Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lucha4Life
    My goal this year is losing 120 pounds by Dec 31st... That would put me at 210lbs, (I figured 10lbs a month). I'm taking it slow, I've done the diet / exercise thing before - and it works if you do it - but I'm making the lifestyle change happen so that I can keep this weight off for life. So I'm here everyday logging. I'm using beachbody's meal planner to help me figure out what to eat.. and I'm taking shakeology since it really does help ME. I haven't yet incorporated exercise again, but plan to - starting Sunday, the 18th. - Motivational friends wanted...

    And thanks for making this thread happen!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    So I never checked in yesterday, I had a crazy busy day with work and coaching basketball, we had an away game. I didn't do very well with eating, especially with coaching because we stopped at McDonald's on the way home. I knew we were doing that, but I still went out for lunch too, which I shouldn't have. I need to get better about planning ahead and actually doing it.

    I also found out some pretty sad news last night, a good friend of mine passed away. It's horribly sad and unfair, but I just can't wrap my mind around it either for what she had to go through. She was only 31, like myself, our birthdays were only weeks apart. She has been sick now for about three years, and doctors have never been able to figure out what was wrong with her. It started out with stomach/intestinal issues, and the issues just got worse and attacked other systems of her body, and still no answers, only that she was suffering from a mystery illness. I'm not blaming any of this on the medical staff because I know she went to see many doctor's, and some of the best in the world in some Boston hospitals (we live an hour away), and they ran every test and did everything they could for her; but its just maddening that that can happen like that. For the past year she has been in and out of hospitals for weeks or months at a time, this last time around Thanksgiving she went in and her kidneys started to fail her and she needed a liver transplant. Finally yesterday evening she no longer has to suffer and fight, she is at peace and at rest. I can't even imagine what she had to go through. She was very active, and to go through something like that must have been horrible. To be fighting for your life and ultimately dying, at such a young age, and not having any idea why or what is causing this, it must have been so frustrating for her. Sometime's I don't understand how the world works, but I will tell you all this much, seeing this happen to a dear friend of mine makes me realize how much I am not living my own life. It's time to start living and to make the necessary changes so I can live and be with those I love and care about.

    Sorry I know this is so far off topic, but I've been sitting in work all day thinking about this. I just needed to vent somewhere, and I didn't want to actually talk to any of my co-workers about it because I knew I would start crying. Thanks for listening!
  • bluetopazsnake
    @ereilly311‌ - I am so very sorry for your loss. That is so terrible she suffered for so long and that no one even had an idea of what was wrong. I am sure that was just as frustrating to her friends like you and her family. I am so sorry.

    I am having the same sort of realization. I have lost people and last year I worked at assisted living. Now I love helping people, but that was an extremely wrong job to do for a person like me. I got very attached and 8 people died. I am now more scared of death and the death of all my loved ones (even the ones I already lost)... so much so.. that I can't even watch TV series like the Walking Dead. People keep telling me not to worry about what I can't change... but it doesn't help. So... I figured I should live my life and get as healthy as possible to avoid dieing any sooner than I have to. I know some people die before their time... and it is not fair at all. I can't quite accept death. I understand the concept.. circle of life.. but I don't and can't accept it.

    I think your realization is beautiful, and I admire you for wanting to live life for those you love and for yourself. I think that is the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones. I am so sorry for your friend. You said she was fit.. I think... she would be happy she helped you in some way. Not in the you needed help way.. but she touched you and it is beautiful that you want to be more present.. and I am so sorry. If you would like to rant more I am all ears. Just know, I think your realization is beautiful.

    I am sorry I rambled.. and went off topic.
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    ypamela21 wrote: »
    Bleh. Gained 2 pounds and am desperate to eat something even though, strictly speaking, I am not hungry. And stuck at a desk.

    Do you want to try a breathing exercise? You might be just stressed out.
    just take a deep breath hold it for a second and slowly let it out. Repeat 5 times. You can also try to stretch your neck muscles by moving your head slowly in a circle and side to side a few times.
    Sometimes we just also need some water.

