

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.

    OMG $30k I don't know how you haven't stroked out! I'm about to with the (relatively) smaller amount I've spent.

    I even went back to work 3 weeks ago and a large part of the reason was so I could have secondary dental insurance through my employer plus have income to pay the dental bills. How sad, right? I'm working to pay my dentist *sigh*

    teeth issues are the WORST.

    mine have been a nightmare since my childhood/teens, and they're just seemingly getting worse. i was told that when i was a kid i was extremely ill on a few occasions and it turns out that the medication they gave me back then did massive damage. so strange.

    my worst teeth incident: in my early 20's i was working a minimum wage job with no insurance and i had a broken molar and was having really bad pain, so i just chewed on the other side and tried to ignore it. took ibuprofen a lot...then one day i woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, the whole side of my face was throbbing and aching. no ibuprofen would touch it, warm compress, nothing. finally i caved and went to the ER. turns out an infection had seeped into my jaw from the broken tooth and had wrapped itself up the side of my face, through my sinuses and around my eye. they gave me a shot immediately, and a series of antibiotics, and said i had to get the tooth pulled asap.

    plus, the doctor made sure to tell me that if i had let it go any longer there was a good chance the infection would have went into my brain and killed me. yeah, because i was feeling really awesome up til then....

    That is terribly scary! Good thing you went to the ER when you did because I know someone who had that happen and the infection did go to his brain and killed him. Dental work is just so darn expensive whether you have insurance or not, though. And painful.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    I'm trying to get in shape to feel better about myself around women and to make someone else jealous. How is that for shallow?

    NOT shallow! I hope you reach your weight goals for your health but I also hope you make your certain someone jealous in the process!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I went over my calories today by 400 and I'm not allowed to work out (Drs orders) as I've hurt my back :(

    Oh, no! Hope it's not serious. What happened?

    I honestly have no idea what I did! Middle upper back and lower right back causing me pain. I honestly think it's from the way I've been sitting at work. I sit with one leg under me or I sit leaning to the side a lot. This is my first desk job since college (before I always worked on my feet) and I don't think it's doing me any favors!

    Definitely the source, I'd say! Poor posture will catch up to you quickly. I know because it's much more comfortable for me to sit the way you describe or cross my legs, but I didn't like dealing with all the pain so I got a flat foot rest for my feet and keep them on it at all times and sit as posture-perfect as possible (without looking like a weirdo). I keep my monitors at a correct level and use a shoulder rest for my phone. Every little effort helps!

    These are all things I am now trying to get myself in the habit of doing now! I had never really thought about it before now, wish I would've taken people more seriously :( But a few more weeks of the chiropractor and sitting with correct posture and I should be ship shape!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.

    OMG $30k I don't know how you haven't stroked out! I'm about to with the (relatively) smaller amount I've spent.

    I even went back to work 3 weeks ago and a large part of the reason was so I could have secondary dental insurance through my employer plus have income to pay the dental bills. How sad, right? I'm working to pay my dentist *sigh*

    teeth issues are the WORST.

    mine have been a nightmare since my childhood/teens, and they're just seemingly getting worse. i was told that when i was a kid i was extremely ill on a few occasions and it turns out that the medication they gave me back then did massive damage. so strange.

    my worst teeth incident: in my early 20's i was working a minimum wage job with no insurance and i had a broken molar and was having really bad pain, so i just chewed on the other side and tried to ignore it. took ibuprofen a lot...then one day i woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, the whole side of my face was throbbing and aching. no ibuprofen would touch it, warm compress, nothing. finally i caved and went to the ER. turns out an infection had seeped into my jaw from the broken tooth and had wrapped itself up the side of my face, through my sinuses and around my eye. they gave me a shot immediately, and a series of antibiotics, and said i had to get the tooth pulled asap.

    plus, the doctor made sure to tell me that if i had let it go any longer there was a good chance the infection would have went into my brain and killed me. yeah, because i was feeling really awesome up til then....

    That is terribly scary! Good thing you went to the ER when you did because I know someone who had that happen and the infection did go to his brain and killed him. Dental work is just so darn expensive whether you have insurance or not, though. And painful.

