

  • qn4bx9pzg8aifd
    qn4bx9pzg8aifd Posts: 258 Member
    I find bees so cute. Bumble bees are fuzzy and nice and love flowers :blush: One got on my dad's hamburger when we were eating outside once, and he didn't notice until he was already chewing it :( He commented on some ''weird fuzzy thing'' on his burger and then he realized he was eating a bee. It didn't even sting him or anything, but sadly he ended up in my dad's stomach. Wasps and yellow jackets, though... I hate them.

    I don't believe I've ever before encountered the words "I", "find", "bees", "so", and "cute" 'hanging out together', in one sentence, let alone ('defiantly' ;) ) 'standing on their own', and proclaiming to the world (and in all the buzz-worthy glory they can muster) a heretofore ne'er before pondered possibility...!

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    edited June 2015
    I don't think I have trypophobia. I also see bad photoshops. Some pictures are mildly freaky to me, and I don't particularly LIKE looking at them, but I don't get a strong reaction.

    On another note, I saw a girl in a BEAUTIFUL dress earlier today. I kept staring at it and wanting it. I just tried to look up ''blue dress with sailboats'' and am not getting the results I was looking for :( So long, beautiful blue dress.
    I find bees so cute. Bumble bees are fuzzy and nice and love flowers :blush: One got on my dad's hamburger when we were eating outside once, and he didn't notice until he was already chewing it :( He commented on some ''weird fuzzy thing'' on his burger and then he realized he was eating a bee. It didn't even sting him or anything, but sadly he ended up in my dad's stomach. Wasps and yellow jackets, though... I hate them.

    I don't believe I've ever before encountered the words "I", "find", "bees", "so", and "cute" 'hanging out together', in one sentence, let alone ('defiantly' ;) ) 'standing on their own', and proclaiming to the world (and in all the buzz-worthy glory they can muster) a heretofore ne'er before pondered possibility...!

    Hahaha! They're kind of fuzzy and are always hanging around flowers. Plus they love bright colors and produce honey! :tongue: Come on, admit it: they're pretty cute :tongue:

  • shausfeld
    shausfeld Posts: 2 Member
    franksl87e wrote: »
    I keep changing my weekly goals (first week!) from 2lb to 1.5lb depending on what I know I still want to eat that day!!

    I did that too. Changed my 2 lb a week goal to 1 lb. Lol
  • npcg
    npcg Posts: 6 Member
    I was going really well with my healthy eating last week....then my friends brought home maccas for dinner :neutral:
  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member

    Look at this guy snuffling into a flower. One of the only bugs I will ever call ''cute.''
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member

    Look at this guy snuffling into a flower. One of the only bugs I will ever call ''cute.''
    Totally agree. I watched two huge bumblebees for ages last summer, tearing apart my delphiniums to get inside them for the nectar. Made a mess of my flowers, but they were so noisy and pretty and busy!
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Today is my anniversary and I confess that I am sad that this means I won't be able to go on my weekly bike ride with my girls bike group.

    My husband is the best about anniversaries, birthdays, etc. Last year, he had the high school art teacher help him make me a soup bowl. It says "Soup for my Soulmate". I love it! I tell myself every year I'm going to start shopping early and find him the perfect gift. It never happens. I ended up buying him a ceramic statue at the garden center. He deserves so much better!
    Awwe, that's so sweet. Yours sounds like a great gift too.
    My husband has got better at gifts over the years, but I have had some real doozies (set of home phones for my 40th, for example :| ). I've got much better at saying "For my birthday, if you'd like to get me a present, I'd really love X". Or I tell my daughter. She's very good at relaying 'hints' and he's relieved because he can get something he knows I'll like.

    My husband is amazing at picking gifts for me. I, on the other hand, am the worst gift giver on the planet. Seriously. I always default to perfume because I just can't think of anything else... Even if I know the person really well! :-/ I'm just really, really bad at it. :(

    confession: i am awesome at gift giving. i'm the crazy type that remembers six months ago you said you really wanted something, but could never justify getting it for whatever reason. i'd bust my *kitten* to make sure the gift i gave, meant something to the person, fit who they are, or allowed them to indulge when they themselves never would/could. i rock the giving of gifts.

    actual confession: it took a really long time, and a lot of secret hidden internal disappointment, to realize no one ever puts in that type of effort for me. ever. (nobody cares, boo hoo, i know. yay personal pity party) but it actually really hurts, when you really dig deep and think about it.

    so i quit. i quit making little notes to remember things about people, i quit spending hours on the net to find the out of print japan only release of an album that someone just would "die" to have but could never find it. no more care packages to people far away. i stopped picking up things here and there all year round because i knew it was just PERFECT for someone. i just quit.

    and it's difficult sometimes. i'll see something and be like OH! PERFECT! but then i stop myself and just keep moving. and it's really lame that something like this is making me tear up while i'm at work, so i shall stop whining now before it really opens the floodgates.

