Cathe Fans Part 5



  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Hello ladies! I have been slacking but now that I am on spring break, I am ready to get back into a routine! I have become addicted to buying Cathe DVDs! I can no longer go to her site because I want to buy ever deal of the day! My new fav leg work out is from the body blast series, but I struggled with kick, punch, crunch. I also have a few I haven't tried. I think I have so many and I need to come up with a routine to follow.

    Tami- volleyball sounds like fun!

    Laurel- I can't believe your still getting snow! Well, I used to live Denver and I remember snow in April, but here in NM, I am wearing dresses. Are you finished up with xtrain? Would you still recommend?

    Erika- who is Jessica Smith??? I'm seriously addicted to buying DVDs! MAybe i should sell some one bay. Except, I love them all!

    Michelle- I'm sorry to hear about your friend.
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I had a great weekend, with lots of downtime, which was much needed. We only had 2 hockey games, other than that, we just hung out at home and got some stuff done around the house. It was great, but it was hard to come to work and actually do something yesterday! :laugh:

    Workouts are still going great, I'm mixing in Jessica, TF, Cathe and my own workouts (for days when I don't want to workout, but should, I just make up my own). I'm feeling great, and my hubby has finally started working out again, which is helpful in the motivation department! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--How's that "blizzard?" I have a friend from HS that lives in Colorado Springs (I think) and she said school was cancelled today. We're supposed to get it tonight through Thursday...5-7" of that crap! :grumble: It will all melt, but it's just a bummer to have springlike weather and then back to winter! Great job on the workouts, and deciding to do the P90X+/X2 rotation starting tomorrow. No sense waiting when you're all geared up to go! Your mention of 4DS reminds me that I need to get some of that workout in this week! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Sounds like you had a nice weekend, and it was similar to mine, however mine felt longer than normal (in a good way). Anytime we don't have plans, the weekends feel longer, and then we're usually slammed with the next weekend full of activities (such as this weekend coming up--6 hockey games and a birthday party for my niece!). But, I'll take the every other weekend on/off route any day! :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie and Michelle!

    Back to work...gotta get stuff done before the snow comes, as it could be a long drive in the next couple of days.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! Yep, we are having a blizzard, but Colorado Springs style. That means a blizzard snow. Go figure. Yeah, it is windy. And there is a trace of snow on the ground. But that's it. And, for this, they canceled school. Can you believe it? I can't figure it out for the life of me. I got my errands done, though, with no problem....probably made easier since nobody was out. But this is absolutely nuts that everything in the city is closed.

    I did a good workout this morning. I went pretty light today since I'm starting with my P90X/X2 rotation tomorrow. So today it was all from Cathe's LIS.....Cardio Supersets followed by Turbo Barre. It felt good. And I'm all ready to go tomorrow! YAY!

    Erika, I'm glad you had a nice, relaxing weekend! Those are the best sometimes. I'm glad you are enjoying the workouts right now. Sorry to hear about the snow headed your way. I really was hoping we'd get hit because things are so very, very dry here....scary dry. But, alas, just wind today. That's the last thing we need as the fire danger is already high. And it's April. It could be a long summer.

    Tami, sounds like alot of Volleyball on Sunday!! I can see why you didn't do any other workout! I just got a cheap foam roller from Walmart (the longest one they offer). I wanted to see how I liked it before moving on to anything more expensive. It seems to get the job done just fine. I actually ended up making up my own X2/P90X rotation. Like I said before, it seems those who came up with the hybrids only wanted to use the weight lifting workouts from X2, and I liked the workouts like X2 Core or X2 Balance and Back, and those were left out of many rotations. So....we'll see how this goes for me. I'll keep you posted!

    kclynch, good to see you! I'm glad you are enjoying Legs and Glutes. That is one of Cathe's best leg workouts. I would recommend trying to stick with Kick, Punch and Crunch if you can to see if you can click with it because, in the end, it really is a fun workout. Just a recommendation. Yep, Tami and I finished XTrain week before last. I would recommend it. The workouts are very versatile, and many of them I will be more than happy to do outside the rotation. The rotation itself needed some tweaking for me to make it feel effective, but, again, I was very happy with the workouts themselves.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp last night was back to the “norm” of stations (mostly legs + abwork) then lines (3 sets) in the gym followed by jumping jacks and push-ups, more lines and then another set of stations. :wink: This a.m. was XT: Chest/Shoulders/Back Xtreme pre-mix which was perfect, nice workout and right around 75+ min. :bigsmile: Tonight will be Insane-X.

