

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    JPW1990, your post in that thread that begins with "I object to the character assassination of Adipose." was hilarious... ;)
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    JPW1990, your post in that thread that begins with "I object to the character assassination of Adipose." was hilarious... ;)

    The Doctor is serious business ;)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Fair point. It's already been shot down that there is CDC involvement considering the season 1 development. It'd be interesting to see if they take the bioterrorism route or if it's more like Planet of the Apes -- the James Franco one -- where it's just one unlucky person who happens to spread it to 5 friends, then they spread it to their 5 friends, so on and so forth. Or what genetic mutation happens to make it so some people were instantly turned and not others.

    I do wish they'd show how it's handled in colder locations. I'd like to believe the zombies would be slower in like..a Cleveland winter. Or maybe I'm wishful thinking so I could actually run away from them :).

    I'm not a fast runner by any means, at least I don't think I am, I haven't run for quite some time (except in my dreams where I'm not very fast and can't outrun anything or anyone chasing me), but I'm pretty sure I can outrun a foot-shuffling-leg-dragging zombie/walker.

    One thing I would like to have cleared up in TWD, is how is everyone infected?! I don't mean how is it spread, I mean, how is it that even the living/healthy people turn when they die? How did THAT happen? I'm open to theories and suggestions.

    Did I miss something in one of the seasons where they explained this?

    They explained it. Rather Rick was told at the CDC and later told Lori that everyone is infected. And once you die you turn. That's where my curiosity gets the best of there a genetic mutation everyone has as to why certain people still survived while others died? Was there an oopsy somewhere where some people got infected through bites and in an effort to eradicate a spread there were mass airborne agents spread through the air to kill people because they didn't know that whatever caused people to turn was already in their system? Hmm... Unfortunately, there really isn't a way of backtracking and knowing...even though it is kind of unusual that Rick not knowing makes sense but everyone else not knowing/talking about it doesn't make sense. Unless they just adopted the thought that why talk about something you have no cure for?

    And @shibaears that's what I figured would happen. I'd go on a machete head lopping spree in the winter time then. Less mess and easier to fight. Lazy apocalypse survivor right here.

    You'd have to find them though :wink: Some would be buried under a good amount of snow, depending where you were.
  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    JPW1990, your post in that thread that begins with "I object to the character assassination of Adipose." was hilarious... ;)

    The Doctor is serious business ;)
    And your staunch defense, in employing all manner of tactics, measures, and verbal I'll-have-you-know-itedness (<-- the particle-ending 'trainwreck' at the end of that hyphenated ball-o'-what?! might look jacked, but it means well ;) ), would undoubtedly make the good Doctor proud... you 'Tardissian', you... :)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    I confess that I'm a little bummed out that everyone has been talking about TV shows for the last... Ten pages or so? I don't watch tv shows (or movies... Or actually anything, really) at all, so I have no idea what anyone is talking about.

    You're not alone. Of my own volition I watch very little TV (one program), although I do see a few of the shows that my SO watches, pretty much all on Discovery Velocity. And I'd never choose to watch a movie on my own, only with him and usually his choice. My preferred entertainment is reading.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I get jealous when people post pictures of their meals because there's just not way I would be satisfied with such a little amount of food, and it makes me wonder if I'm not normal or something.

    I feel exactly the same way. I was also in a FB group for a while where people posted their daily menus and always thought I would starve to death on the things they were eating. And, when people post pictures of their plates, I always wonder how many servings of that I would need to eat (usually 3 or 4).

    Me three. My idea of a decent portion is 2 or 3 "normal" servings. I think a box of Kraft Dinner is supposed to feed 4, and I can eat the whole thing no problem.

    We were having a buffet meal at my SO's sister's home and she actually commented, in quite a horrified tone, at how much food I could "put away". The funny part is that I was trying to tone it down a bit because I barely knew her at the time and didn't want to seem like a big pig.

    I have had people say that to me. My mom always worked physically demanding jobs, and talked about how cool it was that she could "eat like a lumberjack". Of course, she was burning most of it off with her job, but she didn't really explain that part to us kids, so we just copied the eating like lumberjacks part. How great habits are born. I can still eat like that if I let myself.

    I had to laugh at this girl in high school though who was the complete opposite. She was afraid to eat in front of my best friend's brother at all. She hid in the kitchen with the tiniest bowl of pasta in the world. Like he didn't know that sometimes she had to eat!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Does anyone binge on "walking dead" ? I think me and my daughter have a million times lol mostly my daughter , she controls the remote.