    I'm sorry you've gone through all of that. Ever thought of putting those awesome skills to use, though? You could become a personal shopper or consultant. People can contact you about whom they are shopping for, what their tastes are, their collections, etc. I think you'd be great at it!

    you are seriously awesome, thank you :)

    Well, that truly is a talent! I mean, for some of us, here we are, married to someone for years, whom we spend oodles of time with and yet when it comes to gift giving my first thought is, "Ummm....". Blank. Over think it. Waste too much time. End up with something boring.

    My husband and I have pretty much stopped giving each other gifts. We have everything we need. Although this past Valentine's Day he surprised me with a Bose sound system for my iPhone. I got him a card. Ugh. Thankfully I saw it before he came home so I sprinted off to the liquor store to buy him a bottle of Patron. Not equal to a Bose, but it sufficed.

    We've been married 15yrs next week and I can. guarantee there will be no gifts exchanged. Christmas and such have devolved into making sure the kids pick gifts for the opposite partner, but other than that... eh. I'm not into jewelry, flowers, perfume or any stereotypical girly stuff. I literally wear only my engagement and wedding rings, which are very understated and "me". We're not even card people, heh.

    i absolutely detest flowers.
    most ppl who know me, know this.
    of course, last year for admin day my boss gave me a bouquet of flowers. in my head (which of course i couldn't say out loud) all i could think was, after five years, You Don't Know Me At All!!! lol
    I had a boss who gave all four of us underlings champagne for Christmas once. Three of us were pregnant. Yeah, he put a lot of thought into that.
    Why don't you like flowers? Is it just cut flowers? If so, I kind of agree, because it does seem wasteful, even though I love them. I never get given them because my husband has hay fever.

    I love flowers too. I'm so sorry your husband has hay fever and can't surprise you with them.

    Mine did tonight, although it is my birthday tomorrow.

    Wow, my birthday is tomorrow, too. Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday to you too!!
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(

    Call me jaded, but that was my first thought too.
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.

    I have no problem with the existence of this thread. I just stand by the belief that suggested reading (ie, stickies), should be educational and pertain to the topic of the forum. As far as fun items to give people a reason to return to the site, that's what Chit Chat is for. But that's just me, don't let me rain on your parade. Obviously this thread is popular, just not informative.

    "Informative" is a matter of opinion. I, for one, feel VERY "informed" when Pancake announces that he has to pee or we get health updates on various pets.

    I now know 100% more about the Muslim religion than I knew a week ago. And this is a good thing.

    I've learned a bunch of terms for unusual phobias.

    I know how many more exotic varieties of Pop Tarts and peanut butter and breakfast cereal exist in countries other than Canada.

    Knowledge is good. :)

    Sure, informative is a matter of opinion. And I also agree that knowledge is good, I seek out lots of it! I simply fail to see the value of directing members, often times who are new, who are seeking information and knowledge about General Diet and Weight Loss (the purpose of this particular sub-forum) to this particular thread. And thank you for making my point with examples of non-diet/weight loss things your learned from this thread.

    It was tongue in cheek, as I'm sure you realized. Although I do think Pop Tarts and peanut butter and cereal fall into the diet category.

    There have been hundreds of diet/fitness/weight loss questions and tips posted throughout this thread, you just have to wade through 783 pages to find them. Several of us have learned a rather effective upper body workout right here.

    A few effective tips, among 783 pages, warranting a status of a helpful thread. Got it.

    For the sake of ceasing to derail the purpose of THIS particular thread. I confess to having 3 IPAs last night, BEFORE hitting the weights.

    Well, hello, Snarkmeister...

    Listen, we aren't suddenly convening before some sort of MFP Supreme Court (and you aren't some sort of Chief Judge (though you do appear to be embracing a role akin to that of a Prosecuting Attorney)), and we don't suddenly need to justify the actions of someone (let alone, someone who has nothing to do with this thread!) doing something we never requested in the first place (and, frankly, involves a reality some of us don't *want*) -- and so we shouldn't be expected to have you or anyone else 'set up kleig lights', and expect us to 'subject ourselves to interrogation' (as though you were some sort of self-appointed attorney, judge, and jury... or some such entity hellbent on seeing a perceived form of 'justice' done)...

    If you don't want to participate in the thread, then please, by all means, move on...! -- that is, unless you need to rant about something (other than 'this', or 'us', that is), in which case you are welcome to rant away...!

    The world has enough people p*ssing on others -- there's no need to add to *that* 'status quo' (which, not-so-ironically, is part of what this thread is about -- assisting, being helpful, not judging, etc.)...

    (...and yeah, my not sprinkling your sudden sarcasm-laced insults with 'rose petals' is not exactly representative of 'this thread'... however, it is a rare thing for rudeness to 'swoop in' on this thread... and I can't stand behavior that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker -- Mean People Suck...)