    kcLynch: Hello! :flowerforyou: Glad to hear from you and I love it that you are addicted to Cathe’s DVDs! Thank goodness I am not alone. :laugh: I’m with you on this addiction and as I’ve told the other ladies here, for an addiction, it's not a bad one to have! :laugh: Whenever Cathe comes out with a new series I hardly have to read the descriptions and I’m in! :blushing: Legs & Glutes is such a great leg workout, I agree. Really fun. If you get a chance and time permits try the xtreme pre-mix! If you’re ever looking for a rotation Cathe posts new ones on her website every month. They are always great and usually 4 weeks at a time.

    Erika: Sounds like a great weekend and another busy one coming up! :smile: Nice job with the workouts and glad the motivation factor is still going strong for you! That’s great your hubby is back on the bandwagon for workouts. Yikes on the snow storm headed your way! :ohwell:

    Laurel: Nice job today! :wink: I’m excited for you to start your new rotation tomorrow I’m sure you have a great lineup planned It will be good for me to be hearing about X/X2 to get me geared up for mine as well! Yes, Sunday was a lot of volleyball forsure. That is craziness they cxld schools and no snow. They must have had some allotted “snow days” to use up.

    Hi Laurie – Hope all is well!

    Talk to you ladies tomorrow ~ Tami
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,443 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Just popping in to say hello! Have not been feeling very good since Aunt Flow came to visit AGAIN! I guess I just have to have patience with my recovery. I'm feeling prettty good today, but we will see how that goes once I get home. I have been so busy here at work also, and next week is going to be super crazy. I am on that Lean TPM workout again (every 4 weeks until the end of the year:noway: ) I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle all this extra work for a full year! I'm looking forward to a vacation. :laugh: Top it all off my co-worker and boss both left for vacation today, and it is just me and two other guys running the department. It will be a ton of fun next week. :ohwell:

    Tami, I still am so impressed at those bootcamp workouts. Wonder how long it takes the instructor to come up with all the great moves you do during the class. :laugh:

    Laurel, Yes I can believe that they cancelled school, they do that all the time around here. I don't understand that either. You get the blizzard:wink: , we get the rain. Flooding is happening for us, has been raining for the last two days. Our power must have gone out some time last night, so the youngest and I had to scramble to get really for school/work. It was pretty hectic, and DH is in Vegs until tomorrow. Then he calls me this morning, and asks if I have checked on the sump pump in the basement. WHAT it wasn't even a thought in my head. :laugh: Now I will worry that the basement is full of water, until I get home to see it for myself. :laugh:

    Erika, Is hockey going to be ending soon. Then I'm guessing that some other sport will start up for the summer? :wink: DD has only had one track meet outdoors. Yesterday's was cancelled because of rain, and we will have to see what happens on Friday. It isn't suppose to be very warm. I saw some boys playing something outside yesterday in the rain, couldn't believe that they where out there. We have been having lightening strikes around here. In fact two guys where hit yesterday.

    Hello kclynch! Legs & Glutes is a great workout, and really gives your legs some DOMS! You can find Jessica Smith on youtube. She has some workouts that you can try for free. Now granted she is doing these in her house, and her dog Peanut is lounging around in the workout also. But they are free to try. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! Well, I am officially off and running with my X/X2 rotation. And I started it with a bang! The first workout was P90X Chest and Back, which I think is one of the finest in that series. Then I followed it with X2 Core, which felt fantastic after Chest/Back. I wasn't sure how they would blend, but I really enjoyed those two workouts back-to-back. I felt my entire body had been worked. I had a little time left over--more time than energy if I'm being honest--so I did the cardio from MMA Kickbox just to get a little steady state cardio in there and to loosen the body up a bit. I don't think I'll be adding cardio most times I do this blend as I don't think it is necessary. But I thought I'd give it a go today...just for kicks! :tongue:

    Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well again. Yes, patience is a good thing right now. Don't push yourself, especially since things sound crazy at work. You are getting better and that's all that matters right now. I hope your basement isn't flooded!! Boy, what I wouldn't give for a day or three of steady rain right now. We are already in serious water restrictions (can water gardens/lawns twice a week, only at night) and we haven't even hit warm termperatures yet. I don't think we'll see a shade of green this summer if things stay this way. No fun.