    OMG!! that's terrible!! :(

    yeah, even simple things are silly expensive and insurance always covers so little. it really bugs me, especially seeing how your teeth effect so much more than just your mouth. whoever decided that "dental" was just an added bonus should be beaten.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Just realized it's almost 4, I've been putting off working out because of the rant Wednesday thread, and now I have a notification for a new brosciencelife post. Stay tuned for my upcoming "made myself sick by not working out until right after dinner" confession
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    jennlandau wrote: »
    I am afraid that I will always be this big. I have 100+ pounds to lose. I see what others have done to do so (eat Clean, train to run marathons, make food plans & control of food their whole life) and I don't really want those measures but I am not happy with my current weight either. I exercise 2 to 4 times a week doing things with a higher intensity (LaBlast, Pound, Zumba, Kettle Bell AMPD, Salsa Dancing) and can keep up pretty good, especially for my size. My stamina and strength have definitely improved over the last year. No movement on the scale but I am down a pant size, one to 2 dress sizes. In addition, many of the clothes that I own still fit but are now too long, I guess because there is less holding them up (I am really short too!).

    I know that food journaling, watching fat grams, exercise & stress management are the keys for me. I know that I need to work harder on all of that, especially the food journaling, but what if even with the work this is as good as it gets? What if I will never be under 200 pounds? What if I am forever a plus size with all of the shaming and weight bias that that entails?

    That is my true fear for the future :(

    you'll get there. You will have ups (which suck and tend to happen at least once per month) and you will have downs (which are awesome). I find routine can help. For me, I tend to eat the same thing for breakfast every day. Prior to my surgery to weeks ago I would have a slice of toast with White Chocolate Wonderful and an apple; for lunch, left overs from dinner that were pre-weighed/measured (but the two weeks leading up to my surgery I wasn't eating lunch at all...that's another story). Now that I can eat dairy again, I will go back to having yogurt and granola with an apple for breakfast and my pre-surgery breakfast of a slice of toast with White Chocloate wonderful and an apple will be moved to lunch and the apple with be subbed with a different fruit or veg. I leave dinners open for variety during the week - weekends are also not pre-planned. I find consistency helps. You just need to find what works for you.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.

    OMG $30k I don't know how you haven't stroked out! I'm about to with the (relatively) smaller amount I've spent.

    I even went back to work 3 weeks ago and a large part of the reason was so I could have secondary dental insurance through my employer plus have income to pay the dental bills. How sad, right? I'm working to pay my dentist *sigh*

    teeth issues are the WORST.

    mine have been a nightmare since my childhood/teens, and they're just seemingly getting worse. i was told that when i was a kid i was extremely ill on a few occasions and it turns out that the medication they gave me back then did massive damage. so strange.

    my worst teeth incident: in my early 20's i was working a minimum wage job with no insurance and i had a broken molar and was having really bad pain, so i just chewed on the other side and tried to ignore it. took ibuprofen a lot...then one day i woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, the whole side of my face was throbbing and aching. no ibuprofen would touch it, warm compress, nothing. finally i caved and went to the ER. turns out an infection had seeped into my jaw from the broken tooth and had wrapped itself up the side of my face, through my sinuses and around my eye. they gave me a shot immediately, and a series of antibiotics, and said i had to get the tooth pulled asap.

    plus, the doctor made sure to tell me that if i had let it go any longer there was a good chance the infection would have went into my brain and killed me. yeah, because i was feeling really awesome up til then....

    That is terribly scary! Good thing you went to the ER when you did because I know someone who had that happen and the infection did go to his brain and killed him. Dental work is just so darn expensive whether you have insurance or not, though. And painful.

    OMG!! that's terrible!! :(

    yeah, even simple things are silly expensive and insurance always covers so little. it really bugs me, especially seeing how your teeth effect so much more than just your mouth. whoever decided that "dental" was just an added bonus should be beaten.

    Yes, indeed!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Just realized it's almost 4, I've been putting off working out because of the rant Wednesday thread, and now I have a notification for a new brosciencelife post. Stay tuned for my upcoming "made myself sick by not working out until right after dinner" confession

    Which threads are these? I seem to miss all the crazy ones.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Just realized it's almost 4, I've been putting off working out because of the rant Wednesday thread, and now I have a notification for a new brosciencelife post. Stay tuned for my upcoming "made myself sick by not working out until right after dinner" confession

    Which threads are these? I seem to miss all the crazy ones.

