

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    and we have mixmode..I can't remember the correct way to spell it with numbers and such! :#

    This cracked me up... I will forever think of him as mixmode now!

    lol thanks. That's actually what my username means. MIXMODE I just subbed the vowels for numbers. I promise not to leave. ;)

    Yay! I need another cyclist to chat with about ride glide and spandex!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    I confess I was actually going to post TODAY that my confession is that I think I run off all the men in this thread. Example:
    -- I asked @tincanonastring if he worked at my company, he asked me if I was stalking him (I deduced where he came from by his posts) and within a week he was gone.
    -- I started engaging with @AgentOrangeJuice on messaging (he expressed sympathy about Oberon, I asked him about his new job, etc.) he disappeared.
    -- @flatasapancake posted a new chest picture, I said impressive! You are slowly working your way around your body, is your *kitten* next and he never came back.

    I have checked on all of them...they are all still posting (not much from @AgentOrangeJuice though so he may truly be busy).

    Like in real life, I scare all the men away. Sigh.

    No, do not blame yourself! It's kind of funny, when you type it out like that, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with you!

    Perhaps not but I am not a big believer in coincidence. But luckily mixmode has promised to stick around and I haven't scared off xMrBunglex yet....
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I still need to catch up but I wanted to vent on something.

    No one probably remembers but I have talked about that guy who is on the phone at work all the time and everyone loves him even though he barely works...he just let me know he won some award so he is getting a plaque/prize at 10 today.

    I'm like seriously...

    This just happened to me. The conference I am at they did recognition awards. The guy in my group that won got recognized for 2 projects I led. One was done before he came on board. The other he came in on the tail end and had zero to do with. I totally led them. This is like the 4th time over the years this has happened to me. No one in an operations driven organization ever appreciates marketing communications. But I PROJECT LED these. This guy is connected.

    I confess as soon as the awards were over I grabbed my stuff, went to hotel, and am now drowning my sorrows by reading this thread. :( I am feeling very sad.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    @Tubbs216 I confess that every time I see your name I think of the character Tubbs from The League of Gentlemen.
    Yes, that's where it's from!! I'm so happy someone knows! That's why my dog's middle name is Tubbs and somehow it became my online name.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    annette_15 wrote: »
    My previous 3 mile pr on the elliptical was 41:05, today I beat it at 40:01, but I'm mad because my goal has been to get under 40 minutes for a long time lol...dammit.

    Anyways, EDC tomorrow and OMG I cannot contain my excitement :open_mouth: Here's a live stream if anyone wants to see what its all about

    I'll post some pictures on sunday after we get back!!

    NIce. I have been a EDM DJ and for over 15 years and have followed EDC and Insomniac parties for decades. Have fun!

    <----Hint... username = mixmode ;)

    Confession: I never figured that one. It just looked like gibberish to me. :p
    Same here. Glad to know now! :)

    LOL ....

    1 6u355 17'5 73chn1c4lly c0n51d3r3d l3375p34k

    (I guess it's technically considered leetspeak)
    Ok..I totally can read that. I guess if I know there's a meaning to it, I can figure it out. Otherwise, I'd just assume you threw some random letters together to make your name.

    To be fair I guess I should explain a bit more. I used to have the username MIXMODE on most anywhere I needed a login. Well after splitting from my ex, I figured it a good idea to start using a different name so I couldn't be tracked (and believe me, I was) so it went from mixmode to m1xm0d3.

    Thanks for explaining! I always wondered about that too!

    Somehow I missed that explanation until Po quoted you. But thanks for explaining and good thing you changed it...I wouldn't want to be tracked down either!

    Ok guys... I have to confess something here... MoHousdon already knows this...I have a severe aversion to derivatives to my feel free to call me Patricia or POF (for my initials and everyone at the barn does because I label everything POF so it doesn't walk) but pleeeaaase don't start calling me Po or P. This isn't directed at anyone in particular but since this is the 2nd time in like 3 days this happened I had to nip it! Thank you MFP friends...
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)
    So, about a hundred years ago I may have mentioned that I wanted my husband to get a vasectomy. Well, it's happening and Monday's the day! I'm sure I'll be running around all day making him lots of tea and getting him fresh bags of frozen peas. I confess I'm rolling my eyes a bit though, since the latest surgery is needle-free and scalpel-free, and the doctor also prescribed him some valium as he mentioned that he's really squeamish and medical-phobic.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I still need to catch up but I wanted to vent on something.

    No one probably remembers but I have talked about that guy who is on the phone at work all the time and everyone loves him even though he barely works...he just let me know he won some award so he is getting a plaque/prize at 10 today.

    I'm like seriously...

    This just happened to me. The conference I am at they did recognition awards. The guy in my group that won got recognized for 2 projects I led. One was done before he came on board. The other he came in on the tail end and had zero to do with. I totally led them. This is like the 4th time over the years this has happened to me. No one in an operations driven organization ever appreciates marketing communications. But I PROJECT LED these. This guy is connected.

    I confess as soon as the awards were over I grabbed my stuff, went to hotel, and am now drowning my sorrows by reading this thread. :( I am feeling very sad.
    That's terrible! I can't believe someone higher up hasn't noticed this. Sorry, that really sucks :/
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Leadership meeting today, dinner tonight, all day tomorrow.

    I am frightened at how much I will have to catch up on when I get back.

    Friends, message me if something is happening so I can check in. Or if you need a friendly chat. Or just need some sympathy. Or a kick in the butt!

    Thanks Patricia!! (You really don't go by any nicknames?)

    Nope. Only Patty to family and people who knew me from WI (which is very few people at this stage). The trainer at the barn started calling me POF for short a long time ago and I am ok with that as it has no connotations. So feel free to call me that. Please anyone else with this name forgive me but:

    patty = child
    Pat = short, ugly, gender less
    Trish = Trish the dish (trashy big chested girl from the show one day at a time)
    Patsy = too cutesy

    So Patricia it is. I really don't like the name but this is the closest I can tolerate. People in real life get offended when I insist they call me that which I find amazing. I know it's 3 syllables but tough. It's my name.

    But from now on at the barn and here, I am POF. :)
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    @orangesmartie what was freerunning?

    its urban running and jumping over obstacles, using them to jump onto/from. Wiki says: clear as mud!

    The place Jillian went to was an indoor arena and it looked pretty cool. There's probably youtube vids, but i can't look at them at work.

    Cool! I have done 5 Tough much fun!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    @Lois_1989 I'm so sorry about your puppy :'( She was beautiful and I'm sure she's up in doggy heaven watching out for you! o:)

    (Yes I'm a child and really do believe all dogs go to heaven, do not burst my bubble for me people!)

    Of course they do. All animals do. It's only people that are in question.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I still need to catch up but I wanted to vent on something.

    No one probably remembers but I have talked about that guy who is on the phone at work all the time and everyone loves him even though he barely works...he just let me know he won some award so he is getting a plaque/prize at 10 today.

    I'm like seriously...

    This just happened to me. The conference I am at they did recognition awards. The guy in my group that won got recognized for 2 projects I led. One was done before he came on board. The other he came in on the tail end and had zero to do with. I totally led them. This is like the 4th time over the years this has happened to me. No one in an operations driven organization ever appreciates marketing communications. But I PROJECT LED these. This guy is connected.

    I confess as soon as the awards were over I grabbed my stuff, went to hotel, and am now drowning my sorrows by reading this thread. :( I am feeling very sad.
    That's terrible! I can't believe someone higher up hasn't noticed this. Sorry, that really sucks :/

    The higher ups are the ones doing the awarding. It's all a game. But I am still sad. If I knew how to keep my mouth shut and kiss up I would be far more successful. It's just not me.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)
    So, about a hundred years ago I may have mentioned that I wanted my husband to get a vasectomy. Well, it's happening and Monday's the day! I'm sure I'll be running around all day making him lots of tea and getting him fresh bags of frozen peas. I confess I'm rolling my eyes a bit though, since the latest surgery is needle-free and scalpel-free, and the doctor also prescribed him some valium as he mentioned that he's really squeamish and medical-phobic.

    Oh dear. Well just remind him it's nothing compared to child birth. That should shut him up!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Started the C25k app today because I like having someone tell me when to run and when to walk :)

    I am ready to start that myself. I was hoping that would tell me what to do!!

    I really like it because I'll be going along listening to my music and it'll beep and say start walking then beep start running and I don't have to look at my watch or anything it's great!

    Great news for me. I am working on getting my physical endurance up a bit for a mud run in October.

    Which one? I have done a bunch... Love them! It's like being 5 all over again.
    Are there any you'd recommend above others?

    Well I do like Tough Mudders but it's 12-13 miles. You go slow but still. And you are pretty beaten up by the end. Maybe a spartan race? Ironically I have a ad for one on MFP right now. The first one I did was at a local Air Force base. I'd look around for a smaller local race. And make sure you are ready for freezing cold water. Up to you thighs mud, climbing 10' high walls, jumping off cliffs into water, etc. tie your shoes on tight and have a blast. All obstacles are optional so you can easily skip.
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I still need to catch up but I wanted to vent on something.

    No one probably remembers but I have talked about that guy who is on the phone at work all the time and everyone loves him even though he barely works...he just let me know he won some award so he is getting a plaque/prize at 10 today.

    I'm like seriously...

    This just happened to me. The conference I am at they did recognition awards. The guy in my group that won got recognized for 2 projects I led. One was done before he came on board. The other he came in on the tail end and had zero to do with. I totally led them. This is like the 4th time over the years this has happened to me. No one in an operations driven organization ever appreciates marketing communications. But I PROJECT LED these. This guy is connected.

    I confess as soon as the awards were over I grabbed my stuff, went to hotel, and am now drowning my sorrows by reading this thread. :( I am feeling very sad.

    That sucks. I wish I had some really wise words to cheer you up but all I got is that sucks.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I am close to owning this page. Sorry guys.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)
    So, about a hundred years ago I may have mentioned that I wanted my husband to get a vasectomy. Well, it's happening and Monday's the day! I'm sure I'll be running around all day making him lots of tea and getting him fresh bags of frozen peas. I confess I'm rolling my eyes a bit though, since the latest surgery is needle-free and scalpel-free, and the doctor also prescribed him some valium as he mentioned that he's really squeamish and medical-phobic.

    Oh dear. Well just remind him it's nothing compared to child birth. That should shut him up!
    Yeah, I did kind of remind him that I did that three times, and that it was his turn to take one for the team.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited June 2015
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Started the C25k app today because I like having someone tell me when to run and when to walk :)

    I am ready to start that myself. I was hoping that would tell me what to do!!

    I really like it because I'll be going along listening to my music and it'll beep and say start walking then beep start running and I don't have to look at my watch or anything it's great!

    Great news for me. I am working on getting my physical endurance up a bit for a mud run in October.

    Yay! That sounds awesome! I'm a little jealous. My goal is to do a mud run or obstacle course in the fall but I don't have anyone to do it with me. I hurt my left shoulder a couple months ago and went to physical therapy for a bit and somehow hurt my right shoulder a week ago so no weights for awhile. Long story short...I'm afraid that I won't have the upper body strength for it. Ok I'm finished whining. :(

    Does anyone have helpful hints for preparing for a mudder?

    Ah I am going backwards again! Duct tape your shoes on. Bring gloves for crawling on rocks. Wear long tights or capris that cover your knees (again for crawling). Tie your hair back. Bring a great attitude and help your fellow racers and they will help you. It's a totally friendly, everyone helps everyone atmosphere.

    Edited as its DUCT not DUCK tape.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    KylerJaye wrote: »
    yesterday afternoon i had plans to take my mom to see jurassic world. yesterday we also had a massive storm that dumped tons of rain. it was still slightly raining when i left the house to meet her at the theater. of course i'm perpetually late for everything and was probably driving a smidge too fast for the road conditions.

    then i started to fishtail on the four lane highway, and i completely can't pull out of it, totally lose control, the car does a full 360 spin across the two lanes of oncoming traffic and i bounce off of the opposing guardrail.

    by some tiny miracle, no one was coming when i crossed lanes. if anyone had been, i probably would have killed them and myself. so i'm on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong direction. see no one coming at me head on, and drive back over to the right side of the road to a stoplight. this dude pulls up in the lane next to me and is like ARE YOU OK?!?!! i'm all shaky and say yeah, i think so. light turns green and i drive on to the theater like everything is fine.

    i meet up with my mom and i'm like, i think i might have just almost died, and explain the whole thing to her and she's like... well maybe you should slow the hell down. and i say no, this was REALLY scary, and she's just like yeah, i've done it before too. slow down.

    thanks mom!

    confession: my mother's total lack of empathy and concern really ticks me off sometimes....

    I confess I might be a lot like your mom.

    THANK YOU! Not to be mean to @KylerJaye at ALL, but I seriously lack empathy. My youngest son is a drama queen, so if you ask him I'm the worst person EVER. He over-dramatizes everything and I'm more of the "suck it up, buttercup!" kind of mom. His dad would take him to the ER when he was little over a bloody nose and I, on the other hand, when he called me in the middle of the night after totaling his truck told him to just drive home. :( In my defense, I'm completely out of it if I'm woken up abruptly and incoherent. Of course, I woke up more and realized what happened and went and got him, but yeah, that's what he's had to deal with. Sorry, child!

    My husband has serious back issues at times, but is also a wimp when it comes to pain. One time he needed me to help him out of bed and called me into the bedroom FOUR separate times saying he was going to get up, but then couldn't do it. Finally, I told him, "It's like ripping off a Band-Aid - just get up already!" Epic lack of empathy.

    OMG, me too. My husband is a worst case scenario expert so every sniffle most certainly means ebola. He was pretty sure my insect bite was Rocky Mountain Spotted fever, too. :p It's exhausting. I just roll my eyes as discreetly as I can and tell him to go to the doctor.

    I think all men are babies when they are sick...such drama queens...(sorry men of the thread)
    So, about a hundred years ago I may have mentioned that I wanted my husband to get a vasectomy. Well, it's happening and Monday's the day! I'm sure I'll be running around all day making him lots of tea and getting him fresh bags of frozen peas. I confess I'm rolling my eyes a bit though, since the latest surgery is needle-free and scalpel-free, and the doctor also prescribed him some valium as he mentioned that he's really squeamish and medical-phobic.

    Oh dear. Well just remind him it's nothing compared to child birth. That should shut him up!
    Yeah, I did kind of remind him that I did that three times, and that it was his turn to take one for the team.

    That is funny. :)
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Is it me or is it mostly women posting here? Did we scare off most of the men?

    We have xMrBunglex and Uncle Fester sometimes. We ran off the rest with our talk of TOM, bras, breastfeeding and whatever else. :D

    I confess I was actually going to post TODAY that my confession is that I think I run off all the men in this thread. Example:
    -- I asked @tincanonastring if he worked at my company, he asked me if I was stalking him (I deduced where he came from by his posts) and within a week he was gone.
    -- I started engaging with @AgentOrangeJuice on messaging (he expressed sympathy about Oberon, I asked him about his new job, etc.) he disappeared.
    -- @flatasapancake posted a new chest picture, I said impressive! You are slowly working your way around your body, is your *kitten* next and he never came back.

    I have checked on all of them...they are all still posting (not much from @AgentOrangeJuice though so he may truly be busy).

    Like in real life, I scare all the men away. Sigh.

    No, do not blame yourself! It's kind of funny, when you type it out like that, but I highly doubt it has anything to do with you!

    Perhaps not but I am not a big believer in coincidence. But luckily mixmode has promised to stick around and I haven't scared off xMrBunglex yet....

    Nah, it wasn't you. I had to take a forum hiatus to attend to IRL stuff and by the time I came back, it was 1000 comments later and I just never picked back up in this thread. Those other guys, though...that was you!

    Confession: I promised to catch up on all the missed posts in this thread and I am fully committed to breaking that promise. No regrets...y'all post too much! :tongue: