

  • Move4Abs
    Move4Abs Posts: 22 Member
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    edited May 2015
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    That is a disappointment to me as well! I'd have some if I could eat two, but 400 cals isn't worth it to me. The new flavors do look tasty though!
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    thanks for the well wishes. I must say I have a better appreciation for keeping up with exercise and lifting. It makes lifting and lowering yourself off stuff (couches, bed, toilet, etc) a lot easier. I confess I am really bummed about not being able to do any exercise other than walking for the next 6-8 weeks (no bending, twisting, crouching, or anything that puts strain on my abdominal walls).

    Hubby has been awesome in taking care of me. I normally do all the cooking and he does the cleaning so it was very amusing for me to see him make jello and the Lipton Chicken Noodle soup and cut & core an apple; he kept asking me if he "was doing it right"! LOL! I am not trying to say he is inept as he makes great stews, chilis, amd chicken caccitore it has just so long since he has had to do the basics and it was sweet watching him.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    6 pages later I am caught up.

    I ate 3,833 calories yesterday *gag* I am so disgusted with myself.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    edited May 2015
    I've mentioned in this thread before that I suffer from anxiety. Well, it's usually bad to the point that I can't leave the house alone. So, today I have a two-step confession; one is AWESOME, and one is.... You be the judge.

    The Good: I left the house ALL BY MYSELF and walked 20 minutes to the grocery store and back, picked up the stuff I wanted, went through the check-out, and did it all without panicking! <--- So proud!

    The erm... Not So Good: I did ALL that just to buy ingredients to bake cookies... Which I didn't have the calories for. Oops?
  • Move4Abs
    Move4Abs Posts: 22 Member
    I've mentioned in this thread before that I suffer from anxiety. Well, it's usually bad to the point that I can't leave the house alone. So, today I have a two-step confession; one is AWESOME, and one is.... You be the judge.

    The Good: I left the house ALL BY MYSELF and walked 20 minutes to the grocery store and back, picked up the stuff I wanted, went through the check-out, and did it all without panicking! <--- So proud!

    The erm... Not So Good: I did ALL that just to buy ingredients to bake cookies... Which I didn't have the calories for. Oops?

    Hey, we all need a goal and if cookies get you out, then cookies it is. That's awesome, you rock!!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    My drug of choice is currently dry roasted peanuts. I've eaten a LOT of dry roasted peanuts over the past few days. They stop me feeling sick is my excuse. This peanut is going to love peanuts. Oh and the NHS reckons it's fine to eat peanuts during pregnancy before anyone starts, the guidelines keep changing!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Saaay, how 'bout our local sports team..?

    You think that won't get judgmental or contentious?! ;-)

    My confession: I was supposed to go to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday, but lied and claimed a conflict had come up when my dentist called to confirm/make sure I was willing to see a different person than I normally do, since I think they had doublebooked. The call gave me the idea, so I was like "oh, I don't mind, hmm, but if it's more convenient for you I can change." She said: "oh, no, let's keep it, we don't have any appointments available 'til August." I all of a sudden found myself saying "but tomorrow will be really stressful as it happens, I have a conflict that came up, August is okay," and so I moved it.

    I was originally supposed to go in January but did basically the same thing.

    I have stupid dentist fear (in part due to a terrible childhood dentist) that I need to get over already.

    I had a horrible dentist when I was a kid. When I reached my teens I just refused to go and my Mom didn't push it because she hated him, too. I didn't go again until I was 32. I go regularly now. I still don't love it, but I like my teeth and would like to keep them. LOL
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited May 2015
    I confess I peed a lot yesterday and was hoping for a woosh this morning and was very disappointed that I'm the same weight as yesterday.

    And I'm not exercising today because I have a sore throat. #ExcuseBingo (to be fair, I'm also going to the doctor to make sure I didn't catch my daughter's strep).
    Confession: I had Chipotle today for first time ever, and... eh. Was fine, nothing to write home about.

    My impression as well. I got a salad bowl and really, I can make the same thing at home.
  • eMka11
    eMka11 Posts: 106 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    My confession: I was supposed to go to the dentist for a cleaning yesterday, but lied and claimed a conflict had come up when my dentist called to confirm/make sure I was willing to see a different person than I normally do, since I think they had doublebooked. The call gave me the idea, so I was like "oh, I don't mind, hmm, but if it's more convenient for you I can change." She said: "oh, no, let's keep it, we don't have any appointments available 'til August." I all of a sudden found myself saying "but tomorrow will be really stressful as it happens, I have a conflict that came up, August is okay," and so I moved it.

    I was originally supposed to go in January but did basically the same thing.

    I have stupid dentist fear (in part due to a terrible childhood dentist) that I need to get over already.


    I was like that too,to the point I avoided dentist for years (I had my tooth taken out when I was 5 or 6 and it was a traumatic experience with a nurse and my mum holding me down for it!)... until we moved to UK and I finally decided to give in, went for a full check up and had most of the fillings done under sedation. Unfortunately I had to have 3 of my teeth taken out as they couldn't save them :-( I wish I wasn't such a coward!
    I had a really nice and understanding dentist who advised me to bring my music player and earphones to my future visits as I just hate the sound of the drill.
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    edited May 2015
    spamarie wrote: »
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    My drug of choice is currently dry roasted peanuts. I've eaten a LOT of dry roasted peanuts over the past few days. They stop me feeling sick is my excuse. This peanut is going to love peanuts. Oh and the NHS reckons it's fine to eat peanuts during pregnancy before anyone starts, the guidelines keep changing!

    That's good to know! Currently peanut butter is one of the only things I want to eat and I was mad when I read somewhere that pregnant women shouldn't eat it. I swear there's a secret group of bitter misogynists somewhere writing a list of yummy food and drink then releasing press releases for kicks about why pregnant woman can't eat any of it. Bah.
  • Jazzybrass
    Jazzybrass Posts: 41 Member
    I spend a ridiculous amount of money on the ModCloth website; you cannot get clothes like that for reasonable prices around here!
  • seosaimhin
    seosaimhin Posts: 6 Member
    I've been under my total calorie count for several days and the app is chiding me, but I feel full.

    I work to eat high quality, home cooked meals and I'm losing weight (1.8 lbs this week). Then there are days that I have a conscious battle with my brain - 'You're hungry.' 'No, I don't feel hungry.' 'Something must be eaten!' - so I try to go for raw veggies and occasionally fruit if I need sweet. Do others have the struggle with KNOWING you aren't actually hungry but feeling an almost addiction-like pull to eat almost anything?

    Also - at 270 lbs, is there REALLY such a thing as too few calories when you're eating heaps of raw fresh veggies and low calorie lean meats?
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Just to throw this out there, I've actually dropped 2 pant sizes! I'm now able to COMFORTABLY fit into a 14, when I've been a 16-17 since having my kid....nearly 3 years ago..

    I've been stalking Pinterest looking at work outfits because I want to be able to rock some new ones by January, dammit!

    Oh, kiddo's birthday party is next Saturday, (all the foods will be eaten that day) and we're heading to the beach that Sunday for her birthday trip. I'm not sure if I'm ready to venture out swimsuit shopping, even though I need a new one....

    Woo Hoo!!!
    Well, thank you! :smile:
    I really want to lose this weight by January so one of my coworkers will stop talking about it. The words "you'd be a pretty girl if you'd lose some of that weight" were spoken and they've stuck with me ever since.....

    Congrats on your weight loss. But unfortunately I don't think it will matter how much weight you lose, your co-worker will still be rude!
    Yeah, she's very outspoken and opinionated. Hopefully I can at least take the weight comments out of the equation lol. And thanks! :smile:
    I'm currently drinking a $5 cup of coffee, I love Starbucks but oh my god it's pricey (at least for me lol)!
  • taliasometimes
    taliasometimes Posts: 301 Member
    I will confess that some days I will eat terrible things like double chocolate doughnuts for lunch and wait till dinner to eat a proper meal. it keeps my calories normal but I know the sugar/ fat etc will be sky high - and I confess I pay NO attention to any other nutritional values save for the calorie count.

    I confess I also don't wash my gym kit for the whole week (sports bra, shorts and tshirt).

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I couldn't log my calories last night because they were too low and MFP didn't let me input anything. I didn't know that happened! Let me tell ya... I wasn't hungry (was nauseous) all day yesterday, but it seems like today is already making up for it. I am definitely craving all the things.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Uuugh. Cheesecake? Dang it! Of all weaknesses..... I dare not post photos of this awesome red velvet cream cheese crinkle cookies recipe. I've been trying to resist making it again. (last time was not long after christmas)

    If it's any consolation, that's keto cheesecake, which means it's only 400 calories for 1/4 of a cake (granted 325 of them are fat)

    Unlike mine, full of it all, that's pretty nice... I'll work it in. Riding 18'ish miles to work and back means I am usually way under anyways. Point me in the right direction?

    You'da bomb!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    hors-d'oeuvres or appetizers

    Bacon wrapped around jalapeños stuffed with cheese.
    Bacon wrapped around dates.
    Bacon wrapped around chicken coated with brown sugar.
    Bacon stuffed mushrooms with goat cheese.

    Bacon crumbled in German potato salad.

    Confession - I'm thinking about bacon.

    Now I know what's been missing from my life. It's been sooooo looooong. Time to call moms up to make a batch. I hope she can remember how.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    seosaimhin wrote: »
    I've been under my total calorie count for several days and the app is chiding me, but I feel full.

    I work to eat high quality, home cooked meals and I'm losing weight (1.8 lbs this week). Then there are days that I have a conscious battle with my brain - 'You're hungry.' 'No, I don't feel hungry.' 'Something must be eaten!' - so I try to go for raw veggies and occasionally fruit if I need sweet. Do others have the struggle with KNOWING you aren't actually hungry but feeling an almost addiction-like pull to eat almost anything?

    Also - at 270 lbs, is there REALLY such a thing as too few calories when you're eating heaps of raw fresh veggies and low calorie lean meats?

    I always want to eat all the things even when I'm not hungry.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    Move4Abs wrote: »
    Pregnant...feeling sad/blah...the fix? Pop-Tarts. This is one of my few binges and was a binge. 4 poptarts...30 mins....delicious. Donating the rest to the office. Did you know those suckers have 200 cals/37 g of carbs EACH?!?!? I just inhaled 800 cals and obliterated my daily carb goal. Why the hell do they come in a pack of TWO?!?!? All said, feeling better....may need more sleep :)

    My drug of choice is currently dry roasted peanuts. I've eaten a LOT of dry roasted peanuts over the past few days. They stop me feeling sick is my excuse. This peanut is going to love peanuts. Oh and the NHS reckons it's fine to eat peanuts during pregnancy before anyone starts, the guidelines keep changing!

    Dry roasted are the bomb but I prefer DR sunflower seeds. But I dare not buy them as the jar wouldn't last the night.