Over 200 Club New Year New Body Part 6



  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    good morning...

    I have not been on the board for a while, since last week, my son (4 y/o) got sick over the weekend and i started to feel what he still has..a sinus infrection, headach, sore throat...your average cold and congestion...

    check in for yesterday;
    calories: not sure, wasn't really eating or counting
    water: 2 cups
    exercise: if you count to and from the restroom, if not, then nope
    proud: i checked in today
    this weeks challenge: i made stuffed cabbage leaves over the weekend and it was very tasty...this is before i got sick..now when i look at them in the fridge...not so appealing

    i will try to check back later..if not..

    Have a wonderful day!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    checking in for yesterday:
    calories: not good - over by 700
    exercise: good, step at the Y in the a.m.
    water: should have been close, but didn't keep track
    proud: going to step and eating well during the day ... but need to not go home so hungry because I was ravenous and ate way too much before, during and after dinner.
    My doctor changed my birth control medication to a lower dose so it is my TOM for the first time in a year ... I forgot what a pain it is. But I'm hoping it might help my metabolism a bit... I'm not sure if I will go back to the old pills yet or not. My OBGYN put me on the stronger pills last year to control peri-menopause symptoms like severe moodiness and getting TOM every 2 weeks ... but then I promptly gained 15 pounds in 3 months, and didn't have TOM for a year. I lost that 15 pounds, and now my regular doc wants me to try a lower dose because my blood pressure was slightly higher than normal at my checkup (very slight 130/90). So I'm not sure what I want to do ... all I know is that I was horribly moody all last month so I will have to see how this month goes.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    To the girls that chimed in on my painful exprience with C25K THANK YOU!!!:flowerforyou:

    JLB- My running routine is M-W-F. I dont normally work out on the weekends at all unless I get annoyed at home and want to get away and T- TH I do strength training. Do you think thats over doing it? Im giving the running a day in between like it says to in the program...I dont want to quit for a week to heal because I am afraind I wont come back to it, but I also dont want to hurt myself to the point where I CANT do it. Today is a running day and I am still in so much pain. I am going to take some advil and still do my run but if I feel like this again tomorrow I may just have to rethink this 'project'.

    To all- I am mentally struggling with this again. I tried on my size 18s that I have hung on the closet door as motivation and they still are no where near fitting. I thought 20lbs would do it but I guess not. :grumble: :brokenheart: I was really dissapointed that my clothes all still seem to be the same size (a little looser but I havent moved down a size) My journey is to eventually lose 100lbs, but for the moment Im only focusing on losing the first 50lbs, and even that seems daunting. I need some kind of re-motivation :sad: Usually watching the biggest loser is so inspiring to me, but they cancelled it for the stupid olympics...I didnt know it would impact me this much to miss it

    Ok sorry to ramble just needed to have a quick vent

  • Solandra
    Checking in for 2/16/10:
    Calories - Under
    Water - over
    Exercise - none

    Proud of - we negotiated hard on good replacements for the windows on our house last night. The total for the project was still way over what I had initially budgeted (which was unrealistic), but the financing went through with no problems. My credit was terribad after my divorce, and since financing was done based on my credit scores, I am very proud that I was able to qualify at all. Rebuilding has been a very practical process, so much so that when I had to occasionally apply for credit I was unsurprised if it failed (which it did in the mid-point days - I knew better in the early days), and eventually unembarassed. In the past two years I've qualified for a car loan and a mortage, my credit limits have been increased and the bankruptcy has fallen off my credit report. Last night's financing was a triumph of sorts, and the payments are well within the monthly budget even if the grand total was more than expected.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Cris -- I can only speak from personal experience & the tiny bit of research I did to make the decision I did for myself. I don't think you should run if you're experiencing a lot of pain. I think you should go with low impact exercise only until your knees feel 100% better. Biking is good, swimming if you have that option, upper body cardio only (punching is a great workout!), and only light strength training involving your knees (I wouldn't do squats or leg presses or the like until there is no pain).

    I don't know if your pain is the same as mine. Mine started as a bit of soreness around the knee. I pushed through it for at least 2 weeks but it progressively got worse and worse until I was literally running in tears before I realized what I was doing was idiotic. I've also read it's a pretty bad idea to take pain killers right before you run because if something starts hurting that severely, you NEED to know about it and you need to stop running at that point. I think it's okay to take anti-inflammatory type pain killers *after* the run to help with any pain/soreness and inflammation. If the pain is coming from arthritis or another known and closely monitored pain-causing affliction OTHER than injury, then I could see a doctor recommending mild painkillers before the run. But you didn't suffer with this much knee pain before you started running, right?

    I felt like my knee pain was a pretty classic overuse injury (I'm not 100% sure which one) and everything I've read about any overuse injury (runner's knee & others) says treatment #1 should be to *decrease* the amount of running you're doing (so you may not have to stop altogether -- just try running 1-2 days a week and see if it helps and then go back to 3 days a week). But, I don't know if you have "runner's knee" or something else. If you do think it's runner's knee, crosstraining (the biking I do, for example) is a great way to combat runner's knee because I think the cause of runner's knee is that your leg muscles aren't supporting your knee properly. Strengthen the leg muscles & you have fewer knee problems. Icing your knees after a run, like mstahl suggested, may help.

    Another thing that you HAVE to do that I wasn't doing before when I was having so much knee pain is STRETCH and stretch well. Warm up, stretch, run your intervals, then COOL DOWN (5 minute walk), and stretch stretch stretch again. Stretch hammies, calves, quads, I even stretch my torso and arms. It may seem tedious or pointless but I seriously haven't had a single problem associated with running since I began stretching properly before & after my runs. Important note: Never static stretch cold muscles, you could pull/strain them. That's why it's important to warm up, and then stretch, and then do your exercise. :wink:

    One more thing I see mentioned time and time again in running articles is to be sure your have properly fitting and properly padded running shoes. I was lucky enough to find a pair of Asics at a discount shoe warehouse that fit me perfectly & were wonderfully padded. I've racked up quite a few miles in them since September, though, so I know soon it'll be time for a new pair (OMG, having to buy atheletic shoes more than once every 3 years?! wtf :laugh:).

    Again, this is merely my opinion based on my own experience, but I think if you ignore your body and push it too far, you could seriously injure yourself. Sorry this is so long, but it'd be great if others could learn from my mistakes! :laugh:

    C25K recommendations for knee pain:

    Another random article about runner's knee:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    :explode: :explode: :mad: :explode: :mad: My husbands blood sugar was 325:explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: I am sooooooo mad at him. He has to take better care of himself. He is not watching his food intake. He thinks he can eat anything he chooses. I cant force him to stick to a plan and that makes me mad. I love him so much. We have been together most of my adult life, I was just barely turned 22. I want to grow old with this man. I want him to care enough about himself, me and our 4 children to take care of his own health. I made his lunch, and I will make his dinner all of it healthy now he has to make the choice not to eat anything bad before bed.
    I know the feeling momma my husband has high cholestrol and is at risk for developing diabetes and I try everyday to get him to eat healthy.He has started to lose weight since I have stopped nagging him about it.I am like you I love him so much I want him to live ad see his children grow up and grown old together.Just keep doing what your doing hopefully he will eventually get the point.
  • MariSama44
    MariSama44 Posts: 340 Member
    Hey gals. Trying to catch up with all of you! This is challenging!

    Cris - congrats on the new neice! and dont fret too much about your jeans. you're doing better than me! Try taking your measurements instead.

    Momma - deep fried asparagus...now, I'm a big asparagus fan, but that I've never had! I dont know if I even want to try it, then I probably wouldnt be able to put it down! My favorite way to enjoy asparagus is tossed in olive oil with a bit of salt and garlic powder, roasted in the oven. Mmmn, so good.

    Jen - Hope you feel better soon, this weather has been making everyone sick.

    Positively Me - I hope you feel better!

    Everyone else - Great job and keep it up! We can do it!

    Check in for yesterday

    Calories: Spot on
    Water: yes
    Exercise: nope
    Proud: Proud I resisted the call of chips and salsa at 10pm last night. I remembered how yummy dinner was and instantly forgot about my craving.

    Psyched about going to the gym today (even though I'm a little tired.) School was cancelled this week (I go to UAHuntsville in Alabama....we had a mass shooting last week, unfortunately which is why classes are cancelled.) so I'm able to take off work at an earlier time and hit the gym. I used to read posts on these forums about what annoyed people at the gym most..I never used to get mad but recently! :mad: :explode: :explode: :explode: Why are there so many idiots at the gym!? Taking MY machines up! Sitting there and talking on cellphones! Getting in my way and only doing 5 pounds on the leg press! The workers at the gym say it will die down after all the people give up on their new years resolutions...I hope they're right. I'm so irritated and if one more person breaks one more of my elliptical machines I'm going to go crazy! Blargh! Okay, rant is over. :bigsmile:
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Are you ready for our challenge???:noway:

    :heart: :heart: In the Spirit of St. Valentine's Day... :heart: :heart:
    Three nights this next week, light a candle, pour yourself a glass of red wine for your health (non drinkers could have a nice wine flute with non-alcoholic bubbly cider and cranberry juice or some such treat!) and try a new healthy food you've either never had, or not eaten for years, or generally dislike.


    Above is a link for some healthy recipe ideas! But it can be anything! I will be trying roasted beets with goat cheese! (I hate beets). I'll also try eating good greens (collard or mustard) and a cabbage dish!

    It doesn't have to be expensive (cabbage anyone?) just healthy and outside of your comfort zone! I do this over lent sometimes - adding something good for me :flowerforyou: rather than giving up something bad :devil:

    Making it a nice experience (candles and a pretty glass of something nice to drink) can help - it also helps to be HUNGRY when trying something unusual (this is how I got my grandkids to learn to love salmon -lots of exercise and very hungry and they WOOFED it down LOL!)

    What do you think???
    I love this challenge.Girls I am back on track.I have cleaned my refridgerator and cabinets out of all bad foods.I replaced everything with organic fruits and veggies.I bought the biggest loser cookbook and found some wonderful new recipes to cook like portabello mushroom pizza YUM and pork stir-fry with garlic broccoli.Also my husband bought me a wii and the wii ea active.They are out of the wii fits right now but he said he may get that for my birthday if they ever get any in.I haven't got my wii yet because its on back order but I can't wait to try it out.It should be here this weekend
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Hey gals. Trying to catch up with all of you! This is challenging!

    Cris - congrats on the new neice! and dont fret too much about your jeans. you're doing better than me! Try taking your measurements instead.

    Momma - deep fried asparagus...now, I'm a big asparagus fan, but that I've never had! I dont know if I even want to try it, then I probably wouldnt be able to put it down! My favorite way to enjoy asparagus is tossed in olive oil with a bit of salt and garlic powder, roasted in the oven. Mmmn, so good.

    Jen - Hope you feel better soon, this weather has been making everyone sick.

    Positively Me - I hope you feel better!

    Everyone else - Great job and keep it up! We can do it!

    Check in for yesterday

    Calories: Spot on
    Water: yes
    Exercise: nope
    Proud: Proud I resisted the call of chips and salsa at 10pm last night. I remembered how yummy dinner was and instantly forgot about my craving.

    Psyched about going to the gym today (even though I'm a little tired.) School was cancelled this week (I go to UAHuntsville in Alabama....we had a mass shooting last week, unfortunately which is why classes are cancelled.) so I'm able to take off work at an earlier time and hit the gym. I used to read posts on these forums about what annoyed people at the gym most..I never used to get mad but recently! :mad: :explode: :explode: :explode: Why are there so many idiots at the gym!? Taking MY machines up! Sitting there and talking on cellphones! Getting in my way and only doing 5 pounds on the leg press! The workers at the gym say it will die down after all the people give up on their new years resolutions...I hope they're right. I'm so irritated and if one more person breaks one more of my elliptical machines I'm going to go crazy! Blargh! Okay, rant is over. :bigsmile:
    So cool you are from Alabama!! I have family in Decatur!! My cousin actually uses this website too.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    School was cancelled this week (I go to UAHuntsville in Alabama....we had a mass shooting last week, unfortunately which is why classes are cancelled.)

    My boyfriend knows one of the professors who was shot (she's still in critical condition). He went to UA Huntsville 5 or 6 years ago but the professor was actually his good friend's mother.

    What a horrible & idiotic situation. :explode:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    jlb- thanks for your post, very informative and full of great advice. I really really appreciate your input because I know you went through this recently.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    jlb- thanks for your post, very informative and full of great advice. I really really appreciate your input because I know you went through this recently.

    Hey Cris, we moved. We are on part 7

  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Thanks Momma I was getting ready to do this !!!