    Tami, I'm glad to hear Bootcamp was back to normal!! It still sounds like a challenge though! Great job with the extreme premix. I was really impressed by my strength on Chest/Back this morning, and think those XTrain workouts were sneaky good at building strength. I had no problem pushing out tons of push-ups! I like that feeling. I also wanted to let you know that I used the foam roller for the warm-up in X2 Core, and I really enjoyed it. There is just something different in how it works your body, and I liked the feeling and experimenting with it. In fact, I liked it so much that I'm going to pencil in the X2 Recovery DVD (which I rarely did during my earlier rotation of X2) sometime soon to see how it makes me feel about that particular workout (where it is used throughout). I'll keep you posted!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Insanity w/ more lines, burpees and push-ups! I think we did 2 sets before the class and then 3 sets after. There were a bunch of new people there … I will be interested to see if they come back again. This a.m. was All Out LI HiiT + Burn Sets Bi’s, headed to Spinning tonight. :wink:

    Laurie: Sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well! :ohwell: Take your time and just feel better, don’t push yourself … especially just coming off the last month of not feeling good. Work stress on top of it – you don’t want to get run down. Yes, BC is something! You know she actually comes up with the exercises right before class because she is always standing their writing on pieces of paper for each station. So the day we did all the outdoor running she must have not had anything “thought up” :laugh: Fingers crossed your basement is all good and no flooding.

    Laurel: WooHoo! :drinker: Way to start up your new rotation with a bang! Sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed it and I’m happy to hear that XTrain did give some strength benefits in there, that’s so great! It is a great feeling when you can push out the push-ups with no problem. Thanks for your thoughts on the foam roller. I may look to see if our WalMart has them, but yes keep me posted!

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Tonight was a mish/mash of Cathe workouts...trying to decide if I need to weed a couple out that I just have a dread factor for. I'll give it one more try and make a final determination! :ohwell:

    We got about 2" of snow last night, with another 6-12" expected between midnight and noon tomorrow. There's already talk of closing down the office and maybe schools...we'll see. It could get messy!

    Tami--Sounds like some awesome workouts, and classes! :bigsmile: Lovin' it!

    Laurel--Nice start to your new rotation...sounds awesome! I had a nice laugh on your blizzard...I'm surprised you didn't get any snow as the storm we're getting came from out your way somewhere!

    Laurie--No, we don't stop with hockey in this household, it goes year round! :grumble: Bummer on not feeling well and being super busy at work. I hope you have a nice vacation planned to get away from it all sometime soon!

    Kclynch--I'm a super picky person when it comes to workouts. The instructor can't be too chatty, the music has to be good, and it has to be different than other workouts. My fave Cathe workouts are Total Body Tri-Sets, Cardio Supersets, Pure Strength, Slow and Heavy, Supersets/Push Pull and Cardio Leg Blast. I really like Jessica Smith (look up her free workouts on You Tube) as she has some really nice cardio and weights workouts, that make you sweat, but don't kill you. I like her workouts on days where I want a good sweat, but can't stomach a super intense workout.

    Hi Michelle!

    Time to get to bed so I can be ready for the snow tomorrow!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! I guess I've decided to go all out on this first phase of P90X/X2, but don't know if I'll sustain it for all four weeks! Today I did Plyo X....followed by X2 Plyocide. :noway: It wasn't my intent to do both workouts today, but I just couldn't decide which one I wanted to do. :blushing: So I decided to remind myself what each was like. I must admit, I was feeling it at the end of Plyocide. While neither workout is particularly hard on its own, together they made for quite an endurance workout! I think next week I'll have to decide on one or the other. :ohwell: But it was good, and I'm happy to be back to Tony for a little while! He can still make me laugh even though I've heard his silly jokes a million times now.

    Tami, great job with the workouts. I wonder what inspired all those new people at your Insanity class. Maybe it is spring and people thinking about shedding layers of clothing. I know I'm always more inspired this time of year to workout, trying to find my 'summer' form again. The good thing about doing these X and X2 workouts back-to-back is I am really seeing the difference in the programs. I have to admit that I really like the straight forward, no equipment approach of P90X, but I love the total body feeling of X2. Both great programs. I'm anxious for you to start X2 to see how you like it.

    Erika, great job with the workout mish/mash! Those are always fun. Yikes about the snow!! We sure could have used it here, that's for sure. I guess lots of weather forecasters were blushing yesterday because they really haven't been good at calling the storms this year, and Tuesday's 'blizzard' was probably the worst example. Stay safe and warm!!

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    Michelle, hope you are enjoying your trip!!

    Until tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ Spinning was good last night. We had an alternate instructor but it was the lady I’m used to on Sat a.m. classes so it was good! She loves to do hills, hills and more hills which sometimes makes my mind wander, but she always plays great music. This a.m. was Supercuts and I went to the Insane Abs class at noon. It was really good. :wink:

    Erika: :laugh: I’m trying to picture the mish/mash! Good job getting in a workout and I cannot imagine the dread factor w/ Cathe but as always, I love it that you weed them out of your life.:wink: I was hearing about all the snow again on the news this a.m. and then the weather on the east coast. What a crazy spring! Hang in there and drive safe friend! :smile:

    Laurel: Yowsa! :huh: You are going all out. I haven’t seen Plyocide (yet) but I can imagine the two combined did make you feel a bit like :noway: :noway: at the end. Nice work. I bet you are right on point with all the new peeps in class the other night. Today at the abs class it was jam packed as well. Our weather hasn’t been too great, that always drives people to the gym or away from it depending on sunshine or rain. I do like the sounds of the “total body” aspect of X2 and I remember you saying it worked your core really well too. :wink: DH and I have decided to take a little weekend trip to Seattle next weekend, April 20-21 for my Bday so when I get back from that I will finish up another week of this rotation and start X2 probably last week of April – 1st of May. :bigsmile:

    Hi Laurie – Hope you are feeling better today and keeping up with the workload. Tomorrow’s Friday!:drinker:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Friday! Tues I did legs and glutes- loved it. Then I woke up Wed, my birthday, with horrible allergies and spent most of the day in bed. Yesterday I got in some cardio via shopping. I joined a challenge on Wed and to catch up today with 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and 100 sit-ups. I want to do arms today too. Maybe p90x.

    Tami- great job at spinning! Have fun in Seattle. It's so pretty up there.

    Laurel- you amaze me with your dedication to your workouts. I bet that is going to be a great combo for you. What makes X2 different? I have p90x and the ultras. I like them but I have never completed the program.

    Erika- thanks for the tips. I just had a friend do a Jessica Smith yoga workout. I will have to check it out. I think my problem is that I get bord quickly. I might try a 2 or 3 week rotation to shake things up and stick to it.

    This weekend I plan on giving kick, punch, crunch another shot, and finally try out the Cathe yoga DVD I bought in January! Have a great weekend, ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! Today was a more manageable workout after the last two days. I started with P90X Shoulders and Arms, which felt fantastic. That workout just flies by, and even though it has Dreya in it (who drives me crazy), I really enjoy the moves. I followed with the Ab Ripper X, and I could definitely feel the after-effects of X2 Core when doing that! Then, to top it off, I did Turbo Fire 45, which is always so much fun for me.

    Tami, I'm glad the spinning class was all right. At least you like the music! I think that's important in a workout like that. I'm glad you are getting away for your birthday. My DH and I are getting away that weekend as well for our anniversary. DHs birthday is this Sunday, so we'll do a little celebrating of that as well. X2 really does work the core well. That's what I love about it so much. I don't think it is as 'tough' in the traditional sense as P90X, but I think it is more challenging mentally and more challenging is how it makes you use your body, and I like that. I know I'm only three days into this 'blend' of the two programs, but I'm beginning to think it will end up being a really good combination of both worlds.

    kclynch, great job with Legs and Glutes!! I'm glad you continue to enjoy it. I'm sorry to hear about your allergies. They are really hitting people hard this year. But here's to a Happy Belated Birthday!! I just wish you had been feeling better. X2 is very different from P90X. It is based much more on functional fitness than in highlighting the 'show off' muscles that I feel P90X was aimed at. P90X, for me, has always felt like a 'guy's' workout, which is why I think it was so popular. In saying that, I feel it really highlighted the areas guys like to show-off in--push-ups, pull-ups, etc. And, unfortunately, it was weak in other areas (like legs). X2 has a completely different philosophy. Yes, there are push-ups and pull-ups, but there is also alot of work on balance, core, body control, etc. It isn't nearly as straight-forward as P90X, but I felt it was more balanced and a more 'forward' fitness program that P90X. But, like I said above, I like P90X and its straight-forwardness, so doing the two programs in conjunction really is turning out to be alot of fun. Sounds like you've got some good workouts lined up for the weekend. Enjoy!

