

  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    My confession for today: I have plans to go shopping to buy some summer clothes. I need a few pairs of capris and a few shirts to go with them but I have no motivation to do anything. Hubby and I have just the one vehicle and normally it isn't a problem since I am usually at work during the day and he uses it for his job. But today, I just want the truck and I just want to drive. I don't want to walk to the bus stop, wait for buses, sit on trains, or do any of that. I also want to go to the store to pick up groceries for dinner but again, don't even feel like walking there even though walking is the only exercise I can do right now. I thought about buying online but I really hate buying clothes w/o trying them on.

    I also need to pull my dandelions, just because they are dandelions and they must all die. Normally that would give me some satisfaction (DIE DANDELIONS DIE!!!) but all I want to do is be lazy - but then I feel guilty for being lazy.

    Maybe I will just watch a movie...
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    Lefty1290 wrote: »

    My sweet girl, Chloe. This was taken soon after I got home from dogsitting. She really missed me. I missed her snuggles.

    Looks like a much skinnier version of my fat cat "Kitty" (creative name right?)
    I am soooo far behind on this thread due to my 4 day weekend... I may never catch up!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    In just a little bit, I'm going to drop off the registration form for my son to start preschool in the fall. I'm freaking out a little...where has my baby gone!? Don't back out..don't back out...

    I'm with you. My baby starts kindergarten in the fall and I'm freaking out as well. I'm also worried about him adjusting to a school environment since this is the first time he'll be going to school. He's been home with my husband for the past 2 years.

    My baby also starts Pre-k this fall. I'm super sad about it. He's the youngest of 4 and yeah.... where did the time go?

    My husband started saying he would like one more baby but, we are waiting until I get to my goal weight and have my heart reevaluated to see if it is advisable. By then, I will be 40. So, most likely, this is my last little one. They really just grow up too fast!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    I fell asleep and suddenly woke up an hour later. Don't know why?? But had a handful of sourcream and onion pringles. Which I never eat and went right back to bed. I didn't even remember I ate them until I saw the container on the kitchen counter. I don't drink alcohol so it wasn't that.. What the heck???

    Sorry, I have no personal experience with this but others on this thread have mentioned the same thing, so hopefully someone can give you some insight. Otherwise, have you searched the forums for anything on this topic?
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I went over my calories today by 400 and I'm not allowed to work out (Drs orders) as I've hurt my back :(

    When and how did you hurt your back? Did I miss that one?

    And sorry because that really stinks. How long before you can exercise again?

    I honestly have no idea when I hurt it or how! About three weeks ago I started having pain in my upper middle back and my lower back and I just figured I pulled something it would go away (I've done this before). I decided to go to the chiropractor after two weeks since it wasn't going away and it was just getting worse! So basically I have to take Aleve, ice it a couple times a day, and go see him a couple times a week until I'm all adjusted properly again :(
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    misskarne wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    I'm very pale like a bunch of you have said you are. I used to try tanning, but it didn't take. I've never had a tan or a sunburn in my life. I finally stopped trying and embraced my day walker skin. I sometimes get embarrassed by it, but I figure if people don't like it screw them. Being able to blind people with the color of my skin is a super power! ;)

    Being Australian, I can't escape the sun; being pale-skinned, I've been sunburned more times than I care to remember. I have to set timers on my phone or come up with tricks and apply sunscreen every hour and even then I still get burned. And then after all that - no real tan.

    Have a couple of confessions to make. Yesterday, after millions of excuses, I finally turned on the DVD of the Jillian Michaels Beginner Shred. Right! I told myself. Time to get moving! Time to get stronger!

    ...yeah, right. I couldn't finish the workout. I got halfway through. Really dirty on myself for not pushing through, but at the time I just didn't have the puff. Today, I'm kind of glad. My thighs are hurting big. So I guess the tl;dr is that I'm obviously REALLY weak and pathetic since I can't even get through that first workout? Try again tomorrow.

    Second confession is that I should have gone to the rink tonight. I got out of work in plenty of time, so I should have. But my thighs were aching, and I was feeling yucky, so I didn't.

    And then I went and fed the darned TOM with chips and scallops and now I actually feel sick, so...write off today, I guess!

    NO! You are not. You are starting out, just like everyone has to at some point. Good sign that your thighs are sore! If today is a bad day, then just write it off and try the workout again tomorrow. You'll make progress and will feel better each and every time!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Although I suspect that one of the first words I'd use to define myself is also "ugly", I'm now tasking you to come up with two POSITIVE attributes to replace those ones.