    Thanks for the suggestion, ypamela21!
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    @skinnyjeans - I think you hit the nail on the head - a variation of boredom, anyway. I reach a point where I just want to get up, walk away for a couple of hours, but that isn't possible. I've not figured out anything else that works, reading newspapers online, and surfing the net just doesn't do it. It's the physical irritation of having to sit in one spot all day. Never have figured out an alternative.

    @ereilly - life is such a mystery, isn't it? I am so sorry for your loss but it sounds as if you will take away a valuable lesson about living your own life. @bluetopazsnake says it better - and that your friend would be glad she was able to influence your life for the better.

  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Hi everyone! I know I disappeared again but this time it wasn't my fault!! :p I woke up Sunday morning with a pain in my right upper side. I thought maybe I pulled something in my sleep. The pain got worse as I went to church and then on to work. When I got home I went on Google and looked up the possible reasons I was in so much pain. I didn't have a fever and I wasn't throwing up. I barely slept that night and by Monday morning we were driving me to the ER.

    They got me in pretty quick and drew blood, then a CT scan, and then the news that I needed an appendectomy. Thankfully it hadn't ruptured. I spent a terrible night in the hospital (pain, IV coming out, crazy man yelling from the next room, etc.) and finally they let me come home Tuesday afternoon, where I have slept a lot and tried to get my body back to working again. The pain meds made me so sick and head-achy that I had to give them up. Today, I went to the grocery store with hubby and walked around a bit. It helped and thankfully I am back to eating more normal.

    This has been one crazy month. Last month, I had my best ever month for sales at work and we were celebrating what a great paycheck I had coming. Then hubby got in an auto accident and totaled his car (he is fine by the way) and then my surgery. So, now we know where all our extra cash is for. Life!!! :wink:

    I read the last few pages on here and I would love to comment on everyone but I really am worn out and need to start fresh. I do want to reach out to Robin, tell you how much I admire you and that I have you firmly in my thoughts and prayers.

    I'll be back.......promise!! :D
  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    Happy Thursday,
    I hope today has been a great day for all of you.
    @Robin - Thinking of you. I miss you. Please take care of you. Take the time to do what you need to do. God bless, dear lady.

    No news...Keeping the course steady. Want to include a third strength training day...maybe this weekend will be day one. ;)

    Take care of yourselves, one decision at a time.
    Perfect effort and balance.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I'm so glad MFP added the forums to the mobile app!

    @teresa~I'm so sorry for the appendectomy, yikes! :frowning: Glad you are home recovering well. Glad to hear DH is okay after his car accident too! Man when it rains it pours.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Gracious, @Teresa_3266‌! Good thing you had the extra money to handle those surprises! Take it easy and feel better soon.

    Subbed at the high school this afternoon, which is awkward food-wise. I ate breakfast around 8:30, then reported to the school at 11ish. I took a small protein shake with me, but by the time I left around 3:45, I was starving! Swung through McDonald's on the way home and ate lunch (lupper?) at around 4PM, then started getting peckish again around 7PM. Snacked. I stopped myself before I went over my calories, but definitely not the healthiest food day. Still, I stopped eating before I crossed the line, so that's something, I suppose.
  • PoisonDartFrog
    PoisonDartFrog Posts: 220 Member
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Teresa My goodness! Glad you got that taken care of. Take it easy and feel better.
    @Melifornia I too had a weird food day. Half a peanut butter sandwich for lunch, then dessert at book club, supper was okay, but not the greatest. I too stayed under calories, but feel like something is missing...Yeah, like vegetables!
    @cblue Did you enjoy the sunshine today? I did; then it was gone. Boo.

    AFM: Been "lurking" but haven't had much to say. I did manage to lose a pound this week. IF I can just keep doing one a week I will be happy. That eventually will add up and show.

    I hope everyone is feeling better and doing well.

