How to target back fat?



  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    Listen - I strength train, err, lift heavy....and I want to show you what the effects can be. I know you want to remain feminine looking and that's all personal preference. I am very feminine looking (believe me, but I can't post *those* photos on here because someone may get offended at how womanly feminine and sexy my backside is when taken in as a whole, heh). So here is the progression -

    Before strength training - look at all that back fat:

    Then this was after a couple months of cardio only (slimmed down a bit but still back fatty):

    Then....the magic happens. I started lifting. Here are some unflexed photos.


    No muffin tops here!


    These are flexed and pumped the morning after a nice shoulder workout - remember, unflexed (above) I don't look like this - this takes a lot of holding my breath and being uncomfortable for a few seconds:



    So there you have it. This back has been developed through a method of compound lifts - squat, bench, deadlift, row, overhead shoulder press (OHP) along with pull-ups and push-ups and various other accessory lifts and oly lifts. I'm definitely not complaining about my "back fat" anymore. :)

  • SatchGallamax
    SatchGallamax Posts: 549 Member

    So there you have it. This back has been developed through a method of compound lifts - squat, bench, deadlift, row, overhead shoulder press (OHP) along with pull-ups and push-ups and various other accessory lifts and oly lifts. I'm definitely not complaining about my "back fat" anymore. :)

  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    Might sound odd but lateral raises are working for me :)
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    @The_Dizzle Wow, just wow!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    I am very feminine looking (believe me, but I can't post *those* photos on here because someone may get offended at how womanly feminine and sexy my backside is when taken in as a whole, heh

    I say we take the chance at offending people. <3 Dizzle you're awesome. You too Sara

    I don't know how this got to 13 pages when all she needs to be told is to eat at a calorie deficit and weigh her food. Just because you eat healthy does not mean that you're eating the right amount of calories. You can still get fat on health food.

    Also she's not a snowflake she just wants to be really hard. And just keep making excuses like I dont wanna get all bulky.
  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    OP: My suggestions:

    - be really anal with your logging of food - weigh and measure everything. I am not sure if you do already - just a part of the equation to consider - this video is a bit of an eye-opener:
    - try to include some resistance training. You do not have to lift heavy weights if you hate it, but at least try to do something that has a good metabolic impact like HIIT
    - see a doctor to rule out thyroid or PCOS (sorry if I missed any reference to this before..this thread was a little confusing)
    - try to get your RMR tested
    - if none of these work (or your RMR comes out low), then, if I were you, I would look to losing weight as a longer term goal but fixing your metabolism first will be your best bet (which may be suppressed after years of dieting - it's called adaptive thermogenics). When you get that up, you will find it easier to lose weight. The video linked earlier by Layne Norton explains it very well.
    - As you lose weight, you will lose the back fat - it just may well be a stubborn area for you. We all have them, just genetics decides where they are.

    After all this craziness (mostly fun crazy)...I will most def incorporate resistance training. I just assumed cardio would "melt" the fat off if doing excessive amounts.

    I do have to go to a doctor and get my thyroid tested which I have been meaning to for a couple of years. I also learned about RMR. I didn't know you could get it tested which would help a lot, knowing I have really screwed up my metabolism. I watched the whole 27 minutes of the video and found it interesting and very informative. I think I just have to "reset" my metabolism the correct way and will take a long time.

    Thanks for all your help!
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks guys! I just wanted to show visually what can happen when you incorporate strength training...sometimes words don't penetrate like evidence in visual form can. That and it's just another opportunity for me to show off what I've busted my tail for! :D
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    22 yr olds are still teenagers. Your brain is not fully developed until age 24. Google it. I know this is fun for you. Weee, you got to say something cute and smart alec to an adult and she actually responded. The fun is over go to bed. Night night pumpkin.

    22 year old teenager that can still occasionally get adults like you to act younger than me. Good thing in my young age that I have the capability to research proper knowledge and logic to back information I spew with actual sources instead of being another bottle-fed media baby - it gives me hope for the future.

  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    Thanks guys! I just wanted to show visually what can happen when you incorporate strength training...sometimes words don't penetrate like evidence in visual form can. That and it's just another opportunity for me to show off what I've busted my tail for! :D

    Yeah, seriousy. Where were you 12 pages ago? That's the exact back fat I was trying to explain.
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    I do have to go to a doctor and get my thyroid tested which I have been meaning to for a couple of years. I also learned about RMR. I didn't know you could get it tested which would help a lot, knowing I have really screwed up my metabolism. I watched the whole 27 minutes of the video and found it interesting and very informative. I think I just have to "reset" my metabolism the correct way and will take a long time.

    Thanks for all your help!

    Good luck with it, hope results turn out well. I know I'm due for a thyroid test soon as both sides of my family have hypothyroidism.
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Thanks guys! I just wanted to show visually what can happen when you incorporate strength training...sometimes words don't penetrate like evidence in visual form can. That and it's just another opportunity for me to show off what I've busted my tail for! :D

    Yeah, seriousy. Where were you 12 pages ago? That's the exact back fat I was trying to explain.

    What do you mean where was she 12 pages ago? People were telling you to add strength trainging on page 1.
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    Thanks guys! I just wanted to show visually what can happen when you incorporate strength training...sometimes words don't penetrate like evidence in visual form can. That and it's just another opportunity for me to show off what I've busted my tail for! :D

    Yeah, seriousy. Where were you 12 pages ago? That's the exact back fat I was trying to explain.

    I was sleeping. Sleep = when muscles grow. I like my muscles. But darn it, I'm awake now.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thanks guys! I just wanted to show visually what can happen when you incorporate strength training...sometimes words don't penetrate like evidence in visual form can. That and it's just another opportunity for me to show off what I've busted my tail for! :D

    Yeah, seriousy. Where were you 12 pages ago? That's the exact back fat I was trying to explain.

  • sanazah
    sanazah Posts: 9 Member
    what strength training videos would you recommend...i kinda have the same problem. i am doing Turbofirte....currently on week 4
    so do i need to do some strength training in addition to the turbofire workouts?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    what strength training videos would you recommend...i kinda have the same problem. i am doing Turbofirte....currently on week 4
    so do i need to do some strength training in addition to the turbofire workouts?

    you're fine for now. it just takes a while, more then 4 weeks.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    I haven't laughed this much in a very long time!
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Listen - I strength train, err, lift heavy....and I want to show you what the effects can be. I know you want to remain feminine looking and that's all personal preference. I am very feminine looking (believe me, but I can't post *those* photos on here because someone may get offended at how womanly feminine and sexy my backside is when taken in as a whole, heh). So here is the progression -

    Before strength training - look at all that back fat:

    Then this was after a couple months of cardio only (slimmed down a bit but still back fatty):

    Then....the magic happens. I started lifting. Here are some unflexed photos.


    No muffin tops here!


    These are flexed and pumped the morning after a nice shoulder workout - remember, unflexed (above) I don't look like this - this takes a lot of holding my breath and being uncomfortable for a few seconds:



    So there you have it. This back has been developed through a method of compound lifts - squat, bench, deadlift, row, overhead shoulder press (OHP) along with pull-ups and push-ups and various other accessory lifts and oly lifts. I'm definitely not complaining about my "back fat" anymore. :)
    OMG! You have flipping AMAZING results. Very well done. You look wonderful. Did you workout with a trainer or do this on your own? What diet or eating plan did you adopt? How long did this take and what is your age bracket (if you don't mind answering the latter question). If you do, it's okay.
  • 1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.

    Strength training is great! Really rewarding. Have a look at your gym for the weight machines that target your back muscles (or ask someone there) Pick a weight that is challenging but do-able. 10 reps x 3 every other day. Guarantee within 2 weeks you will up the weight and feel stronger. May take two months before it really shows, but it all adds up and helps. Good luck :D xxx
  • Listen - I strength train, err, lift heavy....and I want to show you what the effects can be. I know you want to remain feminine looking and that's all personal preference. I am very feminine looking (believe me, but I can't post *those* photos on here because someone may get offended at how womanly feminine and sexy my backside is when taken in as a whole, heh). So here is the progression -

    Before strength training - look at all that back fat:

    Then this was after a couple months of cardio only (slimmed down a bit but still back fatty):

    Then....the magic happens. I started lifting. Here are some unflexed photos.


    No muffin tops here!


    These are flexed and pumped the morning after a nice shoulder workout - remember, unflexed (above) I don't look like this - this takes a lot of holding my breath and being uncomfortable for a few seconds:



    So there you have it. This back has been developed through a method of compound lifts - squat, bench, deadlift, row, overhead shoulder press (OHP) along with pull-ups and push-ups and various other accessory lifts and oly lifts. I'm definitely not complaining about my "back fat" anymore. :)
    OMG! You have flipping AMAZING results. Very well done. You look wonderful. Did you workout with a trainer or do this on your own? What diet or eating plan did you adopt? How long did this take and what is your age bracket (if you don't mind answering the latter question). If you do, it's okay.

    That is just simply amazing. What dedication you have :) xxx
  • Sounds like you may have plateaued or have a low metabolism. in either case you'll need to find a way to kick start your body. Since you really enjoy running, you should try run/walk intervals. 3 minute sprints/1minute rests for 30 minutes. Also, look up online or go to GNC for supplements that help boost your metabolism. However, if had to choose from one of these suggestions go with the intervals.

    Good luck! Oh and yes, you do need to get strength training into your routine.