

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    My weight has been pretty consistently low the last few years, but I don't think people realize how much I actually struggle with food and being healthy. I'll go maybe a week with being super on point, great clean foods, exercising, no overeating...then I'll just binge for like 2-3 days. :# I'll one day decide I deserve a 'cheat day,' and go to the grocery store and buy EVERYTHING that I love, cookies, ice cream, chips, dips, pasta, pizza....of course only intending to eat it on that one day...but then I buy so much food and have so much left over that I eat that crap for multiple days, which then totally cancels out all the awesome days I had before. Then I feel awful, gain tons of water weight, get guilty and have another few days of being on point. It's just a horrible cycle. My body composition and general appearance sucks because I'm always going up and down with the way I treat myself.
    Losing weight and being healthy is soooo simple.....but so hard. I can't believe after all of these years I still can't seem to grasp the basic concept of moderation. Ugh.

    I emphathize with you. I went through a brief period of my life that I did this and I know how miserable it was. I knew what I was supposed to do, but I couldn't seem to maintain it for very long. My issue was being in a very unhealthy relationship and needing to make some personal changes at the same time. When I finally got through those two things I could focus on myself much better.

    Not very helpful to you, I know. But, just wanted to say that you aren't alone in your struggle. The ever-present balance between right and wrong, should do but don't do, etc. haunts a lot of us. It's even present in your screen name! I do love that.
  • gymandcupcakes
    BZAH10 wrote: »

    I emphathize with you. I went through a brief period of my life that I did this and I know how miserable it was. I knew what I was supposed to do, but I couldn't seem to maintain it for very long. My issue was being in a very unhealthy relationship and needing to make some personal changes at the same time. When I finally got through those two things I could focus on myself much better.

    Not very helpful to you, I know. But, just wanted to say that you aren't alone in your struggle. The ever-present balance between right and wrong, should do but don't do, etc. haunts a lot of us. It's even present in your screen name! I do love that.

    nice to know I'm not alone! I'm pretty happy with my current state of life, my job is awesome, financially am doing better than I ever have been, social life isn't great but nothing at all stressful really going on. I feel like I have no reason to have this awful relationship with food and myself. I used to be very overweight when I was younger, and it definitely affected my entire being and way of thinking, so maybe I just still have that negative relationship haunting me.
    I want to feel good and look good for myself....but I also just love food, plain and simple. Food excites me and makes me happy lol. Pathetic sounding, but true! It's funny because when some people look at me, they probably just think I'm like any other young 'lucky' person with a smaller body, but I struggle so much on the inside with it. I hopefully will learn to get everything under control now, because I know later on in life my body won't be quite as forgiving. Scary :s
  • ladybuggnorris
    ladybuggnorris Posts: 276 Member
    I have been eating super clean since January 5th and have lost 30 pounds. My confession is that I have no willpower. I make sure I am never alone at home (always with my husband or one of the kids) so I don't eat junk food. If no one is with me, I go to bed. I recently took over as office manager at my work. Today, while tidying up my office, I found the old office manager's stash of snacks (popcorn, a peanut butter granola bar and a snickers bar). I have already eaten the popcorn and the Snickers bar and am considering the granola bar right now. I am so disgusted with myself right now! I was sure if I went this long the self-control would get easier.
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    edited February 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I LOVE cream cheese frosting on graham crackers.

    I really wish I hadn't read this. You know, I've purchased a lot of things that people mention in threads; ice cream, peanut butter, fireball whisky & rumchata... Apparently, I am highly suggestible.

    Guess I am too. I bought the Biscoff Cookie Spread because of this thread along with a box of animal crackers because of my pals had them in her diary and I thought they sounded yummy. Light bulb! I'll dip the animal crackers IN the cookie spread. :D

    Further confession: me, too. I tried peanut butter and pickles on a sandwich thanks to one of these threads, and now everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. And I tried the hot chocolate powder thanks to this thread. Spoilers: it's excellent with both peanut butter and cookie butter.

    I, too, am apparently easy to sway.

    I definitely thought the "spoilers" sentence was going to end with "peanut butter and pickles," and I was afraid.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    acorsaut89 wrote: »
    So my job can stress me out a bit . . . and we have a tim hortons in my office building. On days where I can feel the stress coming on I mow down - I mean mow down - apple fritters . . . yes plural.