    Rant Wednesday and Gym Story Saturday are on reddit in /r/fitness, every week:
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    girgir1031 wrote: »
    I never seem to eat enough calories per MFP (that is why I gave up last time) so I eat just to eat even though I am no where near hungry. Seems wasteful but my doctor say the reason I keep gaining is because I under eat and my body stores thinking I am starving.
    Sad part is when I look at MFP I wind up eating junk food cause the food I truly love (veggies, oh how I love celery and veggies) are such low cal it seems pointless cause I would have to eat all day long to hit the number of calories :(

    Highly unlikely. Anyway to see another doctor? Get a 2nd opinion? Or consult a nutritionist? You can absolutely eat enough calories by eating vegetables: eat them with hummus or peanut butter. However, if you are gaining weight then you are most likely overeating. Do you log your food here?

    To me this seems like it very well may be the culprit....

    You habitually eat less than you need to sustain. So in an attempt of self preservation, your body slows its metabolism way down. Stores fat, burns muscle. Then when you eat normal again, GAINS. It happened to me hardcore when I was 19. I hardly ate a damn thing. Losing weight = good! Right? Nope, not when the end result is skinny-fat.

    For the OP, they need to ramp up the exercise AND foods. There's really no excuse for NOT getting enough calories, again, habitually. Especially when there are plenty of high calorie, small portion foods. Or by using supplements like protein powder/shakes.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,715 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Just realized it's almost 4, I've been putting off working out because of the rant Wednesday thread, and now I have a notification for a new brosciencelife post. Stay tuned for my upcoming "made myself sick by not working out until right after dinner" confession

    Which threads are these? I seem to miss all the crazy ones.

    Rant Wednesday and Gym Story Saturday are on reddit in /r/fitness, every week:

    Ah, got it. Thank you! Thought I was missing something here.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    margfish wrote: »
    I don't know why I'm suddenly having such a hard time staying on track lately. I don't even remember it being this hard when I first started and had tons of bad habits to break and zero fitness level. WTF?! I haven't had any days that were 100% awful - I've kept up with my exercising and I'd say about 75% of my eating has still been fairly healthy. But I keep screwing up, and I hate that.

    Like yesterday: I was hungry while I exercised (walking) and instead of ignoring it like I should've, I actually ate a bunch of Chex mix while I was walking. Talk about defeating the purpose (and I obviously wasn't pushing myself hard enough if I could stuff my face while walking either). What a waste.

    I weighed myself yesterday morning and I'm up 3 pounds and at the same weight I was in the beginning of May. Might be water weight; might not. Regardless, it's like any of the work I've done these past few weeks was for nothing because of all the screw-ups. I just wish I could tap into some of the motivation I've had in the past and push through this. I don't know if it's because I'm burnt out or if I'm letting my emotions of late (stressed and depressed about being unemployed) take over where food is concerned. But I'm really tired of feeling like this. :/

    Not for nothing! Think how much you might be up if you weren't getting it right 75% of the time plus still exercising! It's easy to completely give up, but you're hanging in there. Just focus on one day at a time.

    And please explain to me how you were walking around with a pocketful of Chex mix?! ;) I love that, haha. Reminds me of Napoleon Dynamite.

    That made me laugh for like five minutes, and I really needed it - thank you! :) And to explain: I walk in my basement and we have a pantry down there. It was pretty easy to grab the bag and get right back to my walking. But walking around with a pocket full of Chex mix on a daily basis doesn't sound like a bad idea actually ;)
    My confession for today: I have plans to go shopping to buy some summer clothes. I need a few pairs of capris and a few shirts to go with them but I have no motivation to do anything. Hubby and I have just the one vehicle and normally it isn't a problem since I am usually at work during the day and he uses it for his job. But today, I just want the truck and I just want to drive. I don't want to walk to the bus stop, wait for buses, sit on trains, or do any of that. I also want to go to the store to pick up groceries for dinner but again, don't even feel like walking there even though walking is the only exercise I can do right now. I thought about buying online but I really hate buying clothes w/o trying them on.

    I also need to pull my dandelions, just because they are dandelions and they must all die. Normally that would give me some satisfaction (DIE DANDELIONS DIE!!!) but all I want to do is be lazy - but then I feel guilty for being lazy.