  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have been thinking a lot the last couple of days, and I think it's time for a Thursday truth. I feel like, even though I have been doing this for 2.5 years, my relationship with food hasn't really changed that much. For the last month my health and other circumstances have given me an excuse to be very sporadic about logging. Even though I have remained quite consistent with exercise, the scales show that I haven't learned about consistently making good food choices. I am back to the top of my 170-175# where I have been for many months. It seems that no matter how long I have worked on new habits, the old ones have not gone away. I'm having a very hard time getting back to logging.
    @theresa so glad you are doing ok.
    I'm glad to see so many of our new people hanging in there with us. I know that coming back here every day is a lifeline for me.
    @ereilly so sorry for the loss of your friend. We are always happy to share your troubles along with your successes. Feel free talk about the things that are on your mind.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Lauriek70 sorry I spied your comment about your child and you maybe being slightly worried of her/him starting school as he/she will have to sit for long periods. Well it's just That it could be worth trying to tie a piece of elastic around 2 of his/her chair legs that way they can put their feet behind the elastic and kind of kick stretch it out thus giving them something to do.

    Sorry off subject of weightloss just thought might be a bit of useful or useless information :)

    womblesgirl: That is a great idea and I know of elementary teachers who do that. However, the message was from MKknits. I don't have kids of my own but I do teach 125 eighth graders and that is great birth control. It's okay to mix us up, my message was right below it.

    Truth- I have enjoyed my three days of exercise free days with no regrets. I was going back to the gym today but once I got to the gym and changed clothes, I realized that I forgot my tennis shoes- bummer. My friend and I opted to go to dinner early. It was very nice evening and I actually had a chance to enjoy dinner without rushing. Then I ended up at Giant picking up flowers, for a friend who lost her dad last month. I just found out about it this week. Needless to say, I made my own flower basket for about a third of the cost from a flower shop.

    I am looking forward to climbing tomorrow and exercising again. My knees are healing and the bruises are disappearing. I just hope that I won't hit them again on Friday night.

    Have a great Friday.

  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    I just realized that I've been sitting on my butt in front of the TV/computer for 4 hours. *facepalm*
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited January 2015
    @laurie--your comment about your students being great birth control made me LOL. I didn't want kids even before I started teaching, but being around teenagers all day is a constant reminder that I made the right choice. :wink: Glad your knees are healing. Can you wear knee pads?

    @kaye--I'm in the same exact boat as you. I had gotten down below my ticker weight of 183 and today the scale read 188. This has been my life for the past 2 years. Needless to say, it's been frustrating. For me though, I think it's not so much that my relationship with food hasn't changed. I eat very differently than I used to in terms of portion and somewhat the types of foods as well. My problem still seems to be those occasional "binge" days. I know the scale this morning was more of a result of too much sodium in all of the treats yesterday and it will probably be gone tomorrow, but it still makes me angry that I didn't just say no to the muffins and danish in the first place. :angry:

    @barb--a pound a week is the perfect pace IMHO. Great job!

    @mel--I had a similar food day b/c of journal conferences with my students. I managed to eat a hard boiled egg during my 3rd period open. Then had conferences through most of my lunch--literally had 4 minutes to heat up and scarf down some boneless skinless chicken breast. Add the protein bar I ate during study hall and I managed to keep myself from reaching that "starving" state, but none of it was enjoyable--really just fueling the machine. :smile:

    @teresa--whoa! Glad you caught the problem before it ruptured--take care to recover fully before doing too much.

    @mara--I really miss strength training, but with my shoulder injury I haven't been able to do much lately. Looking forward to getting to the doctor tomorrow. WOuld really like to get this healed so I can lift again.

    @slim--I get what you're talking about. I occasionally have a day when my students are testing all day and I get a little restless just sitting at my desk. At least I have a podium in my classroom, so I can stand and grade, but it's not much help. Are there any chair exercises you can do to ease the boredom? Or, even if you can't get away for a few hours, could you get up and take a brisk 5-10 minute walk? I know when we have all day meetings (like on institute days), I will do a full circuit of the entire school during our brief breaks between sessions. It helps a bit.