    I hate how I feel afterwards but at the time I'm like THISISTHEBESTTHINGIHAVEEVERPUTINMYMOUTH!!!!!!

    And then I continue on pretending it never even happened.

    OMG I did this today. I only had one Apple fritter bc it was HUGGGGEEEE It's not work bothering me but I ATE IT!!! IT WAS GOOD!!!! AND I LOGGED IT now my whole day is shot :(

    Twas not worth it but I am an emo eater. I needed to be comforted by the goodness that is an apple fritter.
  • afoust1986
    afoust1986 Posts: 16 Member
    alastria wrote: »
    Bah, this is terribly embarrassing, and I feel like I will regret posting it on here.
    I have a horrible addiction with sugar, and it seems to control me the way gambling or psychoactive drugs control behavior and cravings, but...I work for Starbucks in a Safeway, and we have a garbage can container of organic wastes, so before we throw out all the foods into the organic waste, the plastic wrappers or packing is removed.

    I opened up the organic bin to dump some food in there and I noticed it was sky high with whole sized Nestle's caramel I stole two bars and put it in my barista apron.

    I frickin' picked out chocolate from some trash can.

    They've done studies on animals with sugar and cocaine and the animals went for the sugar over the coke EVERY SINGLE TIME. So don't feel too bad.
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I wasn't hungry and didn't feel like eating anything this morning.
    Ate a lot of rice anyway and now I feel disgusting.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I have 2 problems emo eating and emo shopping.

    It started last night with fiber one cookies and mrs frields cookies. I ate 3 of each. I figure they balanced each other out. DONT JUDGE ME LOL

    Today I first chose to emo eat and stopped short a full day binge. I had and apple fritter and for lunch I went to Victorias Secret and bought a bikini.

    I didnt look at the price but I had a limit of $100 the total on a bikini bottom and top was $105.97 I got a free gift with it a beach tote. I will not rationalize it with a beach tote I prolly wont use. It is too much but damn it my boobs didnt get the lift they need in this top. I put it on and I felt great buying it is in the budget so I'm gonna ride that high and have something to feel good about and something to remind my self look in the mirror, DO NOT RUIN WHAT YOU'VE WORKED FOR BC UR STReSSED.

    Dresses and bikinis make me happy. Half the dresses and Bikinis I have still have the tags on them not bc I cant fit them just bc I havent worn them yet. I have a problem. I know this.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Going on 6pm and only now have time to eat lunch. Thinking this will count as one of those "accidental IF" days.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    uptownplum wrote: »
    Wetterdew wrote: »
    During lunch a while ago, my coworker made fun of me for counting calories and said I'm getting too skinny and it's starting to look ugly. So when she got up to go to the bathroom, I ate from her bag of chocolate pretzels and left before she got back. They were extra delicious and I fit them into my food budget for that day. I did what had to be done

    +1 Good for you.
  • Praying_Mantis
    Praying_Mantis Posts: 239 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    This does not seem weird to me because my damned kids seem to think this is a standard snack. I'm forever finding hot cocoa packets orphaned in odd corners, half eaten with a crusty spoon inside. Fine for them...but, why do I have to clean up the mess?

    I did this with Tang growing up. I would make a liquidy paste of the Tang with juuuuust enough water. Then I wouldn't clean the glass or spoon because I wasn't supposed to be eating it like that. Crazily, if I had just washed out the evidence, I could have gotten away with it. Sigh.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    schelly81 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »

    No, I am in Canada..... :'(

    Real Canadian Superstore is where I get mine. It should be with the jams and spreads, like peanut butter is.

    I'm in Canada and I had already planned to go to Superstore tomorrow. I can't decide if I love you for telling me this, or hate you for telling me this.

    I wonder if I have a Superstore close to me at all.....

    I don't know if the other Westfair Foods subsidiaries might carry it as well... No Frills? Loblaws?
  • alastria
    alastria Posts: 65 Member
    alastria wrote: »

    I opened up the organic bin to dump some food in there and I noticed it was sky high with whole sized Nestle's caramel I stole two bars and put it in my barista apron.

    I frickin' picked out chocolate from some trash can.

    I would have taken them ALL...

