

  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I started gymnastics classes three weeks ago. I'm a 38 year old male. I now ache all the time! In my smallish town the next oldest gymnastics student is 17.

    That is awesome! I'm a former gymnast, I quit when I was 18 though. Never too old for gymnastics! I can still tumble and such, yay :)

    I wish I was good at Gymnastics, but I can't even do a proper cartwheel:(.

    Don't worry, neither can I. Trying usually ends in disaster. I figure one day when I'm not lugging all this weight around, maybe it will be possible. But as my clumsy is not related to my weight, I doubt it...
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    I tried Thrive a few weeks ago and LOVE IT. I've always thought weight loss products were gimmicky but after trying it and seeing what it's done for me I've finally found one that works! I'm always afraid to tell people though because I feel like they'll judge me!
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I'm so sorry about your friend.

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine what you went through, my heart breaks for you. And I hope your degu gets better.

    @pofoster21 What a heartbreaking story as well. So sorry

    Here's a confession: My husband plays games on his iPad. His newest game is Hay Day where you virtually take care of a farm. He was gone this weekend and I picked up his iPad to look something up and an alert said "your farm animals miss you" I decided I had to look in on them. I am now hooked on Hay Day. I feel ridiculous when I play and super ridiculous admitting it.

    Edited: Because I didn't want to forget anyone

    I'm completely addicted to Hay Day myself. I'm on level 54 now, and I've been playing for almost a year, multiple times daily! ;)

    My husband teases me about it, and whenever I have my face stuck in my tab, he'll go... "Checking on your chickens again, huh?"

    No need to feel ridiculous, it's an awesome stress-reliever since it's so... Brainless? Kind of like coloring for me, both are destressors. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    I want actual chickens, both for the convenience of eggs and because I just think it would be hilarious, but we live in suburban Philadelphia and APPARENTLY that's not acceptable in our township code. Sometimes I think the hubby-to-be is a bit too happy about my lack of chickens.

    We do have resident foxes though, so odds are it wouldn't work out anyway. >:)

    My hubby wants chickens, but we live dead in the city (like, walking distance to downtown) so that's not happening! He keeps saying once we move out to the country he's getting chickens and making a feed plot for deer so he can hunt. The words "We are NOT living on a damned farm!" have left my mouth multiple times. And I mean it! >:)

    When an old upstairs neighbor of mine moved out it was found that he had been keeping chickens. This was in the middle of the city in a teeny-tiny little apartment. He ripped off all the cabinet doors and put chicken wire over the fronts. When he left he just abandoned the chickens.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Accents: in my opinion, small-town Canadians (from anywhere) have a very different accent to city-dwellers and it's very noticeable. I've lived my whole life in urban Alberta and my accent is apparently geographically untraceable (depending on who I'm talking to, I've heard everything from "California" to "oh, were your parents Scandinavian?" to "did you grow up in England?" in my life) but I think there is a very distinct accent for rural Canadians (and, obviously, for French-Canadians and a couple variations for East Coasters too.)

    It's not quite the same was what people think of as a "Canadian accent" (which usually sounds more like Minnesota to me when I hear it played for laughs on TV) but it's definitely a thing.

    If you want to know what a rural Canadian accent sounds like...[/embed]

    I call that one the "Trailer Park Boys accent". Thanks for sharing. :)

    Rural Manitoba is a little more "nasally" sounding to me.

    And I've never said "aboot" for about in my life.

    I always thought it sounded more like "aboat" anyway. ;)

    Being with my Canadian best friend rubbed off on me a lot, she didn't say aboot, but I still -almost 20 years later - catch myself saying "sorey' instead of "sorry".

    Lol, you Americans don't say "sorry", you say "saawh-ry"'s the easiest way I know to identify an American accent quickly ;) Also "lobby" sounds like "laawh-by" to me when Americans say it - it's those "o"s that are the giveaway because they're a lot flatter, closer to an "a" and further away from the almost-long-"o" sound that Canadians usually use for those words. In Vegas last weekend the elevator voice in our hotel made me giggle every time because of the way it pronounced "law-by floor".

    Sorry for the essay on this one, but I find this stuff really interesting, obviously. I'm a singer and I love dissecting phonetics and vowel pronunciations in different languages and accents - I totally get excited over weird dipthongs and stuff, haha.

    I'm going to admit that I really don't get Friends. I watched it when it was first airing and it was mildly amusing, but whenever I see reruns now I'm not at all compelled to keep watching. They really don't seem to have aged that well for me and I just don't find them that funny. Seinfeld, even though it's older, is still more funny to me despite its age.