    Totally! It's one of my favorite shows. I watch every episode as it airs, and then when they go on hiatus, I binge-watch all the seasons at some point so I can get my fix :)

    I'm doing that right now. When the most recent season ended, my husband and I started watching from the beginning. We're currently on season 4. Love that show so much. I now want a samurai sword so I can be a badass zombie slayer like Michonne. B)

    I have a sword on my Amazon wish list specifically for this purpose :) However, I'm fairly certain that in the event of an actual zombie apocalypse, I will either a) step out of my house strapped to the hilt with weapons and a kicka$$ attitude only to be bitten 10 seconds later; or b) I will be Otis - too slow to run away and left behind as walker bait.

    That made me laugh. Otis was only walker bait because Shane was a piece of human garbage and sacrificed him to save his own sorry butt. I'm glad Rick took him out. Too bad he was a zombie when it happened.

    Very true. Interesting that Rick has kind of been turning into Shane lately, no? I hope that the reappearance of Morgan and his zen attitude will bring Rick back from the edge a little.

    Yeah, Rick has kind of lost it. So has Shasha. She's bonkers now. This is really mean and I feel terrible for saying it, but I wish Carl would just die already. I'm surprised he's still around.

    I'm glad Glen made it. :smile:

    Glen is the only character left that I really like :/

    I LOVE GLEN!!! But how do you not like Daryl or Carol?! They'd definitely be in my zombie apocalypse traveling gang.

    I cannot STAND Daryl.....Carol I feel indifferent about

    The thread has definitely moved on by now, but I have to say Daryl is amazing, I love Daryl, if he dies, for me, TWD is over! Also love kick-*kitten* Carol!

    I feel the same about Daryl. I think I would truly be heartbroken if he died. :(

    Yep, if Daryl dies, we riot!!! I am hoping Rick comes back from the Shane direction he is going. Maybe Morgan can do that. I was very excited to see him in the last couple of episodes. I am very interested in seeing the spin off this summer about the beginning of the ZA and how it progressed.

    Why am I just now hearing about this?! What is it called and when does it start?! I need this in my life to get me through to the next season. After I finish rewatching all the previous seasons, of course.

    I am the geek that DVR's Talking Dead after the show and get all this info!! It is called Fear the Walking Dead and it is supposed to start this summer. It is supposed to be on the other side of the country and the time frame will follow from the beginning of the outbreak and follow through up until (and probably past) the time Rick came out of the hospital. All that stuff we didn't see at the beginning of the Walking Dead.

    It's taking place in LA. Part of me is excited for this new series because it still involves Kirkman and Gimple so I know the storytelling will be excellent. The other part of me isn't...because I like the unknown aspect of The Walking Dead. The 'what happened?' 'how did everyone get this way but other people didn't' 'is it global or just a North America type issue where the rest of the world has abandoned us?'... it's a little more fun to not know lol.

    I dunno, every zombie pic/book/story leaves how it started up in the air. I'd really like one to delve into how it started - if man-made, then watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused would be fascinating. If it's supernatural, then that opens up a whole new can of worms & would be a very interesting story thread to pursue.

    That's just me, I love ZA fiction - but I'd be very interested to see another facet of the genre.

    Although it doesn't exactly involve "watching the story of those in the know as they come to grips with what they caused" (which, I agree, would make for a fascinating aspect of exploratory storytelling), the movie "I Am Legend", which is based on a book from long ago, and which previously was 'refashioned' into the movie "The Omega Man", does involve a man-made cause that is disclosed... and to boot, includes a 'last man on Earth' -type element, as well...

    From the wiki page for "I Am Legend" --
    In 2009, a genetically re-engineered measles virus, originally created as a cure for cancer, mutates into a lethal strain which kills 90 percent of those it infects, and turns the remaining 10% into predatory, nocturnal "Darkseekers" who are vulnerable to sunlight. Three years after the outbreak, US Army virologist Lieutenant Colonel Robert Neville (Will Smith) lives an isolated life in New York City, which is now deserted, unsure if there are any other uninfected humans left in the world. [...]

    I couldn't help 'wondering' (and futilely trying to 'imagine'(/fathom)), while watching "I Am Legend", just what it would be like to 'live' the different scenes the viewer 'sees' the lead character experience, 'face', survive, and 'navigate', day after day... with the world of his immediate environment having been turned into a 'ghost town' (albeit a dangerous one, at that, what with the 'mutants' coming out at night, and looking for human 'prey'), and his being a scientist involving the perpetual seeking of a 'cure' (all while enduring the stress of trying to survive each day (well, night ;) ), and keep his wits about him, and his spirit 'up', in the wake of not having another human being to interact with)...

    Especially after Charlie dies. :'(

  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    ethim wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I decided to buckle down and complete my morning deposits without wasting time on MFP in between, just to see how long it would actually take me to do them without interruption.

    I finished over 2 hours earlier. :blush:

    I think I totally read that wrong and suddenly had a picture of toilet door with computer stuff spilling out from underneath as you're normally online reading MFP whilst doing your morning... erhem ...'deposits'. And then wondered just how long they actually took. Made me giggle.

    Haha, nope, not those kind of "deposits" :wink: I meant actual work/bank deposits.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.


    That was wonderful! It REALLY DOES look like that! I think traps can definitely get too big and then get weird looking. But that's just my opinion.

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    This morning I decided to buckle down and complete my morning deposits without wasting time on MFP in between, just to see how long it would actually take me to do them without interruption.

    I finished over 2 hours earlier. :blush:
    ethim wrote: »
    I think I totally read that wrong and suddenly had a picture of toilet door with computer stuff spilling out from underneath as you're normally online reading MFP whilst doing your morning... erhem ...'deposits'. And then wondered just how long they actually took. Made me giggle.

    ethim, I misinterpreted that (or did I...? ;) ) in the very same way... and am still 'on the fence' as to whether an alternative meaning, involving deposits of 'something else' (*anything* else), is truly what was intended... and thus... as a result... I remain perplexed as to whether I am to offer supportive congratulations... or empathetic condolences (2 hours!)...

    Anxiously awaiting clarification,
    Yours truly,
    Me ;)
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Still haven't heard if I got the job or not, I'm still listed as "considering" on their employment page. THE WAIT IS SOOOO LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    edited April 2015
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Ok, what is NPR radio? I'm confused haha.
    I feel really guilty because we bought a new car (2009 Chevrolet Cobalt to be exact) and the payments and insurance are more than we're used to. Plus it was mainly bought because I drive so far to school and hubbys blazer isn't cutting it anymore.
    It's finals week and I may or may not be failing 2 of my classes, I'm beyond stressed and I haven't given two f*cks about eating right or logging much at all. I'm pissed at myself because I made dean's list with a 3.692 gpa last semester and I've failed one class already and may possibly fail another just in this semester!!!!! Ugh!
    I've got a little less than a month to plan my daughter's birthday party, and we're expecting anywhere between 40-50 people to be there and I've gotta figure out how or what to serve.
    I've lost control of my world and it's driving me crazy (serious control freak here)!

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Ok, what is NPR radio? I'm confused haha.
    I feel really guilty because we bought a new car (2009 Chevrolet Cobalt to be exact) and the payments and insurance are more than we're used to. Plus it was mainly bought because I drive so far to school and hubbys blazer isn't cutting it anymore.
    It's finals week and I may or may not be failing 2 of my classes, I'm beyond stressed and I haven't given two f*cks about eating right or logging much at all. I'm pissed at myself because I made dean's list with a 3.692 gpa last semester and I've failed one class already and may possibly fail another just in this semester!!!!! Ugh!
    I've got a little less than a month to plan my daughter's birthday party, and we're expecting anywhere between 40-50 people to be there and I've gotta figure out how or what to serve.
    I've lost control of my world and it's driving me crazy (serious control freak here)!

    National Public Radio. basically it's a liberal propaganda machine.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.

    Oooh, that's a great idea! I go to a lady who works out of her home. The downside is that I have to deal with being interrupted by her kids. But it costs me under $30 and she knows how to deal with my hair so I put up with them.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Still haven't heard if I got the job or not, I'm still listed as "considering" on their employment page. THE WAIT IS SOOOO LONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG.

    It has been a long time!
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    I'm like that too with salons. I haven't coloured my hair in a year (which I did myself) and haven't had it professionally cut or coloured in two years because I feel like I left it too long initially and now it looks so terrible and it's in such bad shape that I'm going to have to spend the entire appointment being berated about it, so I'm STILL putting it off even though my hair is more like a horse's mane at this point than actual hair. I don't understand why every time I go to a salon, it's always "Oh, when was the last time you had this cut? Who did it, the layers are terrible?" and "You've got some damage here," and "Um, is THIS how you usually wear it?" etc etc. I don't know who told hair stylists that the best way to build client loyalty is by criticizing their hair. Ugh.

    My million-dollar business idea is to start a salon where no one talks to you. It's silent and there is music or Netflix or whatever for each person and you can just sit there and not make small talk with your stylist at all. He or she will just ask you what you want, clarify if necessary, and then just stop talking unless they're asking you if you're okay with what they're doing. And you can just have your hair cut and coloured and not have to tell your stylist about your last vacation and listen to them complain about their coworkers and the state of your hair.

    Oooh, that's a great idea! I go to a lady who works out of her home. The downside is that I have to deal with being interrupted by her kids. But it costs me under $30 and she knows how to deal with my hair so I put up with them.

    I go to an old fashioned hairdressers that just does hair (a lot of older lady blue rinses and perms) and I'm comfortable with that. But I've been given a gift voucher for an upmarket place that does facials, nails and massages and I really don't want to go but the person who gave me it will know I wasted it if I don't go, not looking forward to it at all.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I'm pretty self conscious about my body, I have super athletic legs, a fat belly, and average looking arms. I've been doing some serious weight lifting and while I've only lost an inch off of my belly, I noticed that I've developing some pretty mean trapezius muscles... totally not what I needed.

    Are you turning into a little guy poking out of the top of a muscle suit?

    Lol, this made me laugh :smiley:

    I don't remember when I first saw that meme, but I can't unsee it. Any time I see any picture of someone in a bodybuilding pose like that, all I see is the little guy sticking out the top.

    Please share this meme. I haven't ever seen it but would like to.


    That was wonderful! It REALLY DOES look like that! I think traps can definitely get too big and then get weird looking. But that's just my opinion.

    Boyfriend and I laughing so hard at this, never knew what a trapezoid was (not even sure I've spelled it right) :)
  • Sch614
    Sch614 Posts: 73 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Freidon wrote: »
    LouisaM162 wrote: »
    My confession is that I compare myself to every woman I see. When I am out and about I am always eyeing up the other women I see and thinking "I am thinner" or "she is thinner than I am". It drives me crazy because it takes away from regular interactions, it is kind of petty and stupid and extremely vain but I do it all the time.

    I do the exact same thing. I hate to promote the stereotype of women being insecure about their looks, and it's something I can't really explain to my SO without sounding vain, but it's definitely true in my case.

    It's part of why I have a slight phobia of malls, actually. Crowded, open spaces bother me anyways, and if it's a ritzy mall where every girl is dressed up with perfect hair and has a perfect body, I want to crawl in a hole and disappear. Meanwhile, I have no problems shopping at lower-class stores where half of the shoppers are significantly overweight and the other half are wearing pajamas.

    I have a phobia of fancy hair salons/spas. I feel so frumpy - I can't do makeup well (and I'm lazy) and I can't do anything with my hair so I don't feel like I'm welcome or belong in those types of places.

    Me too, once a stylist admonished me and said I should never leave do much time between appts and I wished I had challenged her and asked why exactly?? Probably because she doesn't make that much money from my sporadic appts!
    How much do you pay for colts and cuts? I pay about 35 for cut and close to 50 for color just to hide the gray.
  • ScarletShopaholic
    ScarletShopaholic Posts: 169 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Put on another pound this week. I was so confident I had lost weight this week, yesterday after going to the gym for 40min at lunch AND going for a 30min run/walk when I got home I thought I would indulge myself in a 3 scoops of Ben and Jerry's... now I wish I hadn't. I know its not entirely Mr Ben and Mr Jerry's fault, but I just kinda wish I hadn't done it now. I have now put on 2lbs in two weeks, and after a month of eating 1400 calories a day and not losing anything, I have decided to lower it down to 1200 calories. If that doesn't work I'm thoroughly confused.

    I thought I was doing well, exercising 6 days a week, eating better, then managed to lose 2lb last week (eventually). Got weighed yesterday, I'd put 1lb on - no real explanation, TOM doesn't really affect me (well not in putting weight on usually). Yesterday was not a good day! I was ready to commit despicable acts :(.

    If you're logging properly and not overestimating your exercise, there's no way that 1 pound is fat. Water weight fluctuations are completely normal and not a cause to panic. Some weeks you gain, some weeks you lose, some weeks you don't lose anything, some weeks you lose a lot... it's not linear. That's why I liked weighing every day, it's easier to see the way it works and less disappointing when you gain a pound if it's only been a day and not a week (plus for all you don't know, you were 1 pound lighter the day before you weighed in too).

    For what it's worth, when you have more to lose, you might not notice any changes with TOM, but when you have a smaller deficit and lose slower, it's more obvious. It didn't affect me until I lost 30 pounds or something, and that's when I started only losing the week after my period, then nothing until the next one... That's when weighing every day helped, I was able to figure out the pattern, so now I only weigh myself the week after my period, every day until the scale stops moving for 3 days, then I log that number, and don't weigh myself until the next period... Easier to see my 'real' weight fluctuations this way. Otherwise it would just be frustrating.

    So... log properly (weighing helped me for that), and trust the science. 3500 calories = 1 pound. Then it's all math.

    Speaking of TOM, I might have shouted a big 'YES' when it finally showed up last night. I'm probably going to take the next 2 weeks losing the weight I gained this week now. Really got to stick to the plan. But at least I don't look much fatter at all in the mirror, so that's something.

    And yesterday I was watching the news and just realized that I'm an idiot for getting worked up so much about gaining one pound. But I guess everything is different when you're in a hormonal craze.

    The logical part of my brain knows you're right, the part of my brain that wanted to commit despicable acts was stamping it's feet and spitting it's dummy out. Thank you though :)