    Maybe I will just watch a movie...

    Yes, yes they must! They're worse than ever this year. I'm embarrassed to say that my neighbor caught me standing outside shouting, "Get off my lawn!" at the weeds like a crazy person, LOL! I just came back in from outside after nearly 2 hours of weed pulling, and it was very cathartic. :)

    our city administration has decided that they are no longer considered a "noxious weed" and don't kill them anymore. There is more yellow than grass. They are such an eyesore.

    My whole yard is being overtaken with them so I've suggested that we all just give up and decide that dandelions will now be our lawns. We can all have nice yards of yellow.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    IAmTheGlue wrote: » bummed. I had my youngest son Sept 2014 and it was a horrible pregnancy (actually both of mine were but his was the worst), complete with severe Hyperemesis (basically you throw up 30-40-50x/day and break blood vessels in your face, damage your esophageal lining, etc.) I had a home health nurse come and give me IVs every other day because I literally couldn't eat or drink anything. I still threw up constantly, just not as much.

    It did serious damage to my teeth. Most of my enamel has worn off, teeth are rotted out, etc. I've been working on fixing my teeth since last Oct. We have spent $10k (seriously) just since March on root canals/crowns and we are TAPPED out. That was AFTER the $3k insurance covered. Our credit cards are maxed, savings is gone. Since Oct it's been 4 root canals/crowns, 8 fillings, 1 tooth pulled.

    I go in tonight to have the dentist check another tooth that I'm thinking he has to pull. Awesome. That'll be like another $400 :( Never mind the constant mouth soreness and losing pieces of the tooth.

    I'm OVER IT. I just want to scream/cry/hit things. I'm tired of constantly being in pain and being broke from it. It's not fair to my children that $ that could be used for their care is going to my stupid teeth :( I'm also mad that I'm 33 and having dental work done like I'm 50.

    I'm so sorry to hear that. :( I feel your pain. I have dental issues from an eating disorder when I was younger. It is never ending dental work and yeah, way over $30k from our pockets... ugh.

    I do hope that they get you fixed up soon and you are no longer in pain. :( Dental pain is the worst.

    OMG $30k I don't know how you haven't stroked out! I'm about to with the (relatively) smaller amount I've spent.

    I even went back to work 3 weeks ago and a large part of the reason was so I could have secondary dental insurance through my employer plus have income to pay the dental bills. How sad, right? I'm working to pay my dentist *sigh*

    teeth issues are the WORST.

    mine have been a nightmare since my childhood/teens, and they're just seemingly getting worse. i was told that when i was a kid i was extremely ill on a few occasions and it turns out that the medication they gave me back then did massive damage. so strange.

    my worst teeth incident: in my early 20's i was working a minimum wage job with no insurance and i had a broken molar and was having really bad pain, so i just chewed on the other side and tried to ignore it. took ibuprofen a lot...then one day i woke up in the middle of the night sobbing, the whole side of my face was throbbing and aching. no ibuprofen would touch it, warm compress, nothing. finally i caved and went to the ER. turns out an infection had seeped into my jaw from the broken tooth and had wrapped itself up the side of my face, through my sinuses and around my eye. they gave me a shot immediately, and a series of antibiotics, and said i had to get the tooth pulled asap.

    plus, the doctor made sure to tell me that if i had let it go any longer there was a good chance the infection would have went into my brain and killed me. yeah, because i was feeling really awesome up til then....

    That happened with my most recent root canal. I didn't want to fork over another $2600 out of pocket, so even though I felt like someone was stabbing me in t he ear, I tried Ibuprofen and tried to ignore it. When I finally went in, the abscess was so bad I needed Vicodin and 2 rounds of antibiotics before they could do the root canal, plus I had to go to a specialist :( They gave me the "infection coulda killed ya" statement, too. Scared my husband so much (I was in too much pain to even be scared) if I even tell him "my tooth hurts" he starts on about how I can't die and leave him with the boys, so I better go in ASAP...
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Lefty1290 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My birthday is 2 days after Christmas and our anniversary is the last day of June. If I had any advice for engaged couples it would definitely be, DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT, GET MARRIED THE SAME MONTH YOUR TAGS ARE DUE!!! That was ridiculously dumb on our part. It makes anniversaries a bit challenging. Luckily, our finances are in a place now where it's not as big of a deal, but let me tell you, it still sucks butt.