    @bluetopaz--welcome! Your comment about the bugs made me laugh. b/c I had a similar experience moving from the city (Chicago) to the suburbs. So many weird bugs I'd never had to deal with in a more urban environment--you would think a half hour drive wouldn't be a big difference but it is. As far as the walking, is there a community center or Y you could join with a walking track? I am a runner, but am quite a wuss when it comes to running in the cold, so I do the treadmill most of the winter. If budget is an issue, what about finding a mall to walk?

    @erin--that's so sad about your friend, and so frustrating that in this advanced age there are still such medical mysteries. Hugs to you.

    @lucha--welcome! Sounds like you have the right attitude--it's about making changes you can live with forever. :smile:

    @tammy--glad you are are starting to get better.

    @kelley--I tried ocean kayaking in the DR and actually found it more taxing on my legs than my upper body. I had to tense up my thigh muscles so much to stay balanced in the kayak that they were fatigued in about 20 minutes.

    @holly--woohoo for the 4 lb loss!

    @hansea--as much as I love to run, I am definitely guilty of the "run to eat" mentality. Just switching from TDEE -10% to base calories + eating back exercise calories has made a big difference in my motivation to get to the gym and the amount of calories I'm burning while there.

    @lori--I also have no motivation to do anything about my messy house. My DH still isn't working, so he takes care of the day to day stuff. However, he loves to cook so tends to spend 90% of his efforts in that space unless I give him a specific job to do. He also sucks at doing laundry. :open_mouth: Fortunately, it's just the 2 of us, so that's not a big job for me.

    Thursday Truth:
    I kind of vented it to kaye above. I went off the rails as far as food yesterday. Made up for it at the gym, but still, it makes me angry at myself that I couldn't just say "NO!" and skip the treats. I did much better today, but I'm not really sure what needs to change to avoid that in the future.

    On a more positive note, I killed it as far as grading today. Even with almost no open time during my preps, I managed to get through all of my juniors' SL annotations. After school I tried to extend that mojo by going to starbucks, but I was spent and just scrolled through my FB feed and caught up on posts here for the better part of an hour. At that point, I put my mantra into play and decided to do "just 15 minutes" of grading which got me through 2 essays before I packed it up and headed home. At least that's 2 less I need to finish this weekend.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 14/15 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week: week 1 = 2/2, week 2 = 2/2, week 3 = x/2, week 3 = x/2
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 16/66 AP essays
    2. Tone test corrections
    3. 25/66 AP journals
    4. 60/60 SL annotations DONE
    5. x/14 junior analysis activites
    6. 13/66 journal conferences

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner NOT DONE BUT WENT TO THE GYM
    Thurs-- walk gunner NOT DONE + gym NOT DONE
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym
  • lleecc
    lleecc Posts: 25 Member
    Here is my Thursday Truth...I am scared to lose weight! I feel better but am afraid that I will just gain it back. So, if I am just going to gain it back, why bother losing it in the first place? Is that not the craziest thing? Needless to say, I am working on changing my mental attitude this time around. Does or has anyone had those same feelings?
  • bluetopazsnake
    @Skinnyjeanzbound - lol It is terrible, They have these crickets that have spider legs and can jump half way up my 5'2" shortness and a good three feet long ways. And they are hard to squish, and sort of act like moths, jumping which every direction. I am going to use the gym at school, three days a week. But it is an hour commute (20 miles away) so I don't think I will go on weekends. The other two days.. I have a full schedule. So I am not sure what I will do. Maybe weight training at home. At the moment I don't have a job, so the Y or community things are out. The mall is a good idea, but driving there would take a while and the time spent there. It isn't that I don't want to put time into working out. But I have to be conscious of my time. Worst comes to worse I will just pace the house while reading a book the best I can. lol I like that I am not the only one who is afraid of the cold... Chicago doesn't sound much warmer. I think it may be more cold there! And I am glad I am not alone on the bugs. *Shivers* Eh.. But Florida has bigger bugs... So I guess I shouldn't complain. lol

