

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    Hahaha I've thought the same thing before! Whoops are we bad people? :#

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I was catfished for a year. :'(

    I confess I had to google "catfished." Crap, I think I might be old.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I agree. Clear and concise, please.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Although I have been aiming toward "more protein" in a vague sort of way for several months now, I just reset my macros (ooh, that just makes me sound so knowledgeable!) on here the other day. Looking at a big green number in the protein column does make me try harder.

    It's a struggle, though. I don't eat mammals or poultry and I'm an unadventurous (and resentful) cook... I loathe all aspects of the process from meal planning to grocery shopping to preparation. When I'm on my own I tend to rely heavily on eggs, cheese, tinned tuna and frozen fish.

    Unfortunately, what I REALLY want for supper tonight is a huge bowl of porridge. But I'm sure my muscles won't be happy with porridge for supper. *sigh*
  • Linnelissa
    They say not to drink your calories but I really enjoy drinking calories! I make my own coffee drinks so they're healthier (but still full of fat... LOVE cream) but occasionally splurge at Starbucks. And I'm not sorry! Well, not much. Lol.
  • shells22
    shells22 Posts: 56 Member
    After losing 81 pounds I have slowly been rising.... :neutral: FML I got so lazy and loved my addiction to...sweet ice teas and coffee!!! I've gained 15 pounds since then and I know when I am ready I will go back and all it takes is one step at a time. I joined a weight loss challenge program near my work to slap me into reality and today is day one!! I had to put my 'money where my mouth is' cause this is not ok! Weaning off sugar is doable and I did it before and can kick my butt back to gear again!
  • chandramiller68
    chandramiller68 Posts: 189 Member
    I get totally creeped out by the animated advertisements on websites where they have people moving; doesn't matter if they are dancing, jumping, etc. MFP has one with the guy's head bobbing around. Eeeeek! My stomach turns when I see them.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I had the biggest crush on the character David from the show Rosanne forever......

    I am super sensitive to animals, and I just READ on wiki about the movie Hachi and that made me tear up...I will be skipping that movie!! On a related note, my mother had a mink coat, I hated it and not only yelled at her often about it, but refused to be seen in public with her if she wore it. When she died, I threw it in the was worth a few thousand dollars....blood money, I wanted no part of it!

    I am super tired from Easter weekend and having a houseful of teenagers....I JUST decided I am gonna skip the gym today and rest for a couple hours before my appointment this afternoon......I really need a nap!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member

    My 12 year old daughter has started taking ALOT of pictures with her cell phone. This weekend she took more pictures of me than I've had taken in years. Seriously, it was only around a dozen pictures of me and my husband but I never have my picture taken. I'm over 25 pounds down since January and I cannot believe how huge I am! How fat was I before?!?

    I am keeping all of them. I keep thinking they will be great for my before /after pictures in a year or two. It's frustrating though. I feel awesome so it seems like I should look awesome too!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I confess I skipped the long posts.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    1. Last Thursday I forgot to feed my cat before I left for work. (Not only that, but I also didn't give him as much food for his midnight snack as usual the night before.) When I got home, his water bowl was completely dry and his food bowl was empty and he was HANGRY! He ended up eating too fast and throwing it up. :'(

    2. I truly dislike my parents. Sometimes I think I hate them. They are both very immature self-centered narcissists.

    3. I tend to shop too much to medicate feelings. Last Friday after receiving very upsetting emails from both my parents (different subjects and huge coincidence to hear from them both the same day as they are divorced) I went to the mall and bought three new lipsticks, a cardigan, and a dress. They are all nice things I will use, but I probably wouldn't have bought them if not for being so upset with my parents.

    4. It sort of embarrasses me that I am almost 45 years old and this stuff with my parents still gets to me so much, but I did not see it with my mother until I was in my early 30s and it took me a long time to see her behavior for what it was. Either I was blind or she was on good behavior the period in which we got along, age 23-30. My father has always been nuts, but instead of mellowing in his old age he seems to be getting worse-- very manipulative and controlling.
  • Lefty1290
    Lefty1290 Posts: 551 Member
    rofliey wrote: »
    I ate double my caloric intake on Easter D;, oh well I'm kicking my self in the but for that by cutting my intake and upping my exercise. I have no will power(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

    Haha, same here. But I didn't sweat it and went back to normal yesterday (minus some Easter candy).

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    I'm incredibly annoyed by the way my company structures pay scales for various positions. I recently learned that I have people reporting to me who make significantly (I'm talking 35% in one case!) more than I do.

    I haven't spent more than two and a half years without being promoted (during my 7 years with the company). It makes me think I should be less ambitious, so I don't keep getting plopped at the bottom of my pay grade.

    Less serious confession: I like wearing polka dots and stripes because it reminds me of being little and pretending I was a leopard or a tiger.

    How did you find out? Depending on how it was discovered, is there a way to schedule a meeting with your supervisor / manager / whomever to discuss a pay raise? Sometimes it's just a simple fact of not addressing it, so the higher-ups just let it slide. I'd be seriously annoyed at that, so I hope you can address this and get it fixed!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I confess, while trying not to judge, that I am annoyed that so many posts on this thread have become novellas. There are several posts that are a half page long...and ain't nobody got time for that. I may just be cranky because I am trying to catch up since Thursday!

    I just skim and move on.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Cat got out yesterday, she's 16 years old and blind in one eye and has never been outside, I worry for her.

    I also dream of my house being hair free, not stepping in hacked up furballs in the middle of the night.

    This is a 50/50 for me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I was catfished for a year. :'(

    I confess I had to google "catfished." Crap, I think I might be old.

    me too
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,718 Member
    shells22 wrote: »
    After losing 81 pounds I have slowly been rising.... :neutral: FML I got so lazy and loved my addiction to...sweet ice teas and coffee!!! I've gained 15 pounds since then and I know when I am ready I will go back and all it takes is one step at a time. I joined a weight loss challenge program near my work to slap me into reality and today is day one!! I had to put my 'money where my mouth is' cause this is not ok! Weaning off sugar is doable and I did it before and can kick my butt back to gear again!

    Do you mean the bottled and store-bought coffees? If so, there are better ways to replicate them yourself saving calories and fat. Try recipe searches for the types of drinks you like and then alter them. You don't have to give them up completely! I get a coffee from Starbucks and drink sweet tea almost every day.

    Good luck on your weight loss challenge!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I just threw out pretty much a whole pear. I ate a few bites and it was over-ripe to the point of being a tasteless mouthful of wet sand. Blech.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    My kids came to visit and I'm glad they left was fun but terribly exhausting.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    lemon629 wrote: »
    3. I tend to shop too much to medicate feelings. Last Friday after receiving very upsetting emails from both my parents (different subjects and huge coincidence to hear from them both the same day as they are divorced) I went to the mall and bought three new lipsticks, a cardigan, and a dress. They are all nice things I will use, but I probably wouldn't have bought them if not for being so upset with my parents.

    I do the same thing. :/ I have a bad habit of buying lipsticks or lipglosses and I don't actually wear it, all I ever use is a SPF 35 Blistex balm. They just look so pretty. I think I currently have a collection of 54. And I can't even pass the things on to someone else who might use them because that wouldn't be hygienic.