    Wait...what? How expensive is registration out there?!

    Where I live it's about $35 plus tax.

    Not the way it is here! It's based on the year and size and make of the vehicle. A new full sized truck can run $800 - $1000 for registration. My son has an '07 Tundra and his annual registration is $700.00. Back in '03 when we bought a new Honda Accord it was $600.00. It does gradually go down each year but both of our '03 vehicles still run about $130.00 per year. Sports cars are also higher fees.

    It's a flat $36 for the stupid sticker ever year in Pennsylvania.

    It's $69 yr for the tag and $29 for the inspection for my car in Texas, I think trucks are more.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Although I suspect that one of the first words I'd use to define myself is also "ugly", I'm now tasking you to come up with two POSITIVE attributes to replace those ones.

    Off the top of my head, mine would be "funny" (I promise, I constantly make people laugh IRL, probably not so evident on here) and "analytical".

    Ooh, that's a challenge! Umm, let me think... Positive attributes...

    My first would probably be that I automatically think the best of people. If someone didn't show up for a meeting or did something inconsiderate, I always think of what might have been going on in their circumstances first and make excuses for them to myself, rather than just getting angry that they didn't meet my expectations.

    My second... (Gosh, this is hard. X_X)... Umm... Does "I'm good at not offending people" count? Because, with confrontation being a major trigger for my anxiety, I'm pretty good at that. It doesn't sound particularly impressive, though...

    Confession: It took me ten minutes to come up with those.

    Happier confession: Due to some horrible financial circumstances growing up, I never got a high school diploma. After I got married, my husband paid for me to take the GED test. Well, I proudly proclaim that I received my diploma and transcripts in the mail today!

    Also, I scored in the 99th percentile on ALL subjects except one, which I scored in the 97th. :)
    I'm late to the party, but THAT is amazing!! Truly something to be proud of! Good job! :smiley:

    Also, you sound like such an amazingly kind person. I'm sure you're an absolute pleasure to be around. I love reading your posts in this thread, and seeing those cute kitty pictures was a plus :tongue:
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    I'm so hungry and I just want to eat lots of bad things.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Today, my husband and I were sitting together on our respective laptops, when he suddenly looked up and demanded... "Define yourself!"

    ...I confess that the first two words that popped into my head and spilled out of my mouth were "Ugly. Fat."

    I also confess that this makes me sad. :'(

    Aww, we can be our own worst enemy sometimes. I know it is hard (I suffer from this myself), but try to be nicer to yourself. Also, if I were asked about you, judging from your comments I would have said compassionate, animal loving and kind.

    I completely agree with this and couldn't have said it better myself. I also want to know what his answer was...

    Well, he knows that I have a lot of self-esteem issues. :) He's done a lot of comforting while I sob and ask why he could love someone so ugly and useless as I am. He said it was sad. :)

    I am glad he is supportive but I have to wonder why your esteem is so low. You seem like a wonderful, kind, smart, loyal and dedicated person. You need to start thinking that way. No one can make you feel inferior or unworthy, only you can let yourself feel that way. And why??? What do you have to prove to anyone? Your life is your own. Be proud of those things you are happy with, celebrate them. And work on those things you want to work on. Be happy.
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    I have been trying to look in the mirror and tell myself I'm beautiful/smart/something else every day. It's very difficult, and I haven't been able to convince myself yet, but I'm hoping that if I continue to tell myself these things I will one day grow to believe them. A goal of mine is to one day become a CONFIDENT person.

    Two positive attributes: I feel I have a great deal of empathy and greatly dislike seeing others in pain, so I assume that must count for something. A second one... I guess I have a pretty creative mind and love writing/drawing/daydreaming.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    @Susieq_1994 , Congratulations on your diploma!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited May 2015
    So my NSV for today. I got stuck waiting for a flight for 3 hours on a delay. Instead of eating crap and drinking like I normally would, I walked the length of terminal c at Newark for nearly 2 hours. Earned the Jamba Juice I ended up getting... And which I only chose to get a small. Which is an NSV in itself.