    See you Monday!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! TGIF!! :bigsmile:

    I don't know why, but I am having the hardest time remembering to come on and say hi each day! Maybe it's all the hockey (we have 7 practices/games this weekend!) frying my brain! :laugh:

    Last night was a rest night, as my hubby was at the Wild game and I had to take the boys to hockey. We pretty much left shortly after we got home, and got back in time for bed, so I was tired! Tonight will be the same, so no workout for me again. We'll see if I can squeeze any in Saturday or Sunday!

    Tami--Ok, so those hills do not sound fun to me! I think I'd either lose interest or be so dang tired I'd just collapse! You must have legs of steel to keep up with that, Bootcamp and Insane-X, with all the leg work in each of those!

    Laurel--Nice work on totally killing those, you are a machine!! I wish I could bottle up your energy so I could make it past about 30 minutes of a workout! Our weather people have been wrong a lot lately here to! What was supposed to be 11" of snow, ended up being 1/2" of ice and maybe 3" of snow. Funny how everyone was expecting this to be the big storm of the season, and it wasn't. Now, if we could just get out of the 40's (avg. high for April is around 60), we'd be able to move onto Spring!

    kclynch--Happy belated B-day! April is a good month to be b-day is tomorrow! I'm bummed that yours was spent dealing with allergies! Hopefully you are feeling better now though, and those legs are feeling good after your workout!

    Hi Laurie and Michelle! Happy Friday!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! I hope you all enjoyed the weekend. We had a nice weekend here. Yesterday was DHs birthday, so we spent the day out and about enjoying some of what Colorado has to offer. We had a sunny, though chilly, day to enjoy it. I'm anxious for warmer weather, but I remember from last year that spring is late arriving in Colorado. We have at least another month before enjoying more consistently nice weather.

    Since we were out playing yesterday, I got my weekend workout in on Saturday. I did X2 Balance and Power followed by XTrain All Out Low Impact HiiT. That was a good combination and a nice way to finish up a rather intense week of workouts! Today was X2 Total Body, followed by P90X Legs and Back, followed by X2 Ab Ripper!! Actually, it wasn't as tough as it sounds, which surprised me. I was probably helped by a day off yesterday though. I had a little time over, so finished it off with the cardio from MMA Boxing. I want to try to get at least some cardio in most days if I can during this first part of my X2/X rotation, though those sessions are going to be short and not very intense when I'm doing double duty on the X routines!

    Erika, it's always nice to see you, so check in when you can!! We understand you have a very busy life with two little ones, a job and a husband!! Hope you were able to get some workouts in over the weekend. Sounds like you aren't enjoying much spring weather either. We are sticking in the 50s for highs most days, and I think it should be higher than that by now. It always frustrates me this time of year because even though we didn't have much of winter at all, I'm still anxious for fresh air and to be outside without a coat!!

    See you tomorrow!

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happy Monday! I had a hard time getting up this morning after having last week off. I did a quick hiit workout on the elliptical. Busy night with piano and soccer so that's all I will get today. I did not get any weekend workouts in either. Oh well. This week, I will try to do better. Tomorrow will be Legs and Glutes and I might try to do after burn after work. Maybe.

    Laurel - Sounds like you rocked it this weekend. I'm ready for warmer weather too. I was disappointed in the windy weather we had during spring break.

    Erika- I hope you had a great birthday! I am not looking forward to my youngest started activities. My oldest has soccer 3-4 days a week, 2 dance classes, and piano. It's exhausting!!