    @lleecc - I have the same fear... well part of me is afraid I stay the same.. and part of me is afraid I will only lose 20 to 30 pounds.. and then gain that plus another 20 or 30. The way I have been pushing those thoughts off, is that this isn't a deadline, but a continuous part of life. It is like getting up early, well.. you have to get accustom to going to bed early. Or like learning.. or martial arts. They start with a white belt.. work through the rainbow. Get a black belt.. eventually the black belt wears down and fades, becoming white again. A never ending process of learning. In this case.. it is like a life long process of becoming a better you. I have been overweight most of my life, but only the past few years I have been out of shape. There is a difference. There may be a few months where you don't lose anything, but you gain endurance, and strength, and ability to breath, and jog or etc. Just remember you can do anything you put your mind to. You got this!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Before I go to bed, I need to share my Thursday Truth: In the past 2 1/2 months, I've spent more than 200 hours playing online games. It's probably closer to 300 hours. I make excuses - I'm multitasking (catching up on emails, posting simple updates on a couple of my websites, even writing some of the easier newspaper articles), I'm relaxing, I'll just play one or two games while I watch TV/wait for that phone call/before I start working/while I eat lunch... This is completely and utterly ridiculous. I'm really disappointed with myself. Unlike my friend whose job is to play video games (he's a beta tester for one of the big video game companies), there is absolutely no reason for me to be logging that kind of time.

    If you see "no video games" pop up on my weekly goal list, you'll know why.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday Truth ... I have had restaurant food for the past 3 days ... breaking a streak in my goal of only eating home prepared meals that i have kept for the past 34 out of 43 days. I'm just feeling too uninspired to cook in my messy kitchen. Promise to myself ... get back on the wagon of cleaning and cooking.

    Calories At goal 15/15 (goal is 28/31)
    follow-through Niki

    @RobinsE - sending you hugs and positive thought waves.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! I must say I'm glad to see the end of this week. Been a bit stressful as the boss is on holiday and I'm semi in charge. Today is the first day I have been able to post anything this week.

    @Niki - I know how you feel about the cooking. Its not so much restaurant eating that's my problem, its just too easy to say 'Ergh shall we order a pizza?' It was easier when I was a student because I didn't have the money for take out.
    @Melifornia - I can sympathise with your gaming issue. It is SO hard to prize yourself away. You think I'll just do this/ just finish this level/ or the time just runs away with you. I have a slight addiction to pintrest at the moment and can spend HOURS just looking at things. But at the same time, its no different to being hooked in a book. Maybe you should set a timer on your phone? When it goes off you literally stand up and walk away from the screen.
    @lleecc - At times I feel the same. Or I worry that as I loose weight my personality will change for the worse. I know so many people who achieved a massive weight loss and started thinking they are better than those who struggle to loose weight or have a higher opinion of themselves which makes them quite frankly an ugly person on the inside.
    @maram29 - I would like to start strength training again, but I've decided to wait until February when hopefully the gym will be less busy. I also need to find a time when there are less men in there. I don't know why by I do feel slightly threatened by them, particularly the teens to thirty group.
    @Skinnyjeanzbound - congrats on the marking! I love those days where your get through loads of work. You feel like you haven't wasted your day.
    @Teresa_3266 - I'm glad you caught it before the worst happened! Hope you feel better soon!

    I've kinda trapped myself on this page of posts so I apologies to everyone before Teresa.

    AFM - I bought myself new scales for christmas which measures bodyfat percentage and all sorts of stuff, but I got on them this morning and an error message came up. After googling I have discovered it is a technical issue which cannot be fixed and therefore I have to contact the supplier and probably have a month long argument with them, because we all know how companies don't like replacing things for free. But on the plus side, I still have my old scales and they told me I'm 2lbs lighter this morning... give or take a lb or so. :smile:
    I'm slightly struggling today, I don't know if its because I'm cold but I feel like nibbling on food. I've already drunk 600ml of water and three coffees to distract myself and its only 11am. I have my swim in an hour and a half and then lunch so that should get me through to about 3pm. Must. stay. strong.

    have a good weekend everyone!
    Lois :heart: