

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I let my son get breakfast at school because he gets there an hour early for practice. I'm debating making him get up earlier to eat at home instead, since I found out the school offers a daily breakfast of a pop tart, and nothing else, as an option. Might as well hand out Snickers bars. Actually, the Snickers would have more nutritional value.

    Well that's just pathetic! (on the school's part; not yours) And, I'm assuming "practice" entails some sort of physical activity? Just what exactly is the school trying to teach these kids? I know, it's a funding issue I'm sure and it's not completely the school's fault, but still. Makes me shake my head.

    Oh, and even if by "practice" you meant music or speech and debate or theater, etc. the kids still need good nutrition!

    Music, and what irritates me is that he has a good 4 hr stretch before lunch. If I had to guess, I'm going to say he's probably somewhere between don't give a damn and hangry by around 9:30. Then I ask him, why do you get pop tarts when you know you'll be starving long before lunch? He says if the school has it, it must be ok, because the school wouldn't have it if it wasn't.

    Yeah, my high school had Pepsi machines and I started getting entrenched in my Mt Dew habit at 14 after gym class every day. All that was in it for the school was extra money.
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Final Fantasy Type 0 HD came out today, and per my previous confession, I am sick (headcold) and at work lol.

    My St Patty's Day confession: I am a very superstitious person, and I never ask for good luck because I believe that the universe must even itself out and the bad luck will come calling.
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    edited March 2015
    The days I don't finish logging or don't log at all are the days I drink 4+ alcoholic drinks. I need to log those days to acknowledge the caloric reality of it. And I just need to quit drinking so damn much.

    Me too. Have you had much luck? And here it is, St. Patrick's Day.

    Oh, I see you're from Wisconsin. Well, that explains it.
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    edited March 2015
    I really wish menopause would happen soon. (No chance; it's probably at least another 5 years away.) :disappointed: --as quoted from MKEgal

    I've just had my first year of menopause and I love it! Doesn't help with weight loss, though.

  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    I'm 24 years old and I found 10+ greys in the front of my hair this morning..

    I started to go grey in college but now it's just a streak in my hair a little like Rogue. I embraced those grey hairs. The other parts of my body? Those grey hairs can go straight to hell!

    Well Rogue is pretty awesome!

    Agreed. I wish my greys only came in a streak. Ugh.

    I finished my book yesterday... Still can't start another one. I always need some time between a book and another, to get some kind of closure I guess (which I can't... considering that there's still one book left and it's not coming out for 17 months and it makes me want to scream).

    I am the same way. Especially if the book takes a drastic turn and I am left traumatized lol. One book hit me pretty hard and I tried to start another one a bit later that day and I had to put it down because I couldn't focus on it.

    I currently have three series that I am now waiting for the next book to come out. :(

    Confession: I have become violently angry at the conclusion of books in the past. It is common for me to finish a novel and immediately throw it across the room if I don't like the ending. I read the a book called "HAB Theory" about 10 years or ago and was so incensed at how the author chose to end it that I read the last sentence, shook my head in disbelief, walked outside, and torched it with lighter fluid.

    I haven't done anything beyond tossing the book down in disgust for years, but I had really violent reactions to endings as a teen, going so far as to tear out the last chapter in one because it had spoiled the book for me. Wish I could remember the title.

    Was it the HAB Theory? Because I have it on good authority that that book's ending was *kitten* awful.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I read through the titles posted in the forums, answer the question in my head and then move on without opening them because it's probably a waste of time. For Example "Am I eating too little?" - Probably. "Is this right" - Probably not. "Lets talk about Walden Farms" - Let's not.

    I'm a jerk.

    That Walden Farms one is going to get good, actually. I've got my eye on it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Confession: I am blowing the work popsicle stand in 8 minutes, and not going back til Monday! Woo HOo!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    I had to go look at the Walden Farms thread because I had no idea what it was, other than the Thoreau book, and somehow I doubted that it was a literary thread.

    I've never seen that brand here. And now I know I'm not missing anything.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I had to go look at the Walden Farms thread because I had no idea what it was, other than the Thoreau book, and somehow I doubted that it was a literary thread.

    I've never seen that brand here. And now I know I'm not missing anything.

    Same here. I have never heard of these magical zero calorie foods. I doubt I'll ever try any of it.
    Back in my 20's, I used to drown my popcorn in that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray that was "0 calorie". I can't imagine what that tastes like now, but I remember I wolfed down a ton of it back then.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    I'm 24 years old and I found 10+ greys in the front of my hair this morning..

    I started to go grey in college but now it's just a streak in my hair a little like Rogue. I embraced those grey hairs. The other parts of my body? Those grey hairs can go straight to hell!

    Well Rogue is pretty awesome!

    Agreed. I wish my greys only came in a streak. Ugh.

    I finished my book yesterday... Still can't start another one. I always need some time between a book and another, to get some kind of closure I guess (which I can't... considering that there's still one book left and it's not coming out for 17 months and it makes me want to scream).

    I am the same way. Especially if the book takes a drastic turn and I am left traumatized lol. One book hit me pretty hard and I tried to start another one a bit later that day and I had to put it down because I couldn't focus on it.

    I currently have three series that I am now waiting for the next book to come out. :(

    Confession: I have become violently angry at the conclusion of books in the past. It is common for me to finish a novel and immediately throw it across the room if I don't like the ending. I read the a book called "HAB Theory" about 10 years or ago and was so incensed at how the author chose to end it that I read the last sentence, shook my head in disbelief, walked outside, and torched it with lighter fluid.

    That's hard core

    You have no idea. I've had a love affair with the English language since I was three. I've got a degree in English Literature and wondered why we didn't read more in the classes I took. My book collection has spilled into 4 different rooms at my house and is making hostile overtures toward a 5th. In second grade, a bunch of people sponsored me for the March of Dimes readathon. Most of them pledged $1 or $2 a book, probably thinking I'd read about 10 or so. I needed two forms to submit the 135 book titles I read that month. Most people only sponsored me at $.10 to a quarter per book from then on.

    I tell you all that to make this clear: I *kitten* love books. I view the written word as one of the great pinnacles of human civilization and credit mass publication with the great social improvements of the last 500 years. For me, to burn a book is an almost unthinkable act of heresy. But that *kitten* guy wrote what has to be one of the worst *kitten* endings in the history of bad *kitten* endings. *kitten* thing may as well have ended with a fadeout to show it all took place in a goddamn snowglobe. *kitten* HAB Theory.

    Confession: I sometimes overreact to insignificant things.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    Confession - Im reading an ARC for someone right now and it's taking me way longer than normal because the type of file they gave me wont open on my Kindle, so I have to read it on my computer. I am so easily distracted. I need to close this browser and get to work!
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    Easter is on its way, and Pizzagaina is a little known Italian Easter Pie that everyone should consider.


    I read Pizzagina and thought of something completely different. Confession: I have a dirty dirty mind. So dirty.

    This made me spit tea. Seriously.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I had to go look at the Walden Farms thread because I had no idea what it was, other than the Thoreau book, and somehow I doubted that it was a literary thread.

    I've never seen that brand here. And now I know I'm not missing anything.

    Same here. I have never heard of these magical zero calorie foods. I doubt I'll ever try any of it.
    Back in my 20's, I used to drown my popcorn in that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray that was "0 calorie". I can't imagine what that tastes like now, but I remember I wolfed down a ton of it back then.

    I think people overlook that they're not the target market for that stuff in the first place. Once you've been off sugar/carbs long term, things that have actual sugar in them can taste sickeningly sweet, while things that are sour to other people taste sweet to you, because your tastes have changed. I don't use the stuff, but from what I've seen in reviews, the people who like it are people who've been strictly LC for an extended time, while those who don't aren't LC to begin with, or at the higher end, where they still eat actual sugar all the time.
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    Confession: I hate when I find somebody interesting in a thread that I might want to send a FR, but when I go to their page they haven't filled anything out or have it completely locked. How can I know if I want to FR you?!? It makes me sad. :'(

    My details are quite boring, actually. Even if they were public (I don't think they are), I would get far more FRs from dazzlingly witty forum posts. You guys are dazzled, right? Guys?

    You are def in my top three fave people on this thread. :)
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    I have to make a cake for my daughter's Gender Reveal Party this weekend, and I know I am going to blow it, with cake trimmings and icing. I am not sure how to combat this.
  • selena_teresa
    selena_teresa Posts: 110 Member
    Neonbeige wrote: »
    I feel like a cheat about my profile pictures (here, on FB etc.) because they are so flattering and sometimes when I look in the mirror or a glass window I look like a total different person.

    It´s like I have two faces (depending on my mood or whatever) or when looking in a mirror sometimes my brain tricks me into only seeing my chocolate side automatically and only sees the most benefical things about my face in the best light...half an hour later in a window or even worse on a picture others made it´s completely different.

    My question/fear: which face do others see? The good mood or the bad mood one? Am I seeing myself more attractive when I am feeling good or am I seeing myself uglier when I am in a bad mood? What the hell do I look like?

    Shall I go and see a therapist? :-D

    I am the same way. Opening the camera on my phone and it shows your face...apparently I am related to Jabba the Hutt
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    I had to go look at the Walden Farms thread because I had no idea what it was, other than the Thoreau book, and somehow I doubted that it was a literary thread.

    I've never seen that brand here. And now I know I'm not missing anything.

    Same here. I have never heard of these magical zero calorie foods. I doubt I'll ever try any of it.
    Back in my 20's, I used to drown my popcorn in that "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spray that was "0 calorie". I can't imagine what that tastes like now, but I remember I wolfed down a ton of it back then.

    I think people overlook that they're not the target market for that stuff in the first place. Once you've been off sugar/carbs long term, things that have actual sugar in them can taste sickeningly sweet, while things that are sour to other people taste sweet to you, because your tastes have changed. I don't use the stuff, but from what I've seen in reviews, the people who like it are people who've been strictly LC for an extended time, while those who don't aren't LC to begin with, or at the higher end, where they still eat actual sugar all the time.

    They seem to have sucralose, which I find super sweet (and not in the best of all possible ways).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited March 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    I'm 24 years old and I found 10+ greys in the front of my hair this morning..

    I started to go grey in college but now it's just a streak in my hair a little like Rogue. I embraced those grey hairs. The other parts of my body? Those grey hairs can go straight to hell!

    Well Rogue is pretty awesome!

    Agreed. I wish my greys only came in a streak. Ugh.

    I finished my book yesterday... Still can't start another one. I always need some time between a book and another, to get some kind of closure I guess (which I can't... considering that there's still one book left and it's not coming out for 17 months and it makes me want to scream).

    I am the same way. Especially if the book takes a drastic turn and I am left traumatized lol. One book hit me pretty hard and I tried to start another one a bit later that day and I had to put it down because I couldn't focus on it.

    I currently have three series that I am now waiting for the next book to come out. :(

    Confession: I have become violently angry at the conclusion of books in the past. It is common for me to finish a novel and immediately throw it across the room if I don't like the ending. I read the a book called "HAB Theory" about 10 years or ago and was so incensed at how the author chose to end it that I read the last sentence, shook my head in disbelief, walked outside, and torched it with lighter fluid.

    That's hard core

    You have no idea. I've had a love affair with the English language since I was three. I've got a degree in English Literature and wondered why we didn't read more in the classes I took. My book collection has spilled into 4 different rooms at my house and is making hostile overtures toward a 5th. In second grade, a bunch of people sponsored me for the March of Dimes readathon. Most of them pledged $1 or $2 a book, probably thinking I'd read about 10 or so. I needed two forms to submit the 135 book titles I read that month. Most people only sponsored me at $.10 to a quarter per book from then on.

    I tell you all that to make this clear: I *kitten* love books. I view the written word as one of the great pinnacles of human civilization and credit mass publication with the great social improvements of the last 500 years. For me, to burn a book is an almost unthinkable act of heresy. But that *kitten* guy wrote what has to be one of the worst *kitten* endings in the history of bad *kitten* endings. *kitten* thing may as well have ended with a fadeout to show it all took place in a goddamn snowglobe. *kitten* HAB Theory.

    Confession: I sometimes overreact to insignificant things.

    Lol. It's awesome. I've read a few books that really pissed me off too at the end (the Dark Tower anyone? 7 books for... that?). The worst was a Sci Fi book I read in school... don't remember the title but I was SO pissed off.

    Oh and I made a reservation for my birthday... authentic Moroccan restaurant with a 8 course meal. Can't wait.
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I have to make a cake for my daughter's Gender Reveal Party this weekend, and I know I am going to blow it, with cake trimmings and icing. I am not sure how to combat this.

    Yellow and green?
  • bmele0
    bmele0 Posts: 282 Member
    I've had two frosted sugar cookies and not one but two red velvet oreos. Happy St. Patty's Day! I'm not over calories and I don't plan to be today, but it still made me feel kinda crappy.