    I have terrible taste in TV though...I don't really watch many scripted shows at all anymore. I've tried to get into all the big critically-acclaimed dramas like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, True Detective, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, but I always end up losing interest and shutting them off. I think it's because I don't like TV to make me feel terrible, and all those shows are pretty much sad ALL THE TIME. I can handle sad movies and books but not season after season of pain and misery. So I watch, like...shows about puppies on Animal Planet, and the Food Network, and all those terrible bride shows on TLC while I'm cooking dinner or as background when I'm reading a book, and that's sufficiently entertaining, but I almost never just sit down and watch TV without doing something else at the same time.

    Me neither. It always seems a bit laboured to me. Sorry to all those who love it.
    I like comedy that's fast moving and mean. I love stuff like Veep where they're all horrible - probably why I prefer Seinfeld, although the laughter track makes it almost unwatchable. Also, UK Office > US Office.

    I agree with all this. Never liked Friends (sorry guys). Seinfeld drove me nuts with the stupid laugh track.
    And I couldn't watch the US Office after watching the original UK Office. SO MUCH better. Actually a lot of Brit shows are vastly superior to ours. But I like gritty, "real" characters in my TV shows.

    Blasphemy! JK

    I have watched every episode of The Office (US version) but now I really want to watch the UK version. Anyone know if it's on Netflix?

    Yes, both are!
    Be prepared though, the UK version is, umm, grittier.
    ETA: if you like Ricky Gervais, also try Extras. It's in a similar vein - fly on wall style - but lots of MAJOR stars playing themselves but not quite themselves (e.g. Dan Radcliffe as bratty child-star, Orlando Bloom as vain pretty-boy). Some is hide-behind-a-cushion cringe-inducing.

    Extras is hilarious!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    I confess that I watched the sixth season premiere of Pretty Little Liars last night & want to know who the 'supposed' big A is already!

    We're watching it tonight. We buy it on Amazon because we don't have proper cable.

    It was pretty creepy.

    Toby as a cop is freaking hilarious!

    I enjoyed it. It was pretty suspenseful. I wish Caleb would grow his hair out again :). And I still can't get used to Toby as a cop. My almost 50 year old husband is the most addicted, if you can believe that.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Anyone got any good ideas for roasted Yukon gold potatoes? Making burgers and I need something to go with but I don't want anything fried since I only have about 200ish calories left for the day.

    I'm a big fan of olive oil, garlic, rosemary (fresh if you have it - I have a little pot of it that grows year round), salt and pepper on my potatoes. Cube, toss in seasonings, bake, eat. If turning my oven on just for these, I prefer a hotter oven (425-450ish for 20-ish minutes), but if I'm cooking something else that needs to be at a different temp, it's fine, just will take a little longer.

    ETA: Please don't bake them for 200 minutes. That would be a fire hazard.

    Aww, but they'd be all crunchy and everyone knows that charcoal briquettes are really tasty. ;)

  • ksb1908
    ksb1908 Posts: 1 Member
    Kelll12123 wrote: »
    I ate over half a carton of ice cream in one sitting last week

    That's okay. We all slip.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    I am 80 calories over today, but because I did a full real push-up I am pretty pleased with myself. :)
  • smashley_mashley
    smashley_mashley Posts: 589 Member
    edited June 2015
    Finally caught up.

    @Susieq_1994 I could tell from your posts that you have been feeling better and I am happy for you. When was in junior high school and high school, I used to write poetry to help get through my adolescence. After high school I started journaling and found that helpful. Thank you for sharing your poem. It was lovely.

    @Italian_Buju I am sorry you degu is not doing well.

    @Francl27 I would have gone stabby by now

    To all those grieving, my condolences.

    Confession: I am so pissed off with work and very stressed. Monday was my first day back after 2.5 weeks of medical leave only to find out that I was assigned work while I was gone (was given two assignments Thursday last week and I only have 5 business days to action it so it was due today) plus between Monday and today was given another 5 assignments. I am also trying to get back up to speed on the work that I had prior to my leave and am trying to field calls from clients that just want to talk and give me updates as well as listen to the few clients that were mad I left in the first place. Being off work was like a weight being lifted off me and the first day back just made me miserable. Again I am working through lunch and not exercising.

    I also have a case of baby fever. One of my colleagues is having her second and another colleague was showing of his 3 week old daughter. I had wanted to come off the pill after my surgery and then my husband, who is likely opening his own business in a month or so wants to wait (again). He and I both want me to be a SAHM but he doesn't think it is a good idea if he opens a business. We have savings (almost two years worth of my gross salary) but he wants to wait and I feel my clock ticking.

    My TOM came super early (and staying unusually longer) so that could be affecting my emotions. Anywho. Bed time. /end rant

    Edited: spelling
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    400 posts to catch up on! Not a lot of work will be done today ;)
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    Today's confession: As you all might know (due to all the food-related confessions I've been dumping in here...), I've gained quite a bit of weight over my low weight since March. I've gained about 10 kilos, to put a number on it, and I'm just getting back on the wagon. :-/

    So, after two days eating under my goal, here's how today's weigh-in went: I went to pee (of course), then hopped on the scale in my underclothes. I got a 70.0 and I thought to myself, "I am SO CLOSE to breaking into the 60s again!" This in mind, I became a little bit desperate. So, I turned to my husband and said... "You know what? I'm going to try to pee some more."

    He, of course, stared at me like I was crazy. "How in the world do you pee some more?!" I ignored him and went to attempt it, not that it was particularly successful... Is this TMI? ;)

    Afterwards, I stripped down and weighed without my underclothes to get rid of every gram of extra weight that I could possibly shed. The scale was kind and measured me at 69.9. So then I go... "YAY! I BROKE INTO THE SIXTIES AGAIN! BOOYAH!" ;) It counts, right?

    It counts!

    My confessions are:
    1) Flapjacks are my downfall - I can easily scoff down a whole tub (22 pieces) of 'bitesize' flapjacks in one sitting while telling myself that all those oats are good for me. Sometimes they are my entire dinner.
    2) I will happily sit down to watch 'Superfat vs Superskinny' on TV after failing to go to the gym and with a box of chocolates and fully aware of the irony.

    Watch the biggest loser with a tub of Ben n Jerry's ;)

  • eDonatti
    eDonatti Posts: 49 Member
    edited June 2015
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen to that.

    I still watch Friends reruns.

    I drink diet coke every time I crave something sweet - it's better now but I had days I was plugged to the diet coke bottle.

    I lie about how much weight I gained during pregnancy- I say it was more and that I'm trying to go back to my ideal pre-pregnancy weight.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I did go to the gym. Am now home in a foul snappy mood, God knows why.

    Oh and I ate two pop tarts on the way home. When I knew the casserole in the slow cooker would be ready. Go me! /Sarcasm

    Oh dear... TOM? I get rally pissed off at the world the day or so before. I bite everyone's heads off. I used to cry hysterically before. Now I just get in a total rage. I have to step away when I do that. I can hear it on calls and I have even gotten off my horses in the past when I realized I was in a foul mood because of that, as I have ZERO patience. I get over it in a day or so.

    No, I don't have TOM, as I'm on the injection to spare me all the pain and mess, although I wish I had it to blame binges/moods on

    Neither do I. I had a procedure done years ago to eliminate all of that nonsense, but I do still get the mood swings. I ignore them because I refuse to let them control me, but if I really pay attention I could still tell when during the month it should be happening. Just to say, blame the moods anyway!

    Yanno, i have been wondering recently if i still had the hormonal surges that would result in the moods/food cravings and kinda dismissed it as yet another excuse, but as you've said you experience, maybe there is something in it.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    My confessions are:
    1) Flapjacks are my downfall - I can easily scoff down a whole tub (22 pieces) of 'bitesize' flapjacks in one sitting while telling myself that all those oats are good for me. Sometimes they are my entire dinner.
    2) I will happily sit down to watch 'Superfat vs Superskinny' on TV after failing to go to the gym and with a box of chocolates and fully aware of the irony.

    I do the second part of your confession too. I know the week's worth of food in the tube at the beginning is supposed to be off-putting, but more often than not I find myself thinking, 'ooh I'd love a plate of chips right now.'

    I was totally going to mention my latest adventure with chips, until I remembered "chips" would be our "fries", and our chips would be "crisps" (thank you Peppa Pig lmao). Total reading comprehension fail there. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong too lol.) :laugh:

    I'm completely confused because I meant chips as in fries (I'm British). Brain fail.

    That's what I meant lol, I was going to talk about my adventure/fail with chips, until I remembered you were British and "chips" here would be "crisps" to you and "fries" here are "chips" there. My coffee hasn't kicked in yet apparently lol.
    Now I feel like an *kitten* :disappointed:

    The brain fail referred to myself, not you of course! I think we both got lost in translation.

    I think so too lol!