    Off the top of my head, mine would be "funny" (I promise, I constantly make people laugh IRL, probably not so evident on here) and "analytical".

    this is a great idea. We should all do this. 2 attributes about yourself that are positive. Believe me, you have so much more to offer than physical appearance and the way we see ourselves is so much different than others see us. If we all saw ourselves as others do- we would all be beautiful (and we are).

    Short and loud.

    I suppose the positive is subjective there, so we'll also say loyal and organized.

    TWINS!!!! I am this too for sure!
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    edited May 2015
    Options bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I went over my calories today by 400 and I'm not allowed to work out (Drs orders) as I've hurt my back :(

    Oh, no! Hope it's not serious. What happened?

    I honestly have no idea what I did! Middle upper back and lower right back causing me pain. I honestly think it's from the way I've been sitting at work. I sit with one leg under me or I sit leaning to the side a lot. This is my first desk job since college (before I always worked on my feet) and I don't think it's doing me any favors!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    In just a little bit, I'm going to drop off the registration form for my son to start preschool in the fall. I'm freaking out a little...where has my baby gone!? Don't back out..don't back out...

    It's amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? Well, until they hit the teen years.

    I remember that by the time my kids all were in or finishing middle school I just figured I was going to be a chauffeur for the rest of my life. Trying to pick up and drop off everyone on time to school, sports, activities, friends houses, ugh. It was exhausting. Then all of the sudden they reach high school and one of their friends gets a drivers license and I'm thinking "Waaaaait! I'm SO not ready for this!!!" Watching your kids get into another vehicle with a new teen driver is terrifying. Them getting behind the wheel is equally so. Enjoy the years they are young and you have a semblance of control!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Okay, first of all, this is your official "do-over" - try again! We'll ask you that question here and your response is??? (fill in the blank and NO negativity allowed)

    Also, what was his response?
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Although I suspect that one of the first words I'd use to define myself is also "ugly", I'm now tasking you to come up with two POSITIVE attributes to replace those ones.

    Off the top of my head, mine would be "funny" (I promise, I constantly make people laugh IRL, probably not so evident on here) and "analytical".

    this is a great idea. We should all do this. 2 attributes about yourself that are positive. Believe me, you have so much more to offer than physical appearance and the way we see ourselves is so much different than others see us. If we all saw ourselves as others do- we would all be beautiful (and we are).

    Short and loud.

    I suppose the positive is subjective there, so we'll also say loyal and organized.

    ha those were going to be my two qualities, too, but then I guess I'd go for loyal and creative.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.

    OMG $30k I don't know how you haven't stroked out! I'm about to with the (relatively) smaller amount I've spent.

    I even went back to work 3 weeks ago and a large part of the reason was so I could have secondary dental insurance through my employer plus have income to pay the dental bills. How sad, right? I'm working to pay my dentist *sigh*
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Yesterday afternoon I started getting a sore throat. I just thought I was thirsty. It got worse as the day went on. Fast forward to this morning where it's so swollen I can barely swallow. I'll be taking myself to the doctor today.

  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LH85DC wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I confess, I feel a poop coming on.

    You're still slacking in the confessions department, Pancake.

    I'm a very pure, innocent soul. Not much to confess. :)

    That's not what you said a few pages ago! Spill it! And I don't mean what you just said in your previous post. That we don't need to hear about. Since you're still with us on this thread you might as well contribute something good!

    Poop isn't good enough for you people? That usually knocks 'em dead most places. Tough crowd. Hmmm. Confessions, confessions, let me think...

    I confess that my dad's a recovering alcoholic who got rid of all the pets I loved and my childhood home when I was younger because he needed to move to Florida to try and keep my mom from divorcing him. When he was down in Florida, I witnessed my dad have an alcoholic seizure in front of my girlfriend who was meeting my parents for the first time. That was quite a few years ago, so he is doing better now. Even though I love my dad, we don't talk very much because he lives with my mom in NC now. That makes me a little sad, and I probably still harbor anger and resentment towards him.

    Good enough?

    Yes, that definitely qualifies as a confession. Growing up with an alcoholic parent is hard. My dad's dad was an alcoholic. Affected him and his brothers negatively in many ways.

    Is he in a recovery program or does he just drink less? Sounds like your parents are still together. Is that a good thing or bad? Sorry about the loss of the pets. I don't tell many people this but about 2 years into my first marriage I had to move out of my house, find a place to live, and re-home 4 cats in less than 2 weeks. With a 2 yr. old. I wasn't as successful as I'd have liked to have been as far as the re-homing so I've never allowed myself to have pets ever again. :(

    As far as I know, he just doesn't drink at all. That is one thing that my dad and I have in common. If we really want something, we make sure that we get it. No matter what the cost. So I do believe he is a person that just stopped. My parents being together is a very good thing. My mother's a sweetheart. That sucks about your pets. I have a couple cats and a dog now.

    So, I want to that really your chest? :)

    I confess, that is really my chest. Taken with an iPad in my bathroom, right after a workout, flexing to exaggerate things a bit. I then used the black and white option on the iPad photo editor.

    I also confess, I edited this for grammar.

    Impressive. There was a guy in another thread (which I have no time anymore to check any other thread as this takes all my free time) who claimed some pic was of him, and it was some British actor. He totally got busted. He kept insisting it was himself until someone found the exact same picture on the internet and posted it. He finally confessed.

    I was wondering if you were 'enhancing'. :)

    No problem. It's a compliment. I guess I must be doing something right. Perhaps I've become a little too vain though. I know the exact spot in my house to make my pictures look the best. It's in the bathroom with the lights off, but the lights on in the hallway. For some reason the shadows make me look better than normal. There's a couple in my profile of me in the gym as well. I was by myself. No way I'd take my shirt off when someone else was in there. I really am a bit more shy in real life.

    Well I know what I'm trying tonight.


    I have one of those spots too. Mine is in the bedroom, diffuse natural light from the side and only one bulb in a two-bulb overhead fixture (confession: it's been like that for WAY too long!). I've actually taken a shoulder pic that I keep meaning to post in this thread to promote BZAH10's workout :) because the arm looks a gazillion times more defined than it does in any other lighting.

    I'd love to see it! I've attempted to take some more pictures of myself, but I'm terrible at it. I think I dislike the word "selfie" so much that I am unable to take a successful one.

    Great lighting but kinda fuzzy. All credit to your shoulder workout, however!


    Holy smokes. Your arm looks fantastic!

    Agreed, your arm looks amazing! Now I'm going to have to troll back through this thread to try to find the arm workout!

    Pretty simple: I have 3 lb. dumbbells that I use while sitting on the floor stretching at night. I do lots of reps with the low weights: forward and backward shoulder circles, small pulses up and down, both with palms up and palms down. Lots of different varieties. I'm terrible and explaining them, but basically 3 sets of 12 reps each any kind of arm and shoulder exercises. Sitting on the floor really isolates the arms. They are much harder that way then standing up. I also have 10 lb. dumbbells and have started doing overhead presses with them. 3 sets of 12 reps. each.

    I'm a hundred plus posts behind but I'm glad someone asked this again because I'm getting ready to start doing your shoulder exercises to get sexy arms! Or at least less freaking horrible ones. Lol :)

    Excellent! The key IMHO is small, controlled movements. Ex: when doing the forward/backward arm circles it's easy to get going too fast with momentum and you lose the benefits. So, I consciously slow down and pretend that the only part of my body that can move is my shoulders. Really isolates the movement.

    I know I sound crazy about it, but I wasted a lot of time doing exercises using momentum, not focusing on form, etc. and it's a waste of time. If I'm going to workout I prefer to maximize my time and make it worth it. I also use these techniques for squats, lunges, deadlifts, everything.

    Thanks for the tips!

    I am probably bulk posting but I usually can't manage replying to many posts as my phone is stupid and (most likely ) because I am walking around my house trying to get my steps in while I read the forum. Today however, I am walking slower than usual, slow enough to type on my phone, because I moved too many bricks this morning and I'm sore.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I started getting a sore throat. I just thought I was thirsty. It got worse as the day went on. Fast forward to this morning where it's so swollen I can barely swallow. I'll be taking myself to the doctor today.

    Ugh that is the worst! Hope you feel better soon!
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    Confession: I have been hate shopping online all morning because my husband has not yet acknowledged my birthday. Amazon loves me, though.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Congrats-peleroja and Tubbs :smiley: Celebrate!

    Confession-Sometimes this thread is a bad influence. I was eating some of that Peanut Butter and Co white chocolate peanut butter and ate a bunch of it. My reasoning was, well the people from the thread do it sometimes so I'm normal. :|

    I need to get back on track. I've been eating too much each day since Sunday.

    I'm not blaming anyone but myself of course. I love this thread still.
  • AngryViking1970
    AngryViking1970 Posts: 2,847 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I started getting a sore throat. I just thought I was thirsty. It got worse as the day went on. Fast forward to this morning where it's so swollen I can barely swallow. I'll be taking myself to the doctor today.

    Ugh, that sucks. I hate being sick in the summertime. I can call it summer, right? Feels like it...
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Yesterday afternoon I started getting a sore throat. I just thought I was thirsty. It got worse as the day went on. Fast forward to this morning where it's so swollen I can barely swallow. I'll be taking myself to the doctor today.

    Hope you feel better soon. That sounds terrible.