    Hope you all are having a great start to your week,

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hey Ladies ~ Sorry I was MIA on Friday! :ohwell: Good weekend! We received our new tables that we purchased for our Anniversary gift, so I was busy getting the house all clean for their arrival after Spinning in the a.m. :bigsmile: Yesterday was Volleyball and had planned on working out when I got home but my BFF called for lunch, then I helped DH with a bunch of fliers he needed for a fund raiser he is doing. So other than V-ball, no workout yesterday. :ohwell: BootCamp tonight! It’s not raining out so who knows what she will have us do …. I’ll let you all know tomorrow!

    Laurel: Sounds like P90X/X2 rotation is going fantastic! :bigsmile: :drinker: You have some awesome combos worked in there. That is so great. I feel jealous after missing a couple good workouts this weekend. Thanks again too for the info about the core strength with X2. I remember you saying that. I will need to add in my own extra cardio though, right? Yes, Saturday’s spin was a totally different play list of music, it was great! I hear ya on the weather right now. Our weather still continues to be crazy. This a.m. we woke up to freezing temps. Decent out now but around 50 degrees.

    Erika: As Laurel said, we love to hear from you when you have a minute.:wink: Don’t feel pressure like it’s one more thing on the “to do” list! Hope you had an amazing weekend with your family and hockey. Hills are definitely tiring on the legs forsure in Spinning. I have to concentrate on push-pull-push-pull or my mind will wander with those sometimes!

    Klynch: Happy Belated Birthday to you!!! :flowerforyou: Hope your allergies are doing better. My BFF has terrible allergies and right now they are driving her crazy. Must be that time of year.

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Quick check in, as it's past my bedtime! :blushing: Very busy weekend of hockey, but I was spared a day, as I was home with a sick kiddo on Saturday. Otherwise, we ran all weekend. I did not get in workouts on Friday or Saturday, but did Sunday and today. Tomorrow night is dinner with an ex-coworker...should be fun!

    Tami--Yay on the new tables!!! :) I bet they look awesome! Nice job getting the workotus in, and some time with your hubby and BFF too. :bigsmile:

    Laurel--It sounds like you had a nice time with hubby on his birthday! Your weather is nicer than ours...we are barely out of the 30's. We had snow/freezing rain most of the weekend, which makes for fun travels! I'm ready for Spring for sure! Great combo Saturday and today!!! Both sound tough to me!

    kclynch--You've got a busy schedule with the kids too, wow! I'm glad you were able to squeeze a hiit workout it, I bet that felt good!

    Hi Michelle and Laurie!

    Off to bed. Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,:bigsmile:

    I'm back from a wonderful time in Europe and best of all I did not gain a pound with the constant walking:bigsmile: We had a rental but used it to reach sites so everday in my cute boots:wink: I averaged at least 6 miles per day. I also indulged in foods that I do not eat here such as breads, pastries, pasta, potatoes, french fries & more french fries and my jeans were loose by week 2:wink: Jet lag has kicked my butt as I'm forcing myself to stay awake until regular time here plus I stayed awake during the 9 hr flight but I feel refreshed today compared to yesterday. I had a great massage,pedicure and manicure as my feet were swollen and fingers were chipped..that was great! My mom headed home on friday before my arrival in Atlanta on Sunday but she did leave some yummy homemade soup and goodies for me:blushing: I laundered everything yesterday and put away the luggage so it will be quiet time for me today as everything is clean and sparkling here, no need to do anything but elevate my feet some more. No exercise for me as I'm unsure who to tackle and energy wise I'm still beat especially as sleeping through the night means waking at 3am which was breakfast time in Belgium for us.

    Erika- We miss you when you are MIA but we understand the hectic schedule which somtimes mean giving up our personal indulgences to stay on schedule:wink: Glad the little one is feeling better.

    Tami- How does the new furniture look? I love new furniture..well I love shopping for anything:blushing: The weather is perfect for volleyball here so I'm hoping we set the net up soon in our backyard.

    Laurel- Sounds like a great weekend! After wearing boots, scafs, gloves and beanies in all 4 countries it felt wierd to go sleeveless yesterday, so I grabbed a sweater and wore it in these warm temperatures:blushing: I love the sound of the new rotation.

