40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Hi! Greetings from Florida! 45 here and can run like the wind!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hi! Greetings from Florida! 45 here and can run like the wind!

    You young whipper snappers.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    The last few days I have been having trouble getting to my calorie goals. I was also short today. When I got in from work I tried to make that right.

    Low sugar double strawberry ice cream, Larro's {not low sugar} Greek vanilla pudding and Greek banana blahblahblah & flax seed meal stir-it-up.

  • 0khawkins
    0khawkins Posts: 30 Member
    I'm in!
  • eric_romig

    I am 44 and finally got tired of the belly. I am 6'0, , now 220. I started eating healthy(hate the diet word) 20 days ago and I have lots 24 lbs. I just stated exercising yesterday(bike riding).

    It had been a challenge, but one that I plan on winning
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Good Morning Kid's!
    Well today I turned 42; hoping someone will take me out for a taco salad lunch later. LOL
    Would have been nice to have lost that 42nd pound but oh well. Stupid squats kicked my a-- Monday. I guess doing 3 reps of 10 was just too much. LOL. Josie now has a cold. I may have to stop taking her to the gym daycare. :( You'd think people wouldn't take their sick kid's there. Grr
    Hello Newbies and welcome.
    Larro- You managed to make that look good.
    Ruby- I know what you mean about getting in your scheduled workouts. I used to get highly irritated when I didn't get my 2-3 hours of gym time in. I've slipped in the last couple of weeks between Josie's multiple illnesses and the Dom's. I need to give myself a kick.
    Carmel- Been thinking about looking for some icy hot myself. The biofreeze is so cold.
    Curious- great job on the biking.
    Anyway will check back later
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Hello to Canadian friends.

    I could not tear myself away from the (radio) news, yesterday.

    I did get my lifting done, yesterday, all while cbc radio news was blaring in my ears.

    Hug your loved ones.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Cool Kids,
    My heart goes out to our Canadian Kids. Senseless acts of hate and terror diminish us all. :'(
    Today B has PT, so it was a driving day. Good thing since it's pouring (finally!) here today. The ride home yesterday was perfect. Windy, but got home before the rain started. I saw 3 huge king boletes (mushroom, aka Porcini) on the way, but they were too far gone to harvest. One of the only types I'm comfortable wildharvesting.
    Speaking of wildharvesting...when the yard gives you dandelions, eat them!! I made a dandelion based green juice for breakfast today, and made a big batch of dandelion and pumpkins seed pesto. Awesome. :p
    Caramel, how was your session with the trainer? Still need Biofreeze? ;) I looked up Mizuno shoes on Amazon, and holy mole! The colors were awesome!
    Mygnsac, kudos for packing your food! That's always the best defense...except today I've already eaten half my lunch! LOL, don't know why I'm so hungry.
    Ruby, good work meeting your workout goals even with your lunch hour going whacky. I've bee trying to use the lunch hour as well since we have a little pocket gym here at our building. You'll find a way, I know. Sorry Josie is sick again :\
    eric, geez, 24 lbs in 20 days?!? Dudes... but seriously, congrats, and keep it up!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kate :flowerforyou:
    And happy Thursday to the rest of you Cool Kids as you check in.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all,

    Oh my, I was also glued to the news yesterday and today. Our American friends know too well, what we are experiencing (unfortunately).
    I did get a run in on Tuesday, and it was ok. Did a slow 5 mile run, but I got it done!
    Had an out of town meeting yesterday, so spent my time on the road, attended the evening meeting and stayed over night. Headed home this morning and hit a patch of black ice and spun out of control. Thank the Lord, there was nothing coming the other way, otherwise I would have been a goner. There was a transport in front of me, a truck behind me, a rock cut on my right and a 200ft. drop on my left. I wanted to pull over and cry after that, but I carried on, otherwise I am not sure I could have driven again. :scream:

    We have had some beautiful fall days these last few days, but we are seeing heavy frost in the mornings. Not sure I am going to get a workout in today - too much to do after work. I should have taken the extra time this morning and used the hotel gym. At least the highways might have been frost free by the time I left then. :stuck_out_tongue:
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hello Cool Kids.

    Prayers to all our Canadian Kids. We live in a crazy world. I haven't watched any news {other than sports} in 6 years. I know there is lots of bad things in the world, but I choose not to dwell on them. Folks are going to tell you whats going on anyway.

    Happy birthday Kate. I hope you get your taco salad.

    Welcome Eric, and all the other new guys. I wish all of you success in your lifestyle change. Just remember this is a journey of a lifetime.

    Everyone sounds so busy. I'm off work until Saturday morning, but haven't got anything done today. Well I did record 3 Doctor Who episodes from the DVR to a DVD while I was doing my cardio and lifting. It was noon before I ate breakfast, which will push back lunch, etc, etc, etc. I need to have supper ready when Margie gets in from work, yet I still haven't decided how I'm cooking the pork chops. I fried up one for breakfast, just for quality control purposes.

    I hope everyone is having a good day. I think I'm going to spend my free afternoon napping. I always think better when I'm sleeping. The breakfast below may be part of the reason I'm sleepy.


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member

    I do need to choose eggs more often!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    For supper, of course, since i don't eat breakfast!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I forgot to do the numbers for the week when I posted this morning. So here they are.

    21.9% Body Fat
    56.9% Body Water
    24.5 BMI
    175.2 Pounds
    The yoyo is still on the way down for now. Next week it will be going back up.

    I baked the pork chops. Recipe and pictures at http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1216261/whats-for-supper#latest

    Hope everyone had a good day.

  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Curious- I admire how you harvest from the wild & turn it into delicious food. I harvest things I grow. I would love to pick mushrooms, my dad has picked some morel's & they were awesome.
    Sederski- I am so glad you are okay after hitting the black ice. I live in territory with dangerous drop offs too, it can happen so quick.
    Kate- lets kick each others butt's to kick it up a notch...happy birthday also.

    my heart goes out to all the Canadian's, I will keep you in my prayers.

    I have a hair appointment tomorrow afternoon for highlights & cut. Hhhmmmm me time "what is that". I can't wait to remember! :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good morning cool kids,
    That's quite a breakfast Larro! I love eggs and eat them often - for breakfast and dinner! I prefer them hard boiled as they are easily transported that way. :smile:
    Foggy, mild morning. We are heading out right after work. I am registered to run a half marathon tomorrow, but that's not gonna happen. I am going to change to the 10k and just enjoy the run. It's supposed to be a lovely weekend.
    Have a great day all. Hope you are all physically moving more than I am these past few days!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    edited October 2014
    Welcome to Friday Cool Kids!
    Sdereski, my stomach just dropped when I read about your spin out. That is so frightening. I also live in a world of windy mountain roads with steep cliff sides. I'm sooo glad you are ok. Enjoy your 10K tomorrow. That sounds like a fun time.
    Ruby, your afternoon sounds heavenly :) Enjoy the "you" time. I have only found 1 morel. They seem to like to grow in areas that have burned, but we just haven't found the right places. Boletes, chanterelles, and hedgehogs are the ones I'm comfortable with. The others are scary!
    Larro, that is some meal! I have yet to watch Dr. Who. I'm afraid I'll get hooked ;) I know the show has quite a cult following.
    I did 30 minutes on the Nordic Track at lunch yesterday, and it kicked my butt!! Also, it said I only burned 272 calories. This makes me sure that the numbers MFP has for my bicycle commute are way exaggerated. It takes 35 +/- minutes to ride to work, and it says 475 calories, but it is definitely less work than the same amount of time on the Nordic Track. I'll have to figure out a new way to log the ride so the calories are more realistic.
    I'm thinking of getting a fitbit. Does anyone have any experience with them? Worth it?
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    edited October 2014
    Morning cool kids and happy Friday!

    I was sick yesterday, bad headache, so I stayed home from work and didn't do much of anything. We have some construction going on at home (having the master bath redone), so it wasn't the best place to be when sick. Feeling better today. I will definitely go for a long walk later today. We have perfect walking weather right now.

    I posted a couple quick and easy healthy recipes yesterday...

    Better close and get to work. Gotta catch-up from being off yesterday. You all have wonderful day!

  • pgoodt1994
    pgoodt1994 Posts: 32 Member
    I would love to join the group. I am 45 years only and trying to lose about 50 pounds. I really don't know where I am on weight right now. I weighed myself October 5 and put the scale away. I am trying to weight myself once a month. I was one of those that would weigh once a week and get frustrated if I hadn't lost or get on another two days later and I was up on the scale so I would figure, why am I even trying. So I am trying this. I feel like I have lost. I will know next weekend. One of my biggest struggles is sweets, especially in the evening.
  • pgoodt1994
    pgoodt1994 Posts: 32 Member
    Holy crap! Why in the world did I type I was 45 years old. I'm 40. Where in the world did that come from.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Caramel, hey.

    Kate, hope you are recovering from the big taco salad birthday bash.

    Ruby, can't wait to see the updated picture with the new hair cut.

    Sdereski, enjoy your 10K this weekend.

    Curious, Doctor Who is the only TV drama I watch. I've been hooked on it for 30+ years now. And I have been adding 20% more exercise than I log. Still not sure if that's enough, but I'll keep track of my loss or gain, and adjust from there. Too cheap to buy a fitbit.

    Nan, Ok, Eric and Lisaanne, welcome. But Nan, we don't like snowmen for avatars. Put a puppy or something up there for us to look at :)

    Pgoodt, you are welcome, no matter what age you are. I gave up sugar a few years back and have came up with many low {or no} sugar desserts. Using sugar free Jello, with lite cool whip and lite yogurt is one of my favorites. There are more flavors than you can decide on.

    I got in my cardio this morning, had breakfast, then wasted a few hours online. Now I've had an early lunch and am wasting more time. I need to get the tractor out and finish mowing, but it's kind of cool this morning. It's only 76F so far. I guess I'll just bundle up and get out there.

    And I only eat eggs on my lifting day when I have more calories to spare. But this past week my problem was getting enough calories. Maybe one of these days I will go a whole week right on my marks, but I doubt it.

    I hope everyone is having a good day,
