

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I never really considered having children, even when I was going through the whole pre-cana thing pre-marriage. I was all "if it happens, it happens", not thinking it would happen. And I was thinking that mostly because I'd been kind of promiscuous before I met my husband with nary a pregnancy scare. Well, wouldn't you know I got pregnant on my honeymoon. LOL Now, I love my son with all my heart; he is the light of my life. Do I want more? Not even a little bit.

    My husband keeps saying he wants to adopt or foster, so my son will have a brother. I DO NOT want another child. I am 45 years old next week, we live in a tiny house, and honestly, I just don't want to raise another kid. I am satisfied with my small family, even if that means my son is an only. Sometimes I think I'm being selfish, but that's just how I feel.

    Is anyone an only child or have an only child? Am I damaging my kid? :/

    I had my only child at 29. Before that I never wanted kids and never wanted anything to do with anyone else's kids. I got more grief from people after I had one child about not having another. SMDH My daughter is now (reasonably) adjusted 21 year old raising 2 kids of her own. I never regretted not having more kids!
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    A company rep just stopped by the office with Breakfast Burritos from Santiago's. They are the best breakfast burritos in town.

    I want to go in there and stab him in the eye with a fork
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    Oh, :frowning: I'm really sorry to hear this.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member

    It took me two years and several treatments to finally get pregnant. That whole time, I was always sad and depressed thinking it would never happen. Each month when my period came, I would feel like I was defeated.


    Our stories are so different but this really hits close to home. I was 40 when I had my daughter. We had to jump through some hoops. I would like to have another but I know at my age (42), it's not likely without jumping through more hoops. My husband is quite happy leaving well enough alone but we are not using birth control. I feel like I am truly blessed to have my daughter and if it doesn't happen, I would be okay, but every month, on the day that it's obvious it didn't happen, I'm incredibly sad. That was yesterday. I was disappointed, emotional and slightly irrational all day.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    No! This thread should not have to deal with this much loss. We are here for you! I am hoping with great fortitude that he pulls through or at the very least you make him as comfortable as possible. I hope that he does not leave this world for the rainbow bridge without the chance to say goodbye.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    clover157 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm not having a very good day. Total pity party and tears over my parenting failures. I guess it's a good thing that I decided to go for a walk instead of digging in the ice cream stash.

    Sorry to hear this. Parenting is such a tough job. I hope the walk helped.

    Parenting is so hard, I am taking every effort to never have to do it. :smiley:

    And think about it, parenting with TWO parents is hard... and single parents...woah. AND if everyone is working?! :astonished:

    Everyone else can go ahead and make successful and wonderful humans. I do not feel strong enough to partake in that endeavor. :wink:

    ETA: I am serious about everything in this post. I see parenting as very difficult. It takes skills and abilities that I am pretty sure I do not possess.

    Here's something I've never confessed IRL before...
    I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy.
    But I just don't think I was cut out for it. I've had pretty severe postnatal depression since my first was born 3 years ago and I'm sure that contributes, but I do wonder if its just my personality. Also, I carry a lot of guilt over my depression, its so unfair to them and I worry I'm messing up their whole lives :(
    Aaaaaaaand now I want to cover my feelings in food.

    I could've pretty much wrote this post, word for word. I have a 3.5 yr old and an 8 month old (both boys). Everyone tells me I'm an awesome mom, but I feel like I'm failing at it constantly. It's not effortless for me like everyone else I see on Facebook. I have to WORK at my patience.
    To be fair, I'm pretty sure I have PPD and my 3.5 yr old is a DRAMA QUEEN and can be difficult, but still. I give everything I have in me to them, literally, and I still feel like I'm doing it wrong.
    Part of my inability to keep the weight off is I eat my feelings at night alone when they're in bed, because I sit and relive my parenting failures for the day in my head, over and over.

    And hi, I've lurked but decided to post in the thread today :)

    Welcome to the thread! Please don't beat yourself up! We all do it. Many admissions and confessions regarding that here. It does you nor your children any good. Don't rehash the past. Just do your best every day. That's all your kids need. Do seek help for PPD because that is serious to deal with.

    Also, the people who make self-promoting parenting posts on Facebook are liars. Ignore all that noise.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Pammalla wrote: »
    My hair is straight without the slightest wave to it but my baby has super curly hair and I have no idea how to deal with it. It's not getting longer it's just getting biger

    Curly hair takes time and practice to learn to work with. Do you have a salon you go to? Or a cosmetology school nearby? I'm sure someone would be more than happy to work with you! Probably someone like myself who had/has curly hair and a mother who did nothing with it when I was younger (NOT saying that is you) and would be glad to help someone else so that they don't go through a childhood with bad hair.

    Also, the color of your hair is gorgeous! Love it!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Jesus H., the confessions keep coming. Ok, I confess that I ate a Hershey bar for lunch and it was delicious. That's all I got today.

    That was really sad. I think you should try harder. Give it up!
    Agreed. Pathetic confession. There's something dark lurking there...

    There's a lot of stuff that involves some sexual things, but I don't want to bore anyone with that stuff. Snoozeville.

    Oh yeah, like that's not going to get anyone's attention. (insert eye roll)

    BTW, just quoting myself because this sounded mean when I read it again after posting, but I meant it to encourage a good confession from @asflatasapancake! Sorry if it sounded bad.

    I took it in the good way. Several people roll their eyes at the things I say in real life, if you can believe that, so I'm used to it. ;)

    Okay, good! I was worried.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    clover157 wrote: »
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I'm not having a very good day. Total pity party and tears over my parenting failures. I guess it's a good thing that I decided to go for a walk instead of digging in the ice cream stash.

    Sorry to hear this. Parenting is such a tough job. I hope the walk helped.

    Parenting is so hard, I am taking every effort to never have to do it. :smiley:

    And think about it, parenting with TWO parents is hard... and single parents...woah. AND if everyone is working?! :astonished:

    Everyone else can go ahead and make successful and wonderful humans. I do not feel strong enough to partake in that endeavor. :wink:

    ETA: I am serious about everything in this post. I see parenting as very difficult. It takes skills and abilities that I am pretty sure I do not possess.

    Here's something I've never confessed IRL before...
    I don't enjoy parenting. I don't think I was meant to be a mum.
    Don't get me wrong, I love my boys with all my heart. I give all of myself to them to ensure they feel loved, are happy and healthy.
    But I just don't think I was cut ou
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I never really considered having children, even when I was going through the whole pre-cana thing pre-marriage. I was all "if it happens, it happens", not thinking it would happen. And I was thinking that mostly because I'd been kind of promiscuous before I met my husband with nary a pregnancy scare. Well, wouldn't you know I got pregnant on my honeymoon. LOL Now, I love my son with all my heart; he is the light of my life. Do I want more? Not even a little bit.

    My husband keeps saying he wants to adopt or foster, so my son will have a brother. I DO NOT want another child. I am 45 years old next week, we live in a tiny house, and honestly, I just don't want to raise another kid. I am satisfied with my small family, even if that means my son is an only. Sometimes I think I'm being selfish, but that's just how I feel.

    Is anyone an only child or have an only child? Am I damaging my kid? :/

    I had my only child at 29. Before that I never wanted kids and never wanted anything to do with anyone else's kids. I got more grief from people after I had one child about not having another. SMDH My daughter is now (reasonably) adjusted 21 year old raising 2 kids of her own. I never regretted not having more kids!

    Had my only daughter at 22. People harped on me about not giving her a sibling but I am happy the way things are. My husband and I take yearly vacations as a family and a separate one as a couple. She is 14 now and will graduate soon I can't see starting over at this point.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I am really upset this morning because my degu is dying, I am sure of it now.....he has almost completely stopped eating and now his fur is falling out.....I was up at 4am hand feeding him corn flakes but have to leave for work now and am terrified he is going to die by himself in his cage while I am not home....I can't stop crying......its gonna be a long day, or few days, every time I have to leave the house.....

    That's just heartbreaking. I'm so sorry. Losing a pet, no matter how or when, is always so hard.

    I have an indoor/outdoor (mostly outdoor) cat that I haven't seen in almost 2 weeks. We live in kind of a wooded area so I think an animal got him. I was thinking something happened last week when I didn't see him, but now that almost a whole week has passed and I still haven't seen him, I'm pretty sure he's gone for good. He was my boy and I'm sad I'll probably never get to hold him again. :'(:'(:'(

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Another rather lame confession: I haven't the slightest idea what to do with my hair. I haven't had short hair since I was a baby just starting to grow it. I wish I had the courage to chop it up or do something with it, but I'm just scared of making it look worse. It's extremely wavy (and in my opinion, not the good kind of wavy!!!) and hard to manage, so I just straighten it all the time to make it easier for me to deal with, at least. It also wants to always be parted in the middle. I went to see a hair stylist last year and she told me that my hair was "refusing to be parted down the side." Dumb hair.

    My sister has experimented with all kinds of cuts and colors (well, all shades of red), and I wish I could be more like her. For some reason I'm just too scared.

    Have you ever tried a diffuser on your hair and do you use gel?
    I looked up diffusers- they go on the end of blowdryers? I always let my hair dry naturally, and never use gel either :tongue: No gel, hairspray, or anything... though I probably should get something to protect my hair from the heat when I straighten it.

    There are times I like my hair, like when I wake up and think I have ok looking waves for once. The bad thing is I can't brush my hair lest it turn into a frizzy mess. Someone on Facebook actually shared an image that shows what it's like for me. Before brushing and after brushing:


    Before I started straightening my hair, I had a friend who would always ask me why I never brushed my hair. I WAS brushing my hair, but it was coming out looking like the picture on the right!!! (but worse) :tired_face:

    You don't brush curly hair! Is she crazy?!?! :) I would recommend using gel specifically for curly hair, just use a little bit (dime to quarter size) and it will really help with the frizziness. See if one of your fellow curly haired friends has a diffuser that you could borrow and show you how to use.

    Right!? Why would you ever brush it? My hair is just like the hair on the left. It gets frizzy even without brushing.
  • krissyreminisce
    krissyreminisce Posts: 284 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Confession no.2

    I got myself a peanut butter Kit-Kat Chunky! I really wanted a mint one to satisfy the whole mint and chocolate conversation as well as the kit-kat conversation, but I couldn't find one. I will run as far as I need to to work this baby in! 226Kcal, how far do you recon that is?

    I can usually burn around that running 5k. :smile:

    I usually figure about 100 calories per mile

    I only came up with that number because my HRM gave me 248 kcal and 228 kcal in the two 5ks I've worn it in. :smile:

    100 calories a mile sounds way better though! Lol
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Speaking of Facebook. I saw this there and thought it was appropriate for us:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I confess I am taking my dog to be neutered on Friday. I don't feel bad at all. In fact I am really looking forwards to seeing how many things he walks into while he's wearing the cone of shame.
    (I'm awful I know)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Daily confession.

    My husband's daughter's boyfriend broke up with her on Mother's Day and she is "living" with us now. I put living in quotes because since last Tuesday, she's stayed the night once or twice, the rest of the nights (she works evenings) she doesn't bother coming home or even calling to say she's not going to be home. I understand she's an adult being 19, but I also expect her to show us some gratitude and respect for taking her and her cat in when she didn't really have anywhere else to go. Although, she must have SOMEWHERE to sleep since she's not sleeping in our house.

    I am fully miffed about the whole thing because I feel like she is using us to store her stuff and take care of her cat. I have asked my husband to talk to her, but I'm sure he won't since he doesn't like confrontation and she's just now coming into our lives after not being allowed to see us for the past 14 years and he doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize that.

    I am upset and hurt and don't know what to do. :/

    Ugh. I'm sorry, but I always say the damage is done once kids are that age. My kids are 21 and 20. When they are staying with me, they LET ME KNOW if they are coming home or not, early in the evening. It's not always asking for permission, it's common courtesy.

    My husband has 2 kids, a 16 year old son and a 12 year old daughter. We haven't seen the son since we got married. His mother told him it was perfectly acceptable for him to disrespect us and go against the rules we set in place. My husband told him, No, it's not. He's opted to consider me the antichrist for having rules and refuses to even speak to his father. That damage was done, he is his mother's child and there's nothing we can do to change it at this point. The JUDGE even told his mother in court earlier this year that she found it to be a sad state of affairs when a 15 year old (at the time) boy is allowed to call all the shots. Yep.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I get some of my best insights right when I wake up in the morning and my mind is clear. This morning, I woke up angry because I realized that there are a lot of people in my life that I allow to walk all over me. I'm angry with them and with myself for letting it happen. I want to confront them but since it'll come out of the blue, I know I'll look like a crazy person, so all I can do is sit here and be angry about it (and wait until they try to pull that crap again so I can confront them). I'm the worst at confrontation but I realize that I'm sick to death of being treated like this and upset that I've let it happen. I also realized that I've wasted so much time trying to be whatever I think people want me to be - and how it's never enough for them anyway - and that just makes me feel unbearably sad.

    I'm 35 so I might be a bit ahead of schedule for a "mid-life crisis" but that's what this seems like. Or maybe it's just the by-product of actually feeling emotions and not numbing myself with food like I've always done in the past. Regardless, right now my emotions are all over the place, but I'm hoping that once I have a good cry, I'll feel more focused about who I am, where I want to be in my life, and how to get there.

    Not a confession, really, but if I didn't get this out, I'd probably have an epic meltdown.

    And THIS is why my husband was in the boat he was in when I met him, with kids that didn't respect him. Until I came along and told him it's unacceptable for his kids to disrespect him in my home. So, he had to learn to stop letting his kids and finally his ex walk all over him. No time like the present to put a stop to it! You deserve better.
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    I confess I am taking my dog to be neutered on Friday. I don't feel bad at all. In fact I am really looking forwards to seeing how many things he walks into while he's wearing the cone of shame.
    (I'm awful I know)

    Ha ha it is funny though, just don't play fetch while he has it on. My dog flipped herself over running and trying to get the ball at the same time.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    All this talk about kids, and now I would like to bop my 19 year old daughter in the head......boys are SO much easier.....

    That is true in my experience as well. What did she do?

    She has been home for school from a month, and I am already having to harp her to get her crap done, and then she gets all bitchy like I am somehow annoying her, when I am the one that is really annoyed.....the first month went well, now I am going to be counting down for the next three months til she leaves......

    Do you mean stuff around the house? Or do you mean she's a procrastinator at everything? Even at 19 it's hard to get kids to care about the condition of the house. My step-daughter was a horrendous slob. Now she has her own house and even with 2 babies she keeps it as clean and uncluttered as possible.

    If she's a procrastinator at everything, then I sympathize. My youngest son is this way to an extreme. Waits until the very last minute to wash his uniforms for work, doesn't buy groceries until he is completely out, doesn't pay bills on time unless I or his girlfriend do it for him. Sigh. He's a really great person and I'm very proud of him, but he has yet to catch on that if he'd just do what he is supposed to do before it's too late he could save himself a lot of stress. In his defense he never puts off buying dog food for his doggies. They are always well supplied.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I confess if you are a walker/jogger/cyclist (yes, even cyclists....) that talks on your phone WITHOUT a Bluetooth or even a wired headset, chances are I want to slap the phone out of your hand for how ridiculous you look holding that device up to your head during a 'workout'. Don't have a Bluetooth or you're technology challenged? Fine. Most phones come with a headset right out of the box. Plug it in and USE IT. Better yet.... save the poor soul on the other end from your non-stop drivel in labored form (oh how pleasant that heavy breathing must sound) and call them afterwards.

    Unless it's an emergency I refuse to be on the receiving end of those calls. If I can tell someone is doing something else or is preoccupied, I tell them to call me back later, then hang up. Doesn't happen often because very few people call me and the ones who do know how I am about that. But, as in your example, I often wonder who would put up with that?

    LOL... good question. I know I wouldn't nor would I subject someone else to such torture.
    It wasn't more than a week ago while cycling home I saw a lady riding her bike.... up a somewhat steep hill.... with head cocked to the side and her cell phone literally pinned between her shoulder and ear so she could pedal up the hill and still keep both hands on the handlebars..... pardon me but WTH... did I just SEE that ?!?!

    What did 5 fingers say to the face? *SLAP*

    How does that not KILL your neck?! I have a shoulder rest on my work phone and with my cell phone I never hold it up to my ear with my shoulder. Granted I have 3 vertebrae in my neck turned the wrong way and I get monthly massages to deal with the kinks in my neck and the chain reaction in my shoulders and back, but I can't imagine working out (attempting to do something good for your body) and then damaging your neck at the same time. I suppose some phone calls just can't wait.

    Some people talk for the simple sake of hearing their own mouth run. LMAO >_<

    The people that get me are the ones who talk on their cellphone while they're in a public restroom in the stall doing their number one or number two. I guess to each their own.

    I heard/saw someone do this at the gym once. Just continued talking as she peed, and then flushed. If I was on the phone with someone and heard all that, I wouldn't be too impressed. Really, you can call me back!
  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    I confess if you are a walker/jogger/cyclist (yes, even cyclists....) that talks on your phone WITHOUT a Bluetooth or even a wired headset, chances are I want to slap the phone out of your hand for how ridiculous you look holding that device up to your head during a 'workout'. Don't have a Bluetooth or you're technology challenged? Fine. Most phones come with a headset right out of the box. Plug it in and USE IT. Better yet.... save the poor soul on the other end from your non-stop drivel in labored form (oh how pleasant that heavy breathing must sound) and call them afterwards.

    Unless it's an emergency I refuse to be on the receiving end of those calls. If I can tell someone is doing something else or is preoccupied, I tell them to call me back later, then hang up. Doesn't happen often because very few people call me and the ones who do know how I am about that. But, as in your example, I often wonder who would put up with that?

    LOL... good question. I know I wouldn't nor would I subject someone else to such torture.
    It wasn't more than a week ago while cycling home I saw a lady riding her bike.... up a somewhat steep hill.... with head cocked to the side and her cell phone literally pinned between her shoulder and ear so she could pedal up the hill and still keep both hands on the handlebars..... pardon me but WTH... did I just SEE that ?!?!

    What did 5 fingers say to the face? *SLAP*

    How does that not KILL your neck?! I have a shoulder rest on my work phone and with my cell phone I never hold it up to my ear with my shoulder. Granted I have 3 vertebrae in my neck turned the wrong way and I get monthly massages to deal with the kinks in my neck and the chain reaction in my shoulders and back, but I can't imagine working out (attempting to do something good for your body) and then damaging your neck at the same time. I suppose some phone calls just can't wait.

    Some people talk for the simple sake of hearing their own mouth run. LMAO >_<

    The people that get me are the ones who talk on their cellphone while they're in a public restroom in the stall doing their number one or number two. I guess to each their own.

    I heard/saw someone do this at the gym once. Just continued talking as she peed, and then flushed. If I was on the phone with someone and heard all that, I wouldn't be too impressed. Really, you can call me back!

    My SO does this when he is having the weekly phone call to his dad. To be fair, I think his dad also does it. I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree there.