    Lol, I wanted to!! But there are cameras and my apron pockets only fit so much. =(

  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I just ate a 6oz bag of Combos and thinking about a cookie ice cream sandwich for lunch... with intermittant sprinting...
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    I only worked out today so I wouldn't feel bad about having chicken and cabbage dumplings with soy sauce, fried rice, and boneless buffalo wings with ranch for dinner.
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    edited February 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My confession for today is that I stress myself out over how other people judge me for being 30, single & childless. Most of it is probably just in my own imagination, but I feel like it's not "acceptable" for me to be 30 and single (with no prospects either). But at the same time for the most part I'm okay with being single and THAT stresses me out because I feel like maybe I should be more actively trying to change that since I am 30 and let's face it, the window to have kids (should I even want them) is getting smaller all the time.

    Sooo I stress myself out over how I feel and what society thinks I should be doing because I care what people think about me when I know I shouldn't. *sigh*

    (is this too much for a Friday morning? lol)

    Probably less judgement that I used to get for being 25 with 4 kids ages 5 and under trailing me. I literally had someone ask me if they had the same dad. Honestly, with that many small kids, there would be no facking way in hell I could have found time to have sex with people who did not already live in my house and share my bed!
    I was 26, trailing 4 little skirt ticks behind me everywhere I I'm 30 and still have one toddler...ah yes, the looks, and the "don't you have cable tv" comments? Yep, but TV isn't as fun! At 26 I had a newborn, a 2 year old, a 4 year old, and a 7 year old. I lost my sanity in there somewhere, I am sure of it.
    We're trying for #5.

  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    Some fun things on my work desk are

    Lego X-Wing
    Lego Tie-Fighter
    483 Pale Ale Keg Handle
    Jake the Snake Roberts Wrestling Figure, the old 80's rubber ones that bounce
    Autobot Insignia Ring
    Avengers #9, First appearance of Wonder Man, the book is 50 years old this past October.

    Do you want to be best friends? For real?
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    My confession is that we had Chinese food last night and this morning we got the rest of the fried rice, the salt and pepper squid and the chicken, chopped it all up and reheated it as some giant wok full of super-Chinesey goodness.
  • KrisAZ000
    KrisAZ000 Posts: 76 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My confession for today is that I stress myself out over how other people judge me for being 30, single & childless. Most of it is probably just in my own imagination, but I feel like it's not "acceptable" for me to be 30 and single (with no prospects either). But at the same time for the most part I'm okay with being single and THAT stresses me out because I feel like maybe I should be more actively trying to change that since I am 30 and let's face it, the window to have kids (should I even want them) is getting smaller all the time.

    Sooo I stress myself out over how I feel and what society thinks I should be doing because I care what people think about me when I know I shouldn't. *sigh*

    (is this too much for a Friday morning? lol)

    Awww, don't get down on yourself. I have plenty of girlfriends in the 30-35 bracket that are also single and childless with no prospects at the moment. It's pretty common these days. I'm in a serious relationship and have had a previous marriage, but I'm 34 and no children. I understand what you mean about the pressure and sense of being judged sometimes. I still think though that being single and/or child-free is preferable to rushing something that's not right for you at the moment.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    KrisAZ000 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    My confession for today is that I stress myself out over how other people judge me for being 30, single & childless. Most of it is probably just in my own imagination, but I feel like it's not "acceptable" for me to be 30 and single (with no prospects either). But at the same time for the most part I'm okay with being single and THAT stresses me out because I feel like maybe I should be more actively trying to change that since I am 30 and let's face it, the window to have kids (should I even want them) is getting smaller all the time.

    Sooo I stress myself out over how I feel and what society thinks I should be doing because I care what people think about me when I know I shouldn't. *sigh*

    (is this too much for a Friday morning? lol)

    Awww, don't get down on yourself. I have plenty of girlfriends in the 30-35 bracket that are also single and childless with no prospects at the moment. It's pretty common these days. I'm in a serious relationship and have had a previous marriage, but I'm 34 and no children. I understand what you mean about the pressure and sense of being judged sometimes. I still think though that being single and/or child-free is preferable to rushing something that's not right for you at the moment.

    Agreed. And you know what?

    Marriage and children is like being a grown up. It has downside, and aunt for everybody.

    I think that a large portion of people I know with kids would do differently of they had it to do over.