    Hi there aggressive one! I have no desire to see this thread removed, pretty sure I made that clear. But I stand by what I believe to be a valid point regarding MFP choosing this as a helpful thread within the context of the sub forum in which it exists. Not attacking the participants of this thread, not the purpose of this thread, simply stating that it's purpose isn't necessarily on point with the purpose of why a thread should be a sticky. Sorry you have such a personal attachment and felt offended as a result, but I prefer logic over emotion.

    she's not agressive, she's being honest.
    if you're struggling so much with the purpose of this thread, and can't see how it might help newbies who are normally ripped apart for the most simplest of questions elsewhere, that's on you, not us.

    There's no struggle, the purpose of this thread is not currently related to General Diet and Weight Loss. Again, I have not said it serves no purpose, it just doesn't serve the purpose of this sub forum to the point of being a sticky. New members should have a central location, supported by MFP, to find valuable info to assist them in gaining the knowledge requires to successfully navigate through the contention that occurs in the forums. There are no questions in here that are being clarified, so I don't follow your argument of it being a safe haven for newbies. Is this designed to educate? I don't see it if it is. If you have a rational argument as to what this brings to newbies as far as helping them reach their fitness or weight goals, I'm all ears, but don't chastise me for making a valid comment that none have been able to debate within the context of my point.

    Emotional health, one of the things this thread strongly supports, is a component of overall wellbeing. Many of the people who join here used food to cope with emotional distress. A holistic approach to lifestyle change may have greater benefit for some members, more so than a simple mathematical "calories in, calories out" approach.

    It has helped to normalize behaviours that many posters in here thought were weird, many of which involved food.

    A feeling of being welcome and part of a "community" (another characteristic of this thread) is likely to enhance compliance with the MFP tool. In contrast, some of the other threads in here could well put someone off right at the start. Not everyone arrives at MFP with a thick skin. Not everyone arrives fully committed to change. Some are at an exploratory stage.

    Just off the top of my head...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm always checking Petfinder, even though I can't really have another pet right now (our dog hates dogs, and my cat still goes outside and I want our next cats to be indoor).

    I do that too, and a few other sites. We are in no position to get a dog right now because our schedules are so screwy. Hopefully in the next year or so, but then we have to have the knock down drag out fight over what kind to get. I really want a bulldog, he wants something smaller. My back up plan is a pug.
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:

    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.

    my husband hates bees & wasps too. One time we were stopped in traffic in a construction zone and a wasp flew into the car. He screamed like a girl jumped out and ran around the car. Nothing is as funny as seeing a grown 7'2' dude run around a car in traffic because of a flying insect (I was mildly embarrassed because everyone was looking at us but it was still funny)
    Omg! Lol :laugh:

    Look at this guy snuffling into a flower. One of the only bugs I will ever call ''cute.''

    That is cute! I don't mind bees so much, it's hubby that has the "beef" lol. On that note, my kid has begun to act like him. We have I'm guessing one of the last remaining McDonald's with a play place in it, and she insists we eat there. They leave the windows open, I mean it's SC it can get as hot as the devil's asscrack, so inevitably flies and other flying things wander in and out. Holy hell, the meltdowns! :unamused:
  • raelynnsmama52512
    raelynnsmama52512 Posts: 1,184 Member
    ^total grammar fail
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @KylerJaye they're adorable... I have to ask... does Plankton ever look happy?

    lol awww! and no, he really doesn't!
    on the extremely (like seriously once a year) occasion that he's running around with his tongue out panting, we're like OMG! look! plankton's being a real dog!!

    he's my grumpy soul mate

    I thought maybe he just disliked being photographed and that was his camera face. Good thing I don't have a dog like that or I'd spend all my time shovelling treats and toys at him, thinking I needed to cheer him up. Smart tactic, Plankton!

    oh, i tried! treats and toys, anything he wanted!
    it wasn't until i got wolverine that i fully realized his "I AM YOUR ONLY DOG" complex. he constantly steals wolvie's treats and i feel terrible because he's gained an extra pound or two and nothing i do seems to make it better. i restricted treats so he can't gorge himself, so then instead he just inhales the regular food.
    i will get him back to his sleek sexy self so help me god! LOL

  • FluffySandwich
    FluffySandwich Posts: 1,293 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    IamMicah wrote: »
    "Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ME TOO! I'm desperate for some. Also I want a beehive. The latter is allowed where we are, but we don't have a very big yard and I don't think our neighbours would like it much. I also want goats.

    We keep bees on our property and it's pretty awesome. We had a nice honey harvest last year with 4 hives, so we expanded to 8 this year. They're all pretty active; so far, so good!

    I would love to have goats! And chickens!
    I have 4 hives and a Nuc Split this year... My plan was to get a single hive. Now Im collecting swarms and doing a trapout on a friends home. Sadly Ive become more addicted to their incredible beehavior and fascinating daily activities.

    How could one not?! -- they're incredible! :)
    Indeed. Even my wasp-phobic daughter is learning to love bees.
    ETA: 'Git' is kind of English for 'jerk'.
    The wasps around my area are a lot more chill than the carpenter bees to be honest.

    Plus, fig wasps are the only fig pollinators out there. That alone is enough to for wasps to be alright in my book. :wink:

    Twist of irony, hubby works in pest control, can handle just about every type of insect/spider and rodent. He's absolutely terrified of flying bugs (bees, flies, etc), and this is busy season for "bee jobs" and the like. It's absolutely hilarious to see this grown man running around and shrieking at a fly or bee. :laugh:
    To add, he finds it funny too, and laughs at it as well. Just so I'm not sounding like an *kitten* wife lol.

    my husband hates bees & wasps too. One time we were stopped in traffic in a construction zone and a wasp flew into the car. He screamed like a girl jumped out and ran around the car. Nothing is as funny as seeing a grown 7'2' dude run around a car in traffic because of a flying insect (I was mildly embarrassed because everyone was looking at us but it was still funny)
    Omg! Lol :laugh:

    Look at this guy snuffling into a flower. One of the only bugs I will ever call ''cute.''

    That is cute! I don't mind bees so much, it's hubby that has the "beef" lol. On that note, my kid has begun to act like him. We have I'm guessing one of the last remaining McDonald's with a play place in it, and she insists we eat there. They leave the windows open, I mean it's SC it can get as hot as the devil's asscrack, so inevitably flies and other flying things wander in and out. Holy hell, the meltdowns! :unamused:
    ''Beef'' got me. :lol: I'm from SC, too! I think our parents greatly influence what we grow up to be scared of. My mom has a horrible spider phobia and all of us (except my sister, who thinks SPIDERS are cute.... WHAT?) inherited this, probably from watching her react to them. Then again, who isn't scared of spiders? :neutral:
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    It's been the most traumatic day. I've mentioned here before about being a full time carer for my Grandma who suffers with dementia.

    Today she had a bad fall from the top to the very bottom of the stairs. She hit her head and has suffered bruising and bleeding to the brain and fractured her skull in two places along with breaking her elbow. The Doctors say there's nothing they can do but to wait it out and see if the bruising on her brain heals itself within the next 48-72 hours and her condition is going to get worse before/if it gets better. If it does heal itself they don't know what her level of function will be after.

    I'm sick with worry and there's nothing I can do. It was 12 hours in hospital before she got seen by a specialist after lying there drowsy with a confirmed bleed on the brain!

    I can't help thinking somehow that this is my fault and I should have been watching her (I was in my bedroom getting dressed) even though she is always steady on her feet and hasn't had a problem with stairs at least recently anyway. If she doesn't recover from this I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.

    Unless you're from Krypton and have a new tv show coming out soon, this cannot be your fault, because you aren't full of super powers and capable of being everywhere at once. Something like that could've happened even if you were there, and it still wouldn't be your fault.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(

    Call me jaded, but that was my first thought too.
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.

    I have no problem with the existence of this thread. I just stand by the belief that suggested reading (ie, stickies), should be educational and pertain to the topic of the forum. As far as fun items to give people a reason to return to the site, that's what Chit Chat is for. But that's just me, don't let me rain on your parade. Obviously this thread is popular, just not informative.

    "Informative" is a matter of opinion. I, for one, feel VERY "informed" when Pancake announces that he has to pee or we get health updates on various pets.

    I now know 100% more about the Muslim religion than I knew a week ago. And this is a good thing.

    I've learned a bunch of terms for unusual phobias.

    I know how many more exotic varieties of Pop Tarts and peanut butter and breakfast cereal exist in countries other than Canada.

    Knowledge is good. :)

    Sure, informative is a matter of opinion. And I also agree that knowledge is good, I seek out lots of it! I simply fail to see the value of directing members, often times who are new, who are seeking information and knowledge about General Diet and Weight Loss (the purpose of this particular sub-forum) to this particular thread. And thank you for making my point with examples of non-diet/weight loss things your learned from this thread.

    It was tongue in cheek, as I'm sure you realized. Although I do think Pop Tarts and peanut butter and cereal fall into the diet category.

    There have been hundreds of diet/fitness/weight loss questions and tips posted throughout this thread, you just have to wade through 783 pages to find them. Several of us have learned a rather effective upper body workout right here.

    A few effective tips, among 783 pages, warranting a status of a helpful thread. Got it.

    For the sake of ceasing to derail the purpose of THIS particular thread. I confess to having 3 IPAs last night, BEFORE hitting the weights.

    Well, hello, Snarkmeister...

    Listen, we aren't suddenly convening before some sort of MFP Supreme Court (and you aren't some sort of Chief Judge (though you do appear to be embracing a role akin to that of a Prosecuting Attorney)), and we don't suddenly need to justify the actions of someone (let alone, someone who has nothing to do with this thread!) doing something we never requested in the first place (and, frankly, involves a reality some of us don't *want*) -- and so we shouldn't be expected to have you or anyone else 'set up kleig lights', and expect us to 'subject ourselves to interrogation' (as though you were some sort of self-appointed attorney, judge, and jury... or some such entity hellbent on seeing a perceived form of 'justice' done)...

    If you don't want to participate in the thread, then please, by all means, move on...! -- that is, unless you need to rant about something (other than 'this', or 'us', that is), in which case you are welcome to rant away...!

    The world has enough people p*ssing on others -- there's no need to add to *that* 'status quo' (which, not-so-ironically, is part of what this thread is about -- assisting, being helpful, not judging, etc.)...

    (...and yeah, my not sprinkling your sudden sarcasm-laced insults with 'rose petals' is not exactly representative of 'this thread'... however, it is a rare thing for rudeness to 'swoop in' on this thread... and I can't stand behavior that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker -- Mean People Suck...)

    Hi there aggressive one! I have no desire to see this thread removed, pretty sure I made that clear. But I stand by what I believe to be a valid point regarding MFP choosing this as a helpful thread within the context of the sub forum in which it exists. Not attacking the participants of this thread, not the purpose of this thread, simply stating that it's purpose isn't necessarily on point with the purpose of why a thread should be a sticky. Sorry you have such a personal attachment and felt offended as a result, but I prefer logic over emotion.

    she's not agressive, she's being honest.
    if you're struggling so much with the purpose of this thread, and can't see how it might help newbies who are normally ripped apart for the most simplest of questions elsewhere, that's on you, not us.

    There's no struggle, the purpose of this thread is not currently related to General Diet and Weight Loss. Again, I have not said it serves no purpose, it just doesn't serve the purpose of this sub forum to the point of being a sticky. New members should have a central location, supported by MFP, to find valuable info to assist them in gaining the knowledge requires to successfully navigate through the contention that occurs in the forums. There are no questions in here that are being clarified, so I don't follow your argument of it being a safe haven for newbies. Is this designed to educate? I don't see it if it is. If you have a rational argument as to what this brings to newbies as far as helping them reach their fitness or weight goals, I'm all ears, but don't chastise me for making a valid comment that none have been able to debate within the context of my point.

    Off the top of my head from just the past few weeks:
    Binge eating related to stress, hormonal issues, depression, and death in the family
    Overeating due to travel for work or vacation
    Undereating due to underlying disordered behavior
    Dealing with a family member who potentially has an eating disorder
    How to handle food situations when you have out of town guests
    Unlogged food, the potential psychological impact, and whether or not it's better to log it or ignore it
    Workout schedule interruptions due to illness or injury
    Advice for starting new workout routines or expanding existing ones
    Recommendations comparing and contrasting different lifting programs
    How to deal with alcohol in relation to eating and overeating
    How to deal with alcohol addiction and its impact on health and weight

    Exactly which of these is not relative to General Diet and Weight Loss?
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @KylerJaye they're adorable... I have to ask... does Plankton ever look happy?

    lol awww! and no, he really doesn't!
    on the extremely (like seriously once a year) occasion that he's running around with his tongue out panting, we're like OMG! look! plankton's being a real dog!!

    he's my grumpy soul mate

    I thought maybe he just disliked being photographed and that was his camera face. Good thing I don't have a dog like that or I'd spend all my time shovelling treats and toys at him, thinking I needed to cheer him up. Smart tactic, Plankton!
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I may start a thread and call it "If you're starving just google image 'trypophobia' - appetite gone!"

    I know what I'll look at from now on if I get hungry! Phew that was nasty.
    I'm not going to. You can't make me.

    omg WTF?!?!! i google imaged that! WHY?! omg why?!?!!?
    at first when i read "things with tiny holes" i was like oh, how strange, thinking of like clothes with button holes and perforated paper.
    O M G
    yeah i'm TERRIFIED of that too! you're not weird at all! that is freakish!
    i had to close the tab, omg that was traumatizing....i need a beer...

    I almost want to look. But the reactions have been unanimous so I think I'll spare myself.

    The first thing I thought of with tiny holes was a colander. Specifically, The World's Most Useless Colander, which I happen to own and it's only good for draining something really fine because it has TINY HOLES. (My SO insists on using it to drain pasta, which is incredibly ineffective, and I hate watery pasta but I can't seem to steer him toward one of the other two perfectly normal colanders. Sigh.) Anyway, the colander is annoying but not exactly horrifying or freakish so I assume no one is googling pictures of my colander.

    No it's organic things. Like lotus pods. Tiny bubbles all together. Stuff like that.

    Or if you've had a pilleated woodpecker have a go at a tree.
    Ok, I had to Google. I obviously don't have it - all I see is bad photoshop jobs.

