January 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,112 Member
    The snow is beautiful @kgirlhart , and your pup sure seems to be enjoying it! I think the weather everywhere is weird and bipolar this year. It was 74°F here today!

    @eleanorhawkins There really are no words that will help. The best thing you can do is say you're sorry, give a heartfelt hug, and be there to listen if they want to talk. I can't blame my bad runs on my menstrual cycle since I'm past that stage in my life. Wonder if the hormones still fluctuate though. Humm.

  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    I got four miles in on the treadmill. I went out initially this morning only to find that the roads and sidewalks are wayyyyy too icy to run on- at least for me. I had the dogs on the leash and I was sliding everywhere.

    So to the gym I went for running and lifting. It was fine - I struggled through the first three segments of the 10K trainer (repeating day 2) - i had a pretty good pace though, at first it was just over ten minute miles and I was so excited, but then I finished with 13 minute miles. That’s okay- I was struggling with the situational depression I’m feeling regarding a situation with my son and another child. He will for sure be okay - he’s got a mom who will stop at nothing, but he still has to choose his path and behavior. *sigh+ the stress and anxiety made it very hard to want to be running today + the fact that i really wanted to be outside.

    I’m glad I went - I worked hard - and I can get up early and go for my long run tomorrow.

    Now, for laundry, netflix, fire going, and puppies :)

    I'm sorry if you're son is being bullied. My youngest daughter, middle child, was dealing with a few bully girls a few years back. I worked for a neighboring school district, still 30 minutes away, and I emailed her teacher several times and my husband went to the school to discuss the situation. I told my husband if I had to take off work to go in to get this situation resolved, it wasn't going to be pretty. I will contact the parents and I promise I will make teachers and administratration accountable to resolve this situation. God help them, God help them. Because guess what, I'm that mom like you. Do not stop and make sure that everyone is held accountable. Some parents do not parent their children; they don't teach them right from wrong, nothing. The situation was remedied and the ringleader girl ended up writing an apology letter to my daughter. My daughter is a beautiful, sweet little girl and I told her middle school would be easier because she'd make new friends, all kinds of kids. She's such a smart girl, math scores in standardized and state exams in the 90's; all of her scores are excellent and she almost always gets straight A's, very rarely a B. She plays 3 instruments now in middle school and loves fellow "band nerds" or "band geeks" as some would call these awesome kids. She has loads of friends now. It's hard, so hard to be a good kid I think, sometimes. Anyway, I know as a mother, IT TEARS YOUR HEART OUT and I'm sorry you're going through that...

    You may not have accomplished your original goal but you got something in. We're going to tune into Netflix too. I want to see if I can find Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    @eleanorhawkins So sad to hear about your family member! My husband’s first cousin went the same way, no warning at all.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited January 2020
    @rheddmobile I can only think of terrible things to say to the race director, maybe on face book... I feel angry for you. But I know at the end of the day I don’t wanna be that person. So just ((hugs)). I hope you kick kitten tomorrow and reward yourself with a lovely healthy meal. *Sigh* we all make mistakes. Vent, forgive and run your heart out!

    Ok one stupid comment? Ok no I’m taking the high road. Least I do something stupid and need forgiven. Kitten. 🦿look a fake leg emoji. Odd. I noticed there is a middle finger bird, why is there no reverse peace sign? The UK bird? Whaddya call that any how?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    To jump in on the some runs feeling really hard topic, ladies have you noted any link to your hormonal cycles? I was given a copy of Roar by Stacy T Sims for my birthday and although I'm only a few pages in I keep going 'oh, so THAT's why that feels so tough' and 'so THAT's why that happens'. I had realised there are patterns in my weight and RHR that are linked to my cycle, but hadn't worked out that performance, perceived effort and recovery are all affected too!

    Totally. I worked it out for myself then found a whole bunch of literature on the topic. I like to race at that time of the month because I’m simply faster.

    And sorry if this is TMI guys, but
    Menstrual cup for the win! Why didn't I find out about them like 25 years ago? I can run, swim, cycle, whatever I want, and don't have to worry about it. Total game changer.

    Amen! I love love mine. Used one for over 10 years now. Had to buy a new one after the birth of my kids but yeah brilliant for running NG
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @LoveyChar thank you for understanding! Usually what happens is my son gets into an argument and since they are kids and boys that are preteen, they feel the need to be the biggest and baddest so they take it to the next level.

    In the case that we are dealing with now, it is a month old, I thought it was resolved and had a positive outcome, and on Wednesday I found that the other child’s parents want to take it to the next level. What in the world?!?! My son told me that the other child told him that their parents told them to fake an injury, when he was apologizing profusely. I’m hoping that this does not become more blown out of proportion than necessary. We have already enrolled him in our district so that these two will have no contact. I don’t think the school he’s been in cares about honoring a no contact order if I were to obtain one. They told me he needs to be doing schoolwork at home .... what the.....
    The switch from the charter school has been great for my daughter - I just didn’t want to have to pull my son because he has been so happy there until this year. Hopefully this will be better.

    I have fifteen miles today! I didn’t get up at 6 like I wanted so it’s promising to be a long day... again, I don’t even want to go ..... *sigh* would it be too terribly crazy if I made this be the cutback week and then do the 15 next Saturday?

  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    1-1 8k slow + resistance bands
    1-2 7k slow + yoga
    1-3 rest + resistance bands
    1-4 7k slow + yoga
    1-5 8k slow
    1-6 7k easy + resistance bands
    1-7 rest + yoga
    1-8 7k slow + resistance bands
    1-9 7k slow + yoga
    1-10 rest + resistance bands
    1-11 5k slow + yoga
    1-12 7k slow

    January Total: 63k
    January Goal: 135k

    So we went from 55 degrees F yesterday after the rain to 35 degrees F this morning with light snow. Many of the robins that Mother Nature tricked into coming north yesterday on a warm southerly wind were sitting in the road this morning, grumbling about the prank that had been played on them. Fueled this morning with an 8 ounce bottle of Ensure; after a little GI issue, was OK to run. Felt like I had at least some energy, but my legs were still tired. Old age is creeping up on me yet again.

    Next year when you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 this is fantastic!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    Anyway, official results had me in 47:34! Which was 9:34 pace and good for 3rd in age group. I was quite pleased with that considering the course and wind and my goal of finishing in at around 50 min or so.
    We got our medal and a mug with hot chocolate as it was supposed to be a “winter” race lol.
    So race one of my goal to do one in each distance marked, 4 more to go.

    Overall good day, went home, had lunch, went to see Like a Boss with some girlfriends.

    Yay! Well done!
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 Congratulations on the race, nice job! What a great picture of a cute and enthusiastic lady with a strong finish!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Teresa502 wrote: »
    1/1 – 3.17 miles
    1/2 – 5.03 miles
    1/4 – 10.01 miles
    1/5 – 6.56 miles (trail)
    1/6 – 4.14 miles
    1/8 – 5.01 miles
    1/10 – 5.10 miles
    1/11 – 13.54 miles
    52.56 miles/100 miles

    I’ve been busy with work and life so I haven’t posted much lately but I caught up on reading the posts last night and I’ve given a lot of likes and hugs. The strong winds blew through my area last night and as a result I'm without power this morning. I had planned on doing some work from home today before church anyway so I just headed into the office where there is power and running water.

    Keep on keeping on people!

    Oh that stinks... sorry you have to unexpectedly be at work on Sunday... You are over half way toward your goal, woohoo!