

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.


    That was wonderful! It REALLY DOES look like that! I think traps can definitely get too big and then get weird looking. But that's just my opinion.

    I started a yoga routine for back pain about 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I've used it every day. At one point in the video, the instructor says something along the lines of, "this will build a little strength in your traps and take some pressure off your spine." The first few weeks, I just rolled my eyes at that, because this is probably the least strenuous yoga I've ever done. The other day I noticed it does feel a little different, or at least, less squishy. Now when it gets to that part, I start talking to the tv, asking when I get my muscle girl outfit.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    hschnirel wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    Me too, once a stylist admonished me and said I should never leave do much time between appts and I wished I had challenged her and asked why exactly?? Probably because she doesn't make that much money from my sporadic appts!
    How much do you pay for colts and cuts? I pay about 35 for cut and close to 50 for color just to hide the gray.

    I wish. I haven't had a cut under $50 or colour under $125 in years.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    Still haven't heard if I got the job or not, I'm still listed as "considering" on their employment page. THE WAIT IS SOOOO LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.
    Just hang in there, hope you'll get your answer soon enough.

  • whatang
    whatang Posts: 102 Member
    It pisses me off when people think irritating is the same as important.
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    I've never watched TWD. I tend to get nightmares when I watch zombie stuff... Although I do love Shaun of the Dead. Maybe this thread will inspire me to check it out.

    It took me a while to get into it as well. I would get nightmares too. My hubby watched it weekly and i would leave the room. Eventually I would catch a glimpse here and there to the point I got desensitized from the generic zombie scene. I then binge watch to catch up. There are times now that I have to look away but the story makes up for the gory :p
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I start my new job on Wednesday and I'm super excited cause all I've done the last four months is exercise, try to find a job, and watch tv/read.

    Congratulations! Let us know how it goes!

    Thanks! I will :)

    Yes, congratulations and I'd love to hear how it goes as well!

    Congrats again!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Blew my calories today. Fell into the "well I already blew it ...." mindset. WTH is wrong with me?! My progress has been pretty damn good too! Grrrr, I hate myself when this happens.
  • ellskiNZ
    ellskiNZ Posts: 32 Member
    I haven't had my hair coloured or cut since December and the regrowth is so bad! I just can't afford the $220. There are some places that might be under $200ish but not by much and I don't want to go anywhere other than my normal salon. I tell myself it's ombre.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Russandol wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    So what if you fail? It only costs you the price of the test. I was scared of driving. I failed my driving test 5 times. I passed on the 6th attempt. It was all mental with me. I would freak myself out and do something stupid. Then during my 6th test I made a mistake I thought was so bad I'd already failed, so the mental pressure was off and I drove just fine. The mistake was only deemed a 'minor' and I passed. Then I didn't drive for 8 years because I still secretly felt my pass was a fluke. Took some refresher lessons, since there was no pressure to pass they went just fine. And now I've been able to move to the countryside (impossible without my own car).

    Oh and I drive a stick (I'm British). None of my 5 driving test fails were due to gear changes/clutch issues. I don't understand why people find that part so difficult, it just takes a little practice.

    What puts me off is a) the thought of the shame caused by not passing (even though I know there's lots of people who don't pass on the first go; I'd never shame them for it, but somehow I've decided I don't get to fail ever) and b) the sheer cost of the thing. Getting your driver's license here will set you back almost 3000 euros (!). What if I don't pass? 3000 euros down the drain...

    Wow, that is a lot of money to get a license! :/

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.

    A coworker was just telling us how at the place her husband gets his hair cut (Sports Clips, maybe?) they ask you if you want "conversation" or not. I don't know if it's a corporate thing or just that place.

    I don't get yelled at for my hair (it's all "virgin" now and super healthy from growing it out to donate), but everybody loves to comment on how (ridiculously) thick it is, as if I haven't been living with it for three decades and am completely unaware.
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    ellskiNZ wrote: »
    I haven't had my hair coloured or cut since December and the regrowth is so bad! I just can't afford the $220. There are some places that might be under $200ish but not by much and I don't want to go anywhere other than my normal salon. I tell myself it's ombre.

    I once let my blonde roots grow in with black hair and told people I was going for a "skunk" look. Some of them actually believed me. Oh, college.
  • mgailey1
    mgailey1 Posts: 2 Member
    kbmnurse wrote: »
    I still sneak a smoke once in a awhile. UGGGG I know

    I wish I could sneak a smoke. I'm 28 days smoke free. Just one would do me in, though.
  • mrhs17
    mrhs17 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been stalking this thread since it was born and here's my confession- I just deleted my old account and started a whole new one. Seeing my weight fluctuations was really bumming me out and I've decided to wipe the slate clean and start completely over. Denial? Maybe.
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    I'm super nervous about my first day of work tomorrow and it doesn't help that I ate way too much and horrible today.

    Not feeling good.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I have been anxious beyond belief today with exams and everything... even now my palms are extremely sweaty and I'm just sitting here trying not to panic. I didn't eat at all and feel nauseous, so the thought of food is actually a big turn off. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I used to have my hair black with blonde underneath back when hubby and I were still dating and I worked for Wal-Mart , I miss it but then I remember what all I went through to get my hair to turn blonde and I couldn't afford the upkeep. Sometimes I want to do it again, but knowing I'd more than likely pay well over $100 to do it now, and remembering the nasty chemical burns to my scalp from all the bleach that was used stops me lol.
  • Britxclarity
    Britxclarity Posts: 235 Member
    So since maybe last Thursday or Friday I got a jumbo Oatmeal cream pie on my desk. I'm saving it for "one of those days" one of them is 320 cals.
  • overlook237
    overlook237 Posts: 160 Member
    mrhs17 wrote: »
    I've been stalking this thread since it was born and here's my confession- I just deleted my old account and started a whole new one. Seeing my weight fluctuations was really bumming me out and I've decided to wipe the slate clean and start completely over. Denial? Maybe.

    I did this too, and for the exact same reason. I've actually been on here since June :) And as far as the fluctuations go, this time around I chose not to log my weight gains. I just don't see any benefit to it. It's not motivation to do better; it just makes me feel bad.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I am so tired tonight. I think I'll skip the confessions and go to sleep. G'Night.
  • m_w_s
    m_w_s Posts: 16 Member
    Confession: I've been doing a good job with all of this but I'm worried I'm reaching a tipping point of crazy. Donated blood today but then googled how many calories lost that is. That's nuts. Need to chill.