    I really want chips (FRIES!) now...

    with cheese on......
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    edited June 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    This morning I was able to put on a shirt that previously was tight. I was super stoked that it was loose and hung straight down from my chest without clinging to my hips or rear end. Then I became depressed because it seriously occurred to me that I've been trying to look like Sponge Bob square pants and walk like a robot my whole life. My mother told me that only *kitten* showed their hips and my step-father told me that only fat slutty *kitten* wiggled when they walked.

    I don't wear red either. Even though I love red and I look awesome in red. I am pale skinned, with dark hair and green eyes. I look spectacular in red and I can't wear it because only sluts wear red. I am now upset and pissed off because I know even if I were to buy something that clings in red I probably wouldn't be able to wear it out of the house. I'd be afraid everyone was staring at me for the wrong reasons. I feel pathetic. :/

    I'm thinking you should try to get past this with baby steps... a little splash of colour here and there to start, some mildly wiggle-generating mid-height heels... and work your way up.

    My mother held the odd notion that "only widows wear black" but fortunately that didn't get passed on to me and I wear a lot of black. Oh, and when I was a teen somebody told her that only sluts wear big earrings. That was her one and only piece of advice to me upon starting high school. Lol. (I just put them on after I left the house)

    I've never been much for wearing bright colours or fancy patterns since I've always preferred to fade into the background, but I've slowly been adding more vibrant clothes into my wardrobe.

    Yes, that is pretty much what I do. Pretty much all of my clothing is a shade of black or grey with some blue jeans thrown in.

    I was raised the same way. And talk about double messages - this was in a family where I can guarantee that my mother would collapse into hysterics if she thought I might possibly approach a weight over 100 pounds in high school. This stuff is absolutely freaking psychosis-inducing =P

    I can only say that after gradually shedding a lot of the idiocy that had gotten shoved into my poor brain, I finally came around to firmly believing that every woman should own at least one blazing red dress and a good pair of "f*** me" pumps. And then wear 'em for YOURSELF - without regard to anybody else's dumb beliefs or stereotypes.

    Good lord. I'm surprised sometimes that so many of us get through this life to turn out as basically sane, basically decent human beings - we get so much toxic crap thrown at us.

    Amen! And I'm sorry for all the struggles everyone has endured regarding this topic. One correction, though: ONE pair of f*** pumps?! Oh, honey, I have a closet full of them! Worn with my discreet, professional clothes every day I get lots of use out of all of them and they make me feel fabulous!

    I second this! I have a whole collection of beautiful shoes, which, when not on my feet, live in clear plastic boxes, so i can admire them. I have a wall of shoes**. I often wear all black outfits, and set them off with fabulous red shoes (i have about 10 pairs of red ones)

    **i may also have a shoe addiction. Please don't ask about my handbags.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Today's confession: As you all might know (due to all the food-related confessions I've been dumping in here...), I've gained quite a bit of weight over my low weight since March. I've gained about 10 kilos, to put a number on it, and I'm just getting back on the wagon. :-/

    So, after two days eating under my goal, here's how today's weigh-in went: I went to pee (of course), then hopped on the scale in my underclothes. I got a 70.0 and I thought to myself, "I am SO CLOSE to breaking into the 60s again!" This in mind, I became a little bit desperate. So, I turned to my husband and said... "You know what? I'm going to try to pee some more."

    He, of course, stared at me like I was crazy. "How in the world do you pee some more?!" I ignored him and went to attempt it, not that it was particularly successful... Is this TMI? ;)

    Afterwards, I stripped down and weighed without my underclothes to get rid of every gram of extra weight that I could possibly shed. The scale was kind and measured me at 69.9. So then I go... "YAY! I BROKE INTO THE SIXTIES AGAIN! BOOYAH!" ;) It counts, right?

    It 100% does! I weigh myself with nothing but my glasses on and that's just because I can't see the scale without them. :smiley:

    I weigh myself with my glasses off, then step off the scale and put them back on to read it. >:) My scale keeps the reading on the screen for at least five minutes, so I can get away with not wearing my glasses. I'm sure they'd add TONS of weight to the reading, like... 40 whole grams or something! ;)

    Weigh your glasses. Then you can deduct their weight from the final total
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I started gymnastics classes three weeks ago. I'm a 38 year old male. I now ache all the time! In my smallish town the next oldest gymnastics student is 17.

    wow go you! Thats awesome.

    I'd love to trampolining. I went as far as going to the club when there was a session on. Sitting in the waiting area, i got so freaked out by the other people waiting to go in, i faked a phone call and left.

  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    MissLaaber wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    @crosbylee I'm so sorry about your friend.

    @Italian_Buju I can't even imagine what you went through, my heart breaks for you. And I hope your degu gets better.

    @pofoster21 What a heartbreaking story as well. So sorry

    Here's a confession: My husband plays games on his iPad. His newest game is Hay Day where you virtually take care of a farm. He was gone this weekend and I picked up his iPad to look something up and an alert said "your farm animals miss you" I decided I had to look in on them. I am now hooked on Hay Day. I feel ridiculous when I play and super ridiculous admitting it.

    Edited: Because I didn't want to forget anyone

    I'm completely addicted to Hay Day myself. I'm on level 54 now, and I've been playing for almost a year, multiple times daily! ;)

    My husband teases me about it, and whenever I have my face stuck in my tab, he'll go... "Checking on your chickens again, huh?"

    No need to feel ridiculous, it's an awesome stress-reliever since it's so... Brainless? Kind of like coloring for me, both are destressors. At least, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

    Thanks, that makes me feel better! I don't know how long my husband has been playing it but he's on level 20 or 21. I checked on it this morning and almost didn't get my workout in, smh. But the good news is, I'm not mindless eating after I put my daughter to bed, I'm harvesting my crops. Still..smh

    When I wake up to pray my first prayer of the day (at dawn) I tend to pick up my phone and start playing it after I pray, instead of going back to sleep. Next thing I know, the sun is up and it's time to get up, but I want to sleep more after losing two solid hours (that I could have spent sleeping) playing the game and then checking this thread! :o

    For Curiosity's sake I must know when are the prayers times?

    They follow the sun. For clarity, I'll give you their names first: Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha. :)

    In the winter, I can expect Fajr to be around 5:30 AM. Currently, it's at 3:15 AM. Fajr is the prayer that's called when the first thread of light rises over the horizon and the sky begins to lighten, and the prayer time ends as soon as the sun begins to rise.

    Dhuhr is the noon prayer, which is prayed right after the sun has reached its zenith, or its highest peak in the sky. The time for Dhuhr ends when the time for Asr begins. Dhuhr is around 11:30 AM right now.

    Asr time begins when the sun is at a certain position in the sky (not too sure how to explain it), and can basically be measured by the time of day when the length of the shadow of a given object is equal to the length of the object itself. Asr time ends when the sun begins to turn orange-ish, but before it starts to set. At the moment, Asr prayers begin around 3:10 PM.

    Maghrib time begins as soon as the sun has set completely, but the afterglow is still visible. Maghrib time ends when the afterglow is completely gone, which is when the Isha prayer begins. Maghrib currently falls at 6:30 PM in Saudi Arabia.

    Isha prayer lasts until the midway point between dusk and dawn, so currently at 10:45 PM. :)

    Thank you for explaining! I've always wondered but never knew how to properly bring it up without being offensive, errr if I offended you. SORRY! :)

    Don't apologize! The reason so many people know so little about Islam is because they're so afraid of offending Muslims by asking. :o You're welcome to ask anything that you'd like to know, and I'm always glad to share information. The more we know about each other's cultures, religions, and customs, the less hate there would be between us all, don't you agree? :)

    I agree whole heartedly! I'm always curious about world religions, I grew up Roman Catholic so our traditions are pretty basic in my opinion haha.
    I feel like part of the problem is this whole fear mongering situation with ISIS etc BUT I won't open that can of worms :)
    I get so mad when it comes to ISIS and their un-Islamic, evil, twisted form of ruling. They're what the world immediately thinks of when the word "Muslim" comes up nowadays AND I HATE THAT SO MUCH. :'( And I have to admit that I bear a hefty amount of resentment towards the Saudi government for the same reason... All idiots, and all representing the millions and millions of Muslims worldwide. Just so.. UGH. -_-
    It's the vocal minority rearing its ugly head and ruining the majority's perception. :/

    So true. :-/ It's one of the main reasons that I always try to answer questions anyone might ask. Maybe they'll come away with even a slightly different view of Islam and Muslims from my answer. :)

    I think you give a great impression of Islam and muslims. Thank you for your explanations of prayer times. I had wondered too.
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I've gained a ton of weight lately. Now, when I work out, my thighs jiggle and rub causing me to sweat a lot in places I'd rather not. Anyhow, it's not a pleasant feeling, nor a pleasant smell. Kinda like I need deodorant for my upper, inner thighs? This is gross, but you can't judge!

    They make a runner's gel (cannot remember for the life of me what it's called) that helps with the chafing and the smell.

    Thank you!! I did not know, but I will look it up right now. Thanks again!!

    Failing that, intimate lubricants, such as KY jelly will do the job