210K W4 D2: 2.3
    4/11 Rest
    5/11 C210K W4 D3: 3.7
    6/11 Rest
    7/11 C210K W6 D1: 3.2
    8/11 30 mins Elliptical Trainer
    9/11 C210K W6 D2: 2.7
    10/11 30 mins E/T
    11/11 C210K W6 D3: 3.2
    12/11 30 mins E/T
    13/11 30 mins E/T
    14/11 C210K W7 D1: 3.7
    15/11 30 mins E/T
    16/11 C210K W7 D1: 3.1

    Total 25 miles out of 50

  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    edited November 2016
    Since I've done 4 half marathons since June, but have never done an actual HM race, I'm wondering if I should do an event on November 26, considering I just did a HM on Sunday November 13.
    ETA: Now the website is saying it's on December 4. Even better.
  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    Due to time constraints just two laps of my hump-day hill circuit this morning totalling 8.3k, (would have done 3 if time had allowed). Was lovely and warm (13C) especially when the sun made an appearance towards the end. Had a slight niggle in my right knee - don't think it's anything other than the fact all my runs recently have been on-road so it has taken more of a battering than usual, so hopefully weather will allow me to throw in a few softer surfaces in the next few runs.

    2-Nov: 13.1k - 3 laps of hilly route.
    4-Nov: 6.26k - Planned 11k easy, but cut short as very stiff/tired.
    7-Nov: 11.25k easy.
    9-Nov: 6k fast
    12-Nov: 18k - longest run to date. Very wet.
    14-Nov (AM): 5.1k easy. Wet and sluggish (no warm-up)
    14-Nov (PM): 10k as 5k tempo + 5k intervals
    16-Nov: 8.3k - 2 laps of hill circuit
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 8.5 miles
    11/2: 6.7 miles
    11/3: 3.6 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/4: Rest
    11/5: 14 miles
    11/6: NYCM spectating!
    11/7: 3 miles
    11/8: 3 miles (am), 6 miles (pm)
    11/9: 4.5 miles
    11/10: 5.5 miles (am), no pm run
    11/11: 4.4 miles
    11/12: 10 miles
    11/13: 5.5 miles
    11/14: 3.3 miles
    11/15: Rest day finally!
    11/16: 6 miles

    Today was my last speed day before Philly! I did 6 miles with 1 mile to warm up, then 5x5 mins "cruise" with 2 min recovery, then the last .75 or so was a "cool down" (aka: jogging the rest of the way to my house). Was hitting a solid 7:30-7:45 pace for the cruise intervals depending on elevation gain and it was feeling pretty easy, so I'm happy with it! My shin twinges are about 30% of what they were earlier this week and my ankle feels like it's finally aligned again, so things are coming together just in time! Still hoping for a dry -- if cold -- day Sunday.


    Fall Race Season & Next Year:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon: 1:42:24
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @kristinegift - Glad ankle is better. Now for the shin to stop talking to you! Hope the weather is perfect!
    @RespectTheKitty - Hope the run helped. Sorry you are suffering with depression. It's definitely hard to change jobs when you are feeling bad. It takes energy to interview and be "up" for that. Keep running.

    This month is flying by.

    11/1 - 4.3 miles
    11/2 - strength training
    11/3 - rest day
    11/4 - 4.5 miles + strength training
    11/5 - S - 34 miles biking
    11/6 - S - 9 miles
    11/7 - 3 miles
    11/8 - 4.1 miles
    11/9 - rest/mourning day
    11/10 - 5 miles
    11/11 - 4.1 miles + strength training
    11/12 - S - 4.1 miles
    11/13 - S - 51 miles biking
    11/14 - 4.1 miles
    11/15 - 5 miles
    11/16 - strength training
    11/17 -
    11/19 - S
    11/20 - S
    11/24 - streak starts...
    11/26 - S
    11/27 - S
    11/30 - 5K

    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando

  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    This is an awesome idea! I'm very new to running but will keep a look out for the December thread :)
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    As a beginner, how often should I run? I only started 6 weeks ago when I couldn't run 100 yards! I'm now up to around 4.5 doing a very slow but non-stop jog.

    I've been aiming for three but I see some people run almost every day. Would that be too much for a newbie?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    11/1- 6.05
    11/2- 6.13
    11/3- 6.01
    11/4- 6.12
    11/5- 10.25
    11/6- Rest
    11/7: 6.05
    11/8- 6.01
    11/9- 6.02
    11/10- 6.14
    11/11- 6.01
    11/13- REST
    11/14- 6.02
    11/15- 6.06
    11/16- 6.15

    Total: 94.03/150

    Today's notes: Run felt pretty good today, still hanging on the border of z2 and zX at 153bpm average, but felt good. Temp was right around 21, and it felt pretty nice. I have to remember though, that I need to have my cough drops on cold runs, they really help keep my throat and mouth from drying out.

    Quads are a little stiff/sore now that I've been done for a while. I'm thinking that's a hanging on effect of yesterday's Tempo Run, since I haven't done one in a while.

    I'm about 2 miles ahead of where my schedule had me for the month, and I'm happy for that because....With 5-8 inches of snow coming Friday AM-Saturday AM, I have a feeling that shoveling will leave me not wanting to run as much. Nice to know I could cut my run down to 8 miles and still be on track/ahead of making my goal.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - 5.1 miles. Gorgeous 62° morning to run!
    11/2 - Slept in. Stayed up too late cheering the Cubs victory!
    11/3 - 5.32 miles. Trek class / treadmill
    11/4 - 4.7 miles.
    11/5 - 3.5 miles. Easy, short run with my 10 year old son.
    11/6 - Rest / crazy busy day.
    11/7 - 5 miles.
    11/8 - Bodypump class.
    11/9 - Slept in. Election "hangover"
    11/10 - 5.32 miles. Trek class / treadmill (oddly, exact same distance as last week)
    11/11 - 5.04 miles. Windy.
    11/12 - 3.12 miles. Girls On the Run 5k with my daughter.
    11/13 - Crazy busy day.
    11/14 - 4.85 miles.
    11/15 - Bodypump class, then Abs/Core Class.
    11/16 - 5.15 miles.

  • dkabambe
    dkabambe Posts: 544 Member
    As a beginner, how often should I run? I only started 6 weeks ago when I couldn't run 100 yards! I'm now up to around 4.5 doing a very slow but non-stop jog.

    I've been aiming for three but I see some people run almost every day. Would that be too much for a newbie?

    @witchy_wife Welcome. When I was a very new runner, (now just "new" without the very!) I found 3 times a week was plenty, giving me a complete day off between runs. If you decide to do more, make sure to listen to your body though and give it rest when needed or if you feel any niggles. Over-training is very easy if your body isn't used to running, and can lead to fatigue etc as well as very easily lead to injuries. You can supplement your running with other cross-training (cycling, elliptical, swimming etc) or strength training activities if you want to do something on the other days - this will all help you when you do get round to increasing your run frequency. I personally just stuck to doing long and/or fast walks on my non-running days when I started out and that has definitely helped me build my running distance.
  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    @dkabambe that is great, thanks for the advice :smiley:
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    @Orphia I say YES Go For the HM.
    I did 2 HM's last year that were separated by 2 weeks - Not a problem.
    The 1st one was a Hypo-Thermic HM ( Traditional name for the 1st HM of the Calendar Year in Northern Canada ) the next was 2 weeks later - Chilly Willy and then 3 weeks later the Jasper Park ( Rolling Valley in the Mountains ) HM. Go have some fun. :) .

    Worked late last night ( 8am - 10pm ) so missed my Adult Swim Club and I had left my Running Kit Bag in my Work Truck - Just couldn't drag myself back to work to pick up the bag after a long slog of a day.

    @witchy_wife Are you following a program - C25K, B210K, Zombies etc? 4.5 ? Km? Miles ? as it a big difference.
    If you are only 6 weeks into running you are still in a Base Building phase and this is when Over doing it can cause injury. You don't mention if you are doing any cross traing activities so its hard to give advice with out a complete picture. I would suggest you stay at 3 Days a week for now and continue building your base. The people you see running everyday have spent a lot of days running slow miles/kms building up there base level of fitness, and you will notice that some are on training cycles for specific events so have "Rest Days" already built into their schedule.

    I can manage 4 days in a row fairly easy as a rule - 5 can be a struggle especially if there have been some long or hard runs. Others weeks the body will just say No after 3 days. Listen to your body it will tell you.