    Kelly- Good morning, yikes what a hectic schedule. With both girls in activities, our rule is 1 outside activity and 1 school related activity and this last 6 months of taking a break was great:bigsmile: Now that Summer is approaching and the girls have settled in here in our new location it is time to get the 6 year old back on track with gymnastics and I'm not too excited about hot days and zooming across the town chauffering:wink::laugh:

    Laurie- Good morning..have you started a new rotation yet?

    Ok off to eat something and grab some coffee.

    Have a great Tuesday!:flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,798 Member
    Hi Ladies! I did a really long and tough workout today, but I had the time and energy so I went with it. I started with Plyo X, which felt even better than last week. But I felt like some cardio, so at the end I did the cardio from Cross Fire! Too much fun. Then, to finish it all off, I did Yoga X. Oh boy have I missed that workout! It was like going home again. I never, ever dreamed I would love a 90 minute yoga workout as much as I do, but it is still top of my list of yoga workouts. My body feels fantastic now! Not a bad thing after a three hour workout. :blushing:

    Michelle, welcome back!!!! I'm so glad you enjoyed your trip. Sounds like you saw lots of sites and enjoyed the taste of Europe!! So much fun. I hear you on jet lag. It is a killer sometimes. And the swollen feet from a long flight aren't much fun either. I'm glad you're getting back in the swing of things and think it wise to let yourself recover a little bit before hitting the workouts. I find the jet lag coming from Europe back to the US not as bad as what I experience going the other direction so, hopefully, you'll be back to new in a couple of days!

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear about the sick kiddo....even if that did give you a break from hockey. Well, I spoke too soon about our weather because today we are in the 20s with ice and snow. And it is supposed to be like this for the next three days. :huh: It feels more wintry now than it did in January. :grumble: Oh, well. Summer will be here soon enough and if it is anything like last summer, I will be missing these cooler days!

    Tami, sounds like a busy weekend. How fun that your new tables arrived. I love getting new furniture! :heart: Regarding X2, yes you'll have to add your own cardio. He doesn't attempt to do any cardio (outside of the plyo workout) in this program (unlike P90X). That said, some of the moves in these workouts can really get my heart rate up! It just isn't sustained cardio, and I still like some sustained cardio so I add in my own. You'll probably be just fine with what you do in the gym though.

    Kelly, sounds like you are very busy! Good job getting HiiT workout in. It is always hard to come back from a break. I hear you about the wind. This is when we get so much wind, and I can't say I love it. :ohwell:

    Laurie, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ BootCamp was good last night! Not nearly the intensity it has been of late but it was good! :wink: Shoulder & Core work mostly I would say. We did do some running outside but not nearly the same that we have been doing. It was cold out there. This a.m. was Cathe’s To The Max which was lots of fun. :bigsmile: It has been such a long time since I did that one. Tonight will be Insane-X after work. I would say I’m getting my cardio in today!

    Erika: Sounds like a busy schedule as usual! :happy: Great job squeezing in some workouts though Sun/Mon. Hopefully your little guy is feeling better now? Yes, the tables are great! It is always fun to get new furniture, even tables makes it feel just fresh and new. We are really happy with our decision.

    Michelle: Welcome Back lady! :flowerforyou: Sounds like an absolutely fabulous trip – much deserved! How great is that on the no weight gain and you ate pretty much whatever you wanted and just enjoyed. Awesome you were able to do all that walking .. in your cute boots! Sounds like your mom had everything handled beautifully and what another fantastic gift to come home to cooked soups, treats and a clean house. The furniture looks great – we are very happy with it. Now I want to find a new area rug to put under the coffee table! Of course there has to be a new accessory with new furniture, right?:wink:

    Laurel: 3+ hrs!! :noway: :noway: :drinker: Yowsa friend, that is so awesome that you had the time and energy, I bet it felt AMAZING! Nice work. I envy the feeling of loving that 90 min Yoga. I haven’t done that one in a long time but I am looking forward to the X2 Yoga being in the program; it will force me to do it again. I know once I am doing that regularly I love how my body feels.:wink: Thanks, I thought that was the case and yes, hoping the gym workouts will be good for my cardio. I’ll check out time frames and workouts as I go so I can maybe incorporate a HiiT or Tabata here and there depending on how I feel. Having the actual workouts get your HR up reminds me of some of Cathe’s workouts. Great type of training I think!

    Hi Laurie – Hope you are well and this week isn’t quite as busy as last!:flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow ~ Tami