    Nice. So this is turning into one of those "do you see the old woman or the young woman?" "do you see a blue dress or a gold dress?" things. And it means I may end up looking just to see which camp I'm in.

    Except I don't sleep that great as it is and I don't want to risk a night of insomnia, just in case.

    @ythannah, look at this picture. It's a benign image, not a gory shock-value photoshopped image.

    If you truly have it, looking at that flower will make you feel uncomfortable. If you don't have it, it won't bother you. There's a thing where people photoshop that texture onto skin and make creepy horror pictures, and those get really disgusting, but being disgusted by them isn't a sign of trypophobia, that's just a sign of being disgusted by gross photoshopped picture.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    It's been the most traumatic day. I've mentioned here before about being a full time carer for my Grandma who suffers with dementia.

    Today she had a bad fall from the top to the very bottom of the stairs. She hit her head and has suffered bruising and bleeding to the brain and fractured her skull in two places along with breaking her elbow. The Doctors say there's nothing they can do but to wait it out and see if the bruising on her brain heals itself within the next 48-72 hours and her condition is going to get worse before/if it gets better. If it does heal itself they don't know what her level of function will be after.

    I'm sick with worry and there's nothing I can do. It was 12 hours in hospital before she got seen by a specialist after lying there drowsy with a confirmed bleed on the brain!

    I can't help thinking somehow that this is my fault and I should have been watching her (I was in my bedroom getting dressed) even though she is always steady on her feet and hasn't had a problem with stairs at least recently anyway. If she doesn't recover from this I don't think I'll be able to forgive myself.

    Unless you're from Krypton and have a new tv show coming out soon, this cannot be your fault, because you aren't full of super powers and capable of being everywhere at once. Something like that could've happened even if you were there, and it still wouldn't be your fault.

    I am so sorry this happened but I agree with JPW1990 on this. There is no way you could have foreseen this and therefore prevented it. So don't blame yourself! I hope your grandma gets better!
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(

    Call me jaded, but that was my first thought too.
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.

    I have no problem with the existence of this thread. I just stand by the belief that suggested reading (ie, stickies), should be educational and pertain to the topic of the forum. As far as fun items to give people a reason to return to the site, that's what Chit Chat is for. But that's just me, don't let me rain on your parade. Obviously this thread is popular, just not informative.

    "Informative" is a matter of opinion. I, for one, feel VERY "informed" when Pancake announces that he has to pee or we get health updates on various pets.

    I now know 100% more about the Muslim religion than I knew a week ago. And this is a good thing.

    I've learned a bunch of terms for unusual phobias.

    I know how many more exotic varieties of Pop Tarts and peanut butter and breakfast cereal exist in countries other than Canada.

    Knowledge is good. :)

    Sure, informative is a matter of opinion. And I also agree that knowledge is good, I seek out lots of it! I simply fail to see the value of directing members, often times who are new, who are seeking information and knowledge about General Diet and Weight Loss (the purpose of this particular sub-forum) to this particular thread. And thank you for making my point with examples of non-diet/weight loss things your learned from this thread.

    It was tongue in cheek, as I'm sure you realized. Although I do think Pop Tarts and peanut butter and cereal fall into the diet category.

    There have been hundreds of diet/fitness/weight loss questions and tips posted throughout this thread, you just have to wade through 783 pages to find them. Several of us have learned a rather effective upper body workout right here.

    A few effective tips, among 783 pages, warranting a status of a helpful thread. Got it.

    For the sake of ceasing to derail the purpose of THIS particular thread. I confess to having 3 IPAs last night, BEFORE hitting the weights.

    Well, hello, Snarkmeister...

    Listen, we aren't suddenly convening before some sort of MFP Supreme Court (and you aren't some sort of Chief Judge (though you do appear to be embracing a role akin to that of a Prosecuting Attorney)), and we don't suddenly need to justify the actions of someone (let alone, someone who has nothing to do with this thread!) doing something we never requested in the first place (and, frankly, involves a reality some of us don't *want*) -- and so we shouldn't be expected to have you or anyone else 'set up kleig lights', and expect us to 'subject ourselves to interrogation' (as though you were some sort of self-appointed attorney, judge, and jury... or some such entity hellbent on seeing a perceived form of 'justice' done)...

    If you don't want to participate in the thread, then please, by all means, move on...! -- that is, unless you need to rant about something (other than 'this', or 'us', that is), in which case you are welcome to rant away...!

    The world has enough people p*ssing on others -- there's no need to add to *that* 'status quo' (which, not-so-ironically, is part of what this thread is about -- assisting, being helpful, not judging, etc.)...

    (...and yeah, my not sprinkling your sudden sarcasm-laced insults with 'rose petals' is not exactly representative of 'this thread'... however, it is a rare thing for rudeness to 'swoop in' on this thread... and I can't stand behavior that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker -- Mean People Suck...)

