
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rori - Great find! Artificial trees are $200 y up depending on height a 9ft ones $300. A table top ones $40 up! Lucky dog ! Ours is new cost way too much way way too much I miss when the $200 tree was the huge ones! You can use it for years ! I still got a table top one I got for free spent the money I saved on cute $1 ornaments from a $1.50 tiny plastic balls for it that shine to a cute ribbon 🎀 I made for the top found a $1 y under tree skirt for it even. We used it as the only tree for years! Especially if we were moving,lived in a small space,or wasn’t going to be home for the holidays.

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Rori- Great Find!!! A Free Artificial trees are more exspensive this year than ever! 9ft ones $300+ ! At Sam’s Club cheapest we saw was $199 it was tiny! Walmart has a few cheaper ones I’m sure but still not many!

    I got a free table top one year bought tiny ornaments for it to tree skirt on sale cheap $10 worth used it for years! Dad has a table top one . After Christmas ornaments go on sale but at the moment places like Walmart sale bows or poinsettia flowers with clips y plastic balls to hang with $1 hooks 1 topper a tree skirt your set for years to come for as low as you wanna go! I hit the after Christmas sales for more later .

    I got big poinsettia clips stick only them on it. A tree skirt that’s cute country Santa like. A Nice tree star topper. Tadaaa done ✅
    Amber Tx
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Rebecca I cannot believe adorable Athena is sitting up on her own! Charming baby. xoxo And I think your phone chair's vintage Christmas look is quite lovely.

    I spent hours in the Social Security office and then on the phone with Medicare. I signed up for Part B. Pretty much wasted time otherwise; the people I talked to actually know quite a bit less than I do which is frightening. In-person insurance broker is next. I'm expecting a much more satisfying conversation. Geeez!

    Karen in Virginia

    Thanks! I miss having our 1957 rotary phone on it, but its upstairs plugged into the modem. Our wiring is all messed up, so landlines not possible. Our cute rotary phone is the only phone loud enough to hear from downstairs! Our owner isn't interested in ever fixing the substandard wiring either. Something about it all daisy- chained and its not worth his trouble. Besides no one uses a land line anyway. Gawh!
    Athena is my happy place for certain!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I haven’t done any Christmas shopping yet. Yikes! My daughter will likely get around to sending me a list. I need to start thinking about what the kids would enjoy. Same goes with DS and family. I want to get things purchased and sent, but I need ideas to accomplish that. I have a wreath at my front door, and an Alberta Spruce tree that will be coming into the living room. We’ve had this tree for a few years now and it doesn’t seem to mind a visit in the house. I’ll put it in the garage for a few days to transition to inside life. After the holidays It will stay in the garage for a while to help the transition back outside. Our weather has not been cold so far, and the transitions may be easier on the tree than I expect.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    edited December 2019
    Saturday -- winter's been hanging in there, so I exercised indoors again ...

    Ride -- Zwift: London Route 46:20 min, 13.60 km, 198 m

    Rowing -- Evening 16:37 min row 16:38 min, 2,518 m, 0 m

    Walk -- Treadmill: Evening Walk 34:40 min, 3.11 km, 0 m


    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather Edie playing the cello. <3

    Sue Your poor back. Here's hoping it heals soon.

    Lanette Yep. I'm gonna get me an insurance broker dude/dudette & get all this behind me.
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) It's not Medicare's job to know about supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. All those plans are private which is why going to an insurance broker for help was what we did.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    Warning: minor rant ahead.
    You are so right! However, what I asked about was original Medicare Part B. Specifically, concerning the retirement transition for an over-65 employed person still covered by group health insurance & prescription plan. I was just trying to verify what I thought I understood from a careful reading of the Medicare.gov info.

    People working for Medicare should be able to answer all questions about Original Medicare.

    Additionally, they should know the basic rules the federal government imposes on private companies who administer the supplements.

    For example, one of the most important rules of this type has to do with creditable coverage for prescriptions & the lifetime Part D penalty that occurs if a person goes more than 63 days without a prescription plan. Even though Part D is administered by private drug plans, the federal government imposes that rule & Medicare Reps should know about it.

    They should also know how long you have to sign up for Medicare Part A & B after retiring to avoid a penalty, since the penalties are set by the federal government.

    I'm planning to follow your example and go to an insurance broker for help with my Medigap & Part D.

    Karen in Virginia
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Heather: Edie is growing up! She looks wonderful with her cello. :smiley:

    Margaret: Whoever invented robo calling is on my hate list. We are inundated with robo calls, most of them from some stupid hotel chain. I wonder if it is Trump's company. :grumble: We used to be able to put ourselves on a no-call list. Sadly, no more. :ohwell:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Hi Katla.

    We can still place ourselves on a Do Not Call list. It doesn't stop the calls, but if you happen to pick up one of those calls you can immediately say, you are on the list and request for them to remove your number. If called again you can report them. I ask for the company name the first time and have a running list.


