Vegan hate



  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    Just conform and eat meat. Problem solved.

    at least conform and post replies after the quote you are replying to...
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    It's not exactly like being vegan as it wasn't my choice, but I'm a white, male southerner (born in a hospital named after Confederate president Jefferson Davis, ironically), so I can empathize with others in your group causing disdain from outsiders.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    Just conform and eat meat. Problem solved.

    at least conform and post replies after the quote you are replying to...

    When delivery kills the's almost ironic.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    Well I am one and have been for 25 years. I know very few LONG term vegans who try to make anyone feel bad for what they eat.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I've never met a vegan who didn't try to make me feel bad for eating meat.

    That's nice, but there is a HUGE fad of short term vegetarians and vegans lately. And they are super preachy (and needy). But then two months later they are eating meat again.

    For example, my sister-in-law is periodically vegetarian. So, we were going to have dinner at my parents' place and I offered to cook. She typically complains that my parents don't change what they are having and just offer her a salad instead of whatever they are having. So, I said I was going to make eggplant parmesan, but turns out she doesn't like most vegetables. And pretty much non-stop what I hear from her is bitching that people aren't bending over backwards to accommodate her dietary needs even though they change constantly (she will post on FB every few months how she went somewhere and had a great meal, and it's a picture of meat).
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Travis_2 wrote: »
    PRMinx wrote: »
    I've never met a vegan who didn't try to make me feel bad for eating meat.

    Also +1 Crossfitter reference.


    This is so hilarious regardless of how it relates to vegetarians or vegans. I love the potato sign...
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,671 Member
    JAGrogan wrote: »
    DaneanP wrote: »
    Who cares what people think? What you think is what matters. Tell them to mind their own bloody business.

    It's mainly because vegans are strongly associated with the extreme left politically and well, the extreme-left's behavior can seem rather treacherous at times. As the extreme right can seem to be warmongers although truthfully, there are no extreme rightwing politicians anymore. Politics now, of whatever affiliation, is a race to see how duplicitously patronizing they can be and not get caught. Household and government deficits don't arise from saying no.

    I became vegan because I found out via the how abusive the big business of industrialized animal husbandry is. I share my Facebook posts to my friends all the time. Some have become much more cautious with trusting industrialized farming.

    When the subject of veganism comes up I simply say the truth, I am vegan because big business is mean to those animals. And after I say that, there is nothing left to discuss really.

    It wasn't even difficult to quit meat, it's not like it actually tastes good. I've heard enough talk and my own taste for over 45 years to know that what people like about meat is the blood and the fat - that is the high salt in the blood and the fat in the meat. Well, just buy a tub of margarine and a box of Morton salt and you're set without all the animal abuse. Or self-abuse if you know what those meats have been pumped with. It's a lot cheaper and healthier too. There's not a doubt most sick time and cancers in America are caused by industrialized meat production, as well as several strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Much more dangerous to the average American than smoking.

    I'm very conservative myself but that conservatism has nothing to do with modern politics; which is mostly an orgy of selfishness, whatever the political affiliation.

    However, most criticizing you don't know about the meat industry's abuses and they are hostile to you strictly for political reasons.

    If most non-vegans had to mind their own bloody business of eating meat, they'd stop eating meat.
    And there you have it, OP.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    No I just don't plan on changing the way I post. I heard you and wanted you to know that but that doesn't mean I plan on changing. And no I don't think anyone including you is attacking me. I do think some people who are in this thread are using a old line with vegans. Which is they all preach so it is ok if I attack first. I am asking people in this thread to treat veghans here in real life with respect that is all. And it could not be a personal attack you don't know me so even if something was directed towards me it isn't person. But I don't think you were trying to attack me. I just don't plan on changing how I post and wanted you to realize that I had read it since it stated it twice.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    SO if a woman attacks one man it is license for all men to attack woman? I think not. I do not care if one person said something that does not give a bunch of other people a opening to attack a whole host of others. Yes, I am ignoring what you said about quotes. It isn't that I did read it so you can stop repeating it.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

    LOL. But, seriously, can you please learn how to use quotes. It will help your cause, I promise.

    And, yes, one of your vegan buddies did attack meat eaters. Apparently, we are all subconsciously guilty about our meat-eating ways.

    Ok. Well, out of the two of us, who here is being more nasty? I'm just trying to help you since you haven't been posting as long. But, by all means, if you don't want to use the quote function the right way...have at it with your badass ways.

    I haven't attacked anyone here. I have no idea why you are being so rude to me. Maybe you perceive everyone as "attacking" you? That might be a bigger issue.

  • looneytunes32
    looneytunes32 Posts: 108 Member
    I have no guilt whatsoever for eating meat. If I did, I wouldn't eat it. To say that people that eat meat feel guilty about it is kind of ridiculous.
    There are two people who are important in my life that don't eat meat. You know what happens when they eat at my house? I make sure they have good food available with no meat in it. But I also serve meat for everyone else. I don't give them grief, they don't give me grief. It's called mutual respect. Pretty simple really.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    No I just don't plan on changing the way I post. I heard you and wanted you to know that but that doesn't mean I plan on changing. And no I don't think anyone including you is attacking me. I do think some people who are in this thread are using a old line with vegans. Which is they all preach so it is ok if I attack first. I am asking people in this thread to treat veghans here in real life with respect that is all. And it could not be a personal attack you don't know me so even if something was directed towards me it isn't person. But I don't think you were trying to attack me. I just don't plan on changing how I post and wanted you to realize that I had read it since it stated it twice.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    SO if a woman attacks one man it is license for all men to attack woman? I think not. I do not care if one person said something that does not give a bunch of other people a opening to attack a whole host of others. Yes, I am ignoring what you said about quotes. It isn't that I did read it so you can stop repeating it.
    PRMinx wrote: »
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I would encourage every meat eater to given vegans the same respect they are asking for. Many of you turned the OP question on why she is being attacked into how ALL vegans attack meat eaters. How about you treat us with the respect you are asking for. NOT one of the vegans in this thread attacked meat eaters but over and over people who ID as meat eaters keep saying things like spare US.
    graywi123 wrote: »
    I admire everyone that has the discipline to not eat certain foods. My biggest problem is that I don't need to be educated on why most people do it. I know. I don't live in a bubble. I simply enjoy bacon. Don't make others feel inferior because you don't kill living things. Watched an episode of "Chopped" and the vegan kept talking about why....Spare us!

    LOL. But, seriously, can you please learn how to use quotes. It will help your cause, I promise.

    And, yes, one of your vegan buddies did attack meat eaters. Apparently, we are all subconsciously guilty about our meat-eating ways.

    Ok. Well, out of the two of us, who here is being more nasty? I'm just trying to help you since you haven't been posting as long. But, by all means, if you don't want to use the quote function the right way...have at it with your badass ways.

    I haven't attacked anyone here. I have no idea why you are being so rude to me. Maybe you perceive everyone as "attacking" you? That might be a bigger issue.


  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    This exactly
    I have no guilt whatsoever for eating meat. If I did, I wouldn't eat it. To say that people that eat meat feel guilty about it is kind of ridiculous.
    There are two people who are important in my life that don't eat meat. You know what happens when they eat at my house? I make sure they have good food available with no meat in it. But I also serve meat for everyone else. I don't give them grief, they don't give me grief. It's called mutual respect. Pretty simple really.

  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,780 Member
    LydiaZ36 wrote: »
    I am going to tell you why. A lot of people will disagree, but this is true. Subconscious guilt is why.

    You're right. I disagree.

    You might be right about the subconscious part, but it's the "guilt" that I am having a problem with. For one to feel guilty, they have to feel like they are doing something wrong. You might see eating meat as wrong, and accusing someone of feeling guilty you are therefore espousing that you have some sort of superiority over people who eat meat.

    It's the feeling of superiority that people may subconsciously defend themselves against.

    Here's the other thing. Whether you are vegan or omnivore, the hundreds of people each encounter in a month, year or a lifetime who have no problem with your choice of food never say anything. It's only the select few that chastise one for eating meat, or not eating meat (depending on which side you are on). But since those are the only people saying something the perception then becomes "this happens all the time." When, in reality, it doesn't. People disregard the hundreds who haven't said a word.

    I'm not saying that there are not people who do feel guilty about it. i am sure there are. But I think, by and large, that most people who eat meat do not think it is wrong to eat meat and are fine with their choice to do so.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    LydiaZ36 wrote: »
    I am going to tell you why. A lot of people will disagree, but this is true. Subconscious guilt is why.

    You're right. I disagree.

    You might be right about the subconscious part, but it's the "guilt" that I am having a problem with. For one to feel guilty, they have to feel like they are doing something wrong. You might see eating meat as wrong, and accusing someone of feeling guilty you are therefore espousing that you have some sort of superiority over people who eat meat.

    It's the feeling of superiority that people may subconsciously defend themselves against.

    Here's the other thing. Whether you are vegan or omnivore, the hundreds of people each encounter in a month, year or a lifetime who have no problem with your choice of food never say anything. It's only the select few that chastise one for eating meat, or not eating meat (depending on which side you are on). But since those are the only people saying something the perception then becomes "this happens all the time." When, in reality, it doesn't. People disregard the hundreds who haven't said a word.

    I'm not saying that there are not people who do feel guilty about it. i am sure there are. But I think, by and large, that most people who eat meat do not think it is wrong to eat meat and are fine with their choice to do so.

  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,643 Member
    I felt guilty about cleaning and eating a 9.7 pound bass before.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,671 Member
    LydiaZ36 wrote: »
    I am going to tell you why. A lot of people will disagree, but this is true. Subconscious guilt is why.

    You're right. I disagree.

    You might be right about the subconscious part, but it's the "guilt" that I am having a problem with. For one to feel guilty, they have to feel like they are doing something wrong. You might see eating meat as wrong, and accusing someone of feeling guilty you are therefore espousing that you have some sort of superiority over people who eat meat.

    It's the feeling of superiority that people may subconsciously defend themselves against.

    Here's the other thing. Whether you are vegan or omnivore, the hundreds of people each encounter in a month, year or a lifetime who have no problem with your choice of food never say anything. It's only the select few that chastise one for eating meat, or not eating meat (depending on which side you are on). But since those are the only people saying something the perception then becomes "this happens all the time." When, in reality, it doesn't. People disregard the hundreds who haven't said a word.

    I'm not saying that there are not people who do feel guilty about it. i am sure there are. But I think, by and large, that most people who eat meat do not think it is wrong to eat meat and are fine with their choice to do so.
    well said

  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,733 Member

  • frootbabe
    frootbabe Posts: 10 Member
    Since it has been brought up many times that vegans will try to guilt those who eat meat, or try to get them to stop eating it, I'd like to put in my 2 cents.

    I never initiate discussions about dietary choices, but if there is food involved and I ask about vegan options, usually someone who is curious will ask me about my choice. Often this is done aggressively like, "You do know that being vegan is unhealthy and you need animal products to be live". In this case I will explain how I prefer to take this small risk in order to withdraw my support of animal cruelty. As I do not wish to generalise, this is only one scenario.

    Other times I will be asked why, in a friendly manner, and of course I will still tell them why I do it (poor living conditions, us feeling superior by taking a life for our pleasure/benefit).

    The only other time I will give my input is if it is brought up that eating animal products is healthy. There have been many studies showing otherwise. I'm not saying that you can't be healthy and eat animal products, but they are not necessary to be healthy and eating them in excess is quite unhealthy.

    So basically I do not like to start conflicts, but I think that it's important that those who are eating animal products know where they've come from and understand the pain involved. If they are still aware of this and choose to eat them, although I don't agree, I won't criticise them on it. I am not sure how relevant my bit was :smiley:
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    frootbabe wrote: »
    Since it has been brought up many times that vegans will try to guilt those who eat meat, or try to get them to stop eating it, I'd like to put in my 2 cents.

    I never initiate discussions about dietary choices, but if there is food involved and I ask about vegan options, usually someone who is curious will ask me about my choice. Often this is done aggressively like, "You do know that being vegan is unhealthy and you need animal products to be live". In this case I will explain how I prefer to take this small risk in order to withdraw my support of animal cruelty. As I do not wish to generalise, this is only one scenario.

    Other times I will be asked why, in a friendly manner, and of course I will still tell them why I do it (poor living conditions, us feeling superior by taking a life for our pleasure/benefit).

    The only other time I will give my input is if it is brought up that eating animal products is healthy. There have been many studies showing otherwise. I'm not saying that you can't be healthy and eat animal products, but they are not necessary to be healthy and eating them in excess is quite unhealthy.

    So basically I do not like to start conflicts, but I think that it's important that those who are eating animal products know where they've come from and understand the pain involved. If they are still aware of this and choose to eat them, although I don't agree, I won't criticise them on it. I am not sure how relevant my bit was :smiley:

    I was with you until this comment. It's not your responsibility, nor will it ever be your responsibility, to make sure animal eaters "understand the pain involved." It's THAT mentality that turns people off.
  • frootbabe
    frootbabe Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2015
    Fair enough, I wasn't implying that it my 'responsibility' but just that if you're choosing to be part of something, you should be educated.

    Edited to make more clear: If I am able to help and they are open to hearing it/curious I'd be glad to help