Cathe Fans Part 5



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm still in recovery mode and with hubby out of town it has been a way to be lazy without the guilt:blushing: Yesterday I ran errands until thunderstorms drove me home but at least I was able to ship most of my returns back to Amazon. I still feel as if I'm floundering as I focus on getting well, eating right and prepping myself to find a fun rotation to enjoy before my busy contract season begins. Last night I did put paper to pen and created a nice 6 week oration.

    Laurie- Glad to hear about the latest DVD, it sounds exciting for me who loves Kb:bigsmile: I did purchase MD Peak 10 Cardio but I'm realistic to know my lungs are not quite ready yet for that intensity.

    Erika- sweet spot, interestingly enough I love my morning walks now and miss those:blushing: but my energy is still not here yet but I have set a goal of mid-January to "just do it".

    Tami- Chuckling at the concept of that insane routine and my lungs are cringing at the thought:laugh:

    Laurel- thanks for that as maybe the shorts emphasized the muscles but Sealy's legs in her pants seemed bigger. Glad to hear that plyo is not the focus, maybe I will review the DVDs again although I'm definitely interested in 2 DVDs.

    Rainy, foggy day here although the temps are quite high, hubby said that D.C. Is actually nice and he doubts he will get his snow wish:grumble: Wierd weather for sure but those snow flurries sound exciting:bigsmile:

    Have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Spinning was great last night! There will be a slight adjustment period getting used to the new style of bike, settings/resistance, etc. but they are so smooth and comfortable. Everyone agreed on that forsure and it was a great workout! This a.m. was XTrain Legs – PreMix #3 which is the longer mix with standing floor work, barre, ball work, floor and then a delts bonus. I was actually a little surprised to find that the standing legs were very light weight/discs for the moves; seem to be more body weight focused. All of the moves throughout the entire workout were very traditional and definitely “got in there” … especially by the time the barre, stability ball then to floor work with leg raises of course! The sequence of exercises definitely keeps your legs guessing and working at different angles.

    Erika: Yay on finding some workouts that are agreeing with you right now! :bigsmile: That’s great!! Those are short & sweet which sounds like just what you are needing right now.

    Laurie: Great feedback again on the Combat workout! So glad it is already moved into being one of your favorites. We know how much you have enjoyed the CF KB workouts so this is fantastic. :drinker: They sound like they would be lots of fun! I know, it was really nice of him ….. We’ve had conversations about him starting dinner or making dinner once and a while because when I get home from the gym, shower and then start it creates an even longer time before we eat. :ohwell: I try to pre-prep in the a.m. so it’s basically putting things together but sometimes it's not. So it was great!

    Sherry: Welcome!:smile: Thanks for stopping in and so glad to hear another Cathe fan along with starting XTrain! Laurel and I are doing the 90 Day Undulating rotation and so far I am loving it! Feel free to join us here along your journey!

    Michelle: Glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and having some lazy days! I’m sure your body is appreciating it very much. What kind of rotation did you set up for yourself! Great job getting that down on paper. We had our snow earlier in the week, then it warmed up slightly (40ish) now are temps are dropping again and supposed to be into the low teens at night. Brrrrrrrrrr-rumba!

    Hi Laurel – Anxious to hear your thoughts of today’s workout!

    Have a great day ladies ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Evening Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Tonight was Cathe PUB-Pyramid Up. Felt great, and my arms are still on fire! :bigsmile: I'm so proud of my motivation this week. I have wanted to not workout every night this week, and kicked my own butt down to the workout room to get it done! :bigsmile: Tomorrow night is a hockey mom night out, so I may not be home in time for a workout, so figured I better get one in tonight (even though we got home a little late from hockey).

    Tami--That is so great to hear that the new bikes are so nice!!! :bigsmile: Makes it worth the wait for the remodel to get done! Great job on XTrain Legs! I like the sound of that one!

    Michelle--I'm glad to hear you are taking it easy and getting lots of rest. Hopefully you will be back up and at it sooner rather than later, but sounds like you have been productive at planning out your workouts when you are feeling up to it! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--I am glad to hear that Power Kata was another good one! I wonder what I'd think of that one, with it not being as cardio heavy? I might have to order it to find out!! :bigsmile:


    Have a great Friday and weekend ladies, I'll talk to you next week!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Well because of a request from my youngest for me to make Tuna Casserole sometime this week, I didn't get my workout in until around 9:30pm last night. I had told dd that she shouldn't let me walk into the house after her dance class and say that I was to tired to do the workout. I actually did say that when we where headed home, but she said "no Mom you have to do your workout".:laugh: I love that child. :smile: So I did Combat 60 Extreme Cardio Fighter. This is my next favorite after yesterdays workout, it does have more of a learning curve. I think it might get better when I am not working out to late, and getting that first time under my belt. Again it uses all the the martial arts. I love that they give you many options of kicks, punches and blocks. :wink:

    Sherry, Please do come join us. I love hearing about everyone's experience with the XTrain workouts. :wink:

    Michelle, We had the rain and fog yesterday and this morning. Right now I see the sun. :noway: Oh ya those Peak workouts are not good if you have limited lung capacity! If you like to punch and kick then these are for you. :wink: I'm really feeling my upper body, and leg. :wink: Have you looked at the new Jeanette Jenkins kickboxing workout. That one looks appealing to me, but I have not read any reviews yet. WTG on creating your rotation!

    Tami, :drinker: on the new spin bikes, that has to be fun to try something out when it is so new. :wink: Sounds like a solid premix, and how do your legs feel today will be the question. Sometimes barr work is sneaky. :laugh: How is flow of that premix. I know that some of those HC workouts where not fun. If I had the food all prepped, and DH just needed to put it in the oven he would be fine. :laugh: He has only made me dinner a couple of times, and that was when we where dating. :laugh:

    Erika, I would consider the kickboxing workouts more steady state. I know that was the case with the Combat 60. My HR stayed in the same range through the whole thing, but I was sweating too! :laugh: Hey I think we both had a good week with our workouts, so we met a goal! :drinker: I'm very happy that today is my rest day, since I have a tough workout tomorrow with Hiit. I'm taking my laptop to dd's dance class tonight, maybe I will get to preview some of the TF workouts. :wink:

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Happy Friday!! I missed you the past couple of days but had early morning and long appointments. Not fun. But, as usual, I got my workouts in. Wednesday was Xtrain bis and tris, and I really enjoyed it. Like the Chest, Back and Shoulder workout, it was thorough but not over-done. Yesterday was Legs (as Tami described) an I had the exact same reaction as Tami!! No surprise, but I am left wondering if I'm not going to miss some heavier leg work during this rotation. The weights were very light (no more than 10lbs)....or none at all. It was a thorough workout but especially in this premix it is what I would consider to be a toning or conditioning workout and not a strength workout. I added Core #2 after yesterday's workout (as opposed to Wednesday's) and enjoyed that core workout. It is very standard crunches for the most part.

    Today I decided to start accelerating the program a bit since I'm going to be taking a week off here in two weeks to go visit my mom. So I did the scheduled All Out Low Impact HiiT with Core 1 to start. I enjoyed both, but I must admit that the HiiT workout didn't seem like a HiiT workout. In fact, the break between some moves is less than 10 seconds, and because I was able to do it without getting too winded, I know I wasn't reaching what I consider to be a full HiiT cardio capacity during the drills. So, for me, it felt much more like a steady state workout with some breaks between the moves. I enjoyed it (and really enjoyed the music), but I think she did much better with the low impact HiiT in Intensity in making it feel like HiiT work than she did here. But, again, I enjoyed it for the workout it was. Core 1 was great. It had some very different moves in it, and while still alot of crunches, felt more like core work than ab work like Core 2 did. I followed it up with Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders, and I really enjoyed this workout. There are three sets of three exercises per body part, the third set being a failure set and then each body part followed by a burn set. It went very quickly, and I felt it nicely. I must say....both workouts just flew by. I finished the second workout as was like 'Am I done?' I love that feeling.

    Laurie, how fun that your daughter encourages you to workout. What great support. I'm glad you are enjoying this series of workouts.

    Erika, PUB is still one of my favorite upper body workouts. Great job in finding the motivation again and doing these workouts!

    Michelle, I'm glad you hear you are continuing to feel better. Regarding CeDe's legs (I think that's who you were talking about) do I put this kindly? They appear larger because she is a bit heavier in this series than she has been in some. Is that rude? She is fit and looks great, but.........:ohwell: I hope you enjoy your new rotation!

    Sherry, welcome! As you can see, Tami and I are doing Xtrain, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. I am one of those people who owns all of Cathe's workouts, and still fnd she challenges me in different ways with each new series. I'm a Turbo Fire lover too!! I've been taking a break from it for a few months because I did at least a few TF workouts a week for nearly a year! Just love the energy and fun in that series.

    Tami, great job with the workouts! I have so many thoughts on these Xtrain workouts right now. First, you aren't joking about Cathe starting tri's with 35lbs....over the head! I didn't match her on that weight because I just wasn't comfortable putting that much weight up at that point. My shoulder still doesn't love overhead tricep extensions, so I was much more comfortable with 25lb (and may go to 30lb). But 35lb? That's heavy!! I completely agree with you on the leg workout. Like I said above, though, I'm wondering if I might miss heavier leg workout during this series. No doubt the workout was thorough (VERY thorough), but I would have loved just one set of heavy squats or something. Does that make sense? But I'm going to give it a go and see how my legs respond. Maybe my legs don't need the heavier weights. Just a word of warning on Burn Sets Chest, Back and Shoulders....there is very little break between the warm-up and when she starts banging out chest presses (again, with 35lbs). So if you don't have everything in place, you might want to take a pause and get set up. But other than that, I was right with Cathe on this workout (except she lifts more with chest....I lift more with back). It was a good one. I'll be a little ahead of you over the next two weeks as I try to get four weeks of workouts into three weeks so that when I get back, I'm right back with you in the series.

    I hope you all have a great weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & TGIF! :drinker: Is it me or is this week so looooooooong :noway: Things are still pretty slow for me at work, makes the days even longer.

    This a.m. was All Out Low Impact HiiT with Core 1. I was a little disappointed :ohwell: only because I had imagined it being more like the HiiT sections and/or format of say To The Max or CrossFire. It was very surprising to me throughout because it didn’t feel like a true “HiiT” program, just as Laurel mentioned. I was thinking to myself, maybe the intensity is going to increase. I was glad that the step portion was added on in the second section for slightly more intensity, but that was a short portion as well. Core 1 felt good to end the workout with. This was my 2nd time on that one this week and I enjoy it. Spinning tonight :wink: Looking forward to it.

    Erika: Kudos to you for finding that motivation this week!:drinker: You should feel proud of yourself, that’s so great. I’m sure with the variety and pushing yourself into some workouts it is going to start clicking again to where you are looking forward to it. Have a great “hockey mom’s night out” this eve.

    Laurie: Awesome that your DD encouraged you to get that workout in! I bet you felt great that you did it when you were done. Plus, another great review on Combat! :bigsmile: Yes, the new bikes were definitely worth the wait! My legs feel fine today, no DOMs:ohwell: I thought some of those Barre/floor work would have snuck up on me too since that isn't a regular routine for them. It’s all good though :smile: I trust Cathe’s program and know that it will all come together. The beauty of all these rotations we can modify them if need be:wink: I’m sorry your DH doesn’t cook for you :frown: But good that he can help the process if it is started! Anything helps in my book.

    Laurel: Great to have you back and I bet you are glad to be done with those long appts! Fabulous job getting in your workouts (which I had no doubt) I think we are both 110% on the same thought process here w/ XTrain:wink: This a.m.’s HiiT workout left me feeling like I wanted more forsure. I agree on it not feeling like a true HiiT either … I was also kind of thinking if someone had never tried a HiiT style of workout this would be a good one to warm up to the idea with. “Legs” workout – Absolutely makes sense & just like you, made me feel like I was missing the heavier weighted style leg workout. Wondering if this “style” being more toning based will be enough & wishing for a couple rounds of heavier weights w/ the legs. Trying to also look at it from the other angle, this is a “change” in styles so may shock my legs a bit & at the same time imagining adding something else into the program :smile: Like you I will wait and see. One thing forsure is that I will grab heavier weights next week on that first portion. Thanks for the “heads up” on Burn Sets … I’ll get myself ready. Nice that you will be able to double some things up before your trip! So glad we’re in this together :flowerforyou:

    Hi Michelle:smile:

    Have a great weekend ladies!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies:flowerforyou:

    :yawn: Sleepness night and early four-legged alarm at 3am this morning has me up and cleaning, loading dishwasher, spilling clorox all over my guest bathrrom rugs:grumble: and finally preparing to load the washer with linens. Afterwards I will change the master sheets, grill my steaks that are marinating to add to my salad with sliced avocado. Yum! It is the last day for my meds so I'm excited but may head back in this week to listen to those lungs again.

    This weekend I wanted to sweat and release some toxins, so I did Wii Hip-Hop experience and then after 20mins switched to Zumba, needless to say it was fun and sweaty but I was gasping on the bed afterwards:laugh: Then I took the girls for our Flu shots and they gave me one also as the strains varies, so my first Flu vaccine in 23 years..darn my record was pretty good considering hubby has had it at least 4 times during this period and he takes his vaccine every year:tongue: Then the girls headed to a party in our subdivision and Mr. C and I walked to collect them later that night. We had a spring-like weekend and wore shorts and flip-flops..crazy weather:grumble: Today the fog is back but overall the temps are pretty nice this morning.

    Laurel- Yes, Cathe did put on some weight but after reviewing the videos again she does look lean so obviously the distortion was due to my febrile mind during my illness. I have decided to order three in particular Supercuts, Cardio Leg Blast and the HIIT.

    Laurie- I have looked at Jeanette Jenkins KB and it has good reviews but I was unable to connect with her in a a prior KB dvd years agos so I'm a bit leery.:ohwell: Tuna casserole sounds good but I have never made one myself so please post your recipe if you use one:wink:

    Tami- Those classes always sound so brutal but yet motivating:bigsmile: . I found a Tahitian Hula course taught on the base that I can't wait to try of course when I'm in better shape.

    Erika- That is dedication that you actually did it at 9:30pm:bigsmile: . How was your mom's hockey night out?

    Ok ladies have a great Monday:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Sock Plyo workout on Saturday, and I loved this one. Reminded me of Insanity, because they used all body weight and plyo. They did pick up a weight for one move, but it was a squat with overhead press. DH finally got home from FL on Sunday, and then we spent the day taking down the rest of the Christmas deco. I didn't have a chance to workout, but will dow some catching cup this week, since some of the workouts are only 30 min. long. I should be able to get two of those into my night. :wink:

    Laurel, Sounds like some great workouts on your accelerated program. I have been hearing many different reactions to some of the workouts, and I find people like different parts of the workout depending on what they like. Of course that is probably the way it will be for most people. I love these Combat workouts, but someone that doesn't enjoy kicking would probably hate these. :wink: I was very happy that my dd is making me workout.

    Tami, This past full week of work was tough, and made tougher because DH was gone. Was really glad to have him there this morning making the youngest her lunch for school. :wink: DD was telling me to get downstairs last night to workout, but I just couldn't with all the up and down the stairs DH and I had done. Carrying a Christmas tree down the stairs is tough. :laugh: Beside I wanted to be awake to watch Downton Abby. :wink: I'm not a huge fan of barre work, so that part of the workout would not be "fun" for me.

    Michelle, Glad to hear that you are able to get in a workout and sweat out the toxins. I have one Jeanette workout, and I didn't click with it at the time either. The Tuna Casserole is from Pilsbury, and dd likes it because it uses potato chips. :laugh: I found some reduced cal. chips at Target, that uses sunflower oil so I use those. Here is the link.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm continuing to accelerate my Xtrain rotation right now to prepare to be off for a week. So yesterday I did Cardio Leg Blast including core. It felt really good yesterday. Where it felt like a cardio workout last week, this week I really tried to focus on the leg portions of the workout, and it felt like a good blend of cardio and weight. I enjoyed it. Today I did a blend of workouts. I did Hard Strikes (cardio only) and Burn Sets Bis and Tris. I continue to enjoy Hard Strikes and really enjoyed the Burn Sets.

    Tami, I'm so glad to hear I wasn't the only one who was left wondering after the Legs workout and the Low Impact HiiT workout. Thank you for your feedback. I'm going to press with the rotation for the next two weeks (well, through week 4 I guess), but I might start making some modifications to it after I get back. I want to see how it feels with the other workouts in the rotation (Tabatacize and SuperCuts). But I'm kind of thinking I might want to add something else to this rotation. For instance, as much as I enjoy the Hard Strikes cardio, I'm not sure I want to do it every week (minus one I think) for 12 weeks when I know I've got some other fun workouts sitting on my shelf. So.....we'll see. I'm still very happy with the Xrain workouts, but I'm thinking that I might be happier mixing them with my other workouts than sticking solely to this rotation. I'm really curious if you are feeling the same way right now.

    Michelle, I hope those lungs are clear! Sounds like you are definitely on the mend, though. Good job with the workouts. I've yet to get a flu shot (in my life), but feeling like I'm coming down with something right now has me wondering if I might should have. :ohwell: We'll see. I'm hoping it is just a tad of a cold in the end.

    Laurie, I'm so glad you are enjoying these combat workouts! I love kicking, so I probably would enjoy them. I find kickboxing gets my heart rate better than just boxing does, and I like that. I must admit, I haven't read any reviews minus the very early ones for Xtrain because I wanted to make up my own mind about the workouts. I find that many people either love or hate Cathe, and I find it hard to find relatively impartial reviews of her workouts as a result. But I may wonder over to VF to see what people are saying later. I'm kinda curious. Like I said to Tami, I'm loving the workouts. I'm just not so sure I'm loving the rotation, which is interesting to me.

    Erika, hope you are well!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~
    Weekend went by way too fast! :frown: as they do. Sat was my REST day for the week, which felt a little strange :blushing: but I did get a lot of misc things done and took my sweet Emma to the vet for her shots. She needs to lose some LBS :noway: So we have her on the Biggest Loser eating plan right now, cutting back some food slowly so its not a shock to her system. Come to find out, DH was feeding her way to much in the evening (when I’m at the gym) he wasn’t sure so it was HEAPING amounts. Just that change should help but she is about 8-10 over. :blushing: Yesterday was XTrain: Burn Sets Chest/Shoulders/Back which I felt was a great workout. I went heavier in some of the exercises so that I would “feel the burn” on the 3rd set. I followed that workout up with my volleyball games. :wink: This a.m. was XTrain: Cardio Legs + Core 2, I increased my weight on the exercises this week and really enjoyed that workout again. I like the cardio/weights/cardio/weights combo. If I had a little more time I would have planned for the Xtreme pre-mix, looks like a goodie. Tonight will be BootCamp after work.:wink:

    Michelle: Sounds like you are feeling a lot better, that’s great news! :smile: Sorry for the 3am wake up this a.m. I bet you will be tired early tonight. Nice job with getting in some toxin release this weekend! My DH had his first flu shot this year, just last week. Shorts & flip flops?!?! WOW We were in single digits and got dumped on last night, now it has turned to freezing hale. I think those three of XT are good choices that you ordered!

    Laurie: That workout sounds like another great one in the bunch! :bigsmile: Yay :drinker: They all sound like great workouts at this point, good to hear and happy you are enjoying the new rotation. Glad to hear DH arrived home safely and he helped you clean up all the Christmas deco. I bet it feels great to have your house back.

    Laurel: Great job getting double duty in on XTrain in preparation for your trip! :bigsmile: You’re welcome on the feedback and I’m so glad we are able to chat about it & work through the rotation set up as we go. :wink: I am feeling the same way as far as “tweaking” it up a bit. I do love the program this far too but I’m with you on missing out on say To The Max/CrossFire or even AfterBurn just off the top of my head for an alternate in there on HS cardio days instead of every week, just to change it up on cardio days. I'm anxious to see how I'm feeling w/ Tabatacize/Super Cuts as well. It's early to tell but, like you I think after this week and next it will give us a good feel of this rotation. :wink:

    Hi Erika :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Girls! :bigsmile:

    Sorry I was MIA hubby was sick all weekend and I had to run the boys to their 7 hockey events this weekend, and last night as I was dropping off one kid from hockey practice and coming home to get the other, I started feeling sick to my stomach, so laid low all night. I'm hoping it was just from eating too fast inbetween practices, but I'm still a little unsettled this morning. Unfortunately, this is how it started for my hubby and my oldest was complaining of a stomachache this morning too. :sad:

    I got in some really good workouts this weekend, including Muscle Max UB on Sunday night. I am trying my hardest to match or exceed Cathe's weights, and it is giving me major DOMS!!! :bigsmile: I just got Burn Sets and Cardio Legs yesterday, and am hoping I feel good enough to try one tonight!

    Tami--I hear ya on the weekend going by too fast! I miss my non-eventful weekends! :ohwell: I was all excited about hockey being done in 10 weeks, only to find out my hubby signed up my oldest for another league that starts right after this league ends and goes to the end of the summer. That means he takes him to hockey and I have to find a sport for my youngest to do that I get to be in charge of. Never a dull moment!! Thanks for the continued reviews of Xtrain. I'm glad I got Cardio Legs, as I was looking for a non-heavy legs workout and I'm glad I passed on the Hiit! :bigsmile: Burn Sets sounds like it's right up my alley!

    Laurel--Way to kick butt on the accelerated program in prep. for your upcoming vacation!:bigsmile: There is always a point in time during my day where I feel like I could "pull a Laurel" and knockout a 1-2 hour workout session. Then, I realize I'm at work, and that isn't going to happen, so I use up all my energy in my 1/2 hour session at night! :laugh: The good thing is that I feel like I'm at least pushing harder in the weights department, now just to get to that cardio too!

    Laurie--I caved and ordered the Combat set. I really think I'll like it after your reviews. I might even attempt the 1 hour ones!:bigsmile: I love that DD is pushing you to are great at that if you tell them to seriously push you. Mine will do the same, but almost go Jillian Michaels on me, so I have to tell them that I do need 1 rest day a week! :laugh: I bet it feels good to get all the Christmas decorations down! I just took down our outside lights last weekend and it felt so good to box it all up and be done!

    Michelle--I am glad to hear you are feeling better, I was a bit worried about you! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you are nearing the end, and able to get in some workouts too! I think the 3am wakeup call is going to have to change though...yowsa! :laugh: Hockey mom night was good, just went for a drink and headed home. The mom that organized it invited moms outside of our team moms, so I didn't know everyone there, which made it a little awkward (the moms from our team didn't know them either really). I'm sure I'll get to know them all eventually though.

    Back to work...gotta leave early for a dentist appt, and then hopefully home for a quick workout before an outdoor hockey game tonight!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got in the Combat 60 workout last night, and it went much better the second time around. Guess once you know what to expect you can really improve. :laugh: I have previewed the other two workouts that I have not yet done, so I'm hoping that helps a little with the learning curve. So far I'm loving all the workouts, and I thing the last two live workouts are going to be even more fun. :wink:

    Laurel, These workouts do get your hr up if you put the effort into it. I think that is what I love about them. I can get my hr rate up just doing the punching, because they really want you to put power into the punch. I'm surprised how the hr never gets out of the zone, even though I'm just punching. Dan (one of the instructors) is really funny and motivating. Some of those people on VF I have to wonder how intense they get there workouts. I was wondering if she only included the new workouts in the rotation, I think I would have to do some changes on that also. I'm surprised that the rotation is lacking in some way, but I'm sure that you will be able to make it work for you. :wink:

    Tami, Oh my that is quite a bit of weight. :noway: I'm sure that once you start monitoring her portions, it will go away fairly quickly. I just love having sore shoulders and legs after a kickboxing workout. I have many workouts that have never made me feel this toasty afterward. Probably because I'm not concentrating on the punch as I should. :wink: We just watched a youtube vid from the Jimmy Kimmel show, where he was laughing at the new people complaining about 55 deg. :laugh: They where saying it was so cold. :laugh:

    Erika, Hope that sickness leaves your house quickly. Some homes are getting the stomach bug, and others the flu like symptoms. Yay for DOMS! I really have been enjoying these workout a lot, so I hope that you will too. It is all in the power of the punch. LOL about your boys going Jillian on you! :laugh: I'm just amazed at how much time hockey takes up.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was a 7:30 doctors run to pick up a new pill, apparently antibiotics causes other feminine issues so I needed to go and pick up a prescription and knock these yuckies out:grumble: :ohwell: The weather here is rainy, foggy, and dreary but I was determined to get there and get back home. Last night I upped the ante to an hour and a half combining Hip Hop and Zumba and boy was I drenched but it felt soooo good:bigsmile:

    Laurie- You are definitely selling me on this set as you know we love KB and TF is still not hitting the spot for me..dang it I'm not sure why:huh:

    Erika- Poor thing..that is how my youngest started on the ship and then she threw up and ran a temperature, unfortunately I slept with her in the adjoining room to protect my eldest and I ended up getting hit the hardest:grumble: Bummer on the long league schedule. last night our neighbored asked if we were signing up our youngest for Softball with her daughter...ughhhh just when I thought we had committed to Gymnastics:laugh:

    Tami- Single digits...Brhhhhh right now I"m sitting here in sweats even though it is rainy outside the damp is definitely causing a chill factor..then again an hour ago I had on fans in the house:blushing: My body is definitely going through something:blushing:

    Laurel- Interesting about the intensity factor, do you think it is due to your usual routine of 2 hour workouts? Be careful with that cough, hubby came back from D.C. with a cough and upset tummy yesterday so I'm truly hoping that it does not affect him as sick hubbies are not cute:laugh: It sounds like the XTrain may suit you better combined with some of her other great dvds..time to start thinking of a great rotation with all of those dvds:wink:

    Have a great day ladies:flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Quick check-in today. Today I did XTrain Legs with the rear delt premix. It is 80 minutes long. I upped the weights in the standing section (which is only about 25 minutes) and still felt like I could do more. But I enjoyed the workout. I do think this is Cathe's lightest leg workout ever. It is thorough, but I was left wanting again for a burn. I think I might do something next week like add on one of her Bonus Butt workouts that she has done for some of her rotations (without the floor or barre work) and see if that fits the bill a little better. I really do like this workout....I just need a set or two of heavier leg work to make it feel more complete.

    Tami, I'm glad you are right there with me on this one. I think I will tweak it a bit when I get back. I do enjoy the workouts for what they are. I just feel like I'm missing something right now in this rotation.

    Michelle, I hope your husband is all right. I'm feeling better today. I think I just had a bit of a cold....or a sinus issue due to some really cold weather here. You bring up a good point about me being used to working out twice a day, and that may be playing into my feelings about this rotation. When I get back from AZ, I think I will try adding something to it and seeing if that doesn't address my issues. It may not be the workouts or the rotation that is lacking as much as I'm just used to more.

    Erika, I hope you are doing all right. So much sickness going around right now. No fun. Take care of yourself! :flowerforyou: And I think you are fine doing 1/2 hour of intense workout each day!! I am still hoping I can train my brain to accept that one workout a day is enough, but I must admit.....I'm struggling with it mentally. Physically.....I'm fine. It's all mental for me, that's for sure.

    Laurie, the only combo Cathe did with these new workouts was in her 90 day rotation combining it with the Low Impact Series. But other than that, the standard rotation is just these workouts. I have to keep reminding myself that when I've done P90X or X2, I've always tweaked, so it is only fair that I have to tweak this one as well. I've never done a solid 90 day Cathe rotation because even with STS, I pick my own cardio. So this is a first for me, which seems odd. I'm glad you are enjoying these workouts. They really sound great.

    Must run! See you tomorrow.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    BootCamp was a lot of fun last night, same format but with some new circuits she created. It was a pretty full class. The Insanity instructor took her class last night in case she ever fills in. :wink: She thought it was tough :wink: This a.m. was XTrain Burn Sets Bis/Tris + Core. Bis & Tris is only about 40 min so I could see this workout being a day to add on something with it, maybe a BONUS from another DVD. Today I just added the Core since the DVD was already in. Tonight will be Insane-X for my cardio :smile:

    Erika: Good to hear from you and sounds like you are busy as always and not letting up anytime soon it sounds on the hockey schedule! :tongue: :laugh: Great times though I’m sure that you wouldn’t trade in for anything. Hoping you aren’t catching any sickies Nice job getting in Muscle Max UB and yahoo for ordering up Burn Sets & Cardio Legs. I think you will really like both of those.

    Laurie: Another great Combat workout it sounds last night! That’s awesome. Definitely sounds like it is working with all the DOMs going on there, that’s great! :wink: I hope Emma’s weight does go down. Her norm is around 94 lbs so she isn’t a petite Golden Retriever by any means. In the past she has had to drop weight and it was tough, even when she was very young:grumble: Hopefully the portion control (now that we are BOTH on board with it) will help though. I worry about her joints, etc. so I know I will be diligent on my end. Just need to get her out for those walks too, even if its dark and freezing.

    Michelle: Dang it on the “other” issue after the antibiotics.:ohwell: Hopefully you are all good to go very soon and you can be done with this. Great job getting in your Hip Hop & Zumba last night, sounds fun! It was very cold. We have warmed up to around 20 now so it feels a lot better. DH bought me an auto-start for my car this year and it is being installed today! Can’t wait Comes in handy this time of year, especially leaving the gym in the evenings.

    Laurel: Great job with XT Legs today + Delt pre-mix. :wink: That was the one I did last week and again, felt the same. I am definitely planning on upping the weights this week as well in that first section. Cardio Legs Xtreme mix looks like it would “fit the bill” for a little add-on those days it is scheduled. :smile: I will continue thinking as well for “tweaking” things slightly as well. If you are interested in having a workout sheet, I did find this on her XTrain forum. It is a link where she posted the workout sheets until they are up and running on the Workout Manager: XTrain Workout Logs.xlsx

    Have a great day ladies ~ Tami
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,873 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was All Out Low Impact HiiT, and I enjoyed it again. But it definitely isn't a HiiT workout. In an odd way, this reminded me of what Cathe did in her IMAX workouts. The first one was very structured, the second was a little less structured, and the third was really just a tough steady state and not an interval workout at all. Well, I think that's what she has done with HiiT. Those first HiiT workouts with the STS Shock Cardio series were very structured. She was less structured in intensity, and this one is really just a steady state workout. I wonder why she does that. Anyhow, it was still fun, and I like it for what it is. But I must admit, I felt like more today. So I added the HiiT and Bootcamp portions from Intensity, and that made for a great workout! I finished with Xtrain Core 1 and then to wrap everything up, I did Kari Anderson's Angles, Lines and Curves. Really enjoyed the workout today.

    Tami, thank you for the worksheet! I hadn't seen that. I think that will come in handy. I agree about Bis and Tris being a great add-on. I'm actually thinking that doing all of Burn Sets (all five body parts) would probably be an ideal upper body workout. I'm thinking about trying to fit that into the schedule somehow, but I haven't really had a chance to examine the rotation much after the next couple of weeks since I'm trying to get ahead right now. But I get the feeling Burn Sets was filmed to be a single upper body workout but it was too long. Thanks for pointing out the Cardio Legs Extreme premixes. Somehow I hadn't noticed those. :blushing: I'm going to be doing Cardio Legs again tomorrow, and was thinking what I might add to it. I think I've got it!! I'll let you know how it goes. I'll probably do the 87 minute one that repeats sections 1-6 and adds on core. If I don't do that, I might do the workout as is and then do the weight portions again separately (the premix for that). I'll decide tomorrow. :tongue: But, again, thank you for pointing those out to me. Great job on your workouts! How fun that the Insanity instructor thought the Boot Camp class was tough. That means it must be tough! :happy:

    Erika, Michelle, and Laurie, hope you are well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:
    Insane-X was another good one ~ she let us know right away that we wouldn’t be doing suicides on the line, other than after the warm-up we did do 3 sets of lines, with burpees and speed-jump roping! :laugh: Then we did 3 rounds of Insanity & at the end she had us do 3 sets of 10 push-ups & 10 burpees as a cool down. This a.m. was XTrain Legs + Delts Bonus. Headed to Spinning after work for some more work on the legs/cardio! :wink:

    Laurel: Excellent job today! :drinker: Love it that you added on, that’s awesome. I get what you are saying on the new HiiT workout and I agree, her Shock Cardio HiiT’s are more of what I thought this was going to be like. Still fun and good cardio forsure. You’re welcome on the sheets :smile: I know you are like I am as far as wanting those kinds of tools so I thought it would be helpful as well. I totally understand you not having the time right now on examining the rotation …… no worries. It's nice to talk it out as we go and see where we can make additions, etc. :wink: That 87 min Cardio Legs pre-mix was the one that looked like fun I thought as well. Might just do the trick! :laugh: Another thing I was thinking of this a.m. is that the Legs pre-mix day might be good to alternate once in a while w/ Lower Body Blast (full workout). It’s similar but yet a little more on the strength side I feel so a good comparable. Just a thought. Bootcamp class: I think she felt like it was tough because they have the beauty of not doing the whole workout when they are instructing vs. attending! :laugh:

    Hi Laurie, Erika & Michelle – Hope you are all doing well:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you tomorrow,
  • Mane1972
    Mane1972 Posts: 26 Member
    So glad I found this thread! I love Cathe, I don't do her exclusively, but she is awesome!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Tonight was High Reps Upper Body and last night was Cardio Legs (LOVE!!!). I survived the outdoor hockey game, even though we were a little late. Tonight hubby took kid duty so I could relax, as tomorrow is another hockey night (I may get to just stay home and snuggle with my youngest if hubby is feeling ok), and then we'll be packing it in all weekend again. But, we did decide to pull the boys out of a supplemental clinic we were going to put them in after my oldest told me how tired he is and was hoping tonight was not a hockey night. Just too much for them right now to add more hockey on top of hockey! :laugh:

    Tami--Love that the Insanity trainer took the Bootcamp class and thought it was hard! :wink: Sounds like a couple great nights of classes again! I absolutely LOVED Cardio Legs...right up my alley! I did have a bit of lower back/tailbone soreness this morning, which very well could be from all the jumping. I am planning to do Burn Sets sometime soon--I am excited about that one! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--It's always tough when you love an instructor (that normally really pushes you) and you get done with the workout feeling like there should have been more. It's not very often that one feels that way with Cathe, but you're not the first I have heard comment about All Out Hiit or XTrain Legs. Probably a good idea to add on, just to feel good and worked out! Funny on the 1 workout per day thing, as I can't imagine doing more than one workout per day, unless it was one of those rare occasions where I have a day where I have time to get both in, I guess! Good for you for sticking to it as much as possible, as I'm sure it's making your body do some guessing! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Way to get in some great cardio, as you continue to get better! :happy: So far, so good over here. My oldest felt better today, and I put him to be early tonight, and will also let him sleep in tomorrow, just to make sure he gets lots of rest before another outdoor hockey game tomorrow with single digit temps expected for the evening. I have been a walking disinfectant poster child the last few days...I kinda wonder if I might be doing damage tg my lungs from all the Lysol I've been spraying lately! :laugh: Hubby had to laugh the other night as I was brushing my teeth and using a different tube of toothpaste than the norm, and I told him the one we share was all infected, so I got my own. He just said "no wonder you rarely get sick!" I'm extra cautious when someone is sick in the house! Mom can't be down and out! :laugh:

    Laurie--I got my Combat DVD's today, can't wait to give them a try! Maybe tomorrow night, if I do get time for a workout. I am so glad you are enjoying them! :bigsmile:

    Time to get ready for bed. I'm headed there early tonight...gotta be 100% sure the sickness doesn't get me!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,506 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I wasn't on yesterday, just had a crazy busy day from the very start. But my car has it's oil change, air filter and emissions done. :wink: The only problem is I wasn't able to get in a workout, but I'm ok with that. I did the Power Hiit and Combat 30 on Tuesday, and really got in a great burn. My chest muscles are still sore from the push-up/burpee combo. I was able to crank out more of those, and I went all out on the plyo until I was bending over. My hr was over the zone for a longer amount of time than when I had done the workout previously. That is my goal with these workouts, get out of my comfort zone. :wink: Today will be Combat 45, and I don't know if I will be able to get in anything else. Will see how my the time goes when I get home.

    Laurel, You kind of explained how these Combat Hiit workouts are also. They call them Hiit, but I feel my hr doesn't go down all that much. :wink: Glad to hear that you enjoyed the workout again. :wink: Oh yes that is really a great way to look at the rotation, and I think tweaking it to suit you is the best option. If you don't do something like that you probably will give up on it. I have done that in the past. :laugh: I like how you have some great options to go with though, but having to remember what all of those workouts are like has to be overwhelming at times. :wink:

    Michelle, I do remember something about antibiotics having those side effects. Hope that goes away quickly for you. :wink: I really do love these workouts. I had a chance to preview TF 30, and these are nothing like those. TF is more "cardio" and these require you to use the power of your kicks and punches to get your HR up.

    Tami, Those dark freezing night walks can be fun, if you are bundled up pretty good. :laugh: One of the things I like is how quiet it is, but then when I start hearing cyotes howling, I want to get home quick. :laugh: I have been contemplating getting the extras with this Combat set, they just didn't seem to be necessary at the time. I'm still uncertain, because they are weight / core / and stretching. None of them are actual Combat type workouts.

    Danielle, I don't do Cathe workouts all that much, but I'm still allowed to post. :laugh: I do Cathe workouts once in a while also. Come and chat when you have a chance.

    Erika, It is good that your oldest let you know that he was tired. Sometimes getting to much of something can make one never want to try it again. :wink: I will be interested to hear what you think of these. I love them, but if you are a cardio junky it may not be your thing.

    This morning my DH said to me that he was surprised that he is losing weight! :laugh: I told him that I wasn't surprised, since he is eating more fruit and veggies, watching portions and has eliminated eating anything after 9pm. Plus he doesn't realize that I have been making healthy dinners. :laugh: I'm very happy for him.

    Have a great day!