April 2019 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    @katharmonic WOW! 7 hours and 35 minutes. I can agree that everything will probably be sore today, even places you didn't know could get sore. Hope you can get up out of bed! Great job finishing!!!! I can't even imagine!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Spartan NJ Beast today - I don't even know what to say except it was a killer. Relentless hills, both up and down were tough. The obstacles were challenging to say the least, especially when exhausted already by the mountainous hiking (not really a run, there were few places where footing was good enough to get actual running in). I finished in about 7 hours 35 minutes. Everything hurts or will hurt tomorrow. I'm so beat up and tired, I'll try to post a recap tomorrow sometime after I get home. Now it's time to sleep.

    Well done! Finishing a Spartan is a huge deal!
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,448 Member
    @katharmonic Amazing! Just being on your feet for 7 hours and 35 minutes straight is grueling, let alone those hills and obstacles! You truly are a beast. Well done!!💪👍
  • martaindale
    martaindale Posts: 2,132 Member
    So many injuries and illnesses! I hope everyone starts feeling better soon!

    @katharmonic Awesome job! That is super impressive!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @samthepanda Did you run your race or decide against it?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @katharmonic - Wow! Fantastic job on the Spartan! I hope you take some time to recover!
    @avidkeo - Hope your interview goes well! Same for your mom!

    Has anyone heard from @HonuNui?
  • Scott6255
    Scott6255 Posts: 2,448 Member
    Awesome race @polskagirl01! That's great that you followed your race plan and executed it by getting a PR and rocketing past those women that you thought were out of reach. Racing does cool things to our brain that brings out the beast when it needs to.