

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Penny you are describing the old fern room. I loved that space too. when they remodeled they created a fern room without step to make it more accessible for all. I still prefer the one like a grotto too. They were able to put elevators into the sunken garden so that space is basically the same. The flowers and plants they use gives it a different look for each season. I love that they only used double red poinsettias this year.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Penny - It was far more dangerous jogging round the lanes in Hampshire. :o No sidewalks and some very stupid, inconsiderate drivers. Here I have sidewalks to get to the seafront and only have to cross two main roads. There are pedestrian crossings if there's heavy traffic. The main danger is from tree roots making the sidewalks bumpy.
    On the seafront there are one or two cyclists who don't keep to the cycle lanes, but in general it's just a matter of weaving around chatting groups! Dogs are fairly well behaved in general. They are supposed to be on leads, but some are loose.
    Today the sea was mirror smooth. Just now we have had a lot of migrants crossing from France in small boats because the weather has been so calm.

    Welcome dauchsmom. Do you have an easier name and vague location? Do you know Simon Hopkinson's book THE PRAWN COCKTAIL YEARS ? I love that book and use it quite often. I once did a whole dinner party from it. I even served drinks from the 60s. Sorry about your liver. My ex had something similar. He is much better now, but it was very tiring. He was not a drinker.

    Best wishes to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Mon - fri i am up at 4am, we are on our bikes at 4:30am, we split up at one point. he goes to the bus station, i go to the gym. other than the gym workout, i have ridden 6miles and ran a 1/2mi to work,. so when i get off work, i'll run 1/2 back to the bike locker and then ride 2.5miles (uphill) home, that's the usual every weekday. i am thrilled to stay in bed by 9 that's for sure. when kirby is off, we go to the gym by 8 on saturdays and later on sundays, then it starts all over again.

    oh my blood type is O+

    my word for the year? don't have one, yeah i'm boring

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    edited January 2019
    January 1, 2019! My first day of eating clean and healthy was a success! I am going to take this journey one step at a time. My goal is to lose 25 lbs. The pounds just crept up in the last few years and now I suddenly look at myself and do not like what I see. My clothes are tight and I feel down. For me "not feeling good about myself" is not an option. I have a positive attitude and know I can reach my goals. Let's support one another and before we know it.....we will be at our goal weight. Peace love and happiness in 2019.


    Welcome! Where are you from? This is a great place to start, a great mental reset.👍. I too have turned the page. These are some things I do to reset:
    -organize my pantry. Rallying the troops, and getting my ordinance in order!
    -Recd a calendar and bought a binder. Logging and journaling, it helps my brain think thin.
    -read up, its nice to see how others do it. I pick and choose things to help me along the way.
    -make an index card full of great sayings! When you want to attack your pantry, sit with a cuppa and read thru them. You are reprogramming your brain.👍

    We got this!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Mon - fri i am up at 4am, we are on our bikes at 4:30am, we split up at one point. he goes to the bus station, i go to the gym. other than the gym workout, i have ridden 6miles and ran a 1/2mi to work,. so when i get off work, i'll run 1/2 back to the bike locker and then ride 2.5miles (uphill) home, that's the usual every weekday. i am thrilled to stay in bed by 9 that's for sure. when kirby is off, we go to the gym by 8 on saturdays and later on sundays, then it starts all over again.

    oh my blood type is O+

    my word for the year? don't have one, yeah i'm boring

    Awe Pip, you are not boring, you are Chaos On Wheels!💗 and we love ya!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Penny the fern room was a favorite room of mine too. I do have a post card of it and I display it under a glass tabletop.
    They sold the sandstone that made up the walls as a fundraiser, Unfortunately I found out about it too late. One one them would have made a nice addition to our garden. I was glad to hear the recycled the stone.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Work up early with husband this morning. Early as in 7:00am, (instead of 9 over the holidays). I stretched like an old person, waiting for my turn in the shower, (and no we both can't be in there)! Had my Wheat Chex, cut up banana with honey cereal, and feeling good. Was up early enough that I heard the owl hooting. Such a calming thing. Wondering if its my owl. I think its a good possibility. For those that don't know me I will write a describing sentence. I am 56, early retired, keeping Navy retired Chief of a husband that got a liver transplant in 2014 going strong, living with active duty Navy son as a roommate, on Whidbey island in Washington state. 😁

    I am an obese woman, have been pretty much all my life. I do not state it to get sympathy, its just what I am. I have not ailments to speak of, but my husband can drag on me abit! He talks and talks about politics and I answer every once in awhile, "uh-huh". Not that I don't care but its the on and on! We have been married 34 years, so he might be a crusty old sailor, but he's MY crusty old sailor and consequently my best friend.💗

    I have 3 sons, one lives with us, middle is married and expecting in May, and youngest is stationed overseas. No pets, if you count my whining husband.... Haahaa.
    Well, restarting our exercising again after the holidays. We attend the gym on base Mondays thru Thurs, workout in the weight room, doing each station. My husband does most weights at 30-50 lb weights. I do 10-20 lb weights. The pull down weight machine I do 40 lb weight, and the back arch machine I do 80 lb weight. Those feel really good!
    Then husband and I use the treadmills for 30 minutes. I walk at a 3.0-4.5 pace. We try to get machines side by side, or I am on a machine behind him so I can oogle his butt. When we are side by side he tries to mess with my machine, or poke me. I try to mess with his machine, or tickle him. He makes it interesting!😋

    Today we will shop after exercising. I hope I won't feel too much like a wet noodle, after my sauna!
    Whidbey island
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    dauchsmom ~ Google a Woman's Home Companion cook book. It was published in the 40's. My mom loved some of the recipes from that.

    Carol in GA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
    edited January 2019
    Ladies, I wanted to mention a logging tip I picked up from Heather. Since I eat many of the same things every day (well, at least 60 - 70%), I simply "copy yesterday" found in the Quick Tools section after every meal. I even forge ahead for a few days and prelog using this method.

    It's easy enough to change foods or move them around, but is especially handy for planning snacks. Air popped popcorn and veggies/hummus are staring me right in the face if I really want to graze, lol. B)

    SW WA State
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,801 Member
    dauchsmom wrote: »
    This is my first time in the over-50 group so I'm guessing an introduction is a good thing? I'm 63 and was diagnosed a few months ago with non-alcoholic cirrhosis, first stage. Since then I've lost 22 pounds (as recommended for people in this predicament) and have seriously trimmed back the salt (also recommended) and lowered the fats. The salts has been the hardest as I love to cook and salt is used in almost every recipe. Salt substitutes are a no-no for people with my condition (like No Salt) so creativity has been a must.

    I share all this so people will know where I'm coming from.

    I would like to be part of a group on here (my first time for this as well, I've always been an observer type). But that's my goal for 2019- to get out of this self-imposed life shell and be part of something. I hope you all don't mind.

    By the way, I have a blog I'm working on and could use some "retro recipes" (recipes dating from 1930's -1970's). If you have any, please message me with them. I will be sure to give you credit. Thanks!

    I have old cookbooks of my grandmother’s from that period and before, are there any particular foods you are looking for?
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Welcome dauchsmom! I have my grandmother's recipes from that time as well. Some make me shudder! :D