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  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    edited June 2015
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    Does anyone remember (long, long ago in this thread) the mom that confessed to flipping her young daughter off behind her back when she's being a brat? Haha, it still makes me laugh. I can't remember the poster's name and wondered if it's someone that still posts..or just someone who stopped by to confess and then left.
    I remember that!!!
    ETA: I do not remember who the poster was though!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sch614 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm 29 and I <3 Frozen. I have no shame.

    I'm 26 and I have never seen Frozen. Or Dirty Dancing. Or Grease. Or a lot of other chick flicks. Maybe that explains my post about not knowing how to do girly things. I still have no intention of watching any of these films though.

    I didn't like Grease much but I love Dirty Dancing!


    One of my favorites, ever! The original one with Kevin Bacon, of course!

    The remake was terrible :( Kevin Bacon all the way!

    Omg, so terrible! And I just love Kevin Bacon...speaking of..anyone watch The Following and as sad as I am that it's cancelled? :(:(

    Yes! I am! I was so mad I wasted so much time getting into it! This is why I don't watch most series unless they're already over so I know there's some sort of conclusion/resolution!

    Me too...so frustrating! My husband barely watches any tv at all...but he actually watched that show with me. The only other show we watch together is The Walking Dead...but man, we were both so bummed to hear that The Following won't be back.

    I do watch TWD <3 but I don't keep up with it- just wait until it comes out on Netlfix! Currently I'm fan girling all over myself waiting fot this Friday so I can binge watch Orange is The New Black!

    I started rewatching the first two seasons of OITNB this past weekend waiting for the new one, SO EXCITED!!

    I love OITNB but every night after I watch it I have nightmares about being in prison and I have the worst night sleep! But still worth it!

    Really? That is interesting!!

    My boss really wants to go see Jurassic World.....dinos overwhelm me, literally take my breath away sometimes....I already had a nightmare last night and we have not even seen it yet!!!

    I'm going on Friday at 10am while the kids are in school!

    Confession - I've watched OITNB and I like it but it really disturbs me at the same time.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Whew 3 hours later I am all caught up. Now I'll just get behind again. It's a vicious cycle.

    I feel ya! This is exactly what happens to me too!! At least it gives us something to read....I read a bit through out the night....a bit now, a bit after dinner, until I get caught up! The only thing is I look like a crazy binge poster of quotes!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    edited June 2015
    My husband (who is on a bulk) bought two tubs of salted caramel and cookies & cream ice cream a couple of days ago. After dinner last night while he was away on his firefighter's training course, I ate said ice creams(s) from the tub(s). Had tea spoon and maybe ate 5 spoons from each tub and DIDN'T TRACK THEM CALORIES!

    I felt pretty guilty after that given that he's gone to be healthy and fit (at the training) and he needs the calories more than me. I did confess to him after and he laughed and asked me to give him 10 burpees.
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh look a double post.

    I wonder why this happens to you so often.....what are you on? A computer or a phone? Tablet?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Oh look a double post.

    I wonder why this happens to you so often.....what are you on? A computer or a phone? Tablet?

    Computer. Firefox. The page loads and loads after I click on 'post reply', and I guess it tries to post multiple times while it loads or something. I don't have the problem on any other thread.
  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    I am now on a quest...

    Save yourself some time and potential embarrassment in front of co-workers! http://www.halotop.com/where-to-buy/ (I did not know this existed prior to my lunch time adventure... :sweat: )

    Kroger and WF, guessing Kroger is probably cheaper, but both about a half hour away. Now I have to figure out where the insulated shopping bag went. Probably in a closet full of hotwheels.

    If you can't find the insulated shopping bag, you have the perfect excuse to eat it in the car on the way home. :smiley:
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    The stepdaughter did come by last night. She emptied the litter box and I assume fed/watered her cat. She was in the living room (with a friend she brought over without telling us) my husband and daughter. They were all chatting when I walked in. I said zero words to her, put away the groceries, and went to take a shower since I had just worked out.

    Apparently, she told my husband and daughter that she was going to drop off her friend and come back. I don't feel I need to tell you this didn't happen.

    My husband finally broke down last night and said "I don't know why she doesn't want to live with us." It was heartbreaking and I want to spank her for being such a little jerk to her dad.

    Thank you for allowing me to vent incessantly about this on here. I really appreciate it.

    How awful. That is really hurtful. Will he ask her why she is being this way, or is he more the type to just keep his feelings to himself? I feel like sometimes young adults and older teens don't realize how selfish they are being and a wake up call can help. I'm not sure if it would help in this situation though, but your husband may feel better if he at least tries to talk to her about what she is doing. That sucks.

    He told me last night he was going to talk to her about how he feels. I really hope he does. I asked him why he's not upset that she's disrespecting him, and he said he is sad that she doesn't want to spend time with us. I think he's too sad to feel angry. He also told me that he's just happy he has any type of relationship with her even if it's not much of one.

    The one thing that really set me off last night was he told me that she told them she's been sleeping on her mom's couch without cushions for the past 2+ weeks. This pissed me to the nth degree because she has her own bedroom with a queen size pillow top mattress at our house, yet she'd rather sleep on a cushionless couch.

    Holy bed batman! I'd be there in a heartbeat, I didn't get my first "big girl bed" (aka anything besides a twin bed) until I was 24!! Totes jealous! Yes I said totes :)

    I slept on the bottom bunk of a bunk bed until I was 20 when I got married and moved out. Then, I slept on a God awful futon for several months until I finally had enough and bought the queen. She's damn lucky and she just doesn't even appreciate it.

    Ask her, point blank, why she's at your house. Make her put it into words, and if her answer doesn't match her actions, point that out to her and ask her why. If you or your husband just do the talking, it'll go in one ear and out the other. Require her to be active in the conversation.

    I like that idea. Make her responsible and conscious of her behavior.
    There is something that I feel like I'm missing. I am not in the mental health field and it took me until 42 years old to recognize and counter passive aggressive behavior. So after saying that I'm not necessarily good at spotting stuff I feel that there is something going on beyond what you see. I'm not condoning her behavior, just trying to understand the root cause of it.

    (1) She does not feel comfortable emotionally to be at your house - maybe she feels she does not deserve a safe, calm place and does not know how to act. Maybe it is more "comfortable" for her to sleep on that cushion-less sofa than to face a new/unknown place.
    (2) Do you or your husband really know what stepdaughter has been told about her father, about you? It could be pretty skewed and even if she now knows it that past "information" could be coloring her judgement.
    (3) Didn't she just lose a pregnancy? and a boyfriend ? She might be absolutely devastated deep inside and have no way to process and work through it if she has not be taught any healthy coping mechanisms.

    I think you and your husband choose a course. Husband would be the best to say something along these lines. (Or a variation that works for both of you.)
    I love you. I want you to be part of my life. I welcome you to live in our house. However there are boundaries and responsibility in this house. If you live here you must check in, daily, and preferably come home daily, so we don't worry about you. You must care for your cat. You must treat all members of this household with respect as you will also be treated with respect. I love you and want you here. We want to spend time with you. You have to decide what you want. You have 24 hours to decide to live here or not. In the meantime, until you make your decision you need to give me your key. Living here does come with a few basic rules (or whatever word you chose). We hope you join us.

    @nonoelmo Can I hug you?!

    The first bolded part was a point my husband brought up last night. She's not all that familiar with us, and more than likely doesn't feel super comfortable with "living" in our home. I 100% understand that, but her saying so, would have saved a lot of hurt and heartache and pissedoff-ness by me.

    The second bolded part is something we've discussed. Basically, she was told nothing about her dad. She didn't even know his last name. So there is really zero history or past perceptions about him or I.

    I think all three of us need to sit down and basically hash everything out hopefully like adults.

    I may copy and paste word for word more or less, what you said in the third bolded part. :smiley:

    I'm a hugger so yes to hugs anytime. (ok, unless they are creepy hugs then no way! :wink: )

    I did volunteer work with inner city Los Angeles kids for awhile. I saw some kids that had been through so much just really not know how to accept help. (A boy kicked out at age 13 because the mom's new boyfriend didn't like him for example. At age 15 after two years on the streets he was wary when we found a home. Also there were girls very much abused.) They were so hurt and put up so many layers of protection that it was hard to get through to them.

    I saw a little later after your post that someone (sorry name blank) mentioned it may be too much too soon, and maybe it is but if she is going to live in your house there must be some VERY basic agreement. It can be spelled out. We want you here and I know this will be awkward and take getting used to but we do want you here. I know your husband is not the type to go to counseling but it sounds as if it would be helpful here. Whatever she does don't take it personally, it truly have nothing to do with you and all to do with how messed up she is.

    Please vent here all you want and ((HUGS)) good luck!

    edited for clarity

    Yay for hugs! I'm a hugger too. :smile:

    Everyone's suggestions and points of view have really opened my eyes and heart. I need to try to see things from her perspective and not be so harsh. I hope I can talk with my husband tonight and come up with a course of action going forward.

    I REALLY appreciate everyone's help and I apologize for harping on the subject.

  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure my frustration recently at trying to keep up with this thread is whenever I click on this thread it takes me to the last post instead of where I left off. Then I have to page back. Then I miss posts. Then I'm behind anyway.

    In light of that, I'm probably the only person that is actually happy when @Francl27 double (or triple) posts because that's one less post I have to catch up on!

    Seconded. Also, sorry @Francl27 I think it's funny and I love your various reactions when it happens. :smile:

    Yup. I laugh just about every time.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Sch614 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    I'm 29 and I <3 Frozen. I have no shame.

    I'm 26 and I have never seen Frozen. Or Dirty Dancing. Or Grease. Or a lot of other chick flicks. Maybe that explains my post about not knowing how to do girly things. I still have no intention of watching any of these films though.

    I didn't like Grease much but I love Dirty Dancing!


    One of my favorites, ever! The original one with Kevin Bacon, of course!

    The remake was terrible :( Kevin Bacon all the way!

    Omg, so terrible! And I just love Kevin Bacon...speaking of..anyone watch The Following and as sad as I am that it's cancelled? :(:(

    Yes! I am! I was so mad I wasted so much time getting into it! This is why I don't watch most series unless they're already over so I know there's some sort of conclusion/resolution!

    Me too...so frustrating! My husband barely watches any tv at all...but he actually watched that show with me. The only other show we watch together is The Walking Dead...but man, we were both so bummed to hear that The Following won't be back.

    I do watch TWD <3 but I don't keep up with it- just wait until it comes out on Netlfix! Currently I'm fan girling all over myself waiting fot this Friday so I can binge watch Orange is The New Black!

    I started rewatching the first two seasons of OITNB this past weekend waiting for the new one, SO EXCITED!!

    I love OITNB but every night after I watch it I have nightmares about being in prison and I have the worst night sleep! But still worth it!

    Really? That is interesting!!

    My boss really wants to go see Jurassic World.....dinos overwhelm me, literally take my breath away sometimes....I already had a nightmare last night and we have not even seen it yet!!!

    I'm going on Friday at 10am while the kids are in school!

    Confession - I've watched OITNB and I like it but it really disturbs me at the same time.

    Yep. It's a good show though.

  • pearso21123
    pearso21123 Posts: 351 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I've currently got my dryer running yet again because I didn't get the clothes out the first time. Whoops. That's what happens when you get distracted easily. On that note, I just faxed in the paperwork to update my info at the doctors office I want to go to. I need medication, there's no getting around it. Hubby did say once my ADD issues get figured out, we will start looking at trying for baby #2! That is, if Aunt Flo will stop trolling me. I've gotta get that checked out too, day 7 of nothing. :unamused:
    Exciting! Maybe nature's got you covered already...? Time to take a test!

    I'm thinking about it. It's highly unlikely since we use condoms and I don't remember any breaking recently. I may have hubby run to the dollar store soon.

    I realize that may have been a little too much shared lol. :flushed:
    Ok then, I'll share too. I got pregnant with #2 when we were 'being careful' and it was the wrong time of the month.

    I guess I might as well jump in here, too. I got pregnant with #3 when #2 was 3 months old and still breastfeeding and I hadn't had a period since giving birth. They say breastfeeding is a natural birth control. Don't believe them!!

    Then, I got pregnant with #4 after we'd used a condom but were worried that it may have leaked. I got the morning after pill (sorry to any out there who don't believe in that) and stayed up until 3 AM so I could take the second pill exactly 12 hours after the first, per the directions. Still got pregnant.

    Not that I would give up any of them, of course. It was just the timing that we weren't too happy about.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    Now I will DEFINITELY have to find it. I LOVE lemon cake. I wonder if it's like sorbet more than ice cream? I'm a little worried about the sugar alcohols though. The last time I ate something with sugar alcohols, I had to change my address to the third stall in office bathroom. :neutral:

    Do you remember which kind you had before? I do ok with erythritol, some of the others, I'm a sugar free gummy bear story in real time.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    tigerThea wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I can join your little group. I was following someone into a store one day and the door almost closed on me. Scared the crap outta me and I probably looked funny jumping out of the way. Maybe all three of us could get it to work lol.

    Apparently I walk too fast....or lack a soul, I have walked into those darn doors more than once. Maybe I'll try disco dancing up to them to give the doors a chance.

    LOL, that's what I've said about myself when they won't work :grin:

    I am currently drinking a protein shake. Why, oh why can they not make a protein powder that tastes good?!

    Two words: Dyna Whey. Available at Superstore (and Costco, if you have one).

    I think I've seen it. I'm always so hesitant about buying protein because so many are gross and that s**t ain't cheap!

    I wish they had samples. I think I could benefit from it but I don't want to spend over $30 on something gross.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    tigerThea wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I can join your little group. I was following someone into a store one day and the door almost closed on me. Scared the crap outta me and I probably looked funny jumping out of the way. Maybe all three of us could get it to work lol.

    Apparently I walk too fast....or lack a soul, I have walked into those darn doors more than once. Maybe I'll try disco dancing up to them to give the doors a chance.

    LOL, that's what I've said about myself when they won't work :grin:

    I am currently drinking a protein shake. Why, oh why can they not make a protein powder that tastes good?!

    Two words: Dyna Whey. Available at Superstore (and Costco, if you have one).

    But ONLY in Canada, because you are greedy protein that doesn't taste icky bastages.
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    I don't like laundry either. Throwing it in the washer is no problem, but most of my clothes are hung to dry which is a pain.

    Laundry I don't mind doing, but I bring it to work with me to do. Side benefit of working in athletics at a university is using the washer/dryer here I can do the equivalent of 6 loads washed/dried in 1 hour.

    You can swing by and get my laundry any time! (eta: that sounds vaguely sexual and I promise you it's not! I apologize!)

    I specifically only buy clothes that can be washed and dried. Nothing that needs any sort of special care. Last time I bought a sweater that needed to be hung to dry, my husband accidentally shrunk it in the dryer. I brought it to work without trying it on first after it had been washed (I wear workout clothes for my commute), changed into it and realized it had been turned into a crop top.
    Haha! What did you wear that day?
    I used to have a beautiful cream cashmere cardigan. Very expensive. Somehow it got put through a hot wash and came out like it would fit a 6 month old baby; tiny, perfectly formed, but now made of cream felt!

    I have done this...more than once, and never with inexpensive wool sweaters, just with J Crew cashmere. Now I don't even put them in the laundry basket in case they get missed when I sort laundry.

    On the plus side, I've received three cute wool sweaters from the men in my house when they've had their own laundry accidents. They now fit me snugly with little three-quarter sleeves when they used to be men's mediums...

    I have a laundry hamper that's sorted into three separate baskets--By the time laundry day comes up, all the laundry is pre-sorted and I don't have to do anything except throw it into the washing machine. :) It's very useful!

    Yes, I have one of those too! One for whites, one for mediums and one for darks. The hard part is convincing my fiance to put things in the right bins. I'm forever taking his stuff out of the dark bin and moving to the medium one (he only did whites and darks when he lived alone).
  • LH85DC
    LH85DC Posts: 231 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    Now I will DEFINITELY have to find it. I LOVE lemon cake. I wonder if it's like sorbet more than ice cream? I'm a little worried about the sugar alcohols though. The last time I ate something with sugar alcohols, I had to change my address to the third stall in office bathroom. :neutral:

    Maaaaaybe start with a few spoonfuls of it at first to see how it goes? Like those people eating entire packages of those sugar free gummy bears?

    That's about all the ice cream I can typically handle anyway. I just found out it's sold in the Dillon's (Kroger) a couple miles from my house. I will put it on my list for my next shopping trip.

    Confession: The thought of eating a whole pint of ice cream makes me want to puke. I can have a few bites, a half a cup at the most, but then I'm done. Disclaimer, I am slightly lactose intolerant (never diagnosed), but I refuse to give up dairy.

    I feel for you! Have you tried lactaid (lactase) pills to see if they help? They're supposed to provide the enzyme that lactose intolerant people lack, so that you can digest dairy without pain or, ummmm, other unpleasant side effects. I am definitely lactose intolerant, but since it didn't get diagnosed until I was 27, I was completely unwilling to give up on dairy. I use lactose-free milk and cottage cheese, but still refuse to give up cheese and real ice cream because the alternatives aren't very good and I love them! lactase pills really help me out, especially since string cheese and cottage cheese are frequent protein sources for me...
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,733 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Rabbit914 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Sounds like you're a naturally strong person, so you probably don't need it. I do. I'm quite the weakling. Well, physically anyway. Mentally, no. Mentally I'm known as the Boot Camp Drill Sargent in my family. Physically, well??? Let's just say that sometimes going in and out of the grocery store I step onto the automatic door thingy and the door doesn't open. Thankfully, I learned from "Toy Story" to jump up and down once or twice and the door opens. My son finds this highly amusing and will lag behind me just to watch it happen.

    See and I can picture that and it's awesome. haha

    Awesomely embarrassing, yes!

    I don't jump up and down, but sometimes I have to cha cha back and forth to catch the sensor. We'd be a blast trying to get into the store together.

    I just wave at it... When I was a kid and I was too young (read: short) for the sensor (it's at the top of the door around here...) to see me, a male employee came over and just waved at it and it opened. I've been doing that ever since, and it works every time. I probably still look like a moron, waving at the door... "Hey there, door!"
    This reminds me. My husband thanks inanimate objects for things. He's embarrassing at the self-checkouts that talk to you because he'll actually bend down and say 'Thank you' to it. :|

    I talk to the self check out machines too... but usually it's to curse at them LOL.

    Like this?


    Story of my life. This is why I just eat less and make super fab margaritas for dinner. Bad, yes. But they have calories and I just hit the next level on the StepMill so what evs.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    festerw wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I'm completely procrastinating on filling the dishwasher.

    The wife and I both hate doing that, we will use every dish in the house before loading it. If I had unlimited funds the first thing I would do is hire someone to load the dishwasher.

    I would hire someone to do my laundry. I hate doing laundry. I FULLY REALIZE it just involves sticking a bunch of clothes into a stupid machine, and then sticking them into another stupid machine. Doesn't matter. Still hate doing laundry.

    I don't like laundry either. Throwing it in the washer is no problem, but most of my clothes are hung to dry which is a pain.

    Laundry I don't mind doing, but I bring it to work with me to do. Side benefit of working in athletics at a university is using the washer/dryer here I can do the equivalent of 6 loads washed/dried in 1 hour.

    You can swing by and get my laundry any time! (eta: that sounds vaguely sexual and I promise you it's not! I apologize!)

    I specifically only buy clothes that can be washed and dried. Nothing that needs any sort of special care. Last time I bought a sweater that needed to be hung to dry, my husband accidentally shrunk it in the dryer. I brought it to work without trying it on first after it had been washed (I wear workout clothes for my commute), changed into it and realized it had been turned into a crop top.
    Haha! What did you wear that day?
    I used to have a beautiful cream cashmere cardigan. Very expensive. Somehow it got put through a hot wash and came out like it would fit a 6 month old baby; tiny, perfectly formed, but now made of cream felt!

    I have done this...more than once, and never with inexpensive wool sweaters, just with J Crew cashmere. Now I don't even put them in the laundry basket in case they get missed when I sort laundry.

    On the plus side, I've received three cute wool sweaters from the men in my house when they've had their own laundry accidents. They now fit me snugly with little three-quarter sleeves when they used to be men's mediums...

    I have a laundry hamper that's sorted into three separate baskets--By the time laundry day comes up, all the laundry is pre-sorted and I don't have to do anything except throw it into the washing machine. :) It's very useful!

    Yes, I have one of those too! One for whites, one for mediums and one for darks. The hard part is convincing my fiance to put things in the right bins. I'm forever taking his stuff out of the dark bin and moving to the medium one (he only did whites and darks when he lived alone).

    I have the exact same sorting, except that non-dryer-friendly items like socks go into a separate basket to be washed on their own, since my machine both washes and dries and taking out wet clothes in between would defeat the purpose. O.o

    My husband is good about sorting unless he's just woken up... Then he accidentally just dumps everything in one basket. ;) Otherwise he just asks when he isn't sure. :)
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,733 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    I'm pretty sure my frustration recently at trying to keep up with this thread is whenever I click on this thread it takes me to the last post instead of where I left off. Then I have to page back. Then I miss posts. Then I'm behind anyway.

    In light of that, I'm probably the only person that is actually happy when @Francl27 double (or triple) posts because that's one less post I have to catch up on!

    Seconded. Also, sorry @Francl27 I think it's funny and I love your various reactions when it happens. :smile:

    Me too! I know it's annoying to you but I do enjoy your responses!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    LH85DC wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I made my co-workers go with me to the Whole Foods down the street from my work on our lunch break to look for a specific kind of ice cream (Halo Top), which they didn't have, even though other Whole Foods' carry it. My co-workers were trying to be helpful in suggesting other kinds of ice cream, but totally missed the point of this specific ice cream in the first place, which made me unreasonably internally pouty and now I feel bad. (The ice cream I was looking for has 70 calories per serving, 7 grams of protein, 4 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fat. Ben and Jerry's isn't going to cut it, no matter how delicious it is :disappointed: )

    Also, they kind of think I'm a nut, now, for caring that much about a brand of ice cream.

    I can completely relate to that, apart from the fact that I would have to be very comfortable with someone to drag them to a store for a specific treat, lol.

    How is that ice cream, though? It kinda sounds too good to be true.

    Everyone and their mother in another group I belong to (/r/xxfitness and the associated Facebook group) RAVES about it (specifically the Lemon Cake kind), so I thought it would be worthwhile to at least TRY it. I thought I'd buy it at work, because there are a bunch of fitness-minded people here who would help me devour it if I didn't like it. Alas, the store nearest me did not have it. I don't like artificially sweetened things, but when they're sweetened with sugar alcohols as opposed to aspartame I don't mind them as much, and if it's frozen it's even harder to taste the "fakeness" of it, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    I'm going to see where else I can get it, and report back.

    Now I will DEFINITELY have to find it. I LOVE lemon cake. I wonder if it's like sorbet more than ice cream? I'm a little worried about the sugar alcohols though. The last time I ate something with sugar alcohols, I had to change my address to the third stall in office bathroom. :neutral:

    Maaaaaybe start with a few spoonfuls of it at first to see how it goes? Like those people eating entire packages of those sugar free gummy bears?

    That's about all the ice cream I can typically handle anyway. I just found out it's sold in the Dillon's (Kroger) a couple miles from my house. I will put it on my list for my next shopping trip.

    Confession: The thought of eating a whole pint of ice cream makes me want to puke. I can have a few bites, a half a cup at the most, but then I'm done. Disclaimer, I am slightly lactose intolerant (never diagnosed), but I refuse to give up dairy.

    I feel for you! Have you tried lactaid (lactase) pills to see if they help? They're supposed to provide the enzyme that lactose intolerant people lack, so that you can digest dairy without pain or, ummmm, other unpleasant side effects. I am definitely lactose intolerant, but since it didn't get diagnosed until I was 27, I was completely unwilling to give up on dairy. I use lactose-free milk and cottage cheese, but still refuse to give up cheese and real ice cream because the alternatives aren't very good and I love them! lactase pills really help me out, especially since string cheese and cottage cheese are frequent protein sources for me...

    You remind me of my sister (never a bad thing, my sister is awesome...). She is very much lactose intolerant, but she loves dairy more than life and will never EVER give up her buttermilk or yogurt habit. She's not quite as big on ice cream, but she also loves cheese of all types. You'd have to pry her dairy products out of her cold, dead hands. ;)

    That said, she hasn't been able to find a lactase pill of any sort in our country (Oman) so far, so she just puts up with the side effects and avoids eating dairy when she isn't at home for the day. ;)