For those of you that invite others to objectify you:



  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Please do not objectify me.

    I'm sorry Ms. D. I didn't mean to imply, by expressing my appreciation for your visage, that I believe this is all that there is to you.

    In observations of your behavior around the forums, and in your feeds, I have noted a gentle toughness that is belied by your youthful, beautiful exterior. You always take the time to help others, and your advice is usually sound.

    I appreciate your sense of humor and your intellect, in addition to your physical charms. I am proud to count you among my friends and, yes, would bang.

    Jimmies unrustled, everyone?
  • sheldonsteyn
    sheldonsteyn Posts: 483 Member
    Harmless fun/entertainment n I rather value the chit chat fun n games section when im bored at work all night!
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    this seems to be coming in handy quite a bit....

  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    I think it's pretty immature, but like others have said I just stay off of those threads. I definitely understand the desire to be objectified but when I want to be objectified I just wear a short skirt and wedges out in public and get objectified in real life. We work hard enough for our bodies that if we want to wear our skirts a little shorter and our heels a little higher we have the divine right to do so. :)
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    OP is 8/10, would bang
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    When you post things like "bang, date, marry?" or "cute, hot, or sexy?" and ask people to objectify you, you are training them to think of everyone around them in those terms. You invite them to make a value judgement of your body, and they begin to make those judgements about others. I speak not just on behalf of women but of everyone on this site. Our culture places way too much value on judgements about people. Is it not enough to just be what you are? Do you have to be "bangable" or "flirty" or have all of these other labels attached to you? And if you do, could you handle that somewhere other than a site for folks who aren't satisfied with their bodies anyways? I realize an ego boost is nice, and I don't mind getting ego boosts every so often, but maybe the place for that is your personal profile or a "hot or not" site.

    I can't tell you guys what to post or what to think- the purpose of this post is to invite some discussion about how we create these labels and values for each other and ourselves even as they make us uncomfortable or sad. Many women feel that a "male-dominated culture" has set up these cages of self-judgement for them, but then they go out in pants that say "juicy" across their butts or ask others how hot they are from 1-10. I try really hard to avoid these types of discussions, firstly because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and secondly because I feel that I have value in and of myself, not just when I'm given a number or a name.

    What do you guys think? Do you like it when people tell you you're a certain type of person? Do you like it when people rate you? Do you think others like it when you rate them?

    I agree 100%. I don't understand how this is "fun", and I think these kinds of things definitely contribute to rape culture. I think women are just as bad as men when it comes to perpetuating this stuff and the whole thing makes me sad. I avoid those threads and those people, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    OP is 8/10, would bang
    and yet i suspect she would rather eat her own eyeballs... :smile:
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    OP is 8/10, would bang
    and yet i suspect she would rather eat her own eyeballs... :smile:

    Based off your ear you are 7/10, marry.
  • FireEngineRedHead
    FireEngineRedHead Posts: 281 Member
    OP is 8/10, would bang
    and yet i suspect she would rather eat her own eyeballs... :smile:

    Based off your ear you are 7/10, marry.

    9/10 bang date marry. in that order.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    i'm too lazy to go look for it. there's almost 200 posts in this thread.
    what was your original comment?

    It was from the previous page.
    With all of the truly horrible things that go on in the world, from sex trafficking of minors to genocide to Justin Beiber, I really think that trying to link a couple of obvious flirt threads in a fun and games section of an online forum to the overarching objectification of women and general bias against the obese or ugly in Western culture is a waste of time.

    And to your point about video games, that connection has not been established and is arugably a copout for poor parenting, lack of detection of mental illness, and generally poor local role models for young people.
  • Shauncho49
    Shauncho49 Posts: 132 Member
    wow...all kinds of butt-hurt in this thread...
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    i'm too lazy to go look for it. there's almost 200 posts in this thread.
    what was your original comment?

    It was from the previous page.
    With all of the truly horrible things that go on in the world, from sex trafficking of minors to genocide to Justin Beiber, I really think that trying to link a couple of obvious flirt threads in a fun and games section of an online forum to the overarching objectification of women and general bias against the obese or ugly in Western culture is a waste of time.

    And to your point about video games, that connection has not been established and is arugably a copout for poor parenting, lack of detection of mental illness, and generally poor local role models for young people.

    That's faulty logic. If we were to follow that logic to its conclusion, then we would ignore everything in the universe except for what we believed to be the worst possible thing.
  • Maracuya77
    I think it's pretty sad and a true reflection of society. I think objectifying is the "norm" sadly. It's cool that there are still people like you around (to the original poster) that refuse to be part of something like that. It's not cute, not funny, not entertaining...just sad, really. Kudos to you. Have a blessed day. : )
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    Please do not objectify me.

    I'm sorry Ms. D. I didn't mean to imply, by expressing my appreciation for your visage, that I believe this is all that there is to you.

    In observations of your behavior around the forums, and in your feeds, I have noted a gentle toughness that is belied by your youthful, beautiful exterior. You always take the time to help others, and your advice is usually sound.

    I appreciate your sense of humor and your intellect, in addition to your physical charms. I am proud to count you among my friends and, yes, would bang.

    Jimmies unrustled, everyone?

    That was.............beautiful.

  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    not gonna lie, I find a least one person on this thread mildly attractive.
  • drchimpanzee
    drchimpanzee Posts: 892 Member
    When you post things like "bang, date, marry?" or "cute, hot, or sexy?" and ask people to objectify you, you are training them to think of everyone around them in those terms. You invite them to make a value judgement of your body, and they begin to make those judgements about others. I speak not just on behalf of women but of everyone on this site. Our culture places way too much value on judgements about people. Is it not enough to just be what you are? Do you have to be "bangable" or "flirty" or have all of these other labels attached to you? And if you do, could you handle that somewhere other than a site for folks who aren't satisfied with their bodies anyways? I realize an ego boost is nice, and I don't mind getting ego boosts every so often, but maybe the place for that is your personal profile or a "hot or not" site.

    I can't tell you guys what to post or what to think- the purpose of this post is to invite some discussion about how we create these labels and values for each other and ourselves even as they make us uncomfortable or sad. Many women feel that a "male-dominated culture" has set up these cages of self-judgement for them, but then they go out in pants that say "juicy" across their butts or ask others how hot they are from 1-10. I try really hard to avoid these types of discussions, firstly because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and secondly because I feel that I have value in and of myself, not just when I'm given a number or a name.

    What do you guys think? Do you like it when people tell you you're a certain type of person? Do you like it when people rate you? Do you think others like it when you rate them?

    I agree 100%. I don't understand how this is "fun", and I think these kinds of things definitely contribute to rape culture. I think women are just as bad as men when it comes to perpetuating this stuff and the whole thing makes me sad. I avoid those threads and those people, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

    Rape culture? That's a made up thing right? Something some woman who doesn't get enough male attention invented to explain with other girls are getting attention. I mean looking at a woman or telling her you think she's good looking doesn't mean you want to rape her.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    It's nice to be objectified every now and then, and if you don't think so, you should live a little more :)

    LOL...I read this as "you should shave a little more"
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    With all of the truly horrible things that go on in the world, from sex trafficking of minors to genocide to Justin Beiber, I really think that trying to link a couple of obvious flirt threads in a fun and games section of an online forum to the overarching objectification of women and general bias against the obese or ugly in Western culture is a waste of time.

    And to your point about video games, that connection has not been established and is arugably a copout for poor parenting, lack of detection of mental illness, and generally poor local role models for young people.
    well i did say 'supposed link'.

    i agree with your post. but i'm a pessimist and i think that the 'rape culture' is here to stay. in many ways, human nature is the pits.
    OP is 8/10, would bang
    and yet i suspect she would rather eat her own eyeballs... :smile:

    Based off your ear you are 7/10, marry.
    ^^ear objectifier.
  • FitnessCharl
    Political correction is the oppression of our intellectual movement so no one says anything anymore just in case anyone else get’s offended. What happens if you say that and someone gets offended? Well they can be offended, can’t they? What’s wrong with being offended? When did stick and stones may break my bones stop being relevant? Isn’t that what you teach children? He called me an idiot! Don’t worry about it, he’s a ****.

    Now you have adults going “I was offended, I was offended and I have rights!” Well so what, be offended, nothing happened. You’re an adult, grow up, and deal with it. I was offended! Well, I don’t care! Nothing happens when you’re offended. “I went to the comedy show and the comedian said something about the lord, and I was offended, and when I woke up in the morning, I had leprosy.”

    Nothing Happens. “I want to live in a democracy but I never want to be offended again.” Well you’re an idiot.

    How do you make a law about offending people? How do you make it an offense to offend people? Being offended is subjective. It has everything to do with you as an individual or a collective, or a group or a society or a community. Your moral conditioning, your religious beliefs. What offends me may not offend you. And you want to make laws about this? I’m offended when I see boy bands for god sake.

    It’s a valid offense, I’m offended. They’re cooperate shills, posing as musicians to further a modeling career and frankly I’m disgusted.

    - Steve Hughes.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    When you post things like "bang, date, marry?" or "cute, hot, or sexy?" and ask people to objectify you, you are training them to think of everyone around them in those terms. You invite them to make a value judgement of your body, and they begin to make those judgements about others. I speak not just on behalf of women but of everyone on this site. Our culture places way too much value on judgements about people. Is it not enough to just be what you are? Do you have to be "bangable" or "flirty" or have all of these other labels attached to you? And if you do, could you handle that somewhere other than a site for folks who aren't satisfied with their bodies anyways? I realize an ego boost is nice, and I don't mind getting ego boosts every so often, but maybe the place for that is your personal profile or a "hot or not" site.

    I can't tell you guys what to post or what to think- the purpose of this post is to invite some discussion about how we create these labels and values for each other and ourselves even as they make us uncomfortable or sad. Many women feel that a "male-dominated culture" has set up these cages of self-judgement for them, but then they go out in pants that say "juicy" across their butts or ask others how hot they are from 1-10. I try really hard to avoid these types of discussions, firstly because beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and secondly because I feel that I have value in and of myself, not just when I'm given a number or a name.

    What do you guys think? Do you like it when people tell you you're a certain type of person? Do you like it when people rate you? Do you think others like it when you rate them?

    I agree 100%. I don't understand how this is "fun", and I think these kinds of things definitely contribute to rape culture. I think women are just as bad as men when it comes to perpetuating this stuff and the whole thing makes me sad. I avoid those threads and those people, and I'm sure the feeling is mutual.

    Rape culture? That's a made up thing right? Something some woman who doesn't get enough male attention invented to explain with other girls are getting attention. I mean looking at a woman or telling her you think she's good looking doesn't mean you want to rape her.

    No, rape culture is not a made up thing. It's a real thing. A very real thing. You should learn what it means and why it became a term before you dismiss it out of hand.
This discussion has been closed.