    Most Android phones allow you to block numbers which is the easiest strategy. :smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    edited December 2019
    I really wish I could show you the video of Edie playing the cello. I just took a random screenshot! To my ears it sounds great, and she has only just started! Such concentration! At the end of the video she does a little kind of 'get that' flourish. Made me laugh. Thank you everyone for your kind words about her. <3

    Machka and others - My younger son has always created his own job, right from the very first one! All in the alcohol industry. He has been headhunted many times. He works incredibly hard. Stress, stress, stress. Of course, that's how the alcohol got to him.
    Since he has been AF he has been increasingly unhappy at being in an industry promoting drink. He runs a brewery that he created and heads a promotion and marketing team for a large local chain of pubs. The current owner says he bought the company because of him! Now he needs to square his lifestyle and values with his job, so he basically approached this new AF company with his ideas and expertise. They had to find the money for him from venture capital. He will have a big team under him.
    I am so proud of him for turning his addiction around and living a life in tune with his new self. I know I could not have done it. The support of my DDIL has been crucial through all this. He stood to lose everything if he couldn't sort it out. Those three beautiful children. His job. His wife. And, of course, it could all go down the pan on the first drink. He will always be 'recovering'.

    We are babysitting on Sunday morning while he and DDIL go out for a long bicycle ride. Then we are all off to Fatto a Mano for pizza. <3

    It was good to get back to my exercise regime this morning. Two days of no exercise and too much eating and drinking. Ugh!
    I had managed to lose a pound, but I expect I've put it back on now!

    Love Heather UK 3
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Well, went to the Newcomer holiday party. They had a steel drum band, and it was loud. To me, a bit too loud. Plus, they didn’t know any Christmas songs. Don’t ask me why they had them for a holiday party. Was pretty good about eating. Had salad with tomatoes, cucumbers and 2 croutons (and onions) – no dressing. Then for dinner had a piece of chicken (I was lucky and got one without any sauce on it) but I think it must have been fried, then took the snow peas and carrots. My dessert was snow peas, carrots and green beans. I almost took a roll, but put it back (yea me!). Just had water to drink (and tea – no sugar or anything). I would have had a small bite of the cobbler, but didn’t. I was thinking about trying it. No loss there. We left around 9 (which is OK with me). One of the bad things is that I get comments like "healthy eating" and looks of surprise when my dessert is veges and not the apple cobbler they had

    Michele in NC

    I have been getting too many comments lately too. One of my closer work friends saw me checking the calories on an item someone placed in our "group" snack area which I typically ignore because most are laden with fat and calories. Her comment of "Why are you looking at the calories? If you want it just eat eat." I once again had to say, "Well, XYZ, that has always been part of my problem and I am determined to get and keep this weight off for good." I still feel there is a little jealousy mixed in to the comments I have been receiving. She is a binge dieter and loses weight for occasions. Most of her diets are extremely unhealthy and almost close to starvation. I am still trying to find the "right" reply when people are snide. I am thinking that ignoring them might be the best strategy for me.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Day 22, December 6
    I am grateful for the stories of my life and those in it. I would not be the person I am today without them.
    Day 23, December 7
    I am most grateful for creating the tradition of me celebrating me on my birthday. Every year I do or buy something special for myself.

    Yes, these sound self-centered. But, I have learned through the years I must love and respect myself in order to attract the same level of love and respect from others.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    suziq this time of year is especially full of food and drinks pushers (it’s the holidays!, come on, just one more!!). My way of dealing with this—don’t ever go to social events hungry—always put food on your plate and a seltzer in your glass and walk around with it—you look busy and full! I know Barbie has some tried and true strategies as well.

    I know of no way to stop the pushers, saboteurs and jealous folk’s behaviors—but I’m in charge of my choices—not them.

    Off for a long walk in the cold with DH this a.m. delightful-but chilly

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    <3 slept late...will check in to chat later today! Healing hugs to Suebdew (I think of you often and am glad you are okay) <3 KJ
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,576 Member
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Looked back at what I wrote yesterday, and realized it was quite vague. My CEO called me late yesterday afternoon and let me down easy about the job, which was given to someone else at the organization with more tenure. It was the most graceful rejection I've ever gotten - she's kind of an amazing person.

    I am both relieved and saddened, but honestly, either I'm completely deluding myself (not impossible by any means) or my sense of relief strongly outweighs the sadness. Now that I've got the grants structure streamlined and working well, I have what is possibly the LEAST stressful job in the organization... I go hunt down the money and someone else does the work. The move into the chief-level position would have put me at the corner of stress and overwork.

    So, I'll put it behind me, and move on to my next challenge, a grant presentation on Monday, arm-in-arm with the same CEO, to a foundation in Dallas that funds 33 Arkansas counties. We're only asking for $1 million! :smiley: Corey's driving me down tomorrow, and then we'll be back Monday night.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR

    Hi Lisa - I completely understood what you were saying. I say we must have the same type of bosses and for that I am thankful.

    Your story yesterday made me think of Garth Brooks song, "Unanswered Prayers". Although about a relationship I often think of the words.

    Remember when you're talkin' to the man upstairs
    That just because he doesn't answer doesn't mean he don't care
    Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered
    Some of God's greatest gifts are all too often unanswered
    Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers