

  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    What a week.

    So, I'm officially done with my old job, paid through next Tuesday, cashing out all of my vacation time. What a soul suck the last few days were.

    I won't say anything bad about anyone there, it's behind me, here's the gist of it.

    I went to the Sr Director of Human Resources yesterday, and said "It hurts me being here until Tuesday, but I plan on honoring my commitment." When the General Manager for the property came back from being out of town for 2 days, he went to her, basically said "AOJ's had 10 good years here, there's a severe breakdown in relationships between he and his direct management, let's get him out of here and let everyone move on and have a good Memorial Day weekend."

    So at 1 O'clock today, I walked to the door with the SDHR, got outside, took a deep breath and headed home.

    I spent a few hours in my front yard sitting on the steps, then I went and mowed someone else's lawn.

    I've gotten tons of texts because for some reason, when you leave work before your resignation date, everyone assumes there's a negative connotation. I typically don't talk about work publicly, but I had to put a facebook message up to clarify to people I left out of reciprocated respect for all parties involved.

    So that chapter has ended, and I know I'll be much happier going forward.

    Sorry for anyone I've worried with my absence the last few days.


    Sounds stressful and emotional! Hope you have a great long weekend!!!

    I'm so happy for you that the former job situation is behind you. :smiley:

    Congrats and enjoy you weekend!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am still back on page 642. I have had entirely too much work the past couple of days to get caught up. I am off work tomorrow and have a ton going on, then we are off to a family reunion long weekend at my families ranch and I will not have phone or internet service on the ranch so unless I drive to town while there I may lose my login stretch, this pains me! I might just have to go for a drive everyday. I am not sure how I will ever catch up with this thread with that much time away though. I have to read each and every post so I won't miss anything! I am addicted to this thread! I may need to seek professional help for this :o

    I, too am addicted to this thread. I tell myself everyday I won't go on here, but then I do. I spend countless work hours checking it and replying to it. I feel you people (what do you mean, YOU people?!) have helped me more than you'll ever know. I have found some friends on here that I feel like I know IRL and I cherish our friendship. Even if it is strictly online only.

    I consider this free therapy and I feel free saying things here that I can't anywhere else. If I could hug each and everyone of you, I would. Even those of you that aren't into that sort of thing. :smiley:

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.

    Excited for you! How long is the flight? Have you never flown before?

    In total, I think the flight is about 6 hours or so. We'll have a 2+ hour layover in Dallas so hopefully we'll have time to do some airport shopping. Is that a thing?! I have no idea. Anyway, I've only flown once when I was five...that was over 30 years ago so I don't really remember it too much. I just remember little packages of peanuts. :smiley:

    1. I was born in Dallas, yay!
    2. Yes airport shopping is a thing- at least I make it one! I'm also a people watcher- I could people watch in an airport all day I love it!
    3. Only once?! I LOVE flying! Growing up I wanted to be a detective or a flight attendant :)

    One time a friend and I had a 5 hour layover at LAX, we found a place to sit in the most high traffic area and picked out people walking by and made up stories about them, we had so much fun! Made the 5 hours go by really fast.

    My husband would enjoy that so much! We will have to try that if we have an extended layover.

  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    The ginormous bag of Cadbury mini-eggs hiding in my closet is half empty.... :'(

    So sad, I love those Cadbury mini-eggs (and find the Christmas ones disappointing - they taste different)! I still have one of the giant bags leftover from Easter, and I haven't let myself open it yet. I also haven't taken it to the office - because for some reason I can ignore candy at home, but heaven forbid it's in my office. Then I succumb to mindless-eating mode. My work snacks are either healthy things, or things I know I can control myself around!
  • samhennings
    samhennings Posts: 441 Member
    edited May 2015
    I love eating the fat off meat - the fatty bit off steak that most people trim off and bacon fat are my favourite! It totally grosses my gf out. I feel that it's rank that I like it so much cos I know it's bad. I try not to do it but yum.

    I have to fight my youngest for the rind off of everyone elses pork chops when we have them for dinner.

    Im totally with you on that one! Any meat Im like it, love the fat, but pork chop is the best.

    It doesnt even bother me, how can something so nice be a bad thing!?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I need to say something that will lighten the heavy feeling I have today. The weather is NOT helping either.

    In just over 6 weeks, my husband and I will be jetting down to Florida for a VERY belated honeymoon. I could NOT be more excited if I tried. I am also extremely nervous and anxious about the whole thing. I really don't know what to expect and that's very thrilling and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm excited to wear my new swimsuit and sun hat I just bought this weekend. It's very chic. I just need to get some cute maxi dresses and a cute swimsuit cover up to wear on the beach. I could also use some helpful tips about traveling by plane.


    Make sure you follow the airlines rules about what you can/can't take in your carry-on (and check to make sure your bag is an acceptable size). It'll suck if you have to throw out something when you're going through security! Be aware that belt buckles and sometimes underwire in bras can set off the metal detectors, so just something to think about while getting dressed that day :) I prefer to sleep on planes, so one of those wrap around neck pillows is a must for me, but I know some people can't sleep so you might not need one. Give yourself lots of time to get to the airport and through security. Check BEFORE you leave home if your flight is delayed/cancelled for some reason.

    If you've never flown before and aren't sure how your stomach will handle it, pack some ginger pills or Gravol just in case.

    Congratulations on your belated honeymoon! I'm sure you'll have an excellent time. My biggest flying tip is to drink plenty of water - I always get soooo dehydrated. And make sure you have a sweater or little travel blanket, planes are usually cold (at least for me, I'm always cold though)!

    I'm always cold too. Do they sell travel blankets? Can I bring water or get water on the plane? I try to drink a minimum of 16 ounces of water by 10 am, so hopefully I'll be fine. Just hope I don't have to pee until I can make it to our layover stop.

    Thanks for the congratulations. When I say VERY belated, I'm talking 15 years belated. :smiley:

    Yes- they do sell travel blankets... I think that I got mine at Target, it came with a neck pillow and an eye mask (I've only used the eye mask once, on a Transatlantic red-eye flight). But I also have a cheap one that I think I accidentally stole from an airline! whoops... I guess that's a confession in itself!

    And good for you on getting in your trip, even if it is 15 years later. I'm guessing that after 15 years you probably have a lot more to celebrate now than the day after your wedding anyway!

    WE SURE DO! We've been through a lot in the 15 years we've been married and we've stayed a strong dedicated couple. I think having to wait this long, we'll be able to appreciate a trip like this a lot more than we would have 15 years ago when I wasn't even old enough to drink. :wink:

    I hope you guys have the time of your lives!!

    Thanks, I'm sure we will. My husband is so cute. He told me the other day every time he thinks about going, he gets so excited. He was asking me about whether or not I had nice flip flops yesterday. It was sweet. :)

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    Confession: I want to go on a vacation with just my husband without the 5 and 7 year old. I am willing to let them stay with family for a few days. Not a month or anything, like a long weekend. My husband doesn't trust a sole on this earth with his kids so this won't happen. At least until my kids are out of the house. So I will get a kid free vacation in about 11 years if I'm lucky. This is sad to me because I think couples need time together, but I feel guilty too like he's the better parent because I'm ok with them being with other people for a few days and he won't have it. ok rambling over.

    This is 100% not the case. Against popular opinion, your marriage has to come first. Without a solid foundation of love, trust, quality time and all that other equally important stuff, a marriage cannot grow. I'm sorry your husband doesn't trust anyone to take care of your kids for a few days so you can recharge your couple battery. I would maybe try talking to him and see if you can come to some sort of agreement or compromise. This is just my opinion and my husband doesn't feel this way at all, see previous posts, so you can completely ignore my advice if you want. I hope you don't have to wait 11+ years for your vacation though.

    I agree with you 100%, as does my husband. Idk if you are a Christian, but biblically, the marriage relationship comes before the parent/child relationship as well...
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I spend Thursday nights at my SO's house. I get up at 5:00 am and drive home. I let the dogs out and I put on pajamas and sleep or snooze. My ex drops the kids off at 5:30 am. It's as if I was home all night. :smile:

    He doesn't need to know :)

    Also...I might have missed it but did you ever explain why you are wearing a gas mask in your profile pic? You don't need to explain, I'm just curious

    It is not a secret or anything particularly exciting. I'm a chemist and if I work with certain chemicals outside a vented hood I put on a respirator and put a sign on the lab door so other people don't come in without one on. The chemicals that I am working with this week are toxic by inhalation. Plus one smells so bad it is known to make people vomit. It makes a safe product that doesn't smell.

    Short answer is just a selfie at work. My SO gets a kick out of his badass "doctor of chemistry " girlfriend so I send him action shots sometimes. If I do something action shot worthy today's I will update it.

    It is pretty badass :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i drink way too much. way, way too much. it's caused me a lot of issues over the past couple of years (i've wrecked my car, twice; cheated on my boyfriend, which destroyed the relationship), which you would think would slow down my consumption, but instead i'm just drinking more "carefully." for most people these would be the "life changing events" where they have a massive realization that they need to turn their lives around, then everything is a montage of hard work, making amends and going on oprah.

    but i don't have that. and i'm not really sure why. i think some of it might be attributed to the prozac and welbutrin i take. i just mostly feel dead inside.

    Everyone is different, but at some point you gotta decide what your "bottom" is. I kept thinking I hit my bottom, but it was more like I was slowly falling down a granite staircase...each bottom was a little lower than the previous one, lol.

    I've been pretty open around here about quitting drinking 3 1/2 years ago. Like pancake's dad, I just quit. No AA, no amends, no cutting ties with my friends. I just said "enough."

    After a 25 year drinking career, sobriety is a pretty good high, actually!

    And I'm appreciative that you continue to share your story here. It does help a lot of people, so thank you for that!
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    I am still back on page 642. I have had entirely too much work the past couple of days to get caught up. I am off work tomorrow and have a ton going on, then we are off to a family reunion long weekend at my families ranch and I will not have phone or internet service on the ranch so unless I drive to town while there I may lose my login stretch, this pains me! I might just have to go for a drive everyday. I am not sure how I will ever catch up with this thread with that much time away though. I have to read each and every post so I won't miss anything! I am addicted to this thread! I may need to seek professional help for this :o

    I, too am addicted to this thread. I tell myself everyday I won't go on here, but then I do. I spend countless work hours checking it and replying to it. I feel you people (what do you mean, YOU people?!) have helped me more than you'll ever know. I have found some friends on here that I feel like I know IRL and I cherish our friendship. Even if it is strictly online only.

    I consider this free therapy and I feel free saying things here that I can't anywhere else. If I could hug each and everyone of you, I would. Even those of you that aren't into that sort of thing. :smiley:
    I spend too much time here too. But I don't reply to all the posts I want to respond to here either. I'm happy to be a part of the very wonderful group of people. I second the hugs all around. :smile:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    Oh and new profile pic. SKINNY ARMS ROB LOWE!!! He's my fav out of those commercials.

    I was going to ask about that! Now I see it. I couldn't tell what it was at first.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    The chemicals that I am working with this week are toxic by inhalation. Plus one smells so bad it is known to make people vomit.

    Interesting. There are a few odours that make me vomit... certain perfumes, contact cement, and gasoline fumes (I use full service stations whenever possible, even at higher cost).

    Whenever I've mentioned that to people, they always look at me like I've just sprouted a second head. It's kinda nice to know that smells CAN induce vomiting.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    edited May 2015
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I spend Thursday nights at my SO's house. I get up at 5:00 am and drive home. I let the dogs out and I put on pajamas and sleep or snooze. My ex drops the kids off at 5:30 am. It's as if I was home all night. :smile:

    He doesn't need to know :)

    Also...I might have missed it but did you ever explain why you are wearing a gas mask in your profile pic? You don't need to explain, I'm just curious

    It is not a secret or anything particularly exciting. I'm a chemist and if I work with certain chemicals outside a vented hood I put on a respirator and put a sign on the lab door so other people don't come in without one on. The chemicals that I am working with this week are toxic by inhalation. Plus one smells so bad it is known to make people vomit. It makes a safe product that doesn't smell.

    Short answer is just a selfie at work. My SO gets a kick out of his badass "doctor of chemistry " girlfriend so I send him action shots sometimes. If I do something action shot worthy today's I will update it.

    It is pretty badass :)

    A www thanks! I've worked hard to become one.

    Awk! It ate the rest of my typing. I went back to school at 32 aiming for an associate degree. I was awarded my PhD on my 42 birthday. It was a hard journey that required sacrifice. I'm am proud of what I accomplished but I have not set more big goals. I really need to get off my tuccas and set another big personal goal. I'm thinking and will share some goals here soon. :smile:
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I decided to try the stationary bike at the gym today.... it was almost successful in murdering my butt. I thought the stationary bike was going to be easy after 40 minutes of stairmaster, but nope!!! They need to invest in some comfy seats so my tush can stop screaming at me.

    That's the main thing keeping me from getting a bike. Mix a Lot wrote a song about it once...

    LOL! And so true! My son got a new bike a couple weeks ago...I tried to ride it...No flipping way!

    The pains subside rather quickly. Usually about a week for new riders... After that, you are good to go!

    Ya, you gotta build up some "butt callouses" then you'll be okay. :grin:

    I've biked a lot for almost 30 years. And by a lot I mean it has varied from a short daily commute to long biking vacations (i.e. from a few miles to lots of miles). I have one tip to add to the others. Bike shorts designed for women. Takes a few rides to get used to but makes a big difference.

    You do have to find the right ones though. Not TOO padded...that just causes more problems. And try Hoo Ha Ride Glide:,aps,168

    Totally helps. I actually get more sore in the creases of my legs where they connect to my body... that for me gets really painful if I don't carefully arrange the shorts as I am biking.

    Likewise for me in the creases. I've had a saddle sore or 2 in those exact spots that luckily didn't need too much attention other than a quick yet OMG sooo painful squeeze & pop and they didn't sideline me at all so I consider myself fortunate.
    On my 13 mile commute I have to stand and adjust my chamois shorts a few times to avoid any gathering problems. It probably doesn't help I wear loose sweatshorts over my chamois and not biker shorts but I have a 38" inseam and while I think my legs look decent enough, I don't care to share my sun deprived upper thighs with the general public. LOL

    @m1xm0d3 My SO also has a 38" inseam so I'm going to pounce on you (as I do every other tall MFP member) and ask WHERE THE HELL DO YOU FIND PANTS??

    Seriously. The poor guy wears one style of Levis and his current suit pants are unhemmed because he can't lose any length (fortunately it's not obvious). He has to get a new suit this summer and I have no idea where to even start. Big & Tall stores aren't helpful because the waist sizes are always too big.

    I am a 36/38 x 38 and I buy online and online only. lol

    Levi's is great for the B&T so that's my go-to for jeans. Pants I go to Kingsize direct. There's also casual male xl.

    Darn, I was hoping you would give me some different stores/sites to check out. As previously posted my husband is 7'2" and finding anything that is long enough is a challenge - even more of a challenge is finding the places that might have his size that ship to Canada.... I'm still looking for track/lounge pants....

    7'2"!! Well, sounds like you're going to have to make friends with the professional basketball players and see where they shop!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »

    We'll take any and all suggestions. We'll have 7 days to explore and do touristy stuff.

    I live an hour SE of Orlando. There is so much to do and see in Florida. If you like amusement parks go to Universal Studios Island of Adventures or as a Disney fan I love all of the parks. Go to the beach for sure. There's lots of water parks. The historic area of St Augustine is amazing. In Orlando they have dinner mystery shows you can do and the nightlife is amazing. Visit Kennedy Space Center. If you're into gambling there's a casino cruise boat that goes out of Port Canaveral all the time. There is so much to do here!

    Our resort is on the beach so that's no problem. The dinner mystery shows sound AWESOME! I've always wanted to do one of those dinners where you have you have to guess who the murderer is. Kind of like the movie Clue. We don't have an itinerary (I spelled that without using spell check, yay me!) just yet, but we'll make one. Luckily for me, since my brother lives in Florida, I'll have plenty of excuses to go back.

    We did a dinner mystery show for our honeymoon and it was so much fun. And with your brother living here, I'm sure he knows lots of great places to be tourists.

    Yay! We're doing one of these here (Nashville) next month. I bought a Groupon. I hope it's as much fun as it sounds. :)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2015
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    The People thread just took a very dark turn.

    I left before that happened and saw it was completely gone when I finally got back to check. What did happen?

    Edit: oh, I saw a bit more was said about it a few posts later.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    I confess... That I haven't ever made a really deep or meaningful confession here. Everyone else seems to relate to each other so much, and I feel like an outcast; in my mind, at least, I'm certain that if I were to make a deeper confession that would leave me vulnerable, I'd be targeted for bullying or judged harshly by everyone here.

    I have to admit that I'm not sure how much sense I'm making, or if I'm making sense at all. :) Does anyone else ever feel this way, or is it just the anxiety talking? I don't know that either!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I just saw my 4 year old slip a small cup into the cat's water dish and then drink it. It was so quick I didn't even have time to say something before it was over. Now I'm wondering how long he's been doing that. I just thought my cats were really thirsty, or that the heat was evaporating their water. Hmmm

    Since he hasn't gotten sick from it perhaps it's actually helping him build an immune system! One time when my youngest son was about 2 yrs. old I walked into the living room and saw him dunking his toothbrush into the fish tank and brushing his teeth. He survived, thankfully.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    confession: i drink way too much. way, way too much. it's caused me a lot of issues over the past couple of years (i've wrecked my car, twice; cheated on my boyfriend, which destroyed the relationship), which you would think would slow down my consumption, but instead i'm just drinking more "carefully." for most people these would be the "life changing events" where they have a massive realization that they need to turn their lives around, then everything is a montage of hard work, making amends and going on oprah.

    but i don't have that. and i'm not really sure why. i think some of it might be attributed to the prozac and welbutrin i take. i just mostly feel dead inside.

    Does the doctor know you're drinking while you're on them? They would make a difference. I was given welbutrin as a hail mary for my migraines, and it made me the most apathetic person on earth.

    My migraine hail mary is maxalt. The terrible tasting ones you dissolve in your mouth.

    But yeah, she broke up with me, it was traumatizing to say the least.

    Do then I just went to a regular dr, told him what I take and he wrote new scripts. If I really thought about it, it would be troubling

    I'm so sorry for your experience. Sounds like your doctor that broke up with you was afraid of some lawsuit or malpractice situation. Can you find another? Do you have options? I worry about you.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    What a week.

    So, I'm officially done with my old job, paid through next Tuesday, cashing out all of my vacation time. What a soul suck the last few days were.

    I won't say anything bad about anyone there, it's behind me, here's the gist of it.

    I went to the Sr Director of Human Resources yesterday, and said "It hurts me being here until Tuesday, but I plan on honoring my commitment." When the General Manager for the property came back from being out of town for 2 days, he went to her, basically said "AOJ's had 10 good years here, there's a severe breakdown in relationships between he and his direct management, let's get him out of here and let everyone move on and have a good Memorial Day weekend."

    So at 1 O'clock today, I walked to the door with the SDHR, got outside, took a deep breath and headed home.

    I spent a few hours in my front yard sitting on the steps, then I went and mowed someone else's lawn.

    I've gotten tons of texts because for some reason, when you leave work before your resignation date, everyone assumes there's a negative connotation. I typically don't talk about work publicly, but I had to put a facebook message up to clarify to people I left out of reciprocated respect for all parties involved.

    So that chapter has ended, and I know I'll be much happier going forward.

    Sorry for anyone I've worried with my absence the last few days.


    Yes, we've been terribly worried about you! But no apology needed. I understand. Really glad you are done there! Enjoy your time off!