    Hi there aggressive one! I have no desire to see this thread removed, pretty sure I made that clear. But I stand by what I believe to be a valid point regarding MFP choosing this as a helpful thread within the context of the sub forum in which it exists. Not attacking the participants of this thread, not the purpose of this thread, simply stating that it's purpose isn't necessarily on point with the purpose of why a thread should be a sticky. Sorry you have such a personal attachment and felt offended as a result, but I prefer logic over emotion.

    she's not agressive, she's being honest.
    if you're struggling so much with the purpose of this thread, and can't see how it might help newbies who are normally ripped apart for the most simplest of questions elsewhere, that's on you, not us.

    There's no struggle, the purpose of this thread is not currently related to General Diet and Weight Loss. Again, I have not said it serves no purpose, it just doesn't serve the purpose of this sub forum to the point of being a sticky. New members should have a central location, supported by MFP, to find valuable info to assist them in gaining the knowledge requires to successfully navigate through the contention that occurs in the forums. There are no questions in here that are being clarified, so I don't follow your argument of it being a safe haven for newbies. Is this designed to educate? I don't see it if it is. If you have a rational argument as to what this brings to newbies as far as helping them reach their fitness or weight goals, I'm all ears, but don't chastise me for making a valid comment that none have been able to debate within the context of my point.

    How to deal with alcohol in relation to eating and overeating
    How to deal with alcohol addiction and its impact on health and weight

    ok, so speaking of which, my totally honest check-in...
    my original goal was monday through thursday sober.
    i didn't make it for the four full days. but i did make it for three.
    and given that prior to this my last sober day was 29 days ago, i'm ok with where i'm at.
    i'll start again monday and try to get to thursday. it's a constant work in progress.
    but i'll keep trying...
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: Honestly, I'm not happy with the thread being stickied. We'll very likely get an influx of sarcastic, unkind, or snarky people ruining our nice thread mojo. *sniffle* :'(

    Call me jaded, but that was my first thought too.
    mantium999 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    What value does this thread bring to General Diet and Weight Loss Help that warrants a sticky status? If page count is a factor, there are plenty of "who wants to see who naked" discussions in Chit Chat that are probably more worthy than this.
    Ok, serious answer, after thinking about it a little. Honestly, I believe this thread alone has kept a bunch of us here on MFP - people who may have wandered off, lost their motivation, felt intimidated to ask questions, or unsupported elsewhere. If one person improves their health and wellness by being part of this thread, then, yes, it warrants sticky status.

    I have no problem with the existence of this thread. I just stand by the belief that suggested reading (ie, stickies), should be educational and pertain to the topic of the forum. As far as fun items to give people a reason to return to the site, that's what Chit Chat is for. But that's just me, don't let me rain on your parade. Obviously this thread is popular, just not informative.

    "Informative" is a matter of opinion. I, for one, feel VERY "informed" when Pancake announces that he has to pee or we get health updates on various pets.

    I now know 100% more about the Muslim religion than I knew a week ago. And this is a good thing.

    I've learned a bunch of terms for unusual phobias.

    I know how many more exotic varieties of Pop Tarts and peanut butter and breakfast cereal exist in countries other than Canada.

    Knowledge is good. :)

    Sure, informative is a matter of opinion. And I also agree that knowledge is good, I seek out lots of it! I simply fail to see the value of directing members, often times who are new, who are seeking information and knowledge about General Diet and Weight Loss (the purpose of this particular sub-forum) to this particular thread. And thank you for making my point with examples of non-diet/weight loss things your learned from this thread.

    It was tongue in cheek, as I'm sure you realized. Although I do think Pop Tarts and peanut butter and cereal fall into the diet category.

    There have been hundreds of diet/fitness/weight loss questions and tips posted throughout this thread, you just have to wade through 783 pages to find them. Several of us have learned a rather effective upper body workout right here.

    A few effective tips, among 783 pages, warranting a status of a helpful thread. Got it.

    For the sake of ceasing to derail the purpose of THIS particular thread. I confess to having 3 IPAs last night, BEFORE hitting the weights.

    Well, hello, Snarkmeister...

    Listen, we aren't suddenly convening before some sort of MFP Supreme Court (and you aren't some sort of Chief Judge (though you do appear to be embracing a role akin to that of a Prosecuting Attorney)), and we don't suddenly need to justify the actions of someone (let alone, someone who has nothing to do with this thread!) doing something we never requested in the first place (and, frankly, involves a reality some of us don't *want*) -- and so we shouldn't be expected to have you or anyone else 'set up kleig lights', and expect us to 'subject ourselves to interrogation' (as though you were some sort of self-appointed attorney, judge, and jury... or some such entity hellbent on seeing a perceived form of 'justice' done)...

    If you don't want to participate in the thread, then please, by all means, move on...! -- that is, unless you need to rant about something (other than 'this', or 'us', that is), in which case you are welcome to rant away...!

    The world has enough people p*ssing on others -- there's no need to add to *that* 'status quo' (which, not-so-ironically, is part of what this thread is about -- assisting, being helpful, not judging, etc.)...

    (...and yeah, my not sprinkling your sudden sarcasm-laced insults with 'rose petals' is not exactly representative of 'this thread'... however, it is a rare thing for rudeness to 'swoop in' on this thread... and I can't stand behavior that reminds me of my favorite bumper sticker -- Mean People Suck...)

    Hi there aggressive one! I have no desire to see this thread removed, pretty sure I made that clear. But I stand by what I believe to be a valid point regarding MFP choosing this as a helpful thread within the context of the sub forum in which it exists. Not attacking the participants of this thread, not the purpose of this thread, simply stating that it's purpose isn't necessarily on point with the purpose of why a thread should be a sticky. Sorry you have such a personal attachment and felt offended as a result, but I prefer logic over emotion.

    she's not agressive, she's being honest.
    if you're struggling so much with the purpose of this thread, and can't see how it might help newbies who are normally ripped apart for the most simplest of questions elsewhere, that's on you, not us.

    There's no struggle, the purpose of this thread is not currently related to General Diet and Weight Loss. Again, I have not said it serves no purpose, it just doesn't serve the purpose of this sub forum to the point of being a sticky. New members should have a central location, supported by MFP, to find valuable info to assist them in gaining the knowledge requires to successfully navigate through the contention that occurs in the forums. There are no questions in here that are being clarified, so I don't follow your argument of it being a safe haven for newbies. Is this designed to educate? I don't see it if it is. If you have a rational argument as to what this brings to newbies as far as helping them reach their fitness or weight goals, I'm all ears, but don't chastise me for making a valid comment that none have been able to debate within the context of my point.

    How to deal with alcohol in relation to eating and overeating
    How to deal with alcohol addiction and its impact on health and weight

    ok, so speaking of which, my totally honest check-in...
    my original goal was monday through thursday sober.
    i didn't make it for the four full days. but i did make it for three.
    and given that prior to this my last sober day was 29 days ago, i'm ok with where i'm at.
    i'll start again monday and try to get to thursday. it's a constant work in progress.
    but i'll keep trying...

    And that's awesome news, because it's 3 better than you were doing before.
  • KylerJaye
    KylerJaye Posts: 861 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    @KylerJaye they're adorable... I have to ask... does Plankton ever look happy?

    lol awww! and no, he really doesn't!
    on the extremely (like seriously once a year) occasion that he's running around with his tongue out panting, we're like OMG! look! plankton's being a real dog!!

    he's my grumpy soul mate

    I thought maybe he just disliked being photographed and that was his camera face. Good thing I don't have a dog like that or I'd spend all my time shovelling treats and toys at him, thinking I needed to cheer him up. Smart tactic, Plankton!
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I may start a thread and call it "If you're starving just google image 'trypophobia' - appetite gone!"

    I know what I'll look at from now on if I get hungry! Phew that was nasty.
    I'm not going to. You can't make me.

    omg WTF?!?!! i google imaged that! WHY?! omg why?!?!!?
    at first when i read "things with tiny holes" i was like oh, how strange, thinking of like clothes with button holes and perforated paper.
    O M G
    yeah i'm TERRIFIED of that too! you're not weird at all! that is freakish!
    i had to close the tab, omg that was traumatizing....i need a beer...

    I almost want to look. But the reactions have been unanimous so I think I'll spare myself.

    The first thing I thought of with tiny holes was a colander. Specifically, The World's Most Useless Colander, which I happen to own and it's only good for draining something really fine because it has TINY HOLES. (My SO insists on using it to drain pasta, which is incredibly ineffective, and I hate watery pasta but I can't seem to steer him toward one of the other two perfectly normal colanders. Sigh.) Anyway, the colander is annoying but not exactly horrifying or freakish so I assume no one is googling pictures of my colander.

    No it's organic things. Like lotus pods. Tiny bubbles all together. Stuff like that.

    Or if you've had a pilleated woodpecker have a go at a tree.
    Ok, I had to Google. I obviously don't have it - all I see is bad photoshop jobs.

    Nice. So this is turning into one of those "do you see the old woman or the young woman?" "do you see a blue dress or a gold dress?" things. And it means I may end up looking just to see which camp I'm in.

    Except I don't sleep that great as it is and I don't want to risk a night of insomnia, just in case.

    @ythannah, look at this picture. It's a benign image, not a gory shock-value photoshopped image.

    If you truly have it, looking at that flower will make you feel uncomfortable. If you don't have it, it won't bother you. There's a thing where people photoshop that texture onto skin and make creepy horror pictures, and those get really disgusting, but being disgusted by them isn't a sign of trypophobia, that's just a sign of being disgusted by gross photoshopped picture.

    this i can totally tolerate.
    leave it to google to fill my head with lies! ;)