

  • sst036
    sst036 Posts: 58 Member
    I just spent the past half an hour considering buying Acetyl Carnitine so I can workout harder and make my goal for my 30th next month. I feel like a giant hypocrite, given how I know that the broscience isn't very good and I get really het up about MLM type schemes selling such products.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I'm disappointed in myself that my 14lb loss is now more like an 11lb loss. It's probably mostly water weight since Tuesday was a badddddd day but I still feel like I let myself down (again)

    Losing weight is really hard. The dedication part and diligence is really hard too. To want something so badly yet always being your own roadblock sucks. I've done it before, I know I can do it again. This time feels a million times harder though.

  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    festerw wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

    see, i'm the total opposite, i'm a stress eater. a massive stress eater...omnomnom

    i actually....hate krispy kreme *hides*
    i think the glaze is gross.
    we have a regional (i'm in northeast PA) donut chain called curry donuts. they are made of yum, and unlike dunkin, you don't end up with that later of grease goop on the roof of your mouth. woot!

    Mostly unrelated:

    I lived in NEPA for high school (and as home base while away at college)! Occasionally, I miss it.

    North East the town or directional north-east? It makes me chuckle that there is a difference since North East is actually in north-west PA.

    Directional. Wayne County.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    I went running outside for the first time today, cos y'know, I was feeling good about myself... while running through campus, someone yelled out of their car, "RUN, FAT GIRL!!" I wanted to flip off the chick who yelled so badly, but she was in a car, so obviously she got away.

    Come say that to my face and we'll see just how fast you can run. Grrrrr...
    I love your attitude towards her. I wish I could toughen up my skin and be more like you! If someone were to yell that at me while I was out running, I probably would have gone straight home and pigged out on all the food while crying under some blankets. I feel quite pathetic... I'm hoping some more self confidence will be granted to me once I lose some weight.

    Why do people have to be so mean to others? Her comment was just completely unnecessary and rude.

  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Good parenting confession here:

    My 14yo (nearly 15) daughter is reading "A Game of Thrones" (Book one of the series "A Song of Ice and Fire" for all you folks who only watch the TV series) and we are letting her watch the series with us (so far, due to schedules, we've only watched the first one of the series).

    My now 12yo has been watching RuPaul's Drag Race with me on and off since season 1. I tend to fall in the if it's not killing them, they'll be fine, school of parenting.

    I've let my 9 year old watch The Walking Dead with me because I go to the same parenting school. He thinks he's the coolest kid ever.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    Whilst sitting here at my desk, hungry because I lowered my calories and cut out my mid-morning snack I have just looked back at the last week and realised they all say I have 500-600 calories left because my Misfit hasn't updated until the end of the day when I am asleep. So, now I'm wondering if I can have my 25g of almonds back because I've been swimming and my Misfit won't tell me I can eat more until I'm asleep tonight. :disappointed:
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    shannonbun wrote: »
    I went running outside for the first time today, cos y'know, I was feeling good about myself... while running through campus, someone yelled out of their car, "RUN, FAT GIRL!!" I wanted to flip off the chick who yelled so badly, but she was in a car, so obviously she got away.

    Come say that to my face and we'll see just how fast you can run. Grrrrr...

    I've been on the receiving end of insults yelled from a moving car many times. I wish terrible things for all of those people.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession time!

    I avoid letting people I socialize with know that I'm dieting. I'm visibly significantly overweight and I hate having to deal with comments like: Already lean people saying things like "Oh, you're SO LUCKY because when you have THAT MUCH to lose, it just falls off! I've been trying to lose these last 3 pounds for months, etc etc!" (or alternately, "I should diet too, I just feel SO FAT when I get over 110, it's disgusting..."), condescending "Good for you, honey!" type comments, non scientific advice about 'good carbs'/paleo/vegan/faddietoftheday, general discussion of my eating/body/fatness, and how I have "a pretty face" and am "going to be so cute once I lose the pounds!" Somehow just being fat doesn't bring about this conversation, but anyone getting wind that I'm trying to lose weight does.... I don't get it.

    I skip social situations or save up calories so I can eat what other people are eating, just to avoid having these conversations.

    Every day on these boards I read about all the insensitive and rude remarks people make to others and now it's making me believe that any health and nutrition education needs to be supplemented with some manners courses and common sense training. Too bad that will never happen.

    It's so true. People have no filter. I don't understand how so many people missed the lesson that you don't have to say everything that pops into your head out loud, especially if it's unkind.

    A guy in my sister's dorm laundry room told her, "If you were skinny, I would ask you out because you have a gorgeous face. You are really beautiful for a fat girl."

    As if she is an anomaly because only thin girls are pretty.

    I feel so bad that she gets stared at in the gym because gyms are only for people who are already thin, right?

    That is stupid, awful, terrible, ridiculous. What a tool. I am always cheering for the heavier people at the gym. I want to go up and tell them "good job" but I feel like they will think I'm being sarcastic or something.

    I do this. I'm no lightweight (200+lbs) and i run on the treadmill in the gym, and when i see other people giving it a go (you know they're not regular runners - very tentative etc) I smile in the mirror at them and give a thumbs up. and i'm often silently cheering them on as we both run.

    Someone did it it to me when i first started running (well came and gave me a pat on the back as i got off the treadmill, pouring with sweat, red faced like i was going to explode) and the feeling of someone acknowledging that i was trying and saying good job was amazing, so i resolved to always do that too.

    I also do it when I see people shuffling along outside when i'm driving. Give them a thumbs up and smile. I do that rather than clap, because that can be seen as sarcastic.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I'm glad my friends succeed with MFP, but I get bummed when they leave and secretly wish they'd fail just a bit so they'd come back. (my friend list is down to barely a single page).

    how about some new ones?

  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession time!

    I avoid letting people I socialize with know that I'm dieting. I'm visibly significantly overweight and I hate having to deal with comments like: Already lean people saying things like "Oh, you're SO LUCKY because when you have THAT MUCH to lose, it just falls off! I've been trying to lose these last 3 pounds for months, etc etc!" (or alternately, "I should diet too, I just feel SO FAT when I get over 110, it's disgusting..."), condescending "Good for you, honey!" type comments, non scientific advice about 'good carbs'/paleo/vegan/faddietoftheday, general discussion of my eating/body/fatness, and how I have "a pretty face" and am "going to be so cute once I lose the pounds!" Somehow just being fat doesn't bring about this conversation, but anyone getting wind that I'm trying to lose weight does.... I don't get it.

    I skip social situations or save up calories so I can eat what other people are eating, just to avoid having these conversations.

    Every day on these boards I read about all the insensitive and rude remarks people make to others and now it's making me believe that any health and nutrition education needs to be supplemented with some manners courses and common sense training. Too bad that will never happen.

    It's so true. People have no filter. I don't understand how so many people missed the lesson that you don't have to say everything that pops into your head out loud, especially if it's unkind.

    A guy in my sister's dorm laundry room told her, "If you were skinny, I would ask you out because you have a gorgeous face. You are really beautiful for a fat girl."

    As if she is an anomaly because only thin girls are pretty.

    I feel so bad that she gets stared at in the gym because gyms are only for people who are already thin, right?

    That is stupid, awful, terrible, ridiculous. What a tool. I am always cheering for the heavier people at the gym. I want to go up and tell them "good job" but I feel like they will think I'm being sarcastic or something.

    I do this. I'm no lightweight (200+lbs) and i run on the treadmill in the gym, and when i see other people giving it a go (you know they're not regular runners - very tentative etc) I smile in the mirror at them and give a thumbs up. and i'm often silently cheering them on as we both run.

    Someone did it it to me when i first started running (well came and gave me a pat on the back as i got off the treadmill, pouring with sweat, red faced like i was going to explode) and the feeling of someone acknowledging that i was trying and saying good job was amazing, so i resolved to always do that too.

    I also do it when I see people shuffling along outside when i'm driving. Give them a thumbs up and smile. I do that rather than clap, because that can be seen as sarcastic.

    This is awesome!

    I'd love to cheer the heavier people who go to the gym but I can see how they could take it badly, so I don't.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Confession... Whenever I buy a box of twinkies, little debbies... or those demonic tastykake chocolate bells (which thankfully for the most part I am a good shopper), I eat like 3-4 right off the bat then finish the rest of the box before the day/night is out. And I wonder to myself, who in the hell eats just one of these and says "I'm good till tomorrow" ....?!?!

    My girlfriend. She is naturally slim, eats all sorts of crap, but in tiny tiny bird quantities. And then tells me how stuffed she is. While I feel like a heiffer having cleared my plate. but she will eat one biscuit and say its enough, or half a slice of cake or sandwich. Its a good thing i love her.

    And luckily, she always offers the uneaten bits to our boyfriend first, and he rarely says no, so I don't embarrass myself with a hoover impression (however much i might want to).
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Confession: If I am relaying a number to you and you continually interrupt me to say "uh-huh", I will try and kill you with my mind if you make me repeat it. Just be quiet and listen.
  • PhatPat2be
    PhatPat2be Posts: 7 Member
    Alright here goes nothing......wait for it......I have been back to MFP for 23 days now and have gained 6lbs. Not, I say again NOT my intention. I thought I would give my self a week just to get into tracking and see where I am at.
    I think I have stopped digging my hole with my fork and have hit bottom!
    It is so hard to be honest with myself. I start every day with the same intention of sticking with this. Then mid morning every day inplace of my healthy snack of fruit or cut up veggies I reach for the candy we have in our office.
    I don't even stop and think about it, I just do it.
    Like a alcoholic I can't even have one piece of candy, because if I do all bet's are off for the day. I get the "F" it's and just keep right on eating and eating.
    This morning I am sick, and tired (literality.) I have a cold, and did not sleep well last night (from eating carrot cake after me restless legs if I have sugar past 6pm)
    The good news is I am here confessing! I know I have a problem with food, and I am now willing to ask for help.
    I am going to stop and think about what I am thinking about when I reach for
    Whew. Sorry that was so much. Please for give any grammatical or spelling errors, I don't usually join in the discussion....(maybe I should)
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    I'm glad my friends succeed with MFP, but I get bummed when they leave and secretly wish they'd fail just a bit so they'd come back. (my friend list is down to barely a single page).

    how about some new ones?

    Same. All my friends from last year left except one so I started a new account and started over lol
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    I love that so many of you are on board with my quiet salon idea. And I agree that I'd love the concept at a dentist's office too. I'm not antisocial or anything, but I don't warm up to strangers quickly.

    My confession today is that I am kind of freaking out about my wedding, even though it's teeny-tiny and there's not much at all to be done now. It's just the whole idea of having to do it. I would have been happy to skip straight to the "married" part and skip the wedding, but we decided we couldn't do that to our parents so I'm suffering through a 25 person event and hoping I don't hyperventilate walking down the aisle or say something stupid or trip or start laughing or something. For the past week I've been absolutely fixated on it and it's not for another three and a bit weeks. It sucks. I'm practically hyperventilating now just typing this, haha.

    And it's probably exacerbated by the fact that I'm hangry as hell because I ramped up the deficit in hopes I won't look at my photos and just see fat arms and too much cleavage. I really hope I can lose five pounds, which makes a pretty big difference at my size, but it definitely means three more weeks of being hungry a lot. Ugh.

    For what it's worth, I think you might be happier with how you look if you aren't eating at an extreme deficit. Better to be slightly plumper and look healthy and rosy than look hangry and peaky. I was slightly overweight for my wedding, but all I see in the pictures is how happy I was.
  • HollandOats
    HollandOats Posts: 202 Member
    edited April 2015
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: it drives me absolutely nuts (ie. totally jealous) when ppl whine about NOT being able to eat 1,000 calories in a day. i never say anthing out of fear of being destroyed in the forums, but it's mind boggling to me. are you living on cotton-balls soaked in vinegar? what am i missing?! tell me how to not be hungry all the time!
    This is me very rarely, when I'm super super stressed. Yesterday I only had an iced cappuccino from Tim Hortons and did not feel an ounce of hunger, just nausea. Not recommended :P

    A while back people were talking about Tim Hortons and feeling like the only Canadians who didn't like it. I'm American, but I agree that they don't have very good donuts. I CRAVE KRISPY KREME UP HERE! I do, however, like their iced capps. Mmm.

    see, i'm the total opposite, i'm a stress eater. a massive stress eater...omnomnom

    i actually....hate krispy kreme *hides*
    i think the glaze is gross.
    we have a regional (i'm in northeast PA) donut chain called curry donuts. they are made of yum, and unlike dunkin, you don't end up with that later of grease goop on the roof of your mouth. woot!

    Mostly unrelated:

    I lived in NEPA for high school (and as home base while away at college)! Occasionally, I miss it.

    NEPAer here... :#

    ETA: Directional, as in upper right hand corner o' the Commonwealth.

  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    My first day of work went great!

    I work at a restaurant that actually has some healthy choices and I get a free meal every shift so that was nice! I calculated the calories for my meal that I wanted a few days ago so it was really nice. I spent eight whole hours not constantly obsessing about food, I felt productive and feel like now I can actually reach my goals without constantly focusing on them

    *high fives everyone who reads this*
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    My first day of work went great!

    I work at a restaurant that actually has some healthy choices and I get a free meal every shift so that was nice! I calculated the calories for my meal that I wanted a few days ago so it was really nice. I spent eight whole hours not constantly obsessing about food, I felt productive and feel like now I can actually reach my goals without constantly focusing on them

    *high fives everyone who reads this*

    So much awesome in all of that!
  • harpsdesire
    harpsdesire Posts: 190 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love your attitude towards her. I wish I could toughen up my skin and be more like you! If someone were to yell that at me while I was out running, I probably would have gone straight home and pigged out on all the food while crying under some blankets. I feel quite pathetic... I'm hoping some more self confidence will be granted to me once I lose some weight.

    Why do people have to be so mean to others? Her comment was just completely unnecessary and rude.

    I've been bigger and I've been smaller, and I'm sad to say that in my experience, self confidence is the next target to work for for once losing weight is done.

    Body size is not a predictor of automatic confidence and poise. It helps having one less thing to feel bad about, but the people whose entire self-image comes from considering themsleves physically attractive... they are not generally the nicest people or most self-aware, and they don't age all that gracefully, because even the slimmest person is not going to stay a stunning 20-something forever.

    You are awesome because you are you, and having a healthy slim body is an awesome goal that I share, but it will not make you immune to jerks or automatically make you like yourself. Sadly. Sigh. I'm still working on this. It's one of those things that easier to know about than to execute on.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    And luckily, she always offers the uneaten bits to our boyfriend first, and he rarely says no, so I don't embarrass myself with a hoover impression (however much i might want to).

    Is this a typo or a reference to some boyfriend-sharing scheme? Like, are you confessing